The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 22, 1893, Image 3

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Cool Prices.
The Dalles Daily Chraniele.
Intervd a the FoKtotflee at The Dalles, Oregon,
wotnl-PlaHB matter.
Local Advertising.
H Cent" per line for flrat insertion, and 5 Cents
ttr Hue for each subsequent Insertion.
8peclal rates for lone time notices.
All Immi ootlres received later than 3 o'clock
will aptwar tne following day.
Weather Furecant.
Official foreeatt for twenty-four hours ending at
6 p. in. tomitrrinu
TlinrKlHV fair and stationary tempera
tnrt". Friilay fair and cooler.
River continue to fall until Saturday,
when it will rise. Pagce.
Maximum temperature, fi7.
Miirjiunm temperature, 55.
Kiver. 34.8 feet above zero.
Wind. wept.
JUNE '22, 1893
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
he found on sale at I. C. Nickelsen's store.
Pith and Point Paragraphed by Our
Pencil PuAhera.
8he made a fortune In preserves
No woman e're did better:
She won bre ich-of-promis case
By "preserving" every letter.
Winans Bros, report a catch yesterday
of 5,000 pounds.
It is officially reported that the Baker
will go over the Cascades Sunday week.
Weather Clerk Paaue must be trying
to please everybody no two days are
Mr. B. Wolf has bought and shipped
over 20.000 sheep pelts this season, and
ays he expects to duplicate the ship
ment. A camp meeting begins today at
Wasco, Sherman county, also one at
Goldeudiile, both under Methodist man
agement. The saloon license 1 rial continues to
day l efore Judge Blakeley's court. It.
is a liard-fouuht contest, and will not
be concluded before tomorrow.
Antifermentine is the name of a new
article designed to pin up fruits with
out cooking. Snipes & Kinersly have
been giving away free samples for trial.
Gen. Wade Hampton tried his luck
at fishing while slopping at, Oregon City.
He hooked a 25-pound salmon, but the
fish broke the liue in the struggle to
land him.
An army court of inquiry to determine
responsibility for the Washington disas
ter will convene probably on today.
Public sentiment is yet strongly against
Col. Ainsworth.
The prices of strawberries are going
down, but the bottom of the boxes
might in market parlance be quoted as
"firm, with a slight upward tendency"
as orices decline.
f The practicability of putting on a line
of steamers on the upper Columbia is
being discussed. The steamer Howard
I has started for the upper Columbia
I -will proceed up the Okanogan river t
the British line.
Thi Rsiltrar CVnrl nctyirn cive. their
second annual excursion to Bonneville
on the 25th inst. A good time is confi
dently predicted. The railroad boys
always make everybody enjoy them
selves, willy nilly. Round trip tickets
have been placed at $1.
Mr. H. G. Brockman, the eastern
baking powder expert, is visiting The
Saturday, June 24, 1893.
1050 in the shade.
Light, Breezy.
Dalles introducing a new pure cream of
tartar baking powder, "The Golden
West," for Messrs. Closset & Devers of
Portland. His great success in Portland,
vicinity and Salem encourages him to
hope for the same here.
Messrs. Fargher Bros, shipped from
Saltmarshe & Co. 'a stock vards this
morning 17 cars of mutton sheep, num.
bering over 3,700 head. They are des
tined for the Chicago market and go b
the way of the Short Line railroad
They expect to make the run through in
less than ten days. AnotheY train load
is to follow in a few days, we are in
formed. The young ladies who are to give the
dime lawn social at Mrs. H. Glenn's to
morrow evening are anticipating a fine
time, if it does not rain. They say
strawberries and cream, iced, will be
the equivalent for a dime, and they wi
be able to supply the inhabitants of the
citv, if they have a chance, and th
none need stay a-vay because they have
no invitation. Lent's circus and me
nagerie will not be in it at all.
Discharged the Section Hands.
It is currently reported today that
the Union Pacific road has just made
another sweeping reduction in their help.
The section foreman here, Bailey by
name, Maloney on the division above,
and at Mosier and "Viento on the divi
sions below, have been instructed to dis
charge all their hands and do the best
they can without them. A little over a
week ago these gangs were reduced to
two men each, and now that all of them
have been laid off the state of the track
a few weeks hence will be frightful to
contemplate. In warm weather the rails
expand, breaking the fish plates, and
occasionally a rail will get out of place
and project past another one. In many
places the roadbed will get covered with
sand on a windy day, and no regular
force is provided to remove it. The
piesent managing of the road may be
d j?nated as economy gone mad, un
less it is proposed to soon discontinue
all train Bervice, for a roadbed un
watched and unattended will soon,
go to wreck and ruin.
Inland. Telephone Co.
The Portland & Spokane Telephone &
Telegraph company have their line
nearly completed up to Mosier and are
distributing poles on the east side of the
mountain, west of this city. They are
stringing two telephone and one tele
graph wires. They expect to have it
built to The Dalles in the next two
Tuesday ; Wm. Abraham ; old and re
spected rancher living near Albany ; tin
box full of sand ; loss $1,300.
Mob-like anti-Chinese meetings are
being held in Portland, which are pro
nounced a nuisance by the people there.
An express company at Salem, Or.,
has been compelled to put on two extra
wagons in order to handle the enormous
hipment of strawberries.
At Pomeroy a nine-year-old boy by
he name of Darby in trying to board a
heavy loaded truck fell under the truck
X i a , . . i, , T T
ana naa nis skuii . crusnea. tie was
taken to the office of Dr. Kuykendall,
where he lived only a short time.
Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
does. only 25c. Children love it. fcold
by SDipes A Ki"erlj .
. Get you.- batftUtg 1- ; ' - '
Weather Bureau.
Mitchell-Sommerr Hie.
This evening at 6 o'clock in the First
ngregational church, corner of Second
Jefferson streets, the marriage of
Mr. Hiram E. Mitchell and Miss Maud
Sommerville will be solemnized by Rev.
T. E. Clapp. Immediately following the
ceremonies the bridal party will proceed
to the union depot, where the happy
couple will take the Southern Pacific
overland for San Francisco and other
California points. Last evening United
States Senator John H. Mitcbelll gave a
dinner at the Portland in honor of the
twain, and tonight Hon. John Sommer
ville will entertain the relations and
ushers. The presents already received
are very numerous and beautiful.
S. Bolton, countv treasurer of Klicki-
tat county, was in The Dalles yesterday
Hon. John M. Gearin of Seat
known throughout Oregon, arrived to
day. M. D. Herring, a former newspaper
man of Texas and this coast, left today
for Boise, Idaho.
Miss Ella Lark, accompanied by her
niece, Miss Maybel Mack, left yesterday
for San Francisco, Calif.
Mr. Frank Fulton, wife and son, of
Sherman county were In the city last
evening calling on old-time friends.
Miss Daisy Hampshire returned from
Portland last night and left on the noon
train today for her home in Omaha,
Mrs. E. J. Robinson, Mrs. J. E. Bar
nett and Mr S. Winzler returned today
from attending the I. O. G. T. grand
lodge at Portland.
We are pleased to hear that Col. Ful
ton of Sherman county has so far re
covered from his late serious illness as
to be up and around again.
Sheriff Ward went to Salem Tuesday
with Otilia Bussekke for the insane
asylum and today with Edward Evans
of Mosier for the same point.
Columbia. H Barnhart, San Fran
cisco; C J Smith, Wm Waltz, G Neilsen
L Schram, W L Van Nostran, Gus
Grant, Portland ; John Evans, Peter
Byrne, Edward Evans, Mosier ; Alfred
Tucker, Vancouver ; W H Beers, C L
Bessett, Pendleton ; J H Forsythe and
wife, Klickitat; Geo Wilbur, Arlington.
The members of a church at Fostoria,
Ohio, 400 in number, are hereafter to
have individual wine glasses out of
which to receive the wine at commun
ion, it being considered that in these
days of microbes and germinal disease,
it would be dangerous to the health of
the congregation to use glasses in com
mon. It may be presumed that the
initial of the communicant will be
ground on the glass as a matter of fur
ther precaution against contaminating
influence. The Fostoria 400 are cer
tainly fastidious about what touches
their pious lips.
Dr. M. J. Davis is a prominent physi
cian of Lewis, Cass county, Iowa, and
has been actively engaged in the practice
of medicine at that place for the past
thirty-five years. On the 26th of May,
while in Des Moines en route to Chicago,
he was suddenly taken with an attack of
diarrhoea. Having sold Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
for the past seventeen years, and know
ing its reliability, he procured a 25 cent
bottle, two doses ot which ' completely
cured him. The excitement and change
of water and diet incident to traveling
often produce a diarrhoea. Every one
j should procure a bottle of this Remedy
'jeiui leaving home. For sale by
I Liakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Sleek Stranger Asks Several of Onr
Citizens fur Small Amounts.
About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon a
man came into the Chboxicle office and
.stating that his name was Harlan asked
for $6.50 to enable him to get to his
brother's stock ranch, 123 miles from
Portland. He particularly pressed his
relationship for the loan. He claimed
to be recently from Scotland, and
stranded in The Dalles, just short of his
goal. His brogue was the only evidence
of the truth of any of his statements,
and his request was unsuccessful. It
was later learned that he claimed fof bis
name Glenn, Mclnerny and Lochhead,
and recited the same tale to these gen
tlemen with like result. Later in the
evening he procured a buggy at one of
the livery stables and drove around the
streets. He is probably the same man
reported by the East Oregonian as fol
lows :
"Tuesday evening, about 6 o'clock, a
young, round-faced man, wearing a
gray suit and derby hat and possessed of
a tongue that wagged glibly, his talk
being marked by a pronounced Irish
brogue, drove in front of F. F. Wams
ley's residence with a gray horse and
top buggy, and asked permission to tie
his horse there until he had time to see
the Catholic priest, Father DeRoo.
The stranger failed to get any financial
aid from Father DeRoo and also Mr.
Wamsley, but it is said 'worked' the
priest at La Grande for a ticket to Pen
dleton. He is supposed to be the same
fellow that obtained $8 from Landlord
Cook of the Hotel Warshauer, Baker
City, by representing himself as "Mr.
Cook, from Nebraska.' This forenoon
the sharper tried to work the name
racket on Mayor Alexander, S. P. Gould,
J. V. Tallman, Sam P. Sturgis, C. H.
Carter and I. T. Barr, without success
in either case."
The Oregon Lumber Co's.
Plant Dei
troy ed by Fire.
Hood River, Or., June 22,
Special to The Dalles Chronicle.
The planing mill and lumber yard of
the Oregon Lumber company, situated
three miles below Hood River, burned
this morning about 3 o'clock. Loss be
tween $8,000 and $10,000. No insurance.
u'he origin of the fire is unknown, but it
s supposed it caught from a spark from
he engine, as the mill had been running
ill 12 o'clock last night. This leaves
ome twelve or fifteen men out of em
iloyment. The flames also spread to the flume
and at this writing it is still burning.
The roadbed of the Union Pacific a short
distance away is unharmed.
This Fish Goes Hunting.
The jaculator fish, the piscatorial
nner ef the Javan lakes, uses his
mouth as a squirtg-un, and is a marks
man of no mean ability. Go to a small
lake or pond filled with specimens of
jaculators: place a stake or-pole in the
water with the "end projecting' from 1
to 3 feet above the surface, place a
beetle or fly on top of the pole and
then await developments. Soon the
water will be swarming with finny
gunners each anxious for a shot at the
tender morsel which the. experimenter
has placed in full view. Presently one
comes to the surface, steadily observes
his prey and measures the distant 3.
Instantly he screws his mouth into the
funniest shapes imaginable, dis
charges a stream of water with pre
cision equal to any sharpshooter,
knocks the fly or beetle into the water,
where he is instantly devoured by the
successful nimrod or some of his
hungry horde. . This sport may be kept
up as long1 as the supply of beetles and
flies holds out. . . .
Sense of Smell in Dogs.
It has often been proven that dog's
are able to track their masters through
crowded streets, where it would be im
possible to attribute their accuracy to
anything' except the sense of smell
alone. Mr. Romanes, the naturalist,
once made some interesting experi
ments as to this wonderful power, as
exhibited in his own dog. In these
tests, the naturalist found that his
dumb friend could easily follow in the
tracks of his master, though he was far
out of sight, and that too, after no less
than eleven persons had followed,
stepping exactly in the tracks made by
Mr. Romanes, it being the deliberate
intention to confuse the senses of the
poor dog if possible. Further experi
ments proved that the animal tracked
the boots instead of the man, for when
Mr. Romanes put on new footgear the
dog failed entirely.
Different points upon the surface of
the earth revolve with different veloc
ities. At the poles the speed of rota
tion is nothing, but at the equator it is
greatest, or over 1,000,000 miles per
Strength and Health.
If you are not feeling strong and
healthy, try Electric Bitters. Jf "la
grippe" has left you weak and weary,
use Electric Bitters. This remedy acta
directly on liver, stomach and kidneys,
gently aiding those organs to perform
their functions. If you are afflicted with
sick headache, you will find speedy and
permanent relief by taking Electric
Bitters. One trial will convince you
that this is the remedy you need. Large
bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's
drug store.
Money to Loan.
I have money to loan on short time
loans. Geo. W. Rowland.
Furnished rooms to rent. Apply at
the residnca of Mra f! Tlmrnhnru
1 Second street, The Dalles, Or.
We are determined to make large sales, therefore we will
make cuts in prices that will eurprise you. Here are a
few prices to suit the hard times for the" present:
3LirsJLadie .25
26-lnehJLi 25
3, Bathing Towels (Trirkish), for Si$,
2 Fancy Tidies, for ........ .25
Parasols, Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Laces and Embroideries,
Dry Goods, Sec, &c, &c.
Everything in proportion. Save money while you have
the opportunity . MJtr 1 ins
Gome and bring your tnends.
Cor. Court and Second sts.
Tne Dalles, Oregon.
Sjri ai Slier Dry Ms,
Fancy G-oods
(jests' pii rifyi i?2 Qoocd5
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
Trm, cask. H. Herbriiig.
Owing to the lateness of the
season, we are a little late in
making onr spring announce
ment. But we come at yon
now with the Finest Line of
Gents' Fnrnishing G-oods ever
shown in this city, and select
ed especially for fine trade.
The Corrugated Ituilrilnf- next Door to Court House.
Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by tne Day, Week or Montn.
Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook.
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men.
Corner Barn, UNION STOCK YARDS, Chicago, III?
The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in
the world, will hold his first extensive sale of west
ern branded horses for season 1893, on
"WrIEjX33SriESJD-A.5Z", CTTJlSTHl 21.
Entries should be made at onee.
sale is good lor 30 days only.
You won't regret it.
and Notions,
A. T ;