The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 09, 1893, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
- MAY 9. 1893
Weather Forecast.
Official forecast for twenty-four hours ending at
6 p. m. tomorrow.
Tuesday fair, warmer. Wednesday
fair followed by rain and stationary
temperature. Paoue.
Maximum temperature, 66.
Minimum temperature, 42.
River, 18.9 feet above zero.
Rainfall, .00.
Boiled Xewnlets to Be Digested at tbe
Supper Table.
'Twas on a Santa Fe express.
In Kansas, one bright day,
A curly head quite snugly
On a manly shoulder lay.
The situation was, it seems.
Too tempting to resist,
So when no one was looking they
Each other slyly kissed.
Just then the bnikemun shouted out
"Eudora!" Quite enraged.
And blushing scarlet, Dora said:
" hat ol m
We're eneaeed.
Kansas City Journal.
Salmon ru
na-ferv" liehO
jl-J. IL-Blafcener
last night.
The Glee Club meets with Mrs. Gar
retson this evening.
Messrs. Saltmarsh & Co., shipped two
cars of beef cattle from their yards last
night to Portland.
Engineer Sherman came in today,
with his engine beautifully decorated
with apple boughs
The work train isenzazed in hauline
dirt fromJaosierjto the DeChiUes' for
filling purposesVhe recent wjtler-spotrt
having washed away ai&ut ICO feet of
track, besides endangering theJrestle
The monthly report of Superintended
Rowland, of the state insane asylum,
shows that there were 841 patients in
the asylum April 30th, 586 males and
255 females. During the month 28 were
received and seven died
The Wasco Independent Academy will
hold its graduating exercises on the loth
of next month, at which time the fol
lowing students will take the degree of
Bachelor of Philosophy : Nathaniel H.
Gates, Wm. C. Fredden, Mabel G.
Mack, Laura E. Thompson, Anna F
Taylor, Evelyn B. Newman
The report fromTTmatilla on the stage
of the river at that place indicates a fall
of one foot and seven tenths up to 8
o'clock yesterday morning. At this
point, a rise of eight tenths since yester
day morning is marked on the gauge.
Evidently it must come from the Des
Chutes and John Days. Otherwise a
fall would be shown here.
A kindergarten school would prove a
blessing in The Dalles, and would pay in
more ways than one. The public schools
are overcrowded and there are many
who would gladly take their little ones
from these and place them in the kin
derten were the opportunity presented.
A subscription for this could be quickly
raised if some one would interest them
elf in the matter.
In justice Davis' court yesterday in
the caBe of W. E. Garretaon vs. David
La Velle, the jury rendered a verdict in
favor of tbe plaintiff. The damage case
of Louis Payette vs. the D. P. and A. N.
Co., was formerly tried this morning be
fore Justice Davis, and judgment ren-
dered in favor of plaintiff. The case
will be appealed to the circuit court.
'Old Reel Foot."
"Old Reel Foot" was the name of a
bear that has struck terror to the heart
of many a rancher in the Siskiyous in
years agone. This bear was a very large
one and frequently slaughtered large
beeves. He was hunted by many hardy
trappers on various occasions, and al
ways came off first best, except in one
instance where he lost one of the claws
and injured one of his fore feet. There
after he had a limping gait and could
be traced by a peculiar track which es
tablished his identity. This largest of
grizzlies was ever after most wary, and
so cute had he become that on one oc
casion, it is related, when a bait of
fresh meat had been artfully arranged
on a suspended limb so as to discharge
the contents of a gun into him, he sta
tioned himself on the other side of the
tree, pulled the bait to one side and
downward, the tree being between him
and the bait. The charge struck the
ground and "Reel Foot" got the prize.
Later he was killed by a party of three
and a dangerous bit of work it was. For
the last three years he has been on ex
hibition in various coast towns, and
is today in The Dalles. He will be
taken to the world's fair.
Hooks, Wake Up.
It is singular that, considering tbe ef
ficacy of the different hose companies in
the city, the interest taken and the en
thusiasm manifested by their several
members, that tbe hook and ladder ser
vice is so derelict. Jud. Fish, the effi
cient chief of the fire department, re
ports a commendable interest and pride
in me nre department nere except in
bis one regard. The hose companies
re represented Dy trie very nest ot our
ounger citizens, and there is no good
ason why a hook and ladder company
could not be just as serviceable. Now is
the time to make an effective organiza-
ion, and get out and go through the
rill. As regards public effect a hook
d ladder makes a very pretty showing,
and oftentimes steals tbe honors of the
more unpretentious hose cart and reel.
A Shower of Toads.
Umatilla has tbe champion liar. A
Eispatch says : After a heavy ehower of
lin last night hundreds of toads were
(seen hopping around on the ground.
As they are of a species not common in
mis section oi tne country it is
thought they must have come from the
Reform School Again Open.
In a few days the reform school board
at Salem will issue a circular revoking
the order of November 1st, and declar
ing the state reform school once more
open for the reception of incorrigible
Strength and Health.
you are not feeling strong
If you are not feeling strong and
healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la
grippe" has left you weak and weary
use JMectric Bitters. This remedy acts
directly on liver, stomach and kidneys,
gently aiding those organs to perform
their functions. If you are afflicted with
sick headache, you will find speedy and
permanent relief by taking Electric
Bitters. One trial will convince you
that this is the remedy you need. Large
bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's
drug store.
Shade and ornamental trees, flower
ing shrubs and vines, hedge plants, etc.,
cneap at .mission tjaraens
e BY5
Waplnltla Spice.
Wapinitia, May 7th, 1893.
Stock is fat.
Sheep shearing is in full blast.
The growing crops are well watered
from the springs of heaven.
This part of the country is shorter of
hay than it haB been for many years.
Look out for wedding bells. Lou H.
travels across the butte quite often of
James Brown will leave for Webfoot
in a few days with a bunch of horses.
Jim gets there in the horse line.
The Clear lake ditch is being pushed
along rapidly. They will put on more
teams in a few days and hasten the work
as rapidl v as possible.
A Sub.
D. C. Herrin, wife and family left for
Portland yesterday.
Mr. W. D. Jones of Antelope called on
the Chronicle office today.
Miss Maie Williams came up from
Portland on the noon train today.
Mrs. Hilton returned home today,
after spending a few days in Portland.
E. B. Dufur went to Heppner on the
noon train, and will return Thursday.
J. E. Kennedy, of Nansene, came in
this morning to attend the meeting of
tbe state grange. He anticipated the
event a little, and will return in time to
take in the opening ceremonies on the
24th. - .
Father BronszeesTTeft the city early
this morning, In order to make an ex
tended missionary trip over the country.
He will visit Antelope, Bake Oven,
Burnt Ranch, Grass Valley, etc., and
intends to return in about 10 days.
Columbia Charles Phelps, P Samp
son, Red Bluff, Cal ; H S Churchward,
Eureka, Cal ; R H Gibbs, J E Barnum,
Charles Coyle, F Miller, C Hall, E
Handy, Portland; A E Bevous, Nelson,
Wash ; F H Smith, Tygh Valley; A B
Jones, Hood River ; G A Snider, Lyle ;
F Bowers, R H Bradley, Cascade Locks ;
William Ualtinn, Pendleton.
Will occur at the M. E. church,
Wednesday evening, May 10th at 8
o'clock. Following is the
Music, Guitar and Mandolin Club
Kecitancn oeorge uumr
Duet, Mrs. Bradshaw and Mrs. Boyer
Hammer and Needle Chorus,
Double Quartette
Recitation, Mrs. Briggs
Select Reading, "Nimble Tongue."
i Messrs. itiaaeii, van
Anda, Collins, Parrott, Winzler and Brown
Male Quartette, "Old Joe."
Messrs. B. Johnson,
G. Snowden, M. Jameson and Ed. Patterson
Music, Mandolin and Guitar Club
The Hammer and Needle chorus will
be conducted by Prof. Gaven. The
select reading is an entirely new selec
tion, exceedingly mirth-provoking. Af
ter the literary and musical program
ice cream and cake will be served in t
basement. Twenty-five cents pays t
bill in full. The proceeds are to be de
voted to the incidental expenses of the
World's Fair.
The Northern Pacific seems to be the
pvorite route to the world's fair. Their
tassenger equipment is excellent. The
ourist sleeping cars have been up
holstered and are very comfortable
For rates and other information call at
the Regulator office. 2tdewtf .
Look Over "Y our County Warrants.
All county warrants registered pr'or
to Jan. 1, 1890, will be paid if pre
sented at my office, corner Third and
Washington streets. Interest ceases on
and after tomorrow (10th of May).
The Dalles, May 9, 1893.
William Michell,
5 9 -2m Treasurer Wasco County, Or.
Pleasant Ridge Vapor.
Pleasant Ridge, May 9, 1893.
Fall grain is looking well.
Sheep shearing commences next Mon
day. Orlando Morgan was on the Ridge
Farmers are busy plowing, and will
commence sowing grain this week.
Miss Roberts is the best school teacher
we have had on the Ridge for years.
Kills Allowed.
At the recent session of tbe county
court the following bills were allowed
and warrants ordered drawn for the
amounts :
E Sohutz, justice fees $ 46 45
J II Root, witness fees.
Jos Kohler, do
T Richardson do
Ah Loo, do
E Schutz, justice fees 12 60
R V Gibons, witness fees .
J Parodi do
G V Bolton do
L I Davis, justice fees 12 35
n, benutz, do
R V Gibons, witness fees
Geo Routb, do
L S Davis, drawing juror
A Larsen, do
Lucas Henry, justice fees
J W Blakeney, drawing jurors.
E S Olinger, constable fees. . . .
ChiB Dethman, juror
Wm Copple, do
John Kroegen, do
J B Hunt, do 4. . .
Robert Wright do
Geo Coleman do
W Odell, witness fees
8 90
1 70
1 70
3 00
2 00
9 85
2 00
11 80
Wm Jackson, do
C D Heinrich,
J C Cameron,
John Dlverr,
Jack Lentz,
C Knopp,
John Lentz,
James Cook,
J A Dimick,
J F Trana, constable fees
M J Anderson, juror inquest. .
WLVanderpool "
E C Warren,
N M Lathins,
J H Johnson, "
W J Craft,
J W Staats, witness
Geo Lemming, do
C P Balch, do
E M Eastwood, coroner
E Jacobsen, juror inquest. . . .
S G Campbell, do
H Stoneman, do
E N Chandler, do
J H Blakeny, do
R E Saltmarshe, do
16 60
45 45
W Weidikend, witness . . .
J Freiman, do
T J McCoy da
J A Crossen, do
H Fiege, do
S D Fisher do
Geo Ruch, do
F H Sherman, do
Dr S C Brosius, do
Dr L Vanderpool, inquest 6 00
Dalles Water Commisssion. . . 10 00
Mrs E B Fulton, care non-resident
paupers 28 00
F Ross, repair to court house. . . 20 75
Scott & Bauman, supplies clerk. 3 75
I C Nickelsen, supplies school
superintendent 5 25
W A Kirby, supplies pauper ... 5 00
G W McBride, certified copy as
sessors' law 3 50
Snipes & Kinersly, supplies 6 25
C C Cooper, supplies, pauper. . . 5 00
Mays & Crowe, supplies roads. . 33 91
Jos T Peters, supplies 20 50
Maier&Benton, supplies paupers 19 75
J M Filloon & Co, supplies road
district 14 00
Bridal Veil Lumber Co, supplies 48 19
Li Uates & Co, supplies road
district 3 55
rbison Bros, supplies road
istrict 20 00
o P Morgan, making maps. . . 22 50
eston, Dyzert Co, supplies... 18 00
Ben C Irwin, supplies clerk. ... 27 45
W H Wilson, dist atty fees, jus
tice courts 25 00
Dalles Pub Co, printing 43 00
Chronicle Pub Co 17 20
EFSharp,re-establishing corners 45 00
W H Byars, field notes 25 00
Olinger & Bone, plough 22 50
Troy Shelly, school supt 145 90
J E Barnett, assessor. ......... 56 00
Dr O C Hollister, medical at
tendance 7 50
Mrs L Birgfeld, witness 4 20
Otto Birgfeld do 2 20
A Ullrich do 2 20
Ben Wilson, do 2 20
J H Mosier, do 5 20
F H Wakefield, juror 2 20
E F Sharp, witness 2 60
F H Shary, do 2 60
W H Sharp, do 2 60
V Uibons, do 2 20
imes-Mountaineer, supplies... 41 50
M Patterson, (j A K relief 56 95
M T Nolan, stationary 7 00
Blakeley & Houghton, medicine 11 10
T W Glavey, conveying insane. 10 00
L Sandoz, blasting 6 00
Henry, (j A K relief 16 00
B Rand, work road district. . . 28 50
heriffs bill 1241 32
Clerk's bill 581 95
John Parker, lumber 2 75
A J Moses, team 3 00
Chas Dodd & Co, mower 10 50
R F Wickham, advance on ac
count of pay of road super visors 60 00
Court adjourned until May 16, 1893.
Sheep Drives.
One of E. Boettcher's outfits, with Ed
Smith as foreman, started Sunday from
Pendleton for Morrow county, from
which county there will be 'one drive of
7,500 head of sheep to the East. Two
rives of sheep, some 16,000 head, will
e taken from Umatilla county, and
4,000 head will be left behind. Sunday
the work of shearing the Boettcher
sheep was finished. A good crop of
wool was obtained, the average being
about nine pounds. East Oregonian.
Real Estate.
May 8. A P Morse to A P Morse, lot
3, block 21, Hood River; $103.70.
May 9. Frank L Holmes and Sadie
M. Holmes to Mary Hoska, 8 ae sec
17, tp 2 n range 12 east W M ; $2150.
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
SAppepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 74c. Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
! It is a well-deserved victory for them,
i The way they throw their entire stock
before the public, they cannot help but
sell lots of goods, as we. saw with our
own eyes goods going out at 50 per cent,
less than they can be bought elsewhere.
We have learned that there is no less
than 20 cases on the way of aseorted
Men's and Boys' Clothing",
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Laces and' Embroideries,
Trunks and Valises, Etc.,
Cor. conn and second sts.
The Dalles, Oregon.
S P l n g
Owing to the lateness of the
season, we are a little late in
making our spring announce
ment. But we come at you
now with the Finest Line of
Gents' Furnishing Goods ever
shown in this city, and select
ed especially for fine trade.
Have You. Seen
Spring Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
The Corrugated Building next Door to Court House.
Handsomely Fnrnisned Rooms to Rent by tne Day, Weei or Month.
Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook.
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men.
1 Rambler, solid tire (convertible for lady or
gentlemen) in good condition, for . . . $60 00
1 Warwick, cushion tire, convertible, in good
conditioc, $75 00
"We are agents for the Queen City Pneumatic high
grade -wheel, -which -will compare favorably -with
wheels sold at $150 which we will sell at $110, and
the Courier Pneumatic, medium grade, at $90.
Ui Guarantee our pneumatic "PreS for y?ar.
Cor. Second and Conn Sts.
The Dalles, Oregon.
and that they will slaughter them at
away below manufacturers' prices. The
sale will commence of these well-bought
goods, as above stated, on tomorrow,
Friday, May 5th, and continue until
further notice. Watch this space, and be
on hand early if you are looking for
bargains. "A word to the wise," etc.
This Popular House
Has lately been thoroughly renovated and newly
furnished throughout, and is now better than
ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel
accommodations of any bouse in the
city, and at the very low rate of
$1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c.
Office of the fast and commodious opposition Stage
to Dufur, Kingsley, Tygh Valley, Wapinitia,
Warm Springs and Prineville is in the Hotel
and persons going to Prineville can save
$4.00 by going on this Stage line.
All trains stop here.