Tne Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AMD WASCO COUNTY. Entered at the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BT MAIL (POSTAGE PREPAID) IN ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year -.. ... 1 60 " 6 mouths Dally, 1 year. - " 6 months . " Per " Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. 0 75 0 50 6 00 8 00 0 50 OBEGON AT THE WORLD'S FAIR, The fnllowine in a list of the superintendents of the different departments of the world's fair commission. Anyone wno nas anyimng h ex hibit should correspond with the proper officer, one of tne following: w p. MATLOCK, department of agriculture. .forestry and forest proaucts, and live stock; C. V, AYERS, department of mines, mining and metallurgy; Ashland. DR. J. R. CARDWELL, department of horti culture, including noncuuure ana viticulture; Portland. . - r,m T. MYERS, denartmenb of fishlrur and fishing apparatus, manufactures, electrical and mechanical inventions; rortiana. MRS. M. PAY TON, balem, (until July 1, 1893) and MRS. E. W. ALLEN. Portland, (after July 1. 1893), department of woman's work, comprising tne nne arts, nousrnoia economy ana pruaucw thereof. E. B. McELROY, department of education, including educational exhibits, literary, special, general, music, etc. ; Salem. GEO. W. McBRIDE, department of civil gov ernment, lnciuaing stale ana county; oaiem.- WEDNESDAY - - - - MAE: 22, 1893 DOUBLE TAXA1I0N. We do not believe that the courts of Oregon will sustain the decision of any local authority, which may hold that the failure to compel the same man to pay tax twice on the same property vitiates the whole assessment roll. This is con trary to the constitutional requirement that all taxation must be equal and uni form, and contrary to the spirit of the statutes. Taken in connection with the repeal of deduction for debt in the same law, the plain intent of the repeal of the mortgage' tax law is that mortgages upon land which haa already paid full tax shall not be taxed at all. Any double taxation is unjust. Taxa tion of the same person on the same property twice is outrageous. This is the effect ol all taxation of creditsT- It is the plain effect when the owner of the land covenants in a mortgage deed to pay all taxes upon the loan for which it is security. It is none the less' the ef feet when there is no covenant. In that case, the lender of the money simply adds enough to the interest or commis sions to cover all possible taxation. Great service has been done the peo ple of Oregon by the law authorizing the borrower of money to covenant to pay taxes on the debt in the mortgage deed. This makes it clear to the dullest mind that tax levied on a debt is paid by the borrower. This principle is no more true of the loan carrying euch a cove nant than of all loans. The borrower in the former case merely agrees in set terms to do that which he does in all cases ; he merely pays direct to the. tax collector what, in other cases, the bor rower pays through the lender in form of added interest , bonus or commission. It is a fixed and universal principle that every tax laid upon a debt is paid by the borrower. The covenant in the mort gage deed simply makes the operation pf this principle plain to the mind in capable of close reasoning. Since deduction for debt is abolished, it is unjust to .tax any form of credit, whether a mortgage note, a bank note, bills receivable or a . book account. In -every case, the tax so levied upon the creditor is passed on to the debtor, in form of greater charges for the loan. This is double taxation, because the se curity on which, the credit was granted, whether land, collateral, personal property or a commercial business, has been taxed already as property. It is alike unjust to tax all forms of credit, but the injustice is made glaring and palpable where the bond itself which secures the loan bears evidence that the borrower, who has already paid tax on the property, agrees to. pay whatever tax may be levied on the debt. We be lieve the courts will sustain those asses sors who reluse to levy this double tax, in violation alike of the requirement that all taxation shall be equal and uni form, and of the spirit of the new law repealing deduction for .debt and the specific provision for taxation of mort gages. Oregonian. A man has been arrested in Portland for stealing a turkey 20 years old. The authorities intend to send him to jail. What's the matter with an insane asylum? Hurry up the Columbia River Glass Works. A firm of glass bottle manufac turers in Salem, N. J., has accepted an English order for its wares, the first Bhipment consisting of 1,000 gross of long necked bottles ordered by Lea & Perrin, manufacturers of Worcestershire A reaction has set in against pugilism, which will tend, if continued, to rid the arena of fistic encounters. Two deaths within a year caused by "punishment," ' and the general .disreputable character of prize fights, with all the accompany ing license to kindred vices, will cause public opinion to be directed against them. The great and glorious nation can afford to lose this, feature of its amusement. That part of the Lord's prayer reading "lead us not into temptation" does not apply to the Oregon way of catching prisoners for selling whisky to Indians. This is our way : Select some poverty stricken wretch, driven almost to des peration for the want of a dollar or two : Eend to him an Indian with a $5 bill in one hand and an empty bottle in the other, pleading for him to be a go-between- between the Indian and the drugstore, telling him he can have what is left after buying a pint of whisky; when he comes out with the liquor, nab him and bring the Indian and the deputy marshal up for prosecuting wit nesses. 'This is a beautiful way to en courage innocent people to engage in a life of crime, for rare is it that he who after being once branded with the stig ma of being a "jail-bird," has the moral hardihood to break away from a course of wrong-daing forced upon him. "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil "is thus rendered "Lead us in to temptation and encourage us to evil." 'Mining Commissioner C. W. Ayer is showing commendable zeal in preparing for the mining exhibit at the world's fair. His example is infectious, and he reports that from one mine he received $200 worth of ore, which is simply won derful to look at. Two hundred and fifty pounds of similar ore yielded $5,000, and this is fully as rich. Also that s man went up in the Siskiyou mountains on snowshoes to get some coal, and will brine it down on his back. v Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow" skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 74c. - Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. TJie coming woman can be healthy. . She will be, if she's wisely cared for. As she enters womanhood, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription builds up and strengthens the system and regulates and pre motes the functions. It's a supporting tonic, and a quiet ing, strengthening nervine. It corrects and cures all those delicate derangements and weaknesses . peculiar to the sex. In every case for which it's recommended, the " Favor ite Prescription" is guaranteed to give satisfaction. If there's no help, there's no pay. It does all that's claimed .for it, or the money is refunded. It's a risky way to sell it but it isn't your risk. sij Sj ?j ?j ij Sj jj ?j ij cj Ask your Dealer -FOB THE- Ml ?ubai? Hand Made c ioar. M. A. GTJNST & CO. SOLE AGENTS, PORTLAND, OREGON. 1 ! Isl Isa ii ! li 1 DR. SANDEN'SVV"" ELECTRIC BELT t ' -ft I Potentat Bet Improvement? Win cure without meaidne&U WeftkMOTresuiuupr from over-taxation cf brain nerve forces: excesses or indis cretion, as exhaustion-nervous debility, sleeplessness, languor, rheumatism 'kidney, liver and bladder com- uunw, iiuue oiick, mrawiRO. sciatica, general in. eaun, etc 1 nis n-ieccrio vei contains nondei-nu El proTemeau o'er ail others, and gives a current that is liisuuiiiy it-it dv wearer or we xorzeis va, ani will sure ail of the above diseases or no pay. Thou sands have been cured br this marvelous invention after all other remedies failed, and we give hun dreds of testimonials In this and every other state, v uur rowtmu unpevvea aaMTTKiu Buarf.vuiii, rrea1 Hralth day. I II u ELECTRl mm (far. BottloV-' W 25ctc, fiOcta., SLOOper Hiinvi Conch. Irionraen i-:.s. Sore Throat. Croup promptlv; relieves Whooping Cough end Aithmo. pnr Consumption it bas no rival; has cured thousand where All others failed; will curb you if taken In time. - Bold by Druggists on a guarantee. For Lame Back or Cheat, use SHILOH'S PLASTEH. 5 eta. HILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY, lave vou Cat&rrh ? Thisremed v in maran. teed to euro you. Price 60 eta. Injector free. ; .For sale "by Snipe & Kinersly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS'. DSIDDALL Dkntist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth net on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of uitt- uuiueii xoom, oecouu Btroev TAB. ESHELMAN fHojl JtOPATHio Physician XJ and Surgbon. Calls answered promptly, day or night, city or country. Office So. 86 and 87 Chapman block. wtf rV K. O. D. DO AN B PHYSICIAN AND BUB' xJ gkon. Office: rooms 6 and 6 Chapman Klock. Residence: S. E. corner Court' and Fourth streets, secmd door from the corner. Office hours 8 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to i P. M. H. H. Rl DDE LL Attorney-at-Law .Office Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. K. B. DOFUR. FRANK MEKIIII. rvTJFOR, 4 MENEFEE ATTORNEYS - AT- J LAW Rooms 42 and 43, over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street. i S. BENNETT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of- r. flee in Schanno's building, up stairs. The uaties, uregon. t. r. MAYS. B. S.HUNTINGTON. R. 8. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON fc WILSON ATTOR-keys-at-law Offices, French's block over r irst national ijanit. i - ualies. Oregon. SOCIETIES. A SSEMBLY NO. 4827. K. OF lu Meets In K. A of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes days of each month at 7:30 p. m. w ASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. Si A. M. Meets nrst ana tnira Monday ol each month at 7 DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday oi eacn montn ai i sr. ai. .. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even ing oi eacn ween in f raternity iiali, at 7:-) p. m. i-tOLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets J every riday evening at 7 :30 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. sojourning Drotners are welcome. H. Clough, Sec'y. H. A. Bills.N. G FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. ol P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in- viteu. n.B. CRAM, D. W.Vause, K. of R. and 8. C. C. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENRE T t UNION will moet every Friday afternoon au uiocK at uie reaoing room, a il are 111 VI lea Harmon Lodge No. 501, I. O. G. T. Regular weekly meetings Monday at 7:30 P. u., at riuicniuy nail. Ail are in vi ten. rpEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A, O. U. W. Meets J. in Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, en Second sireui, inursuay evenings at 7 :3U. - Paul Kreft, W. 8 Myers, Financier. M. W. TAB. NE8M1TH POST, No. 32, G. A. R. Meets rj every Saturday at 7:30 p. m., in the K. of P. Hall. B OF1 T , V "fAofw PVOrTKiniriov aFtnmnAn tn . the K. of P. Hall. GESANG " VEREIN Meets every Snndav evening n the K. of P. Hall. T OF L. F. DIVISION. No. Ifi7 Mwt Iti X. K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes- aay oi eacn month, at 7:30 p. M. TUB CHURCHES. - ST. ? ETERS CHURCH Rev. Father Brons Gbest Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 a. m. High Mass at 10:30 a.m. Vespers at ST. PAULS CHURCH Wnion Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. EliD.SutcUffe Rector. Services BVArvfinniloif at 11 anl T . rt O., 1 fichool9:4o A. m. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7 Clk ITIIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tit 17 lor, Pastor. Morning services every 8ab- ulu iue acauemy at XX a. M. ' baDDatn School immediately after mnnilnff w-rv(-f Prayer meeting Friday evening at Pastor's resi- ueuce. u mun services, in me court house at 7 f. ax. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C Curtis, Pastor. Services everv Snndav ntll A. M. and 7 P. M. Snnday School after morning wu. DujstsrB cuxuuuiy inviieu. seats ireo. ME. CHURCH Rev. J. Whirler, pastor. Services evervSundav mnminnt ll n m Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock p. m. Epworth League at 6:80 p. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evenine at 7:30 o'clock. A rorrHxl in. vita tion la extended by both pastor and people w nil. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. J. W. Jrnicivr Pastor. Preaching in the Concreeational Church each Lords Day at 3 P. M. All are coraiany invitea Evang. Lutheran church, Ninth street. Rev. A. Horn, nastor. Services at 11:30 n tt KnnHuir school at 3:30 p. m. A cordial welcome to every CP. STEPHENS, DEALER IX Dry Goods Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hats,. Eta. ' ' Etc., Etc., Etc. Second St., The Dalles. PHOTOGRAPH ER. First premium at the 'Wasco county fair for best portraits and views. B. 8CHINCK, President. H. M. Beau. Cashier. First flatiooal Bank. CHE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly - remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port DIREOTOKS. D. P. Thompsok.. Jno. S. Scjifv.-k Ed. M. Williams, Gbo. A. Lia.k.. H. M. Beall. : DEALERS fN :- Staple ifl Faoiiu iiKiies, " Hay, Grain and Feed. FSEtfCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINlis- Masonic Bloelc. Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dalles.Oregon. Qolqmbia Letters of Credit issued available in he ' Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Iew York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon 'and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav rable tersnn. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. - President - - - - - " Z. F. Moody Vice-President, - - Charles Hilton Cashier, - - - - - M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, ; i " SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. W. E. GARRETSOM, . . . Jeweler. SOLE AGENT FOR THE All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St.. The Dallea. Or. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS "prepared to do any and all kinds of work , in his line at reasonable fiarures. Has the largest house moving outfit : in Eastern Oregon. Add ress P.O . Box 1 8 1 ,Th e Dalles J-lotel. i THE DALLES, OREGON. TMs Popular House . Has lately been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished throughout, and is now better than . .ever prepared to furnish . the best Hotel accommodations of any house in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of the fast and commodious opposition Stage .to Dufur, Kingsley, Tygh Valley, Wapinitia, Warm Springs and Prineville is in the Hotel V and persons going to Prineville can save " JM-OQ lay going on this Stage line. - ' ' - All trains stop here. THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. . BRAIN ARD & ARMSTRONG'S - SPOOL SILK FINE LINE OF n n "M! 11 1EKS1 No. 390 to 394, 2a street. The Dalles PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN . . . PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in MJSf- Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None bu t the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all ,ur work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. 'Agents for- Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. ' Paint Shot) corner Thirdand Washing ton Sts.. The Dalles. Oregon NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. FRAZER &' WYNDHAM, Proprietors. in w w o pi 13 . c3 r T I B) At the old stand of R.' Lusher, no Front SL. The Dalles, Oregon. S. L. YOUNG, JEWELER Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed AT THE Store of I. O. Mlekelsen, 2d St. The Dalles W. F. WISEMAN. Wax. MAKDKKS. Uliseman & Marders, Saloon and Wine Rooms The Dalles, - Oregon. "Northwest corner of Second and Court Streets. A. A. Brown, Keeps a mil assortment ol - Staple and Fancy and Provisions. which he offer at Low Figures. SPEGIAIi :-: PRIGES to Cash Buyers. " HiiW Casi Prices for Ens ani i HE TROY Steam Laundry of Portland, has esta"blish- : ' '. ed a "branch office for laun dry "work -with Thos. McCoy at ; his barber shop, No. 110 Second St., -where all laun dry bundles -will be received till Tuesday noon of each week, and returned on Sat urday of the same "week at Portland prices. 1MI NgMS "7 HE NEW TOWN has been platted on the old camn rmund. at th Vnrts nrt f5 Falls of Hood river, with large sightly lots, broad streets and alleys, good soil. pure cold water and shade in profusion, perfect drainage, delightful mountain climate, the central attraction as a mountain summer resort and for all Oregon, being the nearest town to Mt Hood. It is also unparalled as a manufacturing center, being the natural center for 150 square miles of the best cedar and fir timber, possessing millions of horse power in its dashinc streams and water- '- falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exists, there the manu factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot be excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with transportation already assured you will find this the place tomake a perfect home or a paying investment TITLE PERFECT See me on " the ground, " br address me at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon. W RossWinans. Freeborn & Company, -DEALERS IN- tall Paper anfl ftoo 295 ALDER ST., COR. FIFTH, p Windings, V 170 SECOND STREET. Old Ncubeb 95, - Portland, Oregon.