The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 26, 1893, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered at the Poatomce at The Dalles, Oregon,
aa aecond-claaa matter.
Weeklv. 1 vear 1 SO
6 mouths 0.76
" 8 " 0 60
Dally, 1 year. 6 00
" 6 months 3 00
per " 0 60
Address all communication to " THE CHRON
ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon.
fieneral Delivery Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Money Order " 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday i T " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.'
trains going East 9 p.m. and 11 :45 n. m.
" West 9 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Stage for Goldendale 7:30a.m.
" Prinevlllo 5:30 a.m.
" "Dufur and Worm Springs ..5:30 a.m.
" fLeaTing for Lyle & Hartland. .5:30 a. m.
" " " JAntelope 5:30 a.m.
R-rcent fliindfiv.
Trl-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
I " Monday Wednesday ana rnaay.
MONDAY. - - - - JUNE 26, 1893
An executive order was recently is
sued by the president detailing certain
army officers to act as Indian agents at
various posts. These places are plums
at which many western democratic
workers have looked longingly for some
time. The appointment of army officers
to fill the places is considered by many
as a step in the right direction, and
meets with the unqualified approval of
officials who have watched the matter
for ye&rs and have deplored it, while un
able to remedy the wrongs or check the
rjroeresslv'e steps from bad to worse. It
is believed that while it will take many
years to undo the evils of the past and
there are crimes in our treatment of
the plains Indians that will never be
atoned the army will prove more juBt
and more efficient than any other
branch of our service. There is another
feature which is regarded as admirable
from an economic point of view mak
ing agents of military men will give em
ployment to numbers of officers who
have had too little to do. It is under
stood to be the policv of President
Cleveland to hereafter appoint Indian
aeents from civil life only when he is
unable to find an available army man
To Streteh Hemp.
Wm. Gallin is the name of a man sen
tenced to stretch hemp on the 24th of
next month. Jointly indicted with
Nina Shaw for the murder of Nina's
husband, A. W. Shaw, he has been
tried, convicted and sentenced to death
on that day at Canyon City, Grant
The editor knew Gallin a few years
ago in lirant county, ne is a large,
surlv man, with a face in which brutal
passions seem to be running a joint of
their own.
The woman in the case we saw sev
eral times. In her maiden days she was
known as Nina Harper, and the hatch-
.. .. . . , , a
ing of trouDle in her neignDornooa oc
cupied all the spare time she could
snatch from the duties of feeding and
sleeping. Nina was a very cold blue
sunbeam on the hearts of the buccaroos
of Long creek valley, and the quenching
of her in prison gloom will cause not a
tear of regret. She conspired with Gal
lin to kill her husband, and pretty soon
Gallin was flying around with the news
that Shaw lay in the barn kicked to
death by a vicious horse. At the trial
he tried to place the murder on Mrs.
Shaw's shoulders, but failed. The ani
mal seemed brave until all hope had
fled, but blubbered like a child when
sentenced to death. He was perfectly
willing to kill Shaw, but didn't want to
be killed himself. Klamath Star.
William Tell
A Butte Creek Grizzly.
The American Farmer says there arc
fully 1,000,000 wool growers in the coun
trv and thev form the bulk ot the con
stituency of a very large number of con
eressmen. They hold the balance of
political power in many states. If they
will only unite and present a firm front
to their adversaries, they can prevent
this destructive blow (free trade) to their
interests. We urge them to do so to
follow the example set by other farmers
who have much less at stake than they
have. Let them circulate petitions
hold meetings, stir up the local press,
and let their congressmen know that
they are expected to oppose free wool to
the utmost. They cannot do this too
soon or too vigorously. The advocates
of free wool are well organized and have
plenty of money and influence. But
they cannot withstand the 1,000,000
wool growers of the countay if these will
rouse themselves to concerted action in
defense of their interests. Every wool
grower who feels that he is not making
too much money out of his business as it
is, should constitute himself a committee
of one to promote the crusade in defense
of American flocks.
George Farlow, who is in town this
week from the ranch of Farlow Bros, on
upper Butte creek, tells us of some fun
the ranchers in that neighborhood are
having with bears this spring and sum
mer. A big grizzly whose tracks in the
snow measured twelve inches in diameter
has been living on fresh beef while wait
ing for the berries to ripen. He has
killed at least five head of cattle in that
neighborhood three of them three-year-
old steers and one a big cow with a bell
on her. He was almost as nearly domes
ticated as the panthers that made their
home in Ashland during the spring.
Messrs. George and Perry Farlow, W.
H. Bradshaw, Hank Wright and others
have spent a good part of several weeks
trying to capture this grizzly, but could
not do it. They set a big steel trap
which the grizzly would walk all around,
knocking down and dragging about the
logs which had been piled around It
The trap was sprung by him four differ
ent times, but failed to catch him,
though it caught a big brown bear, which
the men killed. Dogs would trail the
grizzly but couldn't bring him to a stand,
and from the direction of his last trail
followed, he seemed to be making for the
Dead Indian country. He is a monster
and is one of the verv few grizzlies left
to roam the section of Cascade and Sis
kiyou mountains which thirty years ago
was a favorite resort of this largest and
fiercest of the numerous varieties of bears
in America. Ashland Tidings.
Money to Loan.
I have money to loan on short time
loans. Geo. W. Rowland.
msar 1MB Ml n .
" "e. -o
An ocean steamer twenty feet longer
than the Great Eastern is to be con
structed by ane of the intercontinental
lines. It will be 700 feet long ; the Great
Eastern was 680 feet long. The new
steamer will have an engine of 40,000
horse power, which is 5,000 more than
the new Campania. The Great Eastern's.
engines were of but 7,500 horse power,
which was the cause of the failure in
navigation. It is said that the new
steamer will make 27 knots an hour,
which is not improbable, for it would
have to go but little over seven times its
own length to cover a mile. Besides,
considerable over a quarter of a mile
would be gained by counting from the
leaving point of the stern to the arriving
point of the bow.
9 JiWIil III llllii 1 1 'i ll J
SOcta., ai
81.00 per
Cures Conq-ho, Hoarseness, Sore Tin oat,
Croup prompt! v: rel ieves Whooping Cough
and Asthma.. F"r Consumption it has no
rival; has cured, thousands wheieatl others
failed; will cube TOO" if taken In time. Sold
by Druggists on a cniarantee. For Lame Back
or Chest. U33 SlIILOIl'S PLASTER. 25cts.
lave you Catarrh ? Thi remedy is guaran
teed to oure you. Price 50 eta. Injector froe.
For sale by Snipes & Klnersly.
Lumbago. Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, &c.
There is a misapprehension existing
that it is necessary for the president to
give thirty days' notice by proclamation
before convening congress in special
session. The truth is that there is
nothing in the constitution or laws pre
scribing in what manner he shall con
vene congress. There is a custom,
which grew up in the old days of horse
back and steamboat travel, slow mails
and no telegraph communication, of al
lowing fifteen days for a notice to reach
a member of congress and fifteen days
more for him to reach Washington ; but
it is a custom only and not a law, and
any president could disregard it if he
With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY.
Latest Patent. I Bent Imorovcments I
Win cure without medicine all Vcun resulting from
orer-taxation or Drain nerve rorcesj excesses or mats,
eretion. &a nervous debilitv. sleeulessness. huifruor.
rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder complaints,
lame beck, lumbago, sciatica, all female complaints
Mieral Hi health, etc. This electric Belt contains
underfill Improvement, over all others. Current is
instantly felt by wearer or we forfeit $8,000.00, and
will cure all of the above diseases or no oav. Thou.
u.nds have been cured by this marvelous Invention
after all other remedies failed, and we aive hundreds
of testimonials in this and every other Kate.
unr rowernu Improved aUHTTKIO SUSFEASUUY . tnn
dood ever onereo weaa men, fuc was m
When Charlemagne and his " Knights of
the Round Table " were making war on tho
Saracens, in Africa, it frequently happened
that Knights on either side would fight in
single combat for the honor of their re
spective armies. The Saracens had been,
for many years, the scourge the dreaded
Invaders of Europe, and all waged war
against this common enemy.
iBut in these days the worst scourge that
threatens us, is that dread invader, Con
sumption. Consumption fastens its hold upon its vic
tims while they are unconscious of its ap
proach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covers has cured thousands of cases of this
most'" fatal of maladies. But it must bo
taken before the disease is too far advanced
in order to bo effective. If taken in time,
and given a fair trial, it will cure, or money
paid for it will bo refunded.
For Weak Lunprs, Spitting of Blood, Short
ness of Breath, Bronchitis, Asthma, severe
Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an une-
mmldd Tnmfvlv
For all diseases that arise from a torpid
liver and impuro blood, nothing can tako the
place of Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discov
ery. Nothing will, after you have seen what
it docs. It prevents and cures by removing
the cause. It invigorates tho liver, purifies
tho blood, sharpens tho anpetito improves
digestion, and builds up both strength and
flesh, when reduced below the standard of
Sold by druggists, everywhere.
: boon aver offered weak men. FREE with all
Belt. Uralth and Vlnrau Almneth fill iKiNTKRD In HO tn
Oda! Send forhWd Pamphlet, mailed. sealed, fxeo
Sfo. ITS Sir. Street, JOKTIA3H QBE.
The flagstaff upon which the first se
cession flag was hoisted in South Caro
lina when the state seceded in 1860 is
till standing. It is fastened with iron
caffs to the gable end of an old store
house at Skull Shoals postoffice.
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
E)asyfitting Pants
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
Ask your Dealer
General Arlliir
Hand Made
Your Father that we sell
. ORR 3t CO.'S
the Dalles
.i. ...
J. D. PARISH, Prop.
Leaves The Dalles at 6 a. m. every day, and ar
rives at Prineville in thirty-six Lours. Leaves
rrmevue at o a. m. every nay, ana arrive, at
The Dalles in thirty-six hours.
Carties the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express
Connects at Prln"ille with
Stages from Eastern and Southern Or
egon, Northern California and
all Interior Points.
Also makes close connection at The Dalles with
trins from Portland and Eastern points.
. Courteous drivers.
.' Good accommodations along the road.
, First-class Coaches and Horses used.
.' Express matter handled with special care.
M. Sichel & Co. 'a Store, CmatlllaHouse,
Prineville. The Dalles.
Wiseman & Warders,
Saloon and Wine Rooms
It every size, style and price.
M n mwiinnmctvnn
111 n. pi. ii lLunpiu uuu. mm
Tv x Tffiv-
Art Teacher
Room S, Bettingen Building,
Will give Lessons Mondays and Thursdays of
each week, or oftener if desired.
"There is a tide in tlie affairs of men which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
The Dalles
Gigaf : Faetofy
fT A "DO of the Best Brands
VAvJT-rVXVO manufactured, and
orderu from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DAJLLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
Is called to the faot that
Hugh Glenn,
Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement
and Building Material of all kinds.
Carries the Finest Line of
Picture Mouldings
To be found in the City.
72 Ul as hing ton Street.
Closif -Out Sale t -
m More I Caruets
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
The Dalles,
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what yon need for
tAppepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Prine 74c. Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
The Boston Tailor,
East End Second St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00 up.
Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
Northwest corner of Second and
Court streets.
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughbred fowls.
13 eggs $2.00
26 eggs 3.00
Address : E. M. H AKRIMAN,
6-2.1m Endersby, Or.
Seed Wheat,
" Oats,
" Corn,
" Rye,
" Potatoes,
Garden Seeds,
Seeds in Bulk.
Hay, Grain and Feed Store.
The Snug.
W, H. BUTTS, Prop.
No. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles Or.
This well known stand, kept by the
well known W. H. Butte, long a resi
dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi
nary fine stock of
Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Disfnrbaic
In tact, all trie leading Dranas 01 nn
Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th
old man a gpil and yon will come again
Lace Curtains,
Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col
lars and Cuffs laundried by
of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles
with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St.,
before Tuesday noon, and get them on
Saturday. .
5at'8fatf'01? (iuara,?tee-
HE NEW TOWN has been platted oil the old camp ground, at the Forks and
I Falls of Hood river, with laree, tightly lots, broad streets and alleys, good soil
' and pure water, with shade in profusion, perfect drainage.delightf nl mountain
climate, the central attraction as a mountain summer resort for all Oregon,
being the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It is unparallelec as a manufacturing
center, being the natural center for 150 square miles of the best cedar and flr
timber, possessing millions of horse-power in its dashing streams and water
falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exists, there the manu
factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot be excelled
anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with tranf portation already assured
you will And this the place to make a perfect home or a paying investment
See me on the ground, or
address me at Hood River,
Wasco County, Oregon.
W. Ross Winans.
Pipe work, Tin Repairs 0 Roofing
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss'
Blacksmith Shop.