The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 20, 1893, Image 3

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Saturday, May 20, 1893,
Pride of the Laundry 06 yi cts.
Reality ' . . .09 cents.
Fruit of the Loom . . . 10 cents.
Lonsdale .10 cents.
Lonsdale Cambric .1 1 cents.
Not more than 12 yards to one person,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Fostoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
MAY 20, 1893
Weather Forecast.
Official forecast for twenty-four hours ending
6 p. m. tomorrow.
Saturday occasional rain, with station
ary temperature. Sunday clearing and
slightly warmer weather. Upper rivers
falling" slightly. At The Dalles river
will cease rising today. Paque
Maximum temperature, 63.
Minimum temperature, 45.
Bain. .26
Wind, West.
River, 35.1 feet above zero. Yester
day 33.8.
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
be found on sale at I. C. Nickelsen's store.
Boiled Newileti to Be Digested at the
Sapper Table.
Now when they play upon the lawn
He knows the tennis law ;
For when ho went to Tennessee
He says he Tennlssaw.
The salmon catch is very light this
The Regulator made a trip to the Cas
cades today.
Mr. Skibbe has put a shaving
into his hotel.
Hugh Gourlay has a
the edi-
tori a 1 charge of the Goldendale Sentinel,
commencing with the issue of June
A quite general warm rain fell all over
this and Sherman counties last evening,
which was of benefit to growi
The Observer says if the Chinese gov
ernment should deport American mis
sionaries, there is plenty of work for
them at home.
It is conceded that the decision of the
supreme court in regard to the injunc
tion suit of the Soldiers Home will not
be reached until some time in June.
Anna Krauss had an accident the
other day in the school yard which came
near resulting in the loss of one of her
eyes. A little boy and a stick were the
The Dalles Mercantile feed yard, and
also the Columbia yard is filled with
freight teams today that have come into
the city from Crook county and the
John Day country.
The state grange will hold its annual
session on next Tuesday in this city.
Mayor Mays will deliver the address of
welcome, and be responded to by the
master of the grange. The assembly is
expected to be one of the most interest
ing and important gatherings ever held
in Oregon.
Some of the Chinese here have become
alarmed over the meager information
they have derived from the white popu
lation and have busied themselves in
packing their traps preparatory to leav
ing for China. They are not familiar
with American red tape, and imagine
they have no time to spare.
A good many head of horses and cattle
are running at large in the city, which
is a nuisance to property owners and
the general public, and expressly against
the provisions of a city ordinance. The
marshal has a great many duties to per
form and cannot see to everything, and
it remains to provide some other means.
Mr. J. K. Koontz our county assessor,
called on the Chronicle today and in
all goods Marked
in plain figures.
formed us that the people are well
pleased with the workings of the new
assessment law, and he experiences no
trouble in making a good assessment.
Mr. Frank French returned from the
Portland University on last night's pas
senger train.
Rev. J. M. McDonald of Goldendale,
will fill the pulpit of the M. E. church
tomorrow morning and evening.
Mrs. L. M. Lochhead departed today
on the noon passenger for Prince Ed
wards islands when she will remain dur
ing the summer.
Turn your ice trade to Allison. If I
am supported your ice will be cheaper
every year. No humbug. The better I
am patronized, the cheaper your ice
will De.
Messrs. Grant and Ed. Mavs returned
from California by last night's passenger.
Mr. Ed. Mays graduated from the
Berkeley University of California last
week. .
Mies Etta Crabtree will arrive from
Portland tonight and will be met by her
father, Mr. D. P. Crabtree, who will ac
company her to their home in Tygh
Mark Perry and wife arrived from the
Willamette.valley today and will settle
on 15-Mile. They have sold out their
Willamette farm and moved some stock,
wagons, etc., to this point.
Mrs. I. M. Wagner and Mrs. John
Neal arrived on the noon train from
Salem, and were to meet friends from
8-Mile, who, however, did not arrive.
They will attend the state Grange.
Columbia C Vauehn, Salem : Lewis
ivertt, John Mc Cornel, Mrs. Perry, J
sen, J t-mith, W C Chapman and wife
rtlang: Unarles jarson, J A Davis,
11 Creek: (j w 5rown, Kobert Gracv.
Bridelveil ; John Gilmore, 10 Mile ; C
Morehead, Goldenhead ; C H Bohnert,
John Day, A W Whetstone, David Mc
Calvy, 9 Mile.
rhe largest and best selected stock of
zs at Snipes & Kinnersly. 129 Second
feet. wl
State of the River.
The river at 3 o'clock this afternoon
is 35.2 feet above zero, and has risen
one-tenth since 9 o'clock this morning,
which is really on a stand. Reports
from the upper river indicate that the
last few cool days have had the effect to
check the rise, and we may look for it
receding for a few days, but as this is
only past the middle of May, higher
water must be expected between this
and the 25th of next month.
Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by SnipeB & Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly.
The City Election.
The time for the city election "draws
on apace," and so far but little interest
has been manifested in a public way.
There will be a mayor to elect, two
councilmen, recorder, marshal and
water commissioners. From present ap
pearances the chief fight will be over the
position of recorder, as half a dozen
names have been mentioned for the
position. No interest has yet arisen
over the other offices, but warmer times
are expected after the convention.
Look Over Tour County Warrants.
All county warrants registered prior
to Jan. 1, 1890, will be paid if pre
sented at my office, corner Third and
Washington streets. Interest ceases on
and after tomorrow (10th of May).
The Dalles, May 9, 1893.
William Michell,
5 9-2m Treasurer Wasco County, Or.
First Baptist church, Bev. O. D. Tay
lor, pastor. Services willjbe held at the
Academy hall tomorrow morning at 11
o'clock. Preaching by the pastor. Sun-
ay school follows the morning service.
Methodist Episcopal church, corner
ifth and Washington streets, Bev. J.
Whisler, pastor. Preaching by the
Bev. J. M. McDonald of Goldendale
at 11 a. m., and 8 -.00 p. m. ; class
meeting Sunday at 10 a. m., and Tues
day at 8 p. m.; Sunday school im
mediately after morning service; Ep
worth League devotional service at 7
p. m. ; class and prayer meeting at the
usual time. All cordially invited.
First Congregational church, corner
Court and Fifth streets, Bev. W. C.
urtis, pastor. Sunday services con
ducted by Bev. Henry Gilt of Hood
ver. At 11 o'clock a. m. worship
nd a sermon. Sunday school imme
diately after the morning service.
Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor at 6:15 p. m. ; topic, "Tarry
ing Near Temptation," Prov. xxiii,30,31 ;
Matt. xxvi,41. All persons not wor
shipping elsewhere are cordially invited.
A MIscheviouR Bird.
The fruit trees of this state seem to be
prey for many enemies. The latest is in
the form of a bird. A Polk county cor
respondent to a Salem paper says that
Commissioner Simpson has informed
him that the growers of that section
have a new fruit pest to deal with in
the shape of a small bird, which picks
the entire blossoms from the trees,
seemingly because of lack of anything
else to do. The bird is a new arrival,
and it is not known to what species it
belongs ; but it is certain that in a short
time they can make havoc in an orchard.
He thinks they should be exterminated
now, while their num bers are yet small
compared with what they will be in fu
ture years if let alone. '
Money to Loan.
I have money to loan on short time
loans. Geo. W. Rowland.
Bass' Cheeks.
Bass' cheeks is the very latest gas
tronomical novelty. They do not figure
on cafe menus yet and are found
only at the most gorgeous and extrava
gant private dinners. The dish comes
very high because it takes about a ton
of bass to furnish a small dish of
cheeks. The cheek of a bass is a tiny
nugget of the tenderest and most deli
cately flavored meat, found in the lower
part of the head on either side. This
is lifted out and the remainder of the
bass is tossed away. One Philadelphia
hotel man has achieved a reputation in
that city and New York by his prepara
tion of bass' cheeks, and every time he
receives a big order, he creates a corner
in the bass market.
House paints, wall paper, window
glasses at Snipes & Kinnersly, 129 Sec
ond street. lw
Good Job Printing.
If yon have your job printing done at
The Chronicle you will have the ad
vantage of having it done with the most
modern and approved type, with which
we keep continually supplied. All jobs
under the direct supervision of one of
the most successful and artistic printers
in the Northwest.
World's Fair.
The Northern Pacific seems to be the
favorite route to the world's fair. Their
passenger equipment is excellent. The
tourist sleeping cars have been up
holstered and are very comfortable
For rates and other information call at
the Regulator office. 2tdewtf.
Bond Election Carried Two Houses
Plundered Other Notes.
Rev. T. L. Elliott and family of Port
land, came up on the noon train Tues
day to remain during the summer.
A good thunder shower on Mpnday,
making everything fresh.
The warm sunny days of last week
makes Hood River show up in her old
time splendor.
Some parties went to the place of
Messrs. Will Slingerland and Caddy, on
the mountain six miles southwest of Hood
Biver while they were absent from their
places and plundered their homes.
The Regulator is now landing at the
A. B. Byrkett and wife of Ohio arrived
on Wednesday to remain during the
The special school election on last
Saturday called to bond the district for
4,500 carried by 33 majority in favor to
bond the district for ten years to build a
new school house.
The Congregational association will
meet at Hood Biver Thursday and Fri
day. They expect a good attendance
and will be in session two days.
Br. E. Morse returned home on the
noon passenger Saturday from attending
the meeting of the Grand Lodge of I. O.
O. F. at Eugene.
The Oregon Lumber Co. are putting
up a new telephone wire from the mill
to town.
Photos of the Gejsang Verein at Floyd
& Shown's. Call and see them. dlw
A Chance for Young; Men.
Hon. Binger Hermann, the representa
tive of the first Oregon district in con
gress, announces that two vacancies are
about to occur in the United States
naval and military academy at Annapo
lis, Md., and West Point, N. Y., respect
ively and that he had been requested by
the secretary of the navy to nominate a
candidate to Annapolis, and by the sec
retary of war to nominate a cadet to
West Point. Any young man can com
pete in the competitive examination
who is an actual resident of this con
gressional district. Mr. Hermann will
appoint an examining board to meet
the first week in June, to whom he will
submit such applications as has been
made to him up to the first of June,
from young men who are eligible to ap
ply for the army or navy appointment.
The application for permission to stand
the examination must be made to Mr.
Hermann at Boseburg, Or., and must
state the cadetship which the applicant
seeks and which he desires to contest
for. For the navy cadetship the appli
cant must be between 15 and 20 years of
age, physically sound, of good moral
character, of minimum height of 5 feet
and be well versed in common school
branches. For the military cadetship
the applicant must be between 17 and 22
years of age, at least 5 feet in height, of
good moral character and must pass a
very rigid examination. The applicant
must be an actual bona fide resident of
the congressional district of Oregon.
For Rent.
Five room house, corner of Court and
Fifth. Inquire of Mrs. Krauss. It
His Figures.
Assessor Henrichs dropped in to find
out what property we had, last Friday.
He says he is assessing improved farm
or other land at $800 per quarter section.
Grazing land not good for any other
purpose, be assesses at $3.00 an acre.
Bange horses he values at $15 to $20 a
head, work horses at $40 to $50 a head ;
cattle $10 per head and he is assessing
credits at 50 per cent, of their face.
Moro Observer.
Largest retail sales of cigars. Best
selection and finest is the reason for it.
Snipes & Kinnersly, 129 Second street.
Grammar Grade Certificates.
The following persons received certi
ficates for the completion of public
school work yesterday : Georgia Bon
ney, Lena McCoy, Charles Wagonblast,
Arthur Stabling, Lizzie Sampson.
Owing to the present stage of water
we have been compelled to discontinue
through connection to Portland. Steamer
Regulator will make a trip, Dalles to
Cascades and return, every Saturday.
Through business will be resumed a
soon as possible. D. P. & A. N. Co.
Shade and ornamental trees, flower
ing shrubs and vines, hedge plants., etc.,
cheap at Mission Gardens.
Leading Jeweler.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
138 Second St.. The Dalles, Or.
ffljfffMBljBV?BiE traw: f'.--iy rt.'iBlWSSP
Our 20O puts book " THREE CLASSES OF MEN," should be read by every yaauf,
middle. aired and old man, sent sealed, free. Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt is so experiment
as we have restored thousands to robust health and Tteor, after all other treatments failed, as can ba
shown by hundreds of eases throughout this and other States,who would gladly testify, and from, maa j
of whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt
ncucDAi npsit itv niRFn.
. ban Fn n cisoo. Oal., August 14. 3892,
Dr. A. T. Sanden. Dear Sir : Before I used your belt
I was troubled with lost vigor, vital weakness, and
almost a complete loss of power. I would get op with
a very tired feeling, bones aching, etc.; since nsing
yoor belt I have had a new lease of lif . X now enjoy
life better than I have forten -fears past. I have the
utmost confidence in your treatment. Yon can pub-
nun tms state mentis I so Have others write or call on
me. Truly yours, H. A. BO WEN, 26 and 28 Turk St.
. Portland, Oregon, April 18 1890.
Dr. A. T. Sanden, Dear Ssft I got o n e of your belts
two ween ago zorrneumausm. zrom wmcn 1 sunerea
for several years. For the past six months I had not
been able to work- Your belt has placed me in almost
perfect health In the two weeks I have used it. I can
walk comfortably, and feel like a new man generally.
M. K. HUGHES, Proprietor International Hotel
. . "Tacoma. Wash., October 24, 1892.
Dr. A. T. Sanden. Dear Sir : I have been using your
Electric belt for general nervous debility, and to-dav
feel better than I have for five years. 1 have gained
in vigor daily, and am strong in overypart.
Yours gratefully, OH AS. LTTETKA.
is ft complst (r&lvanic battery, made into a belt so as
Hetunded. 'mey are graded in strength to meet
vtuv -uu " viob lialll m bWU Jl MUWa
It ia a well-deserved victory for them.
The way they throw their entire stock
before the public, they cannot help but
sell lots of goods, as we saw with our
own eyes goods going out at 50 per cent,
less than they can be bought elsewhere.
We have learned that there is no less
than 20 cases on the way of assorted
Men's and Boys' Clothing1,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Laces and Embroideries,
Trunks and Valises, Etcv
Cor. Conn and second Sts.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Spiii ii
Fancy G-oods and Notions,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in
All goods will be sold at
T Cask. H.
Owing to the lateness of the
season, we are a little late in
making our spring announce
ment. But we come at you
now with the Finest Line of
Gents' Furnishing Goods ever
shown in this city, and select
ed especially for fine trade.
with Electro M o (tactic Suspen
sory -will care without rn -Mi In
altortbeabovetrouii. T'-tr tho
Buffer from l oiilitr
I.osses, Drains. Iom nuliiwj,
ervousnesB. i t?p ..,
Poor Memory, sill reasdOs4gs.
plaints, and nreuornl lot Lcnlf fe
ttle effects of abuse, exceii, worry
or exposure, will Umirc!i:i'u.'. n vr-'icM
cure In oar marvelous imrntic.n,
which requires but a trlul to coortrrra
the most skeptical. In ixnorauueof ef
fects you may have on-.uJv Craioc
yoursTstern of nerve force and v iialti y
which Is electricity ami thisi
caused yourweaknessorluckof fon at
If yon replace into your system Uw
elements thus drained, which are re
quired tor vigoroasstrenjfth. you w ill
remove the cause and health, strentn 1
and vigor will follow at once. This
is our plan and treatment, and we
mi orunton a r 1 1 m rf rnf i:tt! mnnmw-
kJ . - .Portland Oregon, September 26,SJ0L
Dr. A. T. Sanden. Dear Sir -Yean of exposal- nd
hard work, combined with the strain com in k from th
jar of an engine, gave me a severe case or lane bacJr,
from which I suffered for seven Tears. I was i o bait,
that I could not bend my back. W as all don bled up
with it. I bought one of your belts. It Leljpvd :
inside or two days, and I continued to w. i. r it for t . r
months, being perfectly cured. That whb tr. pasi-ii
aco.and I am as wel to-day as I ever wits in v.? lite,
Know your oeic well, ana i Knew lots of p pie w. u
have been cured by it. Many others need it, and t
they would try it they would find it the sane as I did
the best remedy in the world. I am locctcd he.M
permanently, and will be glad to talk with tm cme-Miia
wants to inquire abou 1.
BO BERT BURREI, Engineer Hotel Portland.
- - Everett, Wash. Jane 13,1832.
b it I have been greatly benefited. I feel my old en
ergy fast returning; and after a month's oae of tbe
belt I find myself twice as vigorous as before. My
j r. a. x. cxsxxuq ) , issur nir
memory is now nearly perfect, and each day shown
for the better.
i i ei mucn stronger tna oeroo
Yours truly, HENRY bCHULTZ.
using the belt.
to be easily worn daring work or Btrot. and Stt
s, or we ioneit
weak meo.andl
parts, or Money
all stages of weakness in younz, middle-aged or o,
Tounz. middle-aired or ula
172 First St., PORTLAND, 0RE60I.
Aaaresfl ior rau iniormation.
Cor. Second and Court Sts.
The Dalles, Oregon.
and that thy will slaughter them at
away below manufacturers' prices. The
sale will commence of these well-bought
goods, as above stated, on tomorrow,
Friday, May 5th. and continue until
further notice. Watch this space, and be
on hand early if you are looking for
bargains. "A word to the wise," etc.
every department.
greatly reduced prices.
er Dry Ms,