CO 1 v rl 2 rn VOL. V. We Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. The Latest Fads and Colors in Veiling. Seed Wheat, Oats, Corn, Rye, it " Potatoes, Garden Seeds, Grass " Seeds in Bulk. -AT- J. H. CROSS' Hay, Grain and Feed Store. JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, 70 Couft Street, Next door to Wasco Sun Office.. Haa jnst received a fine line of Samples for spring and summer Suitings. Come and See tie New FasMons. Cleaning and Repairing to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. The Dalles Gigaf : Faetopy FIBST STEEET. . FACTORY NO. 105. fTd. A TQ of the Best Brands ,VAVJTx3l..I0 manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. Ho. 90 Second Breet, The Dalles, Or. This well known" stand, kept by the well known W. H. Butts, long a resi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary fine stock of -Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Disturbance. In fact, all the leading brands of fine Wines, -Liquors and Cigars. Give the old man a call and you will come again. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successors to V. S. Cram.) Manufacturers of the finest French and -. Home Made East of Portland. m DEALERS IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholeaala or Be tail ; 'StFSESH OYSTEtS43- In Every Style.' " Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. are Wide Awake Little Giant D. M. Hough's and C. P. Ford's Ladies' Fine Boots and Low Shoes. Williams & Hoyt's Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes and Slippers. Crossette's, Eastwood's and Warren's Men's Fine Footwear. .A. USTEW Uriahs Establishment! PRINZ & NITSCHKE DEALERS IN Furniture and Carpets We have added to our business a somplete TJndertading Establishment, and as we are in no way oonnected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. "The Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portlanfl and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH FreigntaM Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. PASSENGER RATES. One way Round trip... ...$2.00 .. 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland on arrival. Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address. W. CALLAWAY, General Agent. B. F. LAUGH LIN, General Manager. THE DALLES. OREGON YOUft RTTEimOIl Is called to the fact that Hagh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. -Carrie the Finest Line of i i r i i To be found in the" City, u 72 LLtashington Street. nr-v i "v u -a a ricture Mouldin THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1893. :WITH .A- COMPLETE IillsTE 03T: School Shoes. JUDGE DEADY'S DEATH FnrM Particulars Concerning His Last Illness. BAR' WILL FRAME RESOLUTIONS The U. S. Court Adjourned Till Mon day by Judge Gilbert, and Doors Draped in Mourning. Portland, March 24. Although not unexpected, (the announcement of the death of Judge Deady elicited the pro foundest expressions of regret from the members of .the bar, and out of respect a meeting will be held in the United States courtroom at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, for the purpose of taking proper 6teps toward the adoption of res' olutions. Arrangements will also be made for the attendance in a body of the bar at the funeral. The flags on the federal building and county court house were lowered to half-maBt this morning. - The doors of the United . States court room were draped in mourning, as were the doors of all the offices connected with the court. Judge Gilbert, who has just arrived from the Sound, opened the United States court this morning, and, after making a brief announcement of Judge Deady 's death, adjourned till Monday morning. The ailment was spinal .trouble and bright's disease. The former was in duced ' by the judge's long, unbroken sittings on the bench, and extended to the base of the brain, producing an irri tation and causing partial paralysis of the lower limbs. Other complications followed, bringing on bright's disease. Until about two years ago the combi nation of troubles was so slight as to offer little inconvenience, but. since that time the judge's ; condition ' gradually became more and more serious until, by Dr. Strong's direction, he took a trip to the Sandwich islands, which afforded him but temporary relief. Returning home, he resumed his seat and worked as continuously as ever and with fully as much energy. During the time Judge Deady wore the judicial ermine he won the reputation of being one of the most industrious workers on the United States bench. About six months ago a dreaded turn for the worse was manifested in a stroke of partial paralysis, which rendered the judge's steps slow and laborious. Still he continued Jto' work until about two weeks ago, when he was confined to his room, and from that time forth he never left his apartments. Yesterday a host of visitors called at The Hill to make inquiries concerning the judge's condition, and a few of his most intimate friends were admitted to the sick room. Among them was Hon. A. Bush, of Salem; and when the judge saw his , old friend he greeted him dis tinctly with, "How are you, Bush?" But that was all; for he almost imme diately lapsed into a state of heavy stupor. Good Prospect In California. San Fbancisco, March 24. From the present appearances this year will be an unusually prosperous one for the fruit growers of California. The rainfall Jias been abundant and in good season, and, although the floods in some parts of the state may injure individual owners, still, taking California as a whole, the crop at present promises to be large. Receiver Asked for. Seattle, March 24. Special to The Chboniclb. The Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern railroad is in trouble and a and Early iri the Field Dress Goods and Notions, Royal Worcester Corsets. Jackson Corset Waists. "Erebus" Fast Black Hose. Manhattan Banner Negligee Shirts. Coon" Collars and Cuffs. receiver is asked for. A small majority of stockholders, who are opposed to the Northern Pacific's management, have brought suit to compel the company to make an accounting of the business and receipts. They also claim that the Northern has taken possession of the Lake Shore depot and terminal facilities. It is thought that it a receiver is ap pointed a traffic contract will be made with the Canadian Pacific. Set Fire to a Creek of Coal Oil. Bethany, W. Va., March 24. Several miles above here in Pennsylvania, near the source of Buffalo creek, an. oil well has been opened recently. Large quan tities of nil have been coming down the creek since Sunday night. The students here set the oil on fire on Monday night at 9 :30 o'clock. The fire spread across the creek and started down stream in a flash,' producing a sheet of flame nearly 70 feet high. Soon Bethany was in a circle of flame, and the creek looked like a serpent of fire nearly two miles long. A dense smoke which nearly suffocated the people of Bethany arose. At the end of two hours every road was block aded with wagons containing persons who had come in far miles to see the lire. Not until 24 hours had elapsed did the flames die but. The Bethany college students enjoyed the excitement very much. The water in the creek was nearly boiling when the fire had gone out ; and when it had sufficiently cooled more than 100 students and part of the faculty went in bathing. A Phenomenon. Panama, March 24. From Popayan is reported a phenomenon which is puzzl ing the geologists. - The bill known as Cruiz Loma, which is situated near the town, suddenly disappeared: For sev eral days deafening subteranean noises were heard, which caused alarm throne out the ?own. Then the. hill suddenly parted and immense volumes of earth were piled to the surface. ' In the des cent a great amount lodged in the beds of the rivers. This was especially true in the case of the Rio Gauchicono, Rio Molino, and Rio Blanco. All ' of these streams were obstructed. It is believed the obstruction, will result in floods, which may cause great damage.' Whole villages, in which are located many val uable estates, are in danger. The up heaval is attributed to an eruption of the Solaric volcano, which have been active for many months. Twelve persons and hundreds of cattle were killed by the fly ing rocks when the hill parted. A Shipwrecked Crew Saved. Portland, Me., March 24. The steam ship Alcides, of the Donaldson line, ar rived at this port this afternoon from Glasgow. She brings the news that the bark Louis is now either a derelict or at the bottom of the sea. The Alcides left Glasgow on March lltb. .On Sunday, March 19th, a hurricane was encount ered. This lasted until the afternoon of the next day, when the bark Louis was sighted, flying signals 'of distress. The bark was in a sinking condition, and the crew were on deck waving signals for help. This was in north latitude 43 :19, and west longitude 52 :53, about 25 miles east of the banks of Newfoundland. A lifeboat was launched from the Alcides and the crew of ten men rescued. Cap tain Semb, of the wrecked bark, says that on March 18th, a terrific gale was encountered. A hole was stove in her port bow and the hatches floated off into the' sea. The Indiana Are Cliost Dancing. Tahlxquah, I. T.. - March 24. Chief Murray ot the Otoes has arrived here. He says the Kiowas, Otoes and Miesouris are dancing, and predicting the coming of the Messiah. Unless the agents do something, trouble will result. The whites are leaving the agency. Dress Shirts. g0 Increase of Influenza. New. York, March 24. While the health authorities were congratulating themselves that New York would be spared a visit from the influenza this season, the dreaded disease had already come, and was settling on the city, the weather giving it a firmer hold. For the first 10 weeks of 1893 only)13 deaths were put under the head of influenza and la grippe. For the week ending March 18, 11 deaths from the diseasewere recorded. This includes all the cases of la grippe simple, and none of the complications such as pneumonia or phthisis form. For the corresponding week of 1893 only nine deaths were attributed to the cause, two less than this year. In the last four days there have been 12 deaths from la grippe. Yesterday there were five. The other deaths yesterday included 48 from pneumonia. 11 from phthisis and seven from bronchitis, all of which dis eases are influenced more or less by la grippe. This makes a total of 52 deaths yesterday from pulmonary and respira tory troubles, out of a total death list of 154, a little more than 40 per cent. Doctors in Brooklyn and Jersey City have also been kept bnsy attending la grippe His First Decision. Washington, March 24. Secretary Hoke Smith today rendered his first de cision. In was a case of the Southern Pacific railroad. It involved the ques tion of the right of that company to lands within its' granted limits and the. limits of the grant to the Atlantic & Pacific railroad, basing its claim on the ground the latter company had never complied with its requirements of the grant, in the matter of locating its road, and the forfeiture of its grant. The secretary holds, however, the Southern Pacific Company had acquired no title to the lands in question under its grant.' This decision operates to open these lands, aggregating many thousands of acres in southern California, to settlement ' and entry. The commissioner of the general land office is accordingly directed to take PiN The United States Official Investigation of baking powders, made under authority of Congress (see Bulletin 13, Chemical , Division, U. S. Ag. Dept.), shows the Royal to be a cream of tartar baking powder of the highest quality, and superior to all others in strength, leavening power, and. general usefulness. The Royal Baking Powder is thus distinguished by the highest expert official authority the leading Baking Powder of the world. NO. 85. Drapery India . Pongee Silks. the steps necessary to restore them to the public domain. Cyclone In Indiana. T . - r i c m . i IKDXANArOLIB, lYiarCIl 24. A CVUIOIUC storm visited Indiana last night. Is this city 50 houses were wrecked in one neighborhood in the northwest portion, and many families are temporarily homeless. At Tuxetto, a suburb, many houses were wrecked, and several small ones carried away. Many residents passed the night in the cellars. The storm was accompanied by a heavy rain and severe lightning. For the Public Good. Washington, March 24. The cabinet meeting today resulted in the issue of a notice by the president directing that the offices of members of the cabinet will not be opened Tuesdays or Fridays, cabi net days, this action being " rendered necessary for the uninterrupted and more efficient transaction of government busi- On Business Principles. ' Washington, March 24. It is under stood the president is looking about him for some one who will conduct the pen sion office on purely business principles. He said to Representative Enloe, of Ten nessee, this morning, that he would ap point no demagogue politician commis sioner of pensions. Strength and Health. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la grippe" has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. ' This remedy acta directly on liver, stomach and kidneys. gently aiding those organs to perform ' their functions. If you are afflicted with, sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by , taking 'Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need.' Large bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. For Bent. ', A nicely furnished room in good loca tion with or without board. Apply at this office. tf.