The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 25, 1893, Image 3

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With Every 5.00 Dress Pattern,
We have a
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postofiice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
MAR. 25. 1893
Weather Forecast.
Official forecast for twenty-four hours ending at
6 p. m. tomorrow.
Saturday fair; Sunday light rain a and
slightly cooler. " Paqoe.
Stray Bits of News Gathered From All
I propose that we build at Chicago,
' And insure against possible loss
By fire, or flood, or embargo,
A palace of Oregon moss.
t V And then we might make an exhibit
. Of some rare old moss-backs, you know
Unless there's a law to prohibit
Dead men from attending the show.
Although our expenses were double,
This rare exhibition would pay,
For surely 'twere worth all our trouble
ii we couiq out give men
... . . .
Mrs. Peters wishes to postpone this
evening's meeting of the Alki cln
g awaifr fc l
A case of diphtheria is reported in
Thompson's addition in the family of
Andrew Larsen.
The thrilling notes of the meadow lark
are heard in the land and the robins
are "nesting again."
A new sidewalk, 180 feet long, has
just been laid to the corner of Fourth
and Washington streets.
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. At the
Catholic church there will be blessing
and distribution of palm at 10 :30.
You may talk about the tariff, but
' there is nothing that will cause a rise in
dress goods so quickly as a mouse.
Most flattering reports are being re
ceived every day of the encouraging
prospects for fruit all over the North
west. - ' ' j
The combined weight of the eight cab
inet members is 1,555 pounds. The
Cleveland cabinet averages up pretty
well in avoirdupois.
"Lazy-sick" is the Indian's title for
spring fever. Hood calls it, "that tired
s- feeling." Whatever it is it is now the
; season for the ailment.
J. S. Skinner of Polk county was
swindled Wednesday out of $2,500 by
bunco men. When he opened his little
tin box it contained nothing but gravel.
w. vf. Fleming ot Morrow county
caught a coyote in a trap which escaped
by pulling its foot off. As it trotted
away on mree legs it yeipea ii yelps a
The announcement of Judge Deady's
death in Thb Chronicle last evening
occasioned general sorrow from the many
friends and acquaintances of the de
ceased in this city.
. A number of workmen under Wm
Ridgely, manager of the party, arrived
from Portland today, and securing a
four-horse team, went to the -Wapinitia
neighborhood to engage in the Work of
.- the new Juniper flat, ditch.
B. S. Pague has mailed to the volun
tary observers of Oregon, blank forms to
be used for reporting the general crop-
weather conditions during the coming
summer. These reports will have a very
good effect and furnish much interesting
information. j .
W. H. Turner, of Goldendale, is out
with a petition for the purpose of raising
funds to complete the boring of the ar
tesian well which was started last fall
Sa.tuLrda.y, Marc
Free Free
Free Free Free
Free- Free
We give you $1.0O.
2 yds. Good Silesia, . . . -. . .
5 yds. Skirt Lining, . . . . .
1 yd. Canvas,
1 Set Whalebones,
1 Spool Twist, . . . . : . .
1 " Silk,
2 Doz. Buttons,
Free, .........
Handsome line of Lace Curtains.
in Plain Figures. I
just south of the city. Mr. A. . Howard
and Mr. S. E. Hornibrook have each
given $50.00 to see this good work go
The Glacier throws cold water upon
the proposed "deestrick skule" enter
tainment here. The fact is that The
Dalles possesses dramatic talent of a high
order, and is no better proven than by
the large houses which have invariably
greeted them in the winter seasons,
proving the most remunerative of any of
the numerous church or society schemes
to acquire funds. Just come up and
take in our entertainment, John, and we
can promise the Glacier readers a half
column description of how well Dalles
people can interpret comedy, which is
all that the play, this time, affords.
An Indian Burial.
An Indian funeral procession filed
through First street this morning on
the way to their burying ground above
here. The corpses (there were two of
them, presumably children, from the
size) were wrapped in gunnysacking and
suspended from poles, either end being
upported by the shoulders of a squaw.
were frequently made by the
pall bearers. They were absent about
two hours, and, though they did not
return to the inspiring strains of Yankee
Doodle by a brass band, like the pale
face, they chattered away as if glad that
their sad duty had ended.
It is said the Indians have great nat
ural love for their children and are in
consolable when they are lost by death.
Mother Nature has been kind in im
planting parental love in the heart of
every creature, but she has been more
considerate with the lower orders of ani
mal life in shrouding the phenomena of
death with mystery that they do not
realize their loss.
Redeeming a Stray.
Father Bronsgeest left Tuesday for
Portland, having in charge Mary Wol
farth, a miss of some 16 years, who, by
the worthlessness of her parents and her
associates, bad commenced the down
ward career leading to moral and bodily
ruin, bhe was lelt with toe state home
of the Boys and Girls Aid Society of Ore
gon, where she will receive that instruc
tion and encouragement which will
make of her a good and useful woman.
The result was attained by the action of
the .charitable society of the Catholic
church, which is one of the most com
mendable institutions of the city.
McArthur the Man.
The friends of ex-Judge L. L. Mc
Arthur are circulating a petition, which
is being uanimously signed, for that
gentleman's appointment as U. S. dis
trict judge. The names of some half
dozen persons are canvassed for this
position. But there is one man among
them who ought not to be considered at
all. His name is R. S. Strahan, and
his appointment would be a scandal and
a public misfortune. The reasons for
this plain statement are ample. Stra
han' s habits and practices are such that
President Cleveland, if he knew him,
would reject his name with indignation.
Another Pioneer Gone.-
Hon. Benj. F. Burch, of Independ
ence, Polk county, died yesterday morn
ing of heart failure. Mr. Burch came to
Oregon in 1845, and has lived in that
county ever aince. He has been one of
Oregon's prominent citizens. This year
is making inroads on Oregon's pioneer
roll faster than we think.
Bulk pickles at Joles Bros.
In 25.
- .20
The Mignonette, Disband.
Last evening amid mirth and music
the Mignonette club expired, it being
the last of a series of the parties for
which the club was organized. A full
attendance of the members filled the
hall, and the programme, a little longer
than usual, was enjoyed to the utmost.
About twelve o'clock to the strains of a
waltz the last set was passed through
with and as the music ceased the club
was no more. The music by Messrs.
Birgfeld and Burchstorf was excellent.
A pleasant diversion was a waltz played
by Messrs. Garretson, Booth and Jame
son on mandolin and guitar. The dan
cers will now have a rest and await the
return of next winter.
Horace Rice, of Boyd, is in the city.
Henry Williams, of 8-Mile, is in the
P. Brown, of Lower 10-Mile, arrived
Mr. P. P. Underwood, of Boyd, is on
lour streets today.
Miss Margaret Rowland has returned
Torn her visit to Salem.
Judge Bradshaw left last night for
an don, to attend court.
C. Raymond Davis of Portland, for
merly of The Dalles, came up from
jruruunu iubl nigut.
1 Miss Catherine Martin left on the
ratage this morning for Antelope, where
jsne nas accepted a scnooi.
I ir f-i t t- -- M 1 iL!.
iur. jm jx. LfnviH luruieny ui 1111a citjr,
but now with Ladd & Pi 1 ton of Portland,
is in the city, on business.
W. J. Davidson. Chris Cummings, P.
Wagner, E. M. Harriman and Mr.
Wingfield, of Endereby, are in towji to
day. MessrB. J. B. Mowry and W. J. Petti-
otd of Moro, arrived in the city yester
day. . They give encouraging reports of
trie condition ol their county anairs, ana
think prospects are flattering for a fine
harvest this year.
In this city. March 24th, to the wife
of Emery Campbell, a daughter.
In The Dalles, March 24th, to the wife
of P. J. Van Camp, a daughter.
Goldendale Courier Nine pound
item. Born, March 21st, to the wife of
ve editor, a danirhter. Friends and de
linquent subscribers, pay up, this is the
last call.
Columbia James Mathers, Hood
River : S Rocker. T A Rocker. J W
Kocker, Oakland, ual. -, 1) D tloner. tx
D Wilson, Goldendale: Peter Berrell,
Sherar'R Bridge ; Mrs C Scott, San Fran
cisco ; D Finaly, La Grande ; S A Kin
yon, SN Anderson, Tygh Valley; H F
Usher, E J Emerson, A J Voigt, John
Hedrleam, Wm Redftley, Mrs J E Aelk
heart, Portland ; J E Rice, Wapinitia ;
FC Fox, Viento; J D Bordik, Seattle;
J W .Bergman, Wyeth.
Skibbe hotel Miss E Crabtree and
sister. E A Crabtree. Tyeh Valley: John
Zybach, Grand Dalles; A P Coleman
and wife, H Ross, Peter Brenner, Port
land; . Mike Abnet, Dufur; George H
Burns, Tygh Ridge; Mike Brady, Al
bina ; W J Fleke, J E Fleke, Boise City,
Idaho. ,
Karl's Clover Root, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes &
Kinersly, druggists.
Joles Bros, have 60 varieties of fresh
garden and field seeds on hand in bulk,
and can supply all demands.
Yoa will never be satisfied with your
eye glassea unless yoa the eye
specialist, Professor Aloe, at the Uma
tilla house parlors. Don't miss this
Ball and Klnsle Released.
Prosecuting Attorney Wagner yester
day morning in Ellensbnrgh filed a mo
tion to dismiss the charge against Cal
Hale and Tom Kinzie, and an order for
their, releaso was immediately iesued.
They departed for their homes . in Ore
gon. Hale was convicted of robbing the
Roslyn bank and secured a new trial.
The jury in the Kinzie case disagreed,
and the new trials were to begin next
Monday. The motion for a dismissal
was made - because the prosecution
thought the chances of a conviction too
slim to justify plunging the county
deeper in debt in an .effort to convict.
They have been in jail since December
1st. George Zachery was liberated las$
This action will please the great ma
jority of the people of Oregon who be
lieved Cale Hale innocent.
Rasora In the Air.
Saturday evening our town people bad
a little sensation of its own. Constable
Carlisle of Arlington came in on the
stage and proceeded at once to the sher
iff's ofEce and placed a warrant in the
hands of Deputy Sheriff Johnson for the
arrest of our attorney, Geo. W. Goode,
on a charge of forgery preferred by .Ern
est Seekamp, the sheepman. Goode
was promptly arrested and marched off
to the county jail where he was locked
up until the next morning. The trouble
originated out of a note given by Mr.
Seekamp last summer to Mr. Goode for
legal services rendered him. The note
calls for $75, and when Goode began to
press payment, Seekamp claimed that
the note he signed was for $75 instead
of $175 and that the extra $100
$100 was forged by tampering with the
note afterwards. Justice Zeigler dis
missed the case, saying that he was un
able to find any evidence whatever to
show that a crime had been committed
or that the note had been tampered with
in any way.
Mr. Goode feels very indignant over
the disgrace that has unnecessarily been
thrust upon him, and we understand he
will bring suit against Mr. Seekamp for
heavy damages for malicious prosecution
and false imprisonment. Condon Globe.
A Handy Device.
A new print-washer for photographers
was shown by Mr. D. C. Herrin, the in
ventor, this morning". It is a wonder the
implement has not been invented and
generally used many years ago, saving,
as it does, a great deal of valuable time
to the photographer. By an under, ' in
stead of an over-flow of water, the prints
are kept constantly moving, without the
tedious work of handling them, as is
now the universal custom.
Methodist Episcopal church, corner
Fifth and Washington streets, Rev. J.
Whisler, pastor. Tomorrow is the occa
sion of the second quarterly meeting of
the' year, Presiding Elder Motor, offi
ciating. Love Feast at 10 o'clock;
preaching at 11 ; Sunday school at 12 :20 ;
Epworth League at 6 :30, and services at
7:30 p. m.
Mrs. Ada W. TJnruh a W. C. T. TJ.
state organizer and lecturer, will speak
in the Congregational church next Sab
bath evening at 7 :30 o'clock. Subject
of address, "Our Boys and Girls." Mrs.
TJnruh is well known in western Oregon,
and has been for the last two weeks in
eastern Oregon. Every where she is
spoken of as an interesting, witty and
forceful speaker. . The local union ex
tend a most cordial invitation to all to
come out and listen to the charming
speaker. Mrs. TJnruh will give a talk to
the Sunday school at the M. E. Church
on Sunday at 12 :30. A cordial invita
tion is extended to all Sunday school
children and workers.
Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly.
Joles Bros, have early Rose seed pota
toes for sale.
One IMMHre Only!
Of 642 Market street. Ban Francisco, now located
in the parlors of the Umatilla House. The Dalles.
Or., desires to notify the public in general that
newiu remain in The Danes a snort ame only,
and reanests that all who desire to consult him
about their eyes call on him at their earliest
convenience, and be will perform the work in a
peneci manner.
The professor refer, to the following, ladies and
rentlemen: Ex-Governor Stevenson, Boise
City; Bishop Glorienx, Dr. M. . Spaul-
rt . TS .-.J J'.t . . TI M If. . Ti ..J Jl T 1
uiugt xuiav sLj . 1U1. .'I m -ill . muuu uur
versity, Forest Grove; H. E. Keal, Capitol 8tate
Bank. Boise Citv : CoL Bailev. U. 8. jL: J. Mc-
Klnnon, warden Oregon penitentiary, Salem;
Dr. Powers, Stanford University; W. T. Kama,
Hilton Harlnn, Miss Lauer, Mrs. G. W. Rowland,
John Mlchell, E. P. Fltz Gerald, Mrs. D. Bolton,
Co. Treas. Wm. Mlchell, Pat Fagan, The Dalles;
C. J. Mellls, agent, HuntingUn; Miss Stalker,
school teacher, Huntington.
The oculist has a valuable cure for Catarrh
and Deafness and he invites all who desire a
free test of the same to call oa him. Hem amber
his Is free ami cost no money. No peddlers
Artificial (law eyes inserted to perfection.
Remember, the professor is the only on i that
carries a complete set of tools, where lenses can
be ground on the premises if necessary.
To Our. Customers
And. the Public in General:
Once More to the Front,
Where our prices will ALWAYS be the Lowest"
We propose to make a slaughter, and will throw our entire stock on the mar
ket at slaughter prices to make room for our mammoth new stock this season.
We will give you
In Dress Goods
Hats and Caps
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Boots, Shoes and Slippers
White Goods
Outing Flannels
Embroideries, Laces, Curtains
In fact all of the above will
buy them elsewhere -
pil (adis are Cordially Ivitd to Utd.
Special attention has been given our MILLINERY,
and we are showing all the Latest Eastern Novelties
and Designs. ........
112 Second Street.
City Stables,
Corner of Fourth and Federal Sts., The Dalles, Oregon,
These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern
Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single
or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night.
Also, can furnish First Class accommodations to teamsters with freight
or driving teams, having added to their stables large feeding and wagou room.
New Styles for Spring and Summer,
wiesi ii Retail Droiits.
XT 253
Handled by Three Registered Druggists.
Patent ffledieines and Druggists Sundries.
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in
the City for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints.
The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars.
Agent for Tansill's Punch.
129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon
This well-known Brewery is now turning at tbe baft Seer and Porter
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for tbe maaafaetvr of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and only the firet-claea article vQl be placed on
the market. .
be sold cheaper than you can
- - Come and see.
Court and Second Sts., The Dalles, Or.
"-. Proprietors.
Commercial Patronace Solicited.
C3r fe