Valuable Books Given Away!! FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE gDBAa soon as you have purchased of us $25.00 worth of goods, in cash purchases, beginning this day, you will re ceive, absolutely free, the " LIFE OF JAMES G. BLAINE," or your choice of other popular works, now on exhibition at our store. In addition to the above, if yon happen to be a lucky one, yon will receive a Free TICKET TO THE WORLD'S FAIR AND RETURN, and a Week's Ad mission to the G-ronnds. We offer for your inspection, a fine line of Men's Overshirts for 25 cts. ppom TEBJHJUUi op INTERIOR Points THE Northern Pan RHILROHD la the line to take TO ALL FOINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through vestibuled Trains every day in the 'nr rn jft. p&ul and Chicago INO CHANGE OF CARS.J Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. Pull man Drawing Room Sleepers of latest equipmen t. COMING ON ITS OWN SPECIAL TRAINS Europe and America's Consolidated Tented Titan ! Positively the Most Intensely Interesting Exhibitions on the globe SANGER & LENT'S Grand International Allied Shows If you have not already Been the books and received one of our Tickets, call at the store, and we will take pleasure in showing you the advantage of buying from us. THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO 390, 392, 394 Second St. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Best that can be constructed, and in which accommodations are both Free and Furnished for holders of First and Second-class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuous line, connecting with all lines, affording direct and uninterrupted service Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TIGKETS England and Europe can tx To and from all points in America. England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket otnee or the company. Full Information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to W. C. ALL AWAY, Agent D. P. & A. Nav. Co., Regulator office, The Dalles, Or., or A. D. CHARLTON, Ass'U General Passenger Aet.. Portland. Ogn. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Til K DALLES OKKGON A Queer Ceylonese Grass. Lemon grass, known to botanists as Andropogen Schaenanthus, and which is unknown outside of Ceylon, and there only in the Kandian district, is in several respects a most remarkable vegetable production. It grows to a height of six or seven feet and has the wonderful properties of spontaneous ignition. On the slopes of Mount Am bulawe, during the wet season, the grand spectacle of these spontaneous conflagrations is frequently seen. At first a single curl of smoke or bright tongue of flame will be noticed. Soon, however, as the water runs down the stalks and mingles with the oil and acids contained in the pith of this curious herb, fierce fires burst into view here, there and every place, soon covering the whole mountain in a sheet . of flame. The botanists and chemists have not as yet explained why this paradoxical grass ignites when water fall ntxm its stalk. DIAMOND - ROLLER - KILL NOTICE. o W On and after JCNE 1, 1893, the Str. INLAND STAR, Will make regular trips between The Dalles, Or., AND White Salmon, Wash., Stopping at all way landings. Leave The Dalles at 7 A.M. Small freight will be received and delivered safely. No Passengers. I hope to receive a share of your patronage. A. KENNEDY, Capt. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The Corrugated Building next Door to Court House. W. E. GARRETSON. Leaning Jeweler. SOLE AGENT FOR THE A. H. CURTIS, Prop. Flour of the Best Qual ity Always on Hand. Handsomely Furnisneil Room to Bent by the Day, Week or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. JWIHS. H. FHHSEH, Pfopf. WILL EXHIBIT AT The Dalles, Thurs. June 29 POLAND CHINA HOGS. I can furnish a number of THOROUGHBRED POLAND CHINA HOGS, Male or female, most any age. Price, $20 per head, or $36 per pair. ome and see them, or write. All letters promptly answered. EDMRD JUDY, CENTERVILLE, WASH. Unparalleled in Original Conception of Pnsj fnnond-Dooble fltonster Soman Oeeanie &Gon9ressWAnnTO UlualuSt Cifeas, menagerie, Hippodrome, flqaaficun, of orld'Jj'jyy All Nations'Greatest Arenic Representatives Selected to Excel The Rarest f ill Beast Gathering that Ever Mted Pahlic Attention The Only Great Show of Marine Wonders J EVER PERFECTED FOR TRAVEL. Grand Convocation of Curious Creation collected at an enormous expense. An acceptable innovation in amusements revolutionizing the efforts of others Everywhere acknowledged Great Feature Shows and Specialty Exhibitions. . . . . w -B-l I A 1! A. The very best Artists 01 America, japan, Europe ana Arauia pui wewer A sumptuous Wonderland Festival ! A rich, rare and Moral entertainment. A Century in advance of all Contemporary ainipitiona. Don't Forget the Thrilling Free Balloon Ascension AND PARACHUTE LEAP DAILY. Be On Hand to See the Grand, Free, Spectacular Pageant ONE TICKET, for the USUAL PRIRE. Admits to the GREAT COMBINED SHOWS One hour given in which to Inspect the Menagerie and the Man Wonders previous to Com men i 01 ine vinrus uuu xuppumvinc pouuiiubuvwi Two Grand Exhibitions and Performances Daily. - Doors Open at 1 and 7 P. M. THE DALLES, OREGON. MONEY TO LOAN. We have an unlimited amount of money to loan on ap proved farm security. Thobnbuby & Hudson, The Dalles, Or. All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St.. The Dalles. Or. ".ARTIC CANDY FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE OEEAM. Candies and Nuts at wholesale quotations. TOBACCO. CIGARS AND SWEET DRINKS Specialties COPPER-RIVETED Clothing Manufactured by LEVI STRAUSS & CO., Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles 2? Street J.FOLCO At right side Mrs. ODarrs restaurant. San Francisco, Calif. Every Garment Guaranteed. FOR SALE BY PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OREGON. A. A. Brown, Keeps a fall assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which he offers at Low Figure. SPIGIflli x PAIGES to Cash Buyers. Hiahest Cash Prices for Ep and .... .A- IsTEW Undertake Establishment! PRINZ & NITSCHKE DEALERS IN Furniture and Carpets We have added to our business a soinplete Undertading Establishment, and as we are in no way oonnected with the Under takers' Trust, our prices will be low accordingly. HORSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, ....Corner Barn, UNION STOCK YARDS, Chicago, III.. The largest and only strictly commissi6n dealer in horses in . m 1 -1-11 1 T " . , 1 1 A the world, will hold his nrst extensive saie 01 west ern branded horses for season 1893, on WIEIDIfcTIESILDA.'Z', CTTTILSnEJ 21 Entries should be made at onee. HORSES , Zl HORSES 5-17div3m THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE BOOKS. I. C. NICKEliSEN'S. J. I FORD, Evanpliut, Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes under data, of March 23, 1893: S. B. Med. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both-oi the children like it. . Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mb. & Mas. J. F. Fobd. If you wish to feel fresh and cheerful, and ready for the Serine's work, cleanse your system with the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two or three doses each Week. Sold under a positive guarantee. 50 cents per bottle by all druggists. J. O. MACK, 1 FgE WlHEg and LiqOOR DOMESTIC to KEY WEST CIGARS. THE C E L EBR ATE O PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. rjl SECOND STREET, : : THE DALLES, OB. V Have You. Seen THE Spring Millinery Goods at; H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COB. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OB. BURHAM & Robertson Proprietors. CityStables, Corner of Fourth and Federal Sta., The Dalles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons witn eitner omgie or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Alnv rn furnish First Class accommodations to teamsters with freight or driving teams, having added to their stables large feeding and wagou room. Commercial Fatroiap Melted. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALEBS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in JmP Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury'B Paints used in all aur work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Paint Shoo corner Thirdand Washington Bts.. The Dalles. Oregon ffeu Columbia jote. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished throughout, and is now better than ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel accommodations of any house in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of the fast and commodious opposition Stager" to Dufur, Kingeley, Tygh Valley, Wapinitia, Warm Springs and Prineville is in the Hotel and persons going to Prineville can save other rroance.