The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 24, 1893, Image 2

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Tne Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered at the Postoffiee at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Weekly, 1 year 1 50
' 6 months 0 75
" 3 " 0 80
Daily, 1 year 6 00
" 6 months 3 00
M per " o 50
Address all communication to " THE CHRON
ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon.
Aeneral Delivery Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m.
jfoney Order " 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday li n " 9 a. m. to 10a. m.
trains going East 9 p m. and 11:45 n. m.
h West 9 p. m. and 5:30 p.m.
Stage for Goldendale 7:30 a.m.
" " Prinevlllo 5:30 a.m.
" "Dufur and Warm Springs ..5:30 a.m.
fLeaving for Lyle te Hartland. .5:30 a. m.
" " " JAntelope 5:30 a.m.
Except Sunday.
fTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday,
i " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
JUNE 24, 1893
The world's fair will remain open Sun
days notwithstanding the influence of
the radical religionists and the saloon
keepers. The interest manifested by the
saloon keepers is easily understood. A
man cannot be attending the exposition
building and in a saloon at the same
time, but if he could not attend the fair
there would be some chance of his mak
ing a call on the saloon keeper. The
opposition offered in the name of religion
is not so easily explained. In fact there
has not been any explanation given
other th an that it is the outcome of the
old narrow puritanical spirit which holds
more to the letter than to the spirit of
the law. Sunday should be not only a
day of rest and religious observance, but
a day on which innocent recreation is
allowable. If a visit to the fair comes
within that limit, the opening of the fair
to provide innocent recreation on Sunday
afternoons cannot be considered a dese
cration of the Sunday. In view of the
fact, too, that many thousands of visitors
to the fair must be of the class who pay
no respect to the religious character of
the Sunday, it seems a matter of
common prudence to provide them with
a means of spending the day innocently
instead of leaving them to their own in
clinations and the numerous temptations
certain to be placed in their way. Then
again, it is a hardship to deprive so
many thousand of honest working people
of their opportunity to see the fair.
Hence the fair should be open Sunday,
as more evil is likely to result from Sun
day closing than from the opening.
Germany is a thorough old country.
In anticipation of the coming of cholera
the utmost preparations have been
made. For instance, all the wells of
Berlin have been examined, and out of
800 one-fourth have been declared unfit
for use and one-fourth more doubtful.
Similar examinations are to be made all
over the country. That reminds us that
there are a good many people in this
city who are still using well water. It
ought to be stopped, if necessary by or
dinance, because filthy water is the sea
in which cholera floats with more joy and
less friction than in any other. Oregon
Blade. '
The worst thing about getting ap
pointed to a fat office in Oregon is the
fact that the successful man has to have
his picture printed in the Oregonian.
Hon. T. J. Black was made to look some
thing like Sontag after his last battle
with the deputy marshals. Boseburg
If President Cleveland is at a loss for
means to remedy the financial strin
gency, let him subscribe for some of our
Oregon papers. The Oregonian alone
pumsnes a new plan almost every day,
that, if followed, would make wealth
Rate cutting still goes on with every
probability that it will be a battle to the
death. So far the Union Pacific seems
to be suffering the most, judging from the
reported falling off of business and their
horizontal cuts down of expenses.
The watchdog, Holman, cut out of the
appropriation bill at .the last moment,
the item providing money for the repair
of Ford's theater. Democratic economy
for you.
English sparrows have appeared in
Oregon City. The authorities should do
everything possible to exterminate
them .
Buckleu's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Are you insured? If not, now is the
time to provide yourself and family with
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrceha Remedy as an insurance
against any serious results from an at
tack of bowel complaint during the sum
mer months. It is almost certain to be
needed and should be procured at once.
No other remedy can take its place . or
do its work, 25 and 50 cent bottles for
aale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
An Ingenious Englishman Who Combined
a Swing and a Much Needed Pump.
An English writer on inventive
geniuses tells a story of a certain August
Pirch, who is the possessor of a dozen
fine healthy children. Mr. Pirch, so the
story goes, had a tract of land that could
not be used for the want of water, since
it was far from any available stream
or other body which might prove of use
in the fertilization of his acres, and how
to irrigate the land without spending a
large sum of money was a mystery
whichf or a long time Mr. Pirch could
not solve. He figured out the cost of a
well, and found that his resources would
permit of his digging a sixty-foot well
and the-purchase of a cheap pump, but
how to make the pump work was a
question. Suddenly his inventive mind
suggested a solution. He remembered
his children and he also called to mind
a certain large family swing he had
seen in a neighboring town. He knew
the swing would please the children,
and he helped through it their pleasure
might be able to serve his interests.
The well was bored, the pump was set
up and the swing was put in working
"Here, now, boys," said he, when all
was ready, calling the children to him,
"come out here and get in this swing.
I'm going to give you something to play
In five minutes the children were fly
ing backward and forward through the
air. The pump worked up and down
gayly as you please and a fourteen-inch
stream of water flowed from the well.
Mr. Pirch s scheme had worked. The
children do not know they are working,
as the swing is some distance from the
well and is connected with it by an iron
rod which works the pump as the swing
moves backward and forward. The
scheme bas worked well, and it is said
that the youngsters pump enough water
during their day's sport to irrigate a
large tract. Harper's Young People.
A School Director Who Conflicted With
The reading class was standing in a
row upon the floor of an Indiana school
house, and a bright little fellow was
drawling a paragraph about a Roman
massacre. The president of the school
board was present on his regular tour
of inspection, and he pompously re
quested that the boy "read that verse
again." The "verse" was read again.
"Ah! h'm!" said the great man in a
loud voice, "why do you pronounce that
word massaker?"
The boy was silent. "It should be
pronounced massakre," continued the
great man with a patronizing smile.
The boy remained quiet, but the
teacher finally spoke.
"Pardon me, sir," she said, "but' the
fault is mine if the word was mispro
nounced. I have taught the class to
pronounce it massaker."
"But why?" insisted the great man.
as a look of surprise was followed by
a look of pan upon his benign features.
"I believe that Webster favors that
pronunciation," said the teacher,
"Impossible," said the great man.
The dictionary was brought and the
president of the school board turned
over its leaves until he found the word.
There was breathless silence as he
looked up, for there the word was mas
saker. "I am astonished, madam, " he said, at
last, "that Daniel Webster should have
made such a mistake as that." Detroit
Free Press.
Senator White, of California, is in
favor of electing United States sen
ators by popular vote.
An agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC.
Sold by Druggists or sent by mail. S5c.. 60c ,
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
tfga IBTbS 7119 Favorite TOOTH FOWSSS
MkXf M W for the Teeth and Breach. 25o.
For sale by Snipes & Klnersly.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back. etc.
With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY.
LalCAt Patents 1 llcHt Improvements 1
Will cure without medicine all Weakness resulting from
over-taxation or brain nerve forcesi excesses or Indis
creaon, as nervous debility, sleeplessness, languor
rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder complaints
lame beck, lumbago, sciatica, all female complaints
general ill health, etc. This electric Belt contains
nonderral InprorcaenU over all others. Current is
instantly felt by wearer or we forfeit ,000.00, and
will cure all of the above diseases or no pay. Thou-L-nds
have been cured by this marvelous Invention
after all other remedies tailed, and we fidve hundreds
of testimonials In this and every other state
Our Powerful Improred ELECTRIC SUSPENSORY, tho
greatest boon ever offered weak men, FREE with all
SS'J- a" "X" Ylrorooj Strength StAIUCTEED la 60 to
"Moors Send for Illus'd Pamphlet, mailed, sealed, free
Kb. lira Klrat Street. POttTI.imfi OJ1E.
The Boston Tailor,
East End Second Sr.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00 up.
-Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
Doctor "Well, my fine little fellow,
you have pot quite well again. I was
sure the pills I left for you would cure
you. How did you take them, in water
or in cake ? "
Boy " Oh, I used them in my blow
gun." The little fellow put the nasty, great,
griping, old-fashioned pills to a good use.
At most, all his internal economy need
ed was a dose of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets. They are tiny, sugar-coated
granules, easy to take, and are gently
aperient, or actively cathartic, according
to size of dose. As a laxative, only one
tiny Pellet is required.
The "Pellets" cure Sick Headache,
Bilious Headache, Constipation, Indi
gestion, Bilious Attack?, and all de
rangements of the Liver, Stomach and
The " Pellets " are purely vegetable,
and operate without disturbance to the
system, diet, or occupation.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the cheapest
pill, sold by druggists, because they are
guaranteed to give satisfaction in every
case, or their price (25 cents a vial) is
refunded. Can you ask more?
Ask your Dealer
General Artlnr
Hand Made
the Dalles
J. D. PARISH, Prop.
Leaves The Dalles at 6 a. m. every day, and ar
rives at Prineville in thirty-six hours. Leaves
Prinevlle at 5 a. m. every day, and arrives at
The Dalles in thirty-six hours.
Carlies the D. S. Mail, Passengers and Express
Connects at Prin-Ille with
Stages from Eastern and Southern Or-
egon, jMortnern uaiilornia and
all Interior Points.
Also makes close connection at The Dalles with
trins from Portland and Eastern points.
.' Courteous drivers.
.' Good accommodations along tne road.
. First-class Coacbes and Horses used.
. Express matter handled wia special care.
M. Sichel & Co.'s Store, Umatilla House,
Prineville. f he Dalles.
(Qiseman & Marders,
Saloon and Wine Rooms
The Dalles,
Northwest corner of Second nr1
Court streets.
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughbred fowls.
Liglit BrahmaB.
13 eggs $2.00
26 eggs 3.00
Address: E. M. HAKRIMAN,
G-2,lru Endersby, Or.
Vest Jumpers,
We are also Headquarters for
Art Teacher
Room 3, Bettingen Building,
Will give Lessons Mondays and Thursdays of
eich week, or oftener if desired.
The Dalles
Gigar : Faetory
A no ofthe Best Brands
v7JLVTi.JkJ manufactured, and
orderu from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
Is oalled to the fact that
Hugh Glenn,
Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement
and Building Material of all kinds.
Carrie tbe Finest Line of
Picture Mouldings
To be found In the City.
72 LClashington Street.
Seed Wheat,
" Oats,
" Corn,
" Rye,
" Potatoes,
Garden Seeds;
Grass . "
Seeds in Bulk.
Flay, Grain and Feed Store.
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
Ho. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles Or.
This well known stand, kept by the
well known W. H. Butts, long a resi
dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi
nary fine stock of
Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Disfnrbanc
In fact, all the leading brands of fin
Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th
old man a call and you will come again
William Tell
Your Father that we sell
Pantaloon Overalls,
Kasyfitting Pants.
Every garment guaranteed NEVER, to rip!
Boys' and Youth s
ewj size, style aid
"There is a tide in tJie affairs of men which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune"
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
unv-Oit Sale Hi - --m
Fnrnitnre k tats
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
Lace Curtains,
Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col
lars and Cuffs laundried by
of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles
with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St.,
before Tuesday noon, and get them on
5 HE NEW TOWX has been platted on the old camp ground, at the Forks and
Falls of Hood river, with large, sightly lots, broad streets and alleys, good soli
and pare water.with shade in profusion, perfect drainage.delightf ul mountain
climate, the central attraction as a mountain summer resort for all Oregon,
being the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It Is unparallelec as a manufacturing
center, being the natural center for 150 square miles of the best cedar and fir
timber, possessing millions of horse-power in its dashing streams and water
falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exists, there the manu
factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot be excelled
anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with transportation already assured
you will find this the place to make a perfect home or a paying investment
W. Ross Winans.
Pipe WorK, Tlii Repairs 0 Ming
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuse'
Blacksmith Shop.
5atisfac;tioi7 Guaranteed.
See me on the ground, or
address me at Hood River,
Wasco County, Oregon.