l)c Dnllco Chronicle VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1893. NO. 14. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Published Dally, Sunday Kxeepted. , IHK CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Owner Second and WinhlUKtou Htrtvtv.. Dallei, OroRoti. Turin if HiilMOrlptliin Per Yeiir Per month, by carrier HIiirIc copy tub . jc oo .so TIM1C TAtH.I- Kallnmil K.HT IIOl'NI) Nti J, Arrives U l !' WK.ST HOUND. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TltANHAOT A (!1'NKIIA1.IIA.SKIN( IIUHINKHH letters of Credit issued available in Eastern States. ho Sight Exchange and Telegraphic TransferHsoldon Now York, Chicago, St. Ixniis, fsiin Francisco, Portland Oregon, Scuttle WuhIi., and variotiH points in Or egon and Washington. Uollections nnuiti ai all imiuuh on lav- orablo terms. f. SOIIKNCK, President . M. IlKAM. (.'ashler. Departs W.ti) V. M. y l...) r. Peurts i!:lit a. M. I:'.'7 l M. So. 1, Arrlvis.:! 0." A. M. Two loo." (rolKhtNtli.it carry passengers leave on.' for thu no-tat : t a. St., imil one (or the ,n't ntu:lfi a. . STAU1. ll.lUc Oven, leave dally ror l'rtuevlUe, via tr a. !i , . , Kor Aritclu-u, Mitchell. Canyon City, leave 1,lKlr ihiiur, Klnmley, Wutnlc, Wnpinltiu, Wiitin -jprUis mid Ty;;h Valley, leave dally (except Sunday' ut 0 A. M. , . , ., KoM.oldoudalc, uh., leave every tlay o the wis exept Minday at 7 a. m. unices (or nil lines at the Unmtllln House H. rilOI-'I'H.MONAI.. 11. UlDDKUi ATTOr.SKY-AT-I.AW- Court Street, The Dalle.-,, OrcKou. -OUlce 2. II. DUFUK. FltAStK MKNKFr.K. DL'KUi:, A MKNKKKK ATTOKNKY. - AT-lam- Uoonii, u nuit , P. over l'ost dfflcu UulldluK, Ktitratice on W ashlngton htuot Tho Halloa, Oregon. ?. 1JENNKTT, ATTOliNEY-AT-LAW. Of .A., rice in Schuuno'., bmldlUB, up stairs. The Dalit, Oiejjon. r. r. mays, b.s.uustinoton. h. s. wilson. MAYB, HUNTINGTON A WILSON- A Trim-ni-ys-at-law Oihces, French block over Kiret National llutik. ' h Dalle.. OreKon. Street H. WILSON ATtOKNRY-AT-LAW - ltOOBlS French A Co.'s bant nuiiums, t-ccouu The Dalles, Oreitou. H. KSHKI.MAN (HoHJoi".THiC; Physician wereu iiiuli Olhce No.: U and SUKOKON. Calls unsworn! day or nluht, city or country 7 Chapman block. ...... ...!.. M . Ill Jlii m ami IV tl DK. O. 1). DOANK PHYSICIAN AMD 8UK okon. Ollice: rooms & unit 0 Chapman Block, Uetldence. B. K. corner Court mul Fourth streets, ieonil uoor (rum tlie corner. Office hours a to 12 A. M - to & ami . to s r , M. DrilDDAl.I. Denti.st. Gah Btven (or the . tiuinlew. extraction ol teeth. Aln teeth t on tlowul aluminum plate, uooms: biku oi Jin liolden Tooth, Becomt Ktreot. prst Rational Bank. The Reffulator Line The Dalles, Portlani anj Astoria Navigation Co. VHE DALLES, - - OREGON A General lianking HiuiinoHH traiiHaetud UojiositH received, Hiilijee.t to Sipht Draft or Cheek. Coll'MitioiiH mailt! and pnu-ceilH jiroiuptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Hold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. THROUGH U1K1SCTOKS D. P. TllOltl'.-ON. .J NO. S. SCIIK.NCK. ICd. Jl. Williams, Gko. A. Liiiisic. H. M. P.UAI.L. THE DALLES flational Bank, Of DAIiLKS CITY, OH. Freioni ana Passenger Line Through daily Hcrvice (SnndayH ex cepted) between The DuIIuh and" Port land. Steamer Hegulator leaven The Pallet) at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade IxickH with Kteamer UalleH City. Steamer Dalle.H City leave: Portland (Yamhill Htreet dock") at (i a. in. con necting with Htcamor Hegulator for The DalleH. President - -Vice-President, Cashier, - - - Z. I'. Moody Ciiaklks Hilton 1. A. iMoonv (leiicral Hnuking Husiness Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK. SAN FHANC1SCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoroble terms at all accessible pointH. W. H. YOUNG, I'A HH EN(1 1 One way Round trip . . U.VTKS. :i.oo Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. ShipmcntH received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland on arrival. Live Htock shipments solicited. Call on or address. B. F. W. C. ALLAWAY, iiiimrul Airnnt. LAUGHLIN, mifrul iMima;r. THE DALLES. OREGON BiaGRsmitn & wagon stiop hociktii:. W ASCO J.ODCJK, NO. Hi, A. V. &. A. M.-MeoW flratuuil thinl Jlonilay oleac'i month at 7 r. m. aTlKH I'.OYAl. AKOH CHAITICK NO. C Meets In Masonic Hall the thiol Woilnewluy o( each month at 7 I'. M. MODKKN WOODMEN OF TllK WOltl.D. Mt. llooil CamiNo. W.Mi'CtsTiieMlaye.ven Imjofeach week In Fraternity Hall, p. m. NO. 5. I. O. O. K. Mcottt every Friday cvenliiK at o'clock, In K. of P. hall, corner Second ami Court Htroots, -lOLUMMA LODGE SoloumlnKbrotherti are welcome. U. Ofcouoit, Kec'y. II. A. Hills.N. (. FUIEND3HI1' I.ODOK, NO. J K. of I'.-Meelf, every ilonday evening at 7:30 o'clock, In dchatiuo'sbuildli'S, corner of Court and Kw;ond trects. HolourulUB memuerH are conuany in itl. W. K. CitASi. I), W.V'AUag, K. of It. and H. a BHKMIII.Y NO. 47. K. 01 A of I". hall thoiecoml and fourth Wednei days o( each month at T..) C. C, Meet In K. WOMEN'S CHKISTIAN TEMI'KKENCE UNION Mrlllmeet uvery Friday adornoon atso'clock at tne reauing room. Aiiare uiviieii. armon Iodfre No. Ml, I. 0. (. T.-ItoKitlar weekly iiiectlni,M Friday at h i: ti u Kratcnilty Hall, General lllackiimithing and Work promptly, and all work Guaranteed. done Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, op, Liclic's old Stand. House Moving! H All are invited h. C. C'HIIISMAN, u. l it. ('. Fi.kck, Se U. W. MwtH riWMIT.K IOI)OE NO. II. A. 0 X in Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, mi h'ecoml trect, Thurway uvcniuK ai t :m. 1au. KllKFT, W. H MYKM. Financier. M. W TAB. NKHMITH 103T, No. 3.', (i. A. It. Meets oyery Haturday ut T.m v. h., iii tne K. ol 1 Hall. B. OK L. K. MeeUeveryhuuday afternoon in the K. o( I'. Hall. -i KSA.N'H VKItEIN MictH every J cveniinr la tho K. of 1'. Hall. Kuiiday BOF L, F. DIVISION', No. 107 -Meets In K. of 1. Hall thoflrit and third Weill day of each month, nt T.'M v, w. TllK C'HIJJtCIIIOH. iT, j'KTEllB OHIJItCH Itcv. Father Hhohh O OKSftT I'adtor. Uiw Hiihh every Sunday at 7 A. M. Hljth Mans ut lu:'iO A. M. Vespers at 7J M. Union Street, opposite neeior. rtervirus m. iiii l 7:,i0 i'. m. hiinday KveuliiK I'rayer on Friday at cr. Pauls oitmtcii O FHth. itev. ICIlD.Hutf'ii: ovcry Sunday at 11 a fechool'Jii'i A. M. 7:J TIUHT IIAPTIST (JHUIWJIl-Huv. 0. D. TAY J1 J.OK, I'antor. Miriilnu (itrviyn every Hull bath at tho uciulemy at II a, II. Kahbath Hchool Immediately liter inoriiliiff services. Prayer JU'etliiK Friday evcnliiB at Tailor's lesl deuce. Cnlii, crvlces lit Hid court Iiouhu at ClONOltllOATIONAl. (HIMtCII-Uev. W. . CuiiTis, 1'aitor. FervlccwcveryKuiiday at 11 a. M. und 7 1-. m. Kilinliiv aciiool after moniliiB ervlce. htraiiKerscorillnlly Invited. Heath free. j:. Cllllltcil -itev. J. Wiiimi.hii, iHntor. r.erVlCCH OVin vt.liri.ln v .unrnliiunt tl i, r,i hiinday huhool ut Vj-jrj ,,',.:, . M. i;i,ivorth l;-auo ut (U'M v. u. HJayOI u.tMXUiK every i hiirwluy uveulnj,- .it , -ai ()vW'l:. A cordial In mull oxtwiikd by both iMtof und .wple pHKI-TlAN (!III'II(:I--KUV. J. W. Jr-nkihi., J Pat .nr. I'rikioliIiiK in thu Coriff ruifiitf oiDil (.hurch tuch lords Dav ut :i C. n. All flic cordially imp. l M. xndrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his linn at reasonable figures. J las the largest lion.se moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDalles L. YOUNG, JEWELER : : Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on short notice, und satlsluctlou KUiiruutccd AT TllK Htorn of I. ,'. Nlckolsnn, Uil Ht.VIm Ilalln Chas. Allison, -Dealer In- XjOOS. out piesh Paint I W. c. (iii,iu:uT herehy sends Ills compliments to every friend And enemy If he has any lie they few or lie they many. Tho time for painting now has come, And every one desires a home That looks fresh and clean and new, As none hut u I'uod painter can do. 1'iiliitinc, paperiuc and cluzlnt,'. too, Will make jour old house look ipiilc new ue win lane your worv emier way, lly the joh or by tho day. If you have work clve him it cull, He'll take your orders, lurc or small. Itespectfully, W. C. GILBERT, l'. (). Ilox No. !, T1IL D ALL KS, OK. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house Iiub been entirely refurnished, and every room has been ropapored and repainte and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and lis supplied with every modern convenience. JJatet reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. CW. KNOWLES, Prop. JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, 76 Count Street, Next door to Wasco Suu Oflioo. Has just received a fine lino of Samples Headquarters at Oltas. Lauer'ii. Iluvlm; had a (Ino harvest of natural leu the best In tin; world, I urn piepared to furnish III any iuuutity und tit bottom prices. CHAS. ALLISON. C. F. STEPHENS, D1SA.L.ICW IN Dry Goods Plothjng K Villi I.lltllt'iU'i c'lllrcl ' I Horn, p tor. c i fcCllOOl Ut'i'.'W l I i A ( IT I' i one. 'h rtroi'i, itcv. A i tin al l ( t i ft Hoots, HIioiih, Hutu, lUit. ;i.i., Sooo'd St. rt. Tho Dalles. for sprimr and Hiiiiimer Huitimrs. Come and See the New Fashions. Cleaning and Repairing to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. CHAS. flDflJWS, Shoemaker No Fit, No Pay. Union St., opp. European louse. PHOTOCnAPIIEH First proiiiiiim ut tbo Wiikco county air for bust portraits and views, MANY WERE DROWNED Mexican Town Visited by a Raging Flood. CAUSKI) I1Y RBCENT HEAVY RAINS The Dalton (Jang Again At Work Suicide of an Ex-Unitcd States Consul. I'onm.o, lex., June .'10. The town of .lulapa has been visited bv a terrible calamity. Ileuvv rains caused tho fieco river, which (lows through the place, suddenly to overllow its banks, and nearly one-half of the houses in the town were swept away. Several people unable to escape from the raging flood were drowned. The rich valley of the river is inundated, and the loss of crops and stock is heavy. 'I'll., Illlltllll iMII;. Wichita, Kan.. June I!0. Thu high wayman who attempted to rob the Minta PC tram at Wliurton yesterday is now in jail here. He is a bov onlv 10. lie says the J'ulton Rang, headed by I'.ill Dalton, forced him to stop the train under penalty of death. They told him to stop the train near liluck- burn creek June '10 and thev would do the rest. He mistook the day. The ollicers have gone to the scene in hopes of capturing the gang. Nimv H Kfviiliitlon In l'cru. Panama, June ltd. I'ierolu has landed at Chain, l'eru, and gone on to Are (piipa. He is said to he preparing to bend a revolution designed to put him in the presidential chair. This alterna tive of civil war has been decided upon according to current report, because ilium would have no chance of being elected if hu merely appealed to the suH'rages of tho people, as the govern ment in lower could control the polls. Hostile operations are expected to begin soon. MukliiK No l'mcroHS. Wahiunc.ton, June til). Secretary of the Navy Herbert, who is thoroughly familiar with the populist movement in the south, said today he thought the Kipulists were not now making any pro gress in the country, and that the teach ings of those engaged in the agitation did not have any iufluoucc iu shaping the policy of the democratic party. Il.tlot Hmltli's NiMvspaiirr. Ni:w Yokk, June '!0. A dispatch re ceived iu Wall street from Atlanta this afternoon says the Journal, Secretary lloke Smith's paper, announces that congress will be called together about August 1. This added to the strength iu stocks. A. ! Ilrcxnl, thu ('rent Itanlu-r. I'mi.ADU.i'itiA, June .'10. A private cablegram announces the death at Carlsbad, Germany, of A. J. Drexel, of the great i'rexol banking-house here. He went to Furope a few days ago iu fairly good health. Hitvcij(ini'vucu Kriieitl. N i: w "Trrfn;7".I ttnrr",TO-llF"ir!niT(i's interview with ex-President Harrison quotes him as saying : "i am in favor of tho repeal of what is known as tho Sher man act. and i think it should be re. pealed ut once." Mexico Will Continue! I'ri Colnucn. Cirv ok Mkxico, Juno HO. Secretary of the Treasury I.imantour wishes to an nounce to the world that there is no truth in tho rumor that Mexico contem plates mispunding tho free coinage of silver. On the contrary, all of tho Mex ican mints will be worked to their ut most capacity. The mint iu this city eoinsrf M,()00,000 this month. Machinery is now being erected which will increase tho capacity to $18,000,000 a menth. There are ten other mints in thu republic which have a smaller capacity. At pres ent there exists a Hcurcity of circulating medium, due mainly to the heavy expor tation of Mexican silver dollars. This drain ou the llnancesof thu country must bu met by increased coinage. Mexico has, furthermore, a certain and unfailing market iu Asia for all of her dollars. Tho inereasing of exportutions of eollee, fibers and other products will enable Mexico to export more dollars than ever before, Silver is produced iu Mexico cheaper than In the United States, and the full in price will be less acutely felt here than in the neighboring republic. Iu view of diminished importations of foreign goods and the consequent reduc tion In custom house receipts, which will be caused by tho high price of exchange, the federal government bus ordered it discount In salaries (mid to nlj federal olllclals. Those who receive salaries of $(100 or le it year will bo cut 5 per cent, all from fOOO to $1000 will be reduced 7 por cent, und nil ubovo ijflOOO will Btifler 10 per cent reduction. The Mcx ican government will tnku no further steps at present, but will wait tho de velopment of tho panic. THE OLD SYSTEM PUNCTURED- HnlllriR Whisky to Indian Itrouglit Up With n .Irrk lly .Judge ItellliiKer. Cortland Dispatch. Judge Bellinger this morning threw a keen poniard through the vicious system that has been in vogue with deputy United States marshals in thu matter of the violation of thu intercourse law, and it is very probable that there will be less cases of whisky to Indians now than there has been for many years. John Heart, who has been among the Umatilla Indians for a long time, was fined if 2.) for selling them liquor. New ton liarnhill, colored, und i'eter Peter son, a Swede, were fined !1 each for giv ing liquor to Indians at The Dalles. These cages' called out the censure of Lhe court, which indicated future purpose. A few minutes after they hud arrived at The Dulles they were importuned by In dians to get some whisky for them, for which they were paid about L'5 cents for their trouble. Five minutes afterwards Deputy United States Marshal Jameon pounced upon them and put them under arrest. I he two ollenses were com mitted on separate days, but close to gether. Judge I'cllingor saw at once that the defendants were the victims of (illusion between the wily marshal and the foxy Indians, and he asked District Attorney Mays if there was no way to cut oil' this man Jameson; that the practice had become abominable. Mr. Mays said he believed that there was jobbery iu the matter, and that Officer Jameson's functions would be cut off on thu 1st of the month. It transpired that when Peterson wub put in jail in this county, he bad a small umount of money and when he appeared in court he did not have a cent. Mr. Mays called the attention of the court to the system of kangarooinga new prisoner in the county jail and taking what money he had, as a fine in a mock trial, and suggested that some means ought to be employed to put a stop to it. Judge I.ellinger intimated that if the ounty authorities had the matter brought before their attention the prac tice might be stopped. The fact, he said, was intended to prevent crime, but it seems to be employed to perpetuate it. Judge I'.ellinger might have stopped at this point hud he not asked if there was anything else to come up. District Mtorney Mays then brought in a fee bill for approval, and thu judge took oc- asion to ventilate tho intercourse mat ter a little more. A bill for .f! was pre sented by J. C. Applewhite, U. S. com missioner at t'orvallis. This was lor a ease where a man gave an Indian a bot tle of whisky, within the knowledge of the commissioner. The man was fined This was only one case. Judge I'.ellinger said that only yesterday, be, with Judge Gilbert, had appointed Ap plewhite as commissioner, and ho was sorry that he did not know that he was the man who put in the bill. He then began cutting down the bills. District Attorney Mays agreed that the bills wero too large. This is notice that the United States court is hereafter to be run for something besido fat feus for .oflicers, schemers and lazy Indiaus. Homo fuuev the charms of u llly-whlto iiuild, () ctherfal form and luliKUlshinK eye, Who faints in the sunshine and droops in the shade, And Is always "Just ready to die." Hut nlve inn the Kil l of the sunshiny face, Tho blood iu whine veins course healthy and ficc, With the vlK'ir of youth iu her movmeiits of trace, Oh, that lh the miildeu for me! She is the girl to "tlu to" for life. The sickly, complaining woman may bo an object of lovo and pity, but she ceases to be a "thing of beauty" worn down by femalu weakness and disorders, subject, to hysteria and a mart yr to bearing-down pains. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a sure cure for theso dis tressing complaints, and will transform thu feeble, drooping sullerer into a healthy, happy, blooming woman. Guaranteed to give satisfaction in uvery case, or money paid for it refunded. Shlloh's Vitali.or is what you need for H.Cppopsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble, it is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 7-le. Sold by Snipes & Klnersly, druggists. THE CALL IS ISSUED President Cleveland Has Snmmonefi Congress in Extra Session. THE SEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST Cleveland is Said to Have Much Doubt as to Whether the Sherman Law Will He Repealed. Washinc-ton, .Tunc. 10. The president this evening issued thu tollowing pro clamation : WiiuitKAS, The distrust and appre honsion concerning the financial situa tion, which pervades all business circles, have already caused great loss and dam age to our people, and threaten to crip ple our merchants, stop the wheels of manufacture and bring distress and pri vation to our farmers and withhold from our workingmen the wage of labor, and "WitumiAs, The present perilous con dition is largely the result of a financial policy, which the executive branch of the government finds embodied in un wise luws which must be executed until repealed by congress, Now, therefore, I, Grover Cleveland, president of the United States, in per formance of a constitutional duty, do, by this proclamation, declare that an extraordinary occasion requires the con vening of both houses of the congress of the United States at the capitol, at the city of Washington, the 7th day of Au gust next, at 1L" o'clock noon, to the end that the people may be relieved through legislation from the present impending danger and distress. All tiiose entitled to act as members of the oUd congress are required to take notice of this pro clamation and attend at the time and place above stated. Given under my hand and the seal of the United States, etc. THE CHURCHES. Christian church services will be held in the Congregational church Sunday at '! p. m. 'reaching by Elder J. W. Jen kins. The Baptist church, itev. O. D. Tay lor pastor, will hold service tomorrow at the usual hours, 11 a. in. and 8 p. in. Sunday school follows morning service. Rev. G. K. P.urnside of Buffalo, N. Y. is in tho city and will preach at one of the services. First Congregational chinch, corner Court and Fifth streets, Rev. W. C. Curtis, pastor. Services as usual Sun day; 11 a. m. administration of the Lord's Supper; 8 p. m. worebip and a sermon. Sunday school immediately after tho morning service. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:!50 p. m. Topic, God's Call to Us, Acts xvi,10, II Tim. i,9-l!S. All person not worshipping elsewbere are cordi ully invited. Methodist Episcopal church, corner o Washington and Fifth streets, John Whisler, pastor. Sermon at 11 a. sn., national address at 8 p. m., by the pastor, theme "The Duty of the Citir.en toward the State," .Ter. xxix,7 ; Sunday school after morning service; Junior League at 0 p. in. ; Epworth League de votional meeting at 7 p. in.; class meet ing Sunduy at 10 a. ni. and Tuesday at 8 p. m.; prayer meeting Thursday at 8 p. m. A cordial welcome to all. Sdcnjrtli nud Health. if you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Eleetiic Hitters. If "la grippo" has loft you weak and wca.?, use Rluetrie Bitters. This remedy acta directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions, if you arealllieted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent leliof by taking Elect rin Bitters. Onu trial will convince you that this is tho remedy you need. Largo bottles only 00c. at Snipes Sc Kinersly'H drug storu. Cut Flowers for Mile. T have all styles of wires, including Odd Fellows, K. of P., and Masonic de signs, liverytbing for floral decora tions furnished on short notice. Prices reasonable. Mi:s. A. O. Stimimni. dim Cor. Eighth aim Liberty. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Lalcst U. S. Gov't Report. ra w Li WNM ABSOLtraSMif PURE , s i