TdQ Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY.i, AMD WASCO COUNTY. Entered at the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, as secoua-ciaBS mailer. ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES. I BY MAIL (POSTAGE PBCFAtD) IK ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year $150 " 6 months. 0 75 " 8 " 0 50 Dally, 1 year. 6 00 " 6 months. , 8 00 " per " 0 50 Address all communication to " THE JIIRON ICLEt" The Dalles, Oregon. OREGON AT THK FA Hi. The following is a list of the superintendents of the different departments of the world's lair commission. Anyone who has anything to ex hibit should correspond with the proper officer, one of the following: W. F. MATLOCK, department of agriculture, forestry and forest prooucts, and live stock; Pendleton. C. W, AYER8, department of mine, mining and metallurgy; Ashland, i f , I J. Rj-CARIWJiIii, -department of -horticulture, including iterieultnra and viticulture; Portland. , K 1 Z I S -J? I GEO.- T. MYERSeriflent--ef flfthin-fcnd fishing apparatus, manufactures, electrical and mechanical inventions: Portland. MRS. M. PAYTON, balem, (until July 1, 1893) J and MRS. E. W." ALLEN. Portlana.7aIter1jW::irr':": 1S93j, department of woman' work, ctmpiibifig.'JJ iuc uiiu arts, uguHuiiNU ecouoiuy nuu ijiuuuuu thereof. ;sr I E. B. McELROYj department of education, j including eaueatiouai exniDits, literary, apeciuj, general, music, etc. r Brrtgm-.- r - "; GEO. W. McBKIDK, dcjxirtmentf Civil gov- I MONDAY, -Mi MAR. tit, TRANSMlSSISSfPPl CONGRESS. The fifth session of the Trans-Mississippi congress will " assemble fh Ogden, Utah, on Monday, April 24. This is its fifth 'session, former ones having been held at GalvestOD, at Denver, at-Omaha and at New Orleans! ' They Lave' always brought together the leadingcomtnercial minds of the west, and numbered among their delegates the most energetic and enterprising of those' who' stand at' the front'of all' movements for developing the resources of the trans-Mississippi re gion. The congress 'a'bdu't' 'tb'.a'ssemble at Ogden will' be' no : exception : to' ' those . who have preceded it 'In' this' regard Representative' citizens from ' alt ' the states, territories and cities of the vast ' territory between "the ' Mississippi ' and" the Pacific have signified their intention of being present, and the occasion is one that is certain to result in beneficial in fluence on the' growth of 'the entire western country. It is also confidently anticipated that all,. or nearly all, of the governors of the states and territories of the trans-Mississippi " country will ibe present, thus : adding dignity; and' im portance to an otherwise great event and assuring an assemblages which : will . be trulv representative in- its character.; Jl world's fair train bearing these executives with their staff's to Chicago- to attend the inaugural exercises of the'. Columbian; exposition is among the announcements which will lend interest r to the general programme. There will vbe many able papers and addresses presented to the con cress which will treat of the various topics in which the people :of ;the west are concerned. Public lands, arid lands and reservoirs, silver, the imprpvepoet of the Mississippi and the Missouri and of Pacific coast harbors, deep harbors on the Texas coast these, and similar topics will come before the congress, for .te consideration.! ita member,-. .. The Oregoriian tolls of a -cloth cuirass. made by chemical prodess-,' to ' resist ; ther penetrating force of a rifle ' bullet the discovery bei ng: re ported froni Germany. It eeems almost incredible ' that' clt'h could be rendered thus inpenerabieby. a bullet that, could, easily, penetrate, a yard of wool, but mechanical, invention and scientific research have disclosed 'bo many wonders In this age of progress to" justify the characterization of anything now as impossible, "' j(' js. ,80nie. tj.m since the discQyery.oi. this Jprocess,,1wai first announced, and the fact that it has been tested and approved by oflicers .oT the German army is Bafflcient .warrant for belief jn the 'genuine ! nature' of ' the discovery. That ' Germany wilt long possess alone the secret of thus, treating, cloth, and use an armor for her soldiery otber nations .up;.nQt, ;have, s eearcely probable.' No nation has yet been' able to monopolize any important radjunctfof war or weapon- of offense1 or; defertae. Germany's cloth Boldiers'will flnd . other cloth soldiers to oppose, theni, should the cloth cairass. prove. ,to be ,what;4? claimed for it. ir. o-ifnffs'-.--'t :' : j i One postmaster that is likely to ' hang on is Roswell Beardsly- who was ap pointed during' Joh'ni Quincy ' Adams' administration (1828) :to''the post-office at North Lansing, and .who has ' held it since without interruption, ;a. period of sixty-five years. He only got $19.53 for his first year; but' he: eti joys an increase of nearly 900 percent;'1 ao present.'' His salary is now $170 Wyes -.- i . The man who'can turn-off fiftythree-year-old beef steers weignfrig' 1,500 pounds; " each, " fiatnVrmSSiT xndW money than his neighbor who turns off nrn i i e i v . ' ' ' ' , 1 . - 1 . t uu neau i 01 . iiirtwyear-oiua weienmir 1,100 pounds, aijd he accomplishes it Captain, Sweeney, XJ. S. -San with a good dealule,ss J.trouble ahd pense, 'says ' stoclj journalrt -vf-'t' Diego, Cal.,ay8: "Shiloh's.-CJatrrh ' Remedy U. theflrst niedjoftVhave ever found that woiild du'nie any good." Price 50. cttSol4.bjj SipeaiSfcKanerply. Jole9 Bros, have 6Q varieties of fresh - garden and field seeds on hand in bulk, and can supply all demands. DOINGS OF THE DAYS. The post office department has de cided that rubber bands -can be .used around the new double postal cardsi'i,. -K ... The ..only carj), ever caught in the Mississippi, river " itvas ' taken the other day-by a Wisconsin man, -. V, 'J A;'lOG-KILLIJlo,' in North Perry, Mc.,: recently deserves more than local fame: The victim weighed more than half a ton. As American flag survived the fire and heat in . the Casino, - at St. Au gustine, Fla., which recently. burnedV. and was preserved for a relic-- ' t , "' CAPTATsrs of United States mail-carrying" steamship companies are expressing dissatisfaction as to the new -United States mail-pennant. . They spy it's too 0"K curious effect of the recent cold snap was that the traffic in tutti-frutti and chocolate tablets by means of auto matic salesmen was seriously inter rupted. Persons who f attempted to sectjrq"" cbwinr girth ) of "chocolate "by puttirrcr k lpcanyiD the5 sloti found 1 tnat thecoirr'woulrlri'r tit. Thecold had shrunken the iron top. . TiFUN NY" FAN Cl ES"'""" Mrs. I Crusticus fiU ;teil 'yovi about that-a&enou are in a pood humor."j Crusticus "Am I . tv junder stand, madam, that you- will 'never tell ' me?" i5C.lribunc- , ,r. . -"."Oh for 'the age of chivalry,." siffbed Chappie.! ?''i queried Hickley. "5hc kmghtinisad to wear tin. trousers and they never ba'gged at the .-knee.' , K. &iC6.'s Monthly.1 J : -i' -, rd-j i- ' SKiDDtEr "See, here; Skad, you told me that Voung Dr. Squibulousr was verT- panstakinf.,' Skaddle-"Soil'-heJ Is.'1 Skiddle-J-"lSot at -all. - I 'Went-to-him fox my rheumatism, but I've still got, trie pains." Philadelphia Keeofd. i.'jir;ii!f;x l.) br.u . v .;' '):!.' v-i ;iif (it .!,-;!. .vi -i-W ITept vp for years tho: offer that's-made ;byi tbe; proprietors. . .of -Dr. Sage's Can tarrb.- Remedy M'-It'sadoU-essed ;to. ; yqut. if -yon , have ,atarrb,:i Jt's,, reward.of $500,. if i.tliey. cn'tcurej you, no matter how bad.yourcasQ, ; or, of, hpw Jong Btandincr an off er that's 'madej'jn. gop.d faith" .bjre, Bponslble m'en',' ' ' ' ' ' '-'.' ., f " :'r Think what' it.rneanS. .'Absolute. c6pfi&enc,e in' tbeir' pemedyOr they couldn't afford t.6 takie; the rislliliA lonj record 'of;-' perfect; ,:ahd ' erina-'-nent 'cures1 of ' the 'wbrfj' casesor' they couldn't - have faith' In it.' ' It means" no 'more ' catarrh or $500.: : If you fairtd bcUured fail to: beipaid.' ot c-J ada ,8l on I "'But pehapy'oTi "won't believe: iti Then there's .another: reason for tryJ ing it-t::, Siiow:.! that ; you 1 cah't be cured,- and, you'll ; get S500. 1.-1 It's plain business ' ofIer:i. ;Xhe. (makers of Dr. Sagq's Catrih-llemedywili. pay you, tnat., jbey,ean;$; ewe,, you, , f.,.They f know; , that , ,t.hey ithiok hatFtheyJcan.'t- Ji Xf theyre jvTong, ypu ge.the.cashV)f; j9u';re..vrrpng, y.pu're,fid catarrh;,, "" u? v '..: I .i..'(;:r oilt '.in ii'J.':v-i't Ask" your , Dealer: m on .H'J r 1 ;:i t;4!. Hand Hade TJ7 L bli-i 10:1 ) i. .d o O'iii f. l ) !.,?.( m.;gukst&;Cq; ' ; "SOLE' AGENTS, j; :i-li: VO: ; PORTLAN O, OREGON. HA, MEDICINE FAILED TO OUR&VOU7 C3.TAnDEn'S ELtCTHIC BELT a i''.r rm 1 a Debilitv.lmDOtoncT 8ter. u vj. ; '"'Vk Lr' i matorrhea.- Mifrhs Einlft 4". ' . ''.""''- sioiiB, Bhrnnken Parts, r . I. "jw; r - , Confuiion of ideas, LanpOOr, ri Drsneiwla. Lama Back. Rhenmatism: erltsniault. &Hd.l?iailA.r!mnnlAinf.- itnri tluunnn iagtram seeret iblt-tB joum or poa osttiTe ycsses in maturer years,. It has cored nd JlomwlWI tsvmvm Year afro, all kfi. MAHIniT.. . f?, tnaitmenta hav (ailed. MEKIOI.N Kifl (CTRIC1TY wbmh u nfrro Xoree Is U... sletnent sbal ""va.V'T' Vna aj stom. and to IT SIS ST !'55.7leii'il' bi"!:e"' s?toa w used by.. tarcmast T nysiclans-threnghor ; tba. world, iririmr tuo conntna Kithinif enrroj!! its wairh at once penetrate tt en tiro weakenintr the atoznaeh hr i .nnn. : ... n. .Lt.- IVMinm rv.m'i n . . fT,-Jhi'K'uiodvio"",'u enrer every -c'-Ji Tor moMr re .fundei . o varrunt our belts to gin tae true enjents vi. ootiotebj, ra5i-em be rel 'mmediatelj pon SSffF- r 1, 'orfeit S,000. "fee KUorSntee our EiKfixU!""!?3 Electric funwrwOTT to F.M.ARGE J;URlT,KIif OR EROEVEIOpId OH (ANH. or no pav. Evory Touns-. middised and old man ahonld, KdJ,'.J?,i.r."re COO-Pag-a l-amihlet. SMDFM ELECTBIC CO., 172 First SU, PORlUliD. (fffit nri Arflinr ; i. ! Ji,-, ,,,v:-i.ix-i l.W C 1 ,,jh. uuaTBw5Ame!rtli current is si at C-'tct pmeiTrtB affeetd, niaantlv-oaojnr.i-aBvaHhT.ftiow. I!ilVKirU'.M' Md '"' :""natine Wr: y - an. , that f ..-cld-S.'! Rf1"11!. a c-jperlenorI frjm - . -, week?, nan. we tnuF ana a rr " -- oucis.,na VI .ys WJi l Croup promptly; re' ieves Whooping Cough and Anthiruw For Consumption it has ho" rival: bas cured thousands where all others failed; will curb TOO If taken In time. Bold by Druggists on a iniarsntee. For Lame Back or Chest, ute SHlLQH'a FLASIKK. 25 eta. HI LO H'sTCAtARR H are tou Catarrh ? This remedv fa nru&ran. teed to cure you. Price 60 cts. Injector free, sale by Snipe & Klnersly. t.v ftr" n Mrs. S.ArOrclaFfl, Carpet Weavejt wrjeriher sei picd VI all who -with; carpets wbv'en at her ' homeon the lAuSs near Mr. ts1 Chxisina-a.a,..TO...JJ.,,.,',.,.,.' dim PROFB98IONAL CARD.) Iv BIDDALU-Dkktkit. Gas Riven! lor the painleatf-'extraetion of teeth. Also teeth, set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms :! Sigmof tne uoiaen-iTKJxn,BeconaT)xraet 1 fpvl.'EfeHBXiliaElHoMiOPATHiC) t'HYBICIAf U and 8UROEON. Calls answered promptly, dayTighwtty-OKoiiMtry. Ofljoo-jKo. 36 and at taapmaa oioeK. y l wtl1 Dfi. O.'lj.T0 ANE FHY8ICIAM 1AKD SOW r , .tB0M 0fficroprns6. and. QhapmaA Block. Residence: 8. . corner Court and FobrthBtreets.seo"Vd door from ttief corner? Office hour 1o4., a to 6 and 7 to 8 P. H, Wr-RTTWFKIfl-prowirirriAT-i aw Office Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. ' E, B. OUrUB. , JTRANB, MKNKFSX. rV FUR.' : ' 'MENEFF.E- 'Xtobhb-ts - at VJ I iAWKooms.. 44 . .and -4S, - over Post Utiice UuiUlinK, Entrance on W ashington Street The DaOw, wagon.--s-ts: 1-- f-.ii'.-.-yn. TXT B.' WlIdNATToifYAT-i-w-i-itootn ?T i 62 and 63, New.Vogt tock,tiecnd btreet. j ue ifuies, uregon. . . . A !i. BENNETTi .ATTOR.KEY-AT-LAW. Of iiL flee in Schanuo's building, up stairs. The Dalles. Orardn.' - " '-''''" I .t. r. MA VS. jB. S.HCSTINGTON. H. 8. WIUOS. ATAtSLHWNTlNGTOir & WIXSOl A-rrb Jl; It y$-ATAWn-l(lices, French's blocl over rirstjcauopai joanii. - -i- ajulic. Lregon. t . 3;t 6;.'6WtkWB8:J ,j A SSEMBLY NQ. 4S27i it jv. yr fleets - in r. :tmd and fourth Wednes xx. of P. hall--the seei days cf eaeh:montb at 7 :30 p. m. TTTASCO LODGvB fd.5,-.A. F. tfc A.:M;-Meets 'iT4'5.flTnTa 01 Baca month tit J DALLES ROYALJRCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Sleets (n- Masonie Hall the third Wednesday' MODERN WOOBKEN -OF. THE! WORLD.-s-Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even- Invnliiaili .... .1. 4.. 1.,,.,..:... U.,11 ..nn u OOLUMBIA LODGE, NO, 6, I. O. O. F.r-Meets tot Pi hall,'.comer Second: -and Court stroettL pojourning Drotners are welcome H. CLbtroH, Seo'y:':Li : HvA. Hills, N. d.- T?RIENDSHn LODGE. NO. 9.. K. of P. Ifeets X" ' every: Monday evening at i:SO o'clock:, In pvuvuuu s ouiiuin, corner 01 .uourt ana &econa . l.y,VAtA,-tL 6rR. anas. r ; c7c.'-:'' :TrOMEN'8 . CHRISTIAN . TEMPERENCE j U'J CKroW'win moet every Friday afternoon Harmon! Lodgo Ts'tt.'aOU'.Ii -Oi id. T. Regular weekly meetings Monday at 7:30 P. M., at Eruternity HalL' -Air are invited.' :i " i.niin npEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. O. W. Meets : X In Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, en Second ' tm Paul K reft, . W;SMYMr,KnaBcgV,- . ' ; c -u ... TfS.' NESM1TH POST,' No. 32, G. A. K. Meets .HTcry caiumny, at ? ssv-ru-i in the Jii jot P. Vt1L - r -V . ... .. -' '-" ' J f-f t. f4 r (tBAJNU vjskein Meets , every. fillndai evemtifr-tn thd JK.'C p. alh ' B'1 p :t ilf: Invisifef, K'imi-d'efetaw11. i JK. of P: HaJi the first and thhid Wcdnei Wednes-1, aay oi eacn month, at 7 :3V p. H TirEf- OHTHR JHTE 8i SJT. METERS (GHpjftCHrjRer, Father- Bboks-. oijest Pastor, Low Mass every Sunday at' ttHib.iHaas: BtcMa A u N Veanars: at! 7 P. Jt, . ST. rATXLd OTttTKCH J-lfnldn SrteelL'opnoeit : Jifth.- Bev.EU p, SutcUlle Rector, . Befrtces a. luk xumivl muruiug services every bap bath at -the i AoadGrar i itar; V.-I iSabbtttii """""j iiuuiCTiinwij oi wtj -uiwriiiiiK r Vices,a Htfl OBIUI B vAAfc., uxuuu oci VAttq jlu iuo vuurt IlOUSe jEL ,t7 fioi'GRiGATldKiLt5 ' C"HtrRfcH Rev.Sv.t:C: : fltTBTia.PAtW i: goryloon uu j., A V and v . Qnno.flAknn f . " , serviee: - StrangerB cordially invited.- Beats free? Vf , E. CH0RCH Rev. J. "Whisuer, pastor. m " r i j ' -; 1 I 1VJL - ServioeJeveTy Suiiday taroruinat 11 a. -mi.! League 'at 80' p. Jr. Prarer mectrni ever? ahursday evening at 7:30 o clock. A cordial (n-j tiuiuuu 19 OAW11UCU U AIUU KlSlOr RUQ peOpie r?.-.J n: t i'A i.orirf J;;.! ...;:)-:, a'.-l!i:T CdrefchsaA OKJiijlljSvitea lot noiJBlrjijvi oii-f-Lhov Evans1'. "lArtbfiti (Jntrph; !inO, wni. n i.. Jnh f Wfc ) tfff AJr-w tfu Hi Sunday seTiool a(5:otrt. m. A cordial tvelclima to every pe.ij;ijii;iulfl ,a-iaiKji-booiti Tju:-o i;.!ii: ;c.;i":sTEi;.iiE;N;s,:'' IHll'scli, lie 1, fi:x;i-. L ri 8 001rIU .-:a Jul Jst; iJo5o-.3i-snt.'! lt!0 fci noij.f VJ.IOl'l Ji.'fl 1, (-t-lT.T'jrirj. If! ill ; - -t 5tK.J . rat -4 .aSteJ.'tf. E)rv nin 1H Second St., The Dalles President. Cashier. f-rH EH3AtLES - - - . OREGON X feeheral Banking Business transacted W TJeposits received, subject to fiight ;' ? AS-' cDraft or Check. m Collections made and proceeds promptly -" remiccea on aay or collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port- . lancL . rV J D.J,;XHOMPSOJSOTJjSQSC.nEvfc4 .D. ftl. WILLIAMS, --- UKO. A. LiXni H. M. Be ALL. i FRENCH W CO:, -" BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENEbXlBANKLNG BDSINt"- i. ' . . . -i -r tto.-.. tetters of Credit iasueif available in m he Eastern States. r Sitrht i Exchanire anhv rfT4lecmBirjhic Transfers sold on Kew York, Chicago, St. lonis, San Francisco,' Portland-"Oregdnr Seattle Wash., and variojflnx&ita in Qfr egon and Washington, ' .""f. -.- Collections made at all '(Mints, on faS- , raDle tenuR. S THE DALliESF S Of ;D4J.LES .CITY, .pRi,,. WPresident - - - r- - Z.tF Moody yice-Pregi4ent,'"-t' 'Charles Hilton Cashier. - ,"$ilAiIO0PT General Banking Business Transacted. ! f V :Rio-hi-.' rlM on' 'l!i I NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, ! C611ection6vjltnadeEoB jVOreble terms at all accessible points. - . ".."1 4 1 J' i. i TJ j, W. E. GARRETSOH, LeattlAg : rrr jbwb er. J -J-lSfit SOLEiflBXT THE' v;aVi -oi v.nitOHClO'i vAlnorrt Icivt?. firifin Jewelry iCade't6l!:bi?derTj i ";i "138 Second Bt.l The Dalleii. Orl1 U": llii ijiliii hi .If.') mi I'lj-.' Ii) 1 lli." j i : u- JaliJO on ossjJ to -itfyi- T..-r.". ,.-,r..'.T, ,.,.f4- i ving i ii-i:;o v;f Lo"oIqf'T- fini1j-m eiiT ,etJ' , IS,. prepared to, do any ana all , '! largest lonsp tnoving outfit, ;.!.'. OF. 'Mtu'll will Ii. lTji;5l) sJT .si-.-jo-. Address P.O.Box 13 LTbe Dalles .HbmjFr.i 'fl'.'IiJii'f ?j)ij iii) 'jLil'i ;viiU lo JloiJOLTH'JM I'l'J 1(1 Jlii-J jl l!i ?T!'r;?:T Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on ' J 0.n short ootlcet and satiBfaction guaranteed i sd ni- h-j!:i:i lo n-Mlaswn oyfnf ,5.r.-.:; Stora,oCI. Cj NlekeJaBn. a 8t. The Irallea It IT' i.i A. tj!ij sJJii '.'t Jill nO .li-jii '.'ifi 'w. jyl'W'fsBAiAsr.0' '''Vy'arV-'ii'iiRpERs.'- -'.. l'l !.!.lj IIO l'0(13UitEj') ViJBKJJXU Siil : LflUol till YlH TT1 TJ?Ol-'7 e!;?? io'rr!)!in9i oi -i-iillo tid omij vrrm Ar A. Brown, A.CCJB O lull wmw. ifUlcui. Ul t V'lJ Vti:j JiiiU W ,r:illiiii no; ..'- penesv uil Kit lyjiifni txJrnlijo arfj 3o' v.-atwl:PrpviSlon!a.Liiai: n:.t -whfciifferi'aVilrei'1'! 11 0 VO l' i .iii LSUJ b'jliiJ'5 liy.'llij .-JiU vd ;.-.if:l ct VTi-.-iiaa-j PRICES J. vv bn; tMAoiiiii . Pi ji iJ ; TiaJiitojni l-J'OL.J -Jiiiji..'IT.jX9 i'i -C)j::: jod:il f'-i:l.':) Si( i'r'h i osniiitotinii it-inl. .!-"iti oii i vji f jiSiSTorthwesY corneT1 6f Second and Conrt Stress."''! -,f i'i"'ia f,fl,t TJlliO Sill IIO jiliCJ.'lfl jt!0 lr. lo ;rno a.i'i' 'lll'j 170 SECOND STREET.- JOL-iBS BROS.. .... , ;PKLKRS IN: iliaiffattiiBs, Hay, Grain and Ftea. IV! s on i c B I o c k . 0 o riie T ifi i r ii aTi d 'O8' lately Ci .ifi,5lliilfd I ever lf a . . I 0fjljlt3 accommodations of any house in the IVJI city, and at the very low rate of j- -j , i -$laday. First-Class Meals, 25c. I Tj O CO j H-itece of the faaJrSondiluppo'sitio- f si.XO Jt? lla.jKggje Tyi' Jfcalley, vJVapiniti Warm Springs and Prineville is m the Hotel " and persons going to Prineville can save i OREGON ir ? 1 SOLE AGENTS -t FINEl LINB cOF ( nil No. 390 lb al394,JiJ PAUL KR rDEALERS in- P As 1 N 'FS, v O I IiJS ' And the Most Complete .and ike jjflF"Practical Painters and Paper. Hangers'. NoneTBuVthe best brandf of the Sherwin-Williams and J. WMaspry's Paints iisedln all jur" work, and none bnt the tnb8V.lIed.wpie)j''employ'edv';A-geDt8 for, MaEury 'Liqnid: Paints'. No chemical combination or 'BOab: mixttire.1 : A first class article in all cnlora. All nftpra -nrfthinfltr otfarSHa f n 1 J -i -ji' Paint Shop corner Thirdand I NKIltUNB SlliiVlKGilfiiRLOR AND MtaOOJIS: . FRAZERJ Sz WYNDHAM. .Proprietors CO Z 5 t -r sa At the old Jndj-jl-.-riirgfaer, mAi ' ,,1SHE TROY; Steam .Laundry u mi "w . : i IS -XT : -ji.i'i t Vircb riir"triT c-tiA-H j:i yiHj-jiinf'j ,'m .5 T us g ' 1,13 - ..... a IT a "wi si s.isi'" : n i II ). J t - T- 7 - . - .1 111! PMMI I I II I I....1 .. SHE NEW TOWN has been platted on the old'eaftt)) prrotrnd.irt the Ftoi-fcs anxJ' 'V j r - ? Falls of Hood river, with large sightly lota broad streets and allevs, good soil,, v:ii vri.a f -f r.tiMi,jaeatrVattuc4iHVs .moimtpiil'istaniner resort xt for U Oregon,- I i;-; i.-l J t (brwtU4 nearestilc)wr4t4plt llood. It is .also unparalled as a manufacturing , S'-Ui ei'ir-t.belnidtll naairalJJitlT forliSO Sauare inlleB of -the bestdarnil Ilr n 1 ' limber. Bossessio sr mill falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap,. motive, power,, exists, tt.herefthe jnanu- (., it i-ttttfWlQote&Turroundea'by soil and climate that -cannot 'be'excelled " anywhefe Toif Trvlir lind agriculture, and with trantportation already assured you wiu nna tnis tne place i i t 4A 9 V : Freeborn & 91 j f 111 A I' fl ? TfTTit w. i Old NrMBKB 95, Oo u rt S Tre ts r s J T li e Da!les,Oregop. This- Popnlair House beerr th)rogpy renovated and newly rjnghiptand is now better than prepared to furnish the best Hotel 4UM&r gcting'on thiVs'tage line. AIl triarns stop here. it? diHTTtvi nr i i it rrS " '! i - :-'FO R THeJ DALLES. : ; J SPOOL SILK 2d street, .The; & CO., " A N D, i i G I : A SS,: tflijgst PaAterri aridDesignH-iri ; . WashintojiSBgnje paJsTpreo-on no Front SL, The Dalles, Oregon. ii i ii iii i im i i i : of Portland, lias estatlish.- H t-t-t y-rw .it: nrr.'i rv uiT naawJo-i' (B;Jotiflrl 1lrM.TltAfnWr-l.TlT- ' Second St., where all laun- 1 i vi -v ,$7. bfTX?iU9 "w-jp. ,be received LTTdesday :; ii6oh:; of ; each:jj jjsfSreek, and returned' on' Sat-"1 J(yi3i ;urday of the same -week at Portland pricegy W '2 k 'i a 12 a? Oiil -i tu-i ,biu;)s f77,5?nl. tMf f n-(.-r;!. HHiU ...T M m fcll- r lOllB oi horse-nmvAr An ita' iiHKi nit Klwama'andnVnter. -rl 7i' to mute a perlect Home or a paying investment eey moivgwnd,,, or la4drtfsiJxiaJEro. HoodJRireri Wasco ConntyrQrreg6niv- liiiqo it .8010 litXQqsTfS.; s cJ ib: X CX- 'PX O. Company ihd kfcil -4 41 "t"r 295 ALDER ST., COR. FIFTH,""" - , . Portland, Obkgox.