The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 04, 1893, Image 1

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    VOL. V.
NO. 93.
Do You Wear Shoes?
We can fit your foot.
We can give, you any style.
We can show you every width.
We can sell you every size.
money on every pair of SHOES pur
chased from US.
See oar Shoe Display, Genter Gouirter.
Seed Wheat,
" Oats,
" Corn,
" Rye,
" Potatoes,
Garden Seeds,
Seeds in Bulk.
Hay, Grain and Feed Store.
la called to the fact that
Hugh Glenn,
Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement
and Building Material of all kinds.
Carrie the Finest line of
Picture Mouldings
To be f oand in the City.
72 Ldashington Street.
Campbell Bros. Proprs
(Successors to w. i. Cram.)
Manufacturers of the finest French and
Home Made
G .A. ZLST ID I IB s ,
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale
or Retail
In Krery Style.
les Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street, The Dalles, Or. '
A. M. Williams & C9
"The Regulator Line"
Tlie Dalles, Fortlani and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freignt ana Passenger Line
Through dally service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Locks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
Dalles. .
One way. . . .1.... ..... .$2,00
Round trip.. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
General Agent.
General Manager.
Merchant Tailor,
- 70 Count Street, -
Next door to Wasco Sun Office. -
Has jriBt received a fine line of SampleB
for spring and summer Suitings.
Come ail See tie Hew Fashions.
Cleaning and tepaiiring
to order. Satisfaction guaranteed.
FSEtfCfi & CO.,
Letters of Credit issued available in ' he
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange - and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland. Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav-
raDie terms.
H. If. BXA.U.
First Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
uepoaits received, subject to signt
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
iew x org, Kan francisco and Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Schknck,
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe.
H. M. Bkall.
Rational it Bank,
President - -Vice-President
Cashier, - -
Z. F. Moody
Charles Hilton
M. A. Moody
General Banking Business Transacted.
' Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favoreble terms
at all accessible points.
a A 1 1 1V
nrf!o anil Uiitn wholesale
Nauuico aim nuid
TOBACCO, : : :
Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles
2? Street J.FOLCO
At right side
airs. Dan-
Tie PresiflBnt SuMts the Names of a
' Batch of DemocratsT
Now on Trial, and Promises Very
Fairly Initial Trip of the
Cruiser Detroit '.
More Appointments.
Washington, April 3. The president
today sent the following nominations to
ttiA opnato
William Edmund Curtis, of New York,.
to be assistant secretary of the treasury,
vice Genio M. Lambertson, resigned.
Charles S. Hamlin, of Massachusetts,
to be assistant secretary of the treasury,
vice John H. Gear, resigned. -
James H. Reickels, of Illinois, to be
comptroller of currency.-
James F. Meline, of the District of
Columbia, to be assistant treasurer of
the United States.
L. Stobo Farrow, of South Carolina,
to be second auditor of the treasury.
John B. Brawley, Of Pennsylvania, to
be auditor of the treasury for the post-
office department.
James J. Willie, of Florida, to be dep
uty fifth auditor of the treasury.
Henry W. Eglor, of New Jereey, to be
collector of customs for the district- of
New Jersey.
Dudley O. Watson, of Michigan, to be
collector of customs for the district, of
John Tracey, of. New York, to be
superintendent of charities for the Dis
trict of Columbia, vice A. J. Warner; re
Smokeless Powder.
Washington, April 3. A Virginia
man appears to have made the best
smokeless powder which the army has
tested up to date. The test was recently
made at the Frankfort, Pa., arsenal with
excellent results, and a request was sent
for additional and larger quantities of
the powder. The composition came
from Leonard Mason, who has not been
known as a chemist to ordnance experts
Another successful sample has been re
ceived from the California Powder com
pany, and the firm is engaged in devel
oping the powder recently tested with
good results. The failure of congress to
appropriate any money for the equip
ment of the powder laboratory which
General Flagler desired to establish at
Frankford must necessarily delay the
discovery of a successful powder. The
navy has been a little more fortunate in
this particular, and has a - laboratory at
Newport in charge of a chemist who
spends most of his time in developing a
smokeless powder, which has already
been tried with results that exceed in
merit the best of the smokeless powders
tried abroad. The composition of the
navy powder is kept a secret, and many
of the military attaches of foreign lega
tions in Washington have besought
Commodore Simpson to furnish them
with his formula.
The Cruiser Detroit.
Baltimore, April 3. The cruiser De
troit started from Newport, R. I., this
morning for her official trial trip. The
nayy department selected the course in
Naragansett bay for the effort. An
average speed of 17 knots during a run
of four consecutive hours at sea will
have to be made to fulfill the terms of
the contract. For every quarter of a knot
over 17 the contractors will be paid
$25,000 premium. The builders are satis
fied a speed of at least 18 knots will be
maintained. -
Decision-on Boycotting.
Toledo, O., April 3. Judge Hicks, of
the federal court, this morning delivered
a decision on the application of the
Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan
railroad to make permanent bistem-
porary injunction issued against the
Lake Shore & Michigan' and other -con
necting lines on March -11, restraining
them from refusing to accept from or
deliver freight to the Ann' Arbor road on
account of a boycott issued against the
Ann Arbor road by Chiefs Arthur and
Sargent, of the Rrotherhood of Locomo
tive Engineers and Firemen, who were
on a strike on that road. The decision
turned on the arrangement for contempt
of eight Lake Shore engineers and fire
men, who struck in preference to haul
ing Ann Arbor cars turned over to the
Lake Shore road. The courtroom was
crowded. The decision was not as radi
cal as the men feared and does not as
sume to compel the men to work against
their will. Notice of appeal .was at once
filed on behalf of the men.
Alter Judge Kicks' decision was
rendered he proceeded to read the de
cision of the circuit court, consisting of
himself and Judge Taft, on motion of
the Ann Arbor company, asking a tem
porary injunction against Chief Arthur,
restraining him from issuing any boy
cott order against that road. The de
cision, which was written by Judge
Taft, grants the injunction prayed for,
and declares if the members of the
brotherhood, in obedience to rule 12 of
that body, boycott Ann -Arbor freight,
they are guilty of criminal conspiracy
gainst their country.
General Howard's Tour of Inspection.
Mobile, Ala., April '3. Major-Gen-
eral O. O.Howard, chief of the depart
ment of the East, who arrived "here yes
terday, is on his inspection trip. Gen.
eral Howard says his visit is to observe
personally the sanitary condition of the
different poets in the south:
Another mine disaster has occurred at
Hazleton, Pa., by which. 30 miners were
At a fire in the Grand Hotel. Point
Arena.' Cal.. Gus Greaves and another
man jumped from a hotel window, and
received injuries from which they- died
a short time.
George Kaltenbach, a German specu
lator in the coffee market, who lives in
Paris has just cleaned up a' cool million
by a bull movement in the New York
stock exchange.
Major General O. O. Howard is mak
ing a tour of the Southern army posts to
see if they have good water and perfect
drainage, in view of the possibility of a
cholera invasion this spring. He is also
inspecting Southern -harbors and in
quiring what should be done properly to
fortify them against foreign attack.
It is just made public that William R,
Shaw, an old. and respected cashier of
Lincoln National bank, Bath, Me., is a
defaulter. A shortage of about $12,000
now appears in the cash account, and it
is supposed there is upward of $4,000
temporarily covered up by changing
sums to the credit of depositors.
James W. Hamilton, colored ex-
preacher and convicted wife-murderer,
was electrocuted in the Sing Sing, N. Y,
prison at 11 o'clock yesterday. The
crime for which he 'suffered the penalty
was premeditated murder committed at
Winfield, L. I., in May, in 1892, of An
nie Brooks, a pretty colored girl, whom
he betrayed and was forced to marry
three years before. They did not live
together and Hamilton tried in vain to
secure a divorce from her. He decoyed
her from Flushing, L. I., where she was
employed, to Winfield, where he cut her
Oregon Krnit at Chicago.
Frequent inquiries are : made as to
whether the installation of fresh fruit
exhibits will be allowed, pending the
progress of the fair, during the latter
months, when the crops of this year
mature. While there is no positive as
surance that this will, be permitted, Mr,
Myers desires to say that it is quite
probable that allotted spaces may be
so devoted by. the withdrawal of
old exhibits and the substitution of the
new and fresh ones. At least, every ef
fort will be made to have this privilege
granted, and it is hoped that all parts of
the state will do. their utmost to make
such a display as will be very creditable
to the pomological industry. Not alone
in this way will a splendid opportunity
be presented to Oregon, but there is
reason to bslieve that a great market
will be open to shippers of car lots of
fruit for sale in Chicago during the sum
mer. More substantial results1 will be
reached in this way, probably, than by
the exhibits, as the -test of flavor and
richness is one that Oregon boasts and
relies upon for the merit of superiority.
At all events, there are splendid oppor
tunities open to fruit-growers of Oregon.
One lot, with a good dwelling and out
buildings situated west of the Academy
grounds, and fronting Liberty street on
the east, ia for sale at a bargain. Terms
easv. Applv at this office lor . lniorma-
tion. Title perfect.
Shade and ornamental trees, flower
ing shrubs and vines, hedge plants, etc.,
cheap at Mission Gardens.
Subscribe for The Daily Chronicle,
Highest of all in Leavening Powen Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Shot His Wifo and Then KiM Himself'
- Witli a Revolver.
They Were Cousins, and Had Eloped
all the Way Prom Germany -Minor
Olrl.tKn. Anril 51 -Ahrtrit. Q 3ft rhVIrtMr
this morning Carl Rock came to the
house where Emilie Schnidrathscheim
was keeping house for C. W. Knauth, a
machinist, and requested her to return
and live with him. When Bhe refused
he raised a pistol which ho carried in
his hand and shot her in the right
temple. She attempted to get away
from him through the front door, but
before she could do so he shot her again
in the head. Rock then ran out of the
back door and down into the -cellar,
where he placed the pistol to his temple
and fired. When the officer reached
him he was just gasping ' his last. . The
woman is still alive and conscious but
is very weak. It appears that the man
and woman had been living together in
San Francisco for some time, although
they were not married. They have two
children, one a girl 5 years, and a boy 2
years of age. About a month ago the
woman left Rock because he wanted her
to support him and the children, and
she came to Oakland to keep house for
Knauth. Ever since that time he has
been trying to get her back. Rock was
about 40 years of age. Among his effects
was a sealed letter to the Californian.
Rock and the woman are said to be
Raw egg for a cut.
Hot water for sprains. . V '
Don't violate the common laws of
lieal t.ri.
Don't be sparing of carbolic acid and
chloride of lime.
Do TOTJ wish to strengthen your
muscles? Give them proper exercise.
Do you wish to strengthen your mem
ory? Use it.
A physician "in Switzerland declares '
that he cures certain forms of throat
disease by making his patients yawn
several times a day.
Michelet says: "Pain is in some wise
the artist 'of the world which creates
us, fashions us, sculptures us with the
fine edge of a pitiless chiseL" .
A medical, journal asserts that people
who drink cow's milk are more prone to
consumption than those who use the
milk of the reindeer, the buffalo or the
goat. ; '
No Vote This Session.
Washington, . April 3. Washington
will have but one senator until congi-ecs
meets again, unless there is a special ses
sion of the legislature. ' It is not likely
that a vote will be taken on the seating
of the senators, as no voting quorum can
be found. An early adjournment is
Supposed Kosljrn Bank Robbers.
Baker City. Or.. April 3. There was
a ripple of excitement in the city this
afternoon, occasioned by the arrival of
Deputy Sheriff Banks and Detectives
Francis and Farly, of Washington.
They are after Tom, George and William
McCartv. the supposed Roslyn bank
robbers. '
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Price 50 eta. Sold by Snipes & Kjnersly.
Sam Hop & Co. wish to inform the
public that they have a very superior
washer and ironer from Portland.
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 74c. Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
Situation "Wanted.
"A young lady with good references
wishes situation in private family. Ap
' ply at this office.
Money to Loan.
I have money to loan on short time
loans, i' Geo. W. Rowland.