The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 27, 1893, Image 3

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    I low much, a; man is' Jifce liief fehoes f J"iO :
M For instance,' both it sod! may lose ; '
J Both have been tanned ; both are made
By cobblers ; both Ret left and right.
Both need amate,.to:pe QtnpJeteiK,
And both are made to go- on- feet. ,
They both need healing; oft are solct,
And both in time will turn to mould.
With shoes the-lasts iff first-ii with men,?
The first shall be the last; and when-- -The
shoes wear out they're mended new ;
When men wear out they're men-dead too ;
They both are trod upon,1 and. both ".
Will tread, on others nothing loth
Both .have their ties, and both incline, '"'
When polished;'" in the world to shine ;
And both peg out." Now, would you choose
To be a man or be his shoes?
We Warrant
We Irxstare trieirri
!:; :,,nU:,h ,i , -)iJi
Entered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
' : as Becond-class matter. . nv.w.i u
)!( '7
MAR. 27, 1893
Weatlier Forecast ' "
CJJlctal forecast for twenty-four hours ending a
6 p. m. tomorrow,
. Monday, and Tuesday fair : stationary,
1 ' P1"' 11,. .. "T'MpxGtjfc. ' '
: ' " 3 tV tf' ft ? 5'?i",'"i
Stray Kit af;Newl Ostberell from
? i -4 i till
His i
, i si l
-The East End is irliilli-jloaa. if J,
Immigrants are constantly arrivingT
Nye and'Burbankappear at -Pndle--ton
April 7th. t
a i " 'Mi
The large two-story . building of N.
Miss Clara Story announces in another
column that she is prepared to give art
leSSdnS."-' J t: V- ;'v I-1- i' .
A creamery'jwould prove a bleasing
The'DtdjlarKi besides woul'd.le v
Lumber is ou' the ground
a large fish market on. west
Skibbe hotel. ' "" "
Chas. Butler ahj pped a icarload of fat
cattle to , Port .Townsend .. fron Salt-
marshe's stock yards last night,
Mr. E. P. Fitzgerald is circulating
ng a
petition, which is '-being siamed i)v
leading nien4n' the xity, fcfr' dtmaster,
Fulton Bros, brought in lasi night 104
head of cattle from;hIs ranch, and After
being fed at Snipes' - ranch, will be
shipped; ' : " '-: ' ' -n".i;u-i
Four large wagonloads of bacon, from
the Tygh- Valleyj?Tre!rp)ngbAdtt q
Peasa & Mays this i wrthnig ' They will
return with merchandise'' to Van Duyn'
& Co.
; It is said that a certain lady is the de
lighted owner of a hoopskirt outfit - tkat
she occasioriaUy dons ln tne sanctity of
Ber own chairiDeri'but' is afraid to-, tackle
the street in. t
All hail will now be given the Chinese
pheasant, and every , farmer" ih ijegon,
should vote to- have itiproteoted.vfoT1- a
hundred years. The discovery has just
x been made that it feeds on" wildcats.
The asjylotoi fcoiiismi)iite ixpected
to arrive here Wednesday or Thursday.
While passing tlHiQUxjriirwa-g
Salem, -ihei- atliojyrtfi
the Irvine place, a&cLXftey professed
great Burpriae, saying they had no idea
it was silcli aline slace.
' Ohafff iir 6bhifttt is ho
i how proprietor of
the Red Front grocery Jstore formerly
operated flltH JtWrl p3ttn! &i4. store
. has the reputation of being the best in
.town rfor.'t'aVdtnpMe ,nst6ck1,C!f;r,fanty.
groceries, ajQd.'.bas. beaided,' Wuongfi
yline of all other5 klhds of jgobdand green
groceriebf; i-jjgi. ,!ij.JL-i
me 1
S itle 3-year, old; girlcwa Jturnjtag ironi
a neighboj;8jhKmjrning8fey.vvaacha8ed
.by a vicious cpwft wjiichJegfly caught
her before shejeacheda place.ofsafety;
large, and we may havey "casualty to
report latefl, 3j. VA m
Mrs. Adat. J7ruh:,wiU: speak iatl the
M. E. chu.rcjii'stobgbtj i.abject.'.rOur
NatjpnaJ sin.".ITomorrpw nig,f..the
Congregational church! MrsMIjirifh wilt
gi ve oi e' of ijier very 'entertaining- cbalk
talks' fbthphildjte and' tfaei firiends,;
Come out. childrenvahd bring alK-your
friends, big and littlei t 'l'!'i"t r ' ' ' ' ; . !
A. J. McHaley, of 8-Mile arrived in
town today. He reports that one of his
s: '
; , - r
" - C v c
o ' -
Aom2 jv.';
to Wear.
to Kit.
to Pleasep
All Goods Marked
bows has Just given birth to seventeen
pigs,3 which is u thtfi laifgesJ iftumtierr ' of
progeny ever developed in .our country,
short of a salmon. Mr! McHaley is one
of tba-most successful hog-raisers in the
county, and 'has just ordered 20,000 feet
of lumber for fencing, to -bemused" for 'hog
Mr. H. Herbring returned from J' a fly
ing trip to San Francisco last evening.
He says ft was rain, rain, rain during,
his stay in the city, and everybody was
looking anxiously for better times and
for another railroad. There were 7,000
empty buildings (ren-and jk one whq.j
wanted to occupy anji of thertj.j j i '. I
H ; -
Mistaken Again.
The Telegram gives the particulars of
a bunco game, in which John Furey and
Peter Nohl were 'the 6hspirators and
Hon. T. E. Coon;sof-H:6(jd River, was
the victim. The Telegram is mistaken
again. Mr. Coon was not in Portland at
the time of the alleged occYirrefi'eei find
n easily prove an aUbj 'Besides, the
entlemen is not the kind of a coon to
i bitten by bunco men, and he will
ear with much interest the particulars
how he bet $7.60 ooabiirband at draw-
poker, and went jbutffteroreniohejr
on a raise of $50, leaving his own hand
in a sealed envelope an4hdeck on the
tabled I ry
Tllorey Pleased.
J It
, now develODes thet-CrtH.-Gove. the
urdererand suieTeportedu the
first page, was one. .of the jury that con-
victed;:Geoirey;bf tljef lilng Jjf JSusJ
Barry. The attorney of Morey was not
slow in grasping -thedjea that theyer
diet might be set at naught oh a plea of
insanity.10 ,rQ!J.J&(I fHT Oi.i
- -Aloreywaa oaUed.pon inhia - cell, in
1 1 . ri j i - t j .. I i
attempted murdef ajnt( successful suicide, j
"uovef wno was. urover nef m-
Why, one of the. jurors wKT triect
pur case''-iWas tha Tep?yU USD V J fit-3:
"Oh, yes; man with a black beard - oii
'But your attorneys will en.dea.vpr,to.
prove that he assapndetyou a
new trials Have yob-'--- C.xJj-. ir'X'
"What the h l-ja-r-new trial,
both men dead, ehY Strange c'oincid-
ence, isn titY lhinkl ll be acquitted
irfejf-wjts greatfy per tti nLett .'rniJ'i
; baaated his vocabulary in inooharenteKj
nrPRflinnR lllrA K iirccn-i icr and than
became perfocgyuilt TSrSR Je5ne54
, v--. t J-V-l -rif
'u-auuK vj M JUIV I.V lO ill
trninsr. t r a nav - a. toAmAH -n k i
igh jdetf.
srh has riiii-nnt
late fiimaeff of
Lhant' tfoe ItelreVtrf fthl
ffews. "Hepos
in an ungraceful
tion for several minutes. And then start-,
'ed suddenly ant? ifafureoin'! V sblenri
voice, adopted for the occasion,- if. Gova.
was one, of the jurors whp at first held
datjfbt.ariqnitiEaii JOnreceivTng k"reply
that the standinigo ' the ' Jury ' was" kept
secret.iie said:""' "Welf; I'll give him
benefitLQi-the doubt. I amorry for his
death." He stoke in a calm voice and
with stolid features, htch'pcontraste'
strangely with pis ex$tei5Vnianher an
speech atjhebegifffifng dfthiintervrewV
How does it feel to a man convicted
ofTOPrdeto''Er8p a-strav like this";?'
Hih.kon ftnowl liavn Vgtasped.
the straw yet. It has only been held
n.;iJJ-k?i i: AJJ l..a -. - ... , x' v "v-
respondedaOT : .aiffi1
Shade and .ornamental trees, flower
irig shrubs and vineB, hedge plants, etc.
cheap at Mission Gardens. 4 ; j.
'" -.-,-('!
n 1
&1 MAYS.
Talk of
AfOTing the Shops the
Topic of Conversation.
'--There ra-tr-great -deal efj-eiceiteiaentjm
Albina at present. It seems to be con
ceded by the'ehop men -there that the
Union Pacific will remove from the ter
minal company's shops, and preparations
are even being made by some for re
moval. It forms the chief topic of con
versation around the company buildings
in Albiiia, and its influence is even be
ing felt here at The Dalles, many rail
road laen atgThe Dfillea-discaesing upon
ROssibilitieB- if ancj pJ-obabillUes. The
abhdpriedJpran"h'ere, whichis capable
of a force of 700 or 800, gives employ
ment at present to only a handful of
men, and there is a possibility that the
Union Pacific intend tjrSnsplanting their
men, machinery and'tools to' this place,
whence they left three years ago.
Jim Hill is in Portland and the rumor
is that he is trying to get the control of
the eli dps i irques tion .
.Taa:;!'-. '.wo :vr
tne city. ..
A. -G. Johnson has returned from a
trip to Portland." " " H
. Judge A. S. Bennett lefton the, jjoap
-ilrs. Hi GLwinAientito ortliad 'this
morning on a visit to friends.
jMiss Bet,t;ha; PhelflBof Mosier, is visit-
MS '2Crs-.Ci 4k. IQ0opeV,-5f The Dalles
Mrs. Eliza Young, of Portland, is
fisitinghr .son, S. 1 c yoang.-of: this
City. ?"'' --""r
. . Miss Bessie .Oleson of. Portland, is in
'the city visiting her wusiiPaiirfs Hilda
-1 i, A C7 Y. A. fTOOH? Wfv iV- --;
Chas. Dehm is m the city. He is pre-
laHn g-TcrbTT;oalem--lir thrneai1
dimes, of tliet Portland
Dressed Beef company returned to Port
land this morning.
The manv frlpnrla rf ATToa 1?Tlo XT o1-
Siroa will be'pleBsedi taleafn; ihali she is
- XeOflS.from her late illness.
- Mr. Frank Fnlton of Biggs, gave nsa
feasant vcall :-oday i ( f He .repoxia jhe
farmers busy, and the grass growing.
Newton Burgees left for the east Sat-iy-dayjevening;f
fe'slseerj Jlisa Laura,
left for Bake Oven yesterday morning.
i Judge ? John? Fnlton of Sherman
countywas in The Dalles this morning,
returning on the jioon train. The loss
in'cattlghe sayOias beea,erKht.
Mrl' W. Hernf Ind cTaughr1 Miss
Adnah, who4tava hpieji.isiting.jelativa
in Albany for the past two weeks, re-
iThe DalleB-estesday, and left
this wwmiis fo4heir4ioiQein Nansene.
QttoKhJerTpf jBakeOveq- ia-in .the
city and -cilJj rtturn tomorrow f Out of
three baAdspf jheep be.rejjQfts,a 6si.trf
over 400. due not to cold weather or lack
i of, feed, but.chiefly4o jcovotes losing 75
&i xine n ightC U J U V
Strength and - Health. .
r i jf yo tt1 ' are's fa ee 'feeling' strong ...and
htalthyia- try Electric Bitters;.. If S'lo.
WPP hasf 16ft-you weak'and jweary;
use Electric Bitters.- This remeavaots"
raTreclVy on IIvef smanoTTiTdueys,
gently aidingsutbose organsto perform
eirluncticemtovlf you aie afflicted with
sick headache ycil will find, speedy and
permanent relief by taking Electric
BJftersie triafywilP nvina.jf
that thla;fe the remedy ioa aeed.M
bottles bniyiSOc. atapife Kmly'4
arug store.
specialist, Professor Aloes, at the Uma
tllla house parlors. 1
Don't rmisS
this I
The Battle Creek IUt Bend Man to
? -Hi S.iReesot thei'Battle Creek Post
is making's 'touVof'th coast iri" the 'in-
teresfof the 'iiaper ' lie ' has a kodak
witliipi . and will take views and gather
descriptions to, accompany, .them of . .all
th points of ipterest in nature and -art
of the Pacific coast, t6 ,be published' io
th4 PoSt"in: the- future-: v:This will rgive
that paper a wide,cirulation in Califor
nia, Oregon ajHXCashipgtbn. Mr. Bees
is thorough, energetic an painstaking
and yesterday was upon, every street of
The Dalles; foking.SbouV' ;' dozen vsnap
shots "-with VHi8 camera.x He waa snr
prised to find 'such apretW, liveiya.nd
populous towh-as he Said it was th&im
pressionaBt thathepaHes, as; Uttle
more xnan e, uag BjaMn. tT4e promised
to correct the idea wtieaie returned.
The tnp LIrrEe wiHddVpupre for
luti wiimrj, yisitcoyuim inan any
other of the numerous'-projects of late
years too.epoaejfrreon'.s-jeaources.
Any pamphlet, brochure or write up, of
witU jt an elepeat of .insiacerity ' to 'its
intended . readqrs , as ,.they ; ealizo , the
great, amount.- of personalT interest . the
promulgators have in such a document;
they'are sure that ihe! merite--are 'over
drawn and the disadvantages as carefully
Veiled., But . when -the, Battle. Creek
Poet comes out; and aa a jriatter of news
publishes the features, of. toe, Pacific, it
will be read with interest and profit: and
the1 result of the actual - truth i beiri
known, rieithej- highly7"c6l6red;nor'pur
posely ellmmateid, wijf e. to" encourage
settlement and leave a iair impression
in the minds of thpse,whp ;iav?,. Jiowes
in the eaateru tnd 'middle states j :r
1. .. ! ,'.;-r) T-,l;; ft.)-.
. , Social,.
The ladies ,f the Women's .. Kelief
Corps gave a social entertainment to the
members of .tbe G.-A. at Fraternity
hall oii Saturday feveniflgl 'An' excellent
literary and -musical ' prbgraihiiie' :occfu
pied '.the, first paf t,of ,'jtbe .evening,' after
which, refreshments w.ere,', served,, jX.e
programme was as foHows:j,.tii oik; t :.i t
Sod. . .Pearl Joles and Prudence Patterson
Recitation. ., ., ... Pearl Joles
8onp. . . . .-; ..:.'. .-. Ladles Glee Clnb
Recitation -:ulj Prudence. Patterson
Sons ....... . Ladies Glee Club
Keeitation Mrs 8. M. Briggs
Dialogu.e, Holland's "Bitter Sweet"
. .Mr. anq Mrs. w. 8. Myers
W. K. e, Ode, ."America;:..,
i The programme, was a most entertain
ing ijind ".instructive- one, and was thort
oughly enjoyed 'by all-present1 .'oTr ui
.rijniq i?5:r,CiX.?
i .An entertainment . was " tendered rthe
members i of. the .Good jTenplara lodge
Saturday evening Frazer.:
Mrs. Frazer'a home was filled with the
guests, .houBpent arvery enjoyable even
ing with, games, musip and afterwards a
toothaonie.lunch, to which all did ample
justice ,;. j ni s.j ...
- wiJ -a- a-a biivi OIUU
-i:' '.'.- -:t I-, i . t H-ii.liU.-
,!Mr.rand;.Mrs.' White and Miss Kate
Bovrmaji, of : the ' ATethodist cbarch anV
nouncih'g'tbeir1 preferefi ce"to be' fSii0&&
b''i'Mne'raionylybsteiaaftrnn, went
tpMill " Creek' -for "that purpose,- acoom-
panied by the presiding elder, Revi
C. Motor. A host of church people at
tended'dnd many others also went out of
curitjvr ,"i!he; ladies .were' dressed! in.
black robes, Mri White, dispensing .with;
his coat, white MrrMotbr..had provided
hunself with a, pair of. hip rubher, boots.
Though tos.ter ; of ill -creek this,
seasod oft .the , year,, impuntain,
springs close'at'band,' Ts probablycoIder
than, ( the., Jordan, which flows
.iu'J t.' - i ;'ni'.L i ' rl ' j '
8ion,yaB ccpnipuehed withouevent. V '
j jJa&T--'-- ?foe..o;Taxiai'ea.f:K '??.'.,':!
eiff taxes not" 'piaid toe Bret Mofaclay
in April, which are now ?due, twill t he
WrnoOi pVjeri.toJihe cpnnty courts
I1, of WsoniyV-
.00. i
Will give Lessons Mondays and 'Thnrda'y ot
e icn m, or ortener ii aesirea.
i( 88j..'.'tj(.
ivoi in!
'laijj )-n!? no xiioi ol '-luaoni ovxii I
Oi 642. Market Street. San JRrancisco, now located
In the parlors of the Umatilla House, Tbe Dalles,"
Or., desires to notify ,the public in general that
he will remain in The Daftds a short time only.
and. requests thntajl wbo-.dcaice to .?misiUt bim
about- thei e-es call oa "him at their earliest
convenience, and be will'perfrtfm, the worfc ln-'a
efee manner i -i ...L vii: iii i,.m .'!.(,!,
Thaprofessor refers. tothe,fpUowlng ladies and
trentleiuen.: , Ex-GoVernQt. Stevenson, Boise
Ct'i'!Bi9nop''Gloriettx - t)T.-- M.i : Spaui
dinff, Boise .City; Prof.lMtTshi Pacific .Unl-;
versity. Forest Grove; H. K. Keal, Capitol State
Bank, Boise Cltj. XU Ba41es, I, 8, A.; J, Me
Kinnon, wardeij ' Oregon penitentiary, Balem;
Ir. Powers, i Stanford inlverBitr: WvT.iKame.
miss uuxt; airs. cr. w. Kowiana,
5. P. Fiti Genild, Mrs. D, Boltoji,
C. J. Mellis, agentr-Huntinjtoat Miss Btaflia
school, teaoher, Huntington. .,
The oculist has a valuable cure for catarrh
and Deafness and he invites all who desire a
free teat o( th.q sane to AuUiQU hLm. .Hemember
his is frea aud costs no inonoy. No peddlers
HmnlntMl. , .
i Artificial" fiasa eva tlriRirtv1 "th Ti-f.nn
Remembes, the professor is the only on a that
carries a complete set of tools, where lenses can
be ground on the premises if necessary.
.... . .r.4V3H!4at;;-i-.-. .V4. .
"Aaor tne Pu
?-vi iWhefe 6f prices will ALWAYS be. the . Lowest" ir-,,.-,.,
...ntuio'j,' 'uaf., . . .' : - " - ' - -' -s
We propose to make a slaughter, and will throw our entire" stock on the mar
ke'tafc slanghtet'p'rices tcAroak jiiom'vfor our mammoth . new stock this season.
Wewfligive v'-ij'-i!;';i3: ,
lrft.n i-n'rS -iwni5- rum
Fu rn
& noes
Barpins . ,: v) w;, ;;; ;; ; jargains
, In fact
':vvi;ly themielsewheret
H-mfid yjiti ' -r.ttv. fc ;:'i.0f''jiii ':--:xiv
fiji'v -?.;-".'; .-.' i
' "i'':.f--" : ; :.i .' ': -. !
112 Second Street.
dt 6i.ttc-cii.'tisT;r.fiT
Emroldes, t.Curtalns,
Alsi canfurniah,-.Firet ,-Class , accommodations 1 to- teamsters "witn 1 freight
or driving,(.eani8T havipg-added .tct-their
1.1 1 to hri- ..-m.-rr -..-( !..
'!! fi ,i w. i l.-rw " , ,' ;
jf ft' I
t.w:E H.yE lit
V fc . 1
.-ii ' . . i
109 SE
-TJ'.V -
i (
If . iC
. S'" ?Hafc " T
ftu-1 '
. :
. j. JL ';.:: . '( ,. ,-7 ',...'i.-,'f
f yjjayH 1' 1.1J . ') .11 ji .kn 'l j ji , i.
.sin-ifjih:; vJ :jT?aui'xi,r,.,; !i . j; j ; ,f abteail d.-1d .T'ji.o v'M.
S n i p e Sa lnlnTEKTv
! !.-. THE; LEADI N CCMfftMI. -
; 3-jvo f:niiji--t;)v.iTCJ;i AliSCAtlPTFIE
Patent: iDediiiiesdt
tiv f,jH
129 Secon
has been entirely Teftrrnilhedfiirf every
rOo'ma"s'beea4feeird-' atkLepatn ted
house contains 170 rooms and is suppliedif;
witn, every rmjnern oiiTeiUf?Ace,. ates
reasonable." A"(?ood restatiraht; attached
tathe1 boueeVvrevbua to (itnd frafel'all
trains. 'hji iruy bi-ijL .. ;.-uu ruit-.
olio UL-U-eneral ; ;
anu vaps
ish trorGoods""'
snmguoous llnTiTTTi
ana s
I vou
:Mi.ic(if ,'l:lt. 1o air-!Ti Jirij -rnV
: oil
Cburtahd Second lits.J'TIi Dalles, Ori: t
j.'-jj'iT' V
-r.i!'J,S.'.: -a!
IOJ VIJ 7'ij't. J.i.'i.liiJ ''isci n
i:if:'n-i(iij:;l3 -L-nivEi.!
a f v. '-' .tm'. D van l:0;.-jOf tf 5'i'K
.xicli-to'l tc. .'
. - o; Oi.Ji 7,'CfJ.a
si! r'.c (-b!o;j Tot '.'rutio
J H U M- f
1 . .. TV 1 1 ,j : r' -T
. l IT" x
all of the above-will be' sold: cheaper than you can ' ' """""
Roberts on ,
4 " Prcirtetbral tWJ y-..
1 tdoa e cIJ tattAar xdtiXhyMtt i.-uiov- 1
is tables large' feeding' and WAgou roomt
i tUOV 1 ,51 Ot'itCJ eJ fHl ml TiTO-"
- f -
.lii lit i,7V( '.'i!3 C-M 04 HKfU i'
HWotsJI .qii! -3':t' no .)'.?-''
.j.iKiia.-iK!.l r.r.'.Cl'
.S3X"i'i5 -.
'I WAirytr?Hs biodilt.
.i;9--ia'i"-fwfri:tf a t '
The Dalles. Oregon
4 ;y
General. Blacksmithjag and -Work. done
'-. c. . eiomrill ahVlj '.all: wrtrtc t- nt.- ii