y - - VOL. V. - "pi Dress Goods ' ; Wash Fabrics ; White Goods Table Linens S H O E S puinishin Goods i?C5?' ' . Pongee Silks - . Drapery Silks ' : 'Dress Silks" ; . . Trimming Silks We .would v COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY 1 - Campbell Bros. Prop rs ; (Successors to . S. Cram.) ; Manufacturers of the finest French and . Home Made n a rcr-TVT tt '. ... East of Portland. ' -DEALERS IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesals or Retail ; in Bi-rery style. Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. JOHN PASHEK Uleicliant Tailor, 76 Court Street, Next door to Wasco Sun Office. . Has jnBt received a fine line of Samples for spring and summer Suitings. Come and See tie New FasMons. Cleaning and Repairing to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Seed Wheat,: '.yy I v.U Dam, . n " Rye, " roratoes, " ' Garden Seeds, v Grass " .Se&U'ln Bulk."; - i -AT-, J. H. CROSS' Hay, Grain and Feed Store. : Mi 11.011(3, t General Blacksmithing and Work 'done promptly, rna Ml .work --. j i '-- Guaranteed.--.--a Jforse ShQeiDg SpGfdity Tnira Stood?, ligds's oiastana.: : -: uiacKsmiin & waoon siion Six PrCtllnterest;:' " "Sir YfiflTs' T snv rr-.- .;-L-r. rerr. - t:ii..4 - V"N. c -w SinlrinrfflnjM m Oregonlait Butfding.'PortlarrdOf--- f .... '1 :.r . . ij..i:(..' ;...!..-: lvol .1.11 I7ixo Dalles, Oregon; i r rLn - jgj Agents Wanted! Address" the Portland Office. -..be pleased, to line, "The Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, PortM ani istoria Navigation Co. THROUGH FreiDht sna PassenQBr Line Through daily Bervice (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. . Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. "Steamer Dalles City- leaves. Portland (Yamhill Btreet dock) at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. ' . PASSENGER KATES. One way. . . . . Round trip. . . ,.$2.00 :. 3.00 Freight Rates Greatfy Reduced. "Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered, at Portland on - ariiyal.K TjLive jBtock -shipments solicited. Call on or address." W.ci ALLA WA Y,"1 ' " " General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALii.ES'. 1 1 U - OREGON The Dalles Gigeuf : f aetbry OHS1??: STEEEJT. ; i FACTORY JJQ: 105, f rT2- A T? Q ol the. Best Brands fLAVJTxVXlilCl manufactured, i and irders from Wl parts of the .country filled on the shortest notice. Tr r , The reputation of THE' AXLES. CI GAR haa become firmly established, and the demand for the-home. manufactured article ismcreasuig everj? day. .-: ! ioivlU A:uLRlCH & SOU. Tityia n.rirl - i. "A .aTT i-? Ul UCIUIC JTJalUIllJ. .--J v - n 4 n mp.rit Asft'n .. ifulYAl:- li.l-: l.-fin: 'Kit' ipiiiiSiii! - THE DALLES, OREGON, have yoxx call., and . t?L. cissux uiicii THE SILVER-QUESTION Huston Says CleyeM Will Haye a Picnic vitli It. "Vl HARRISON THE MAN ' FOR 1896 The. Great Northern Railway Trying to Get . a Steamship Rate Into ' . - San Francisco. New York, March 17. Ex-United States Treasurer Huston, speaking of the currency question, said he thought Cleveland was going to have a hot time trying to get congress to legislate to suit him in an endeavor to have 4he Sher man silver purchase) act repealed. He said: , "I believe the majority in congress is for free silver, and if the president does not give the members what . they" desire in the way of patronage I predict a reg ular war on him. It rather looks like war now, and when the fur begins to fly the country - will have infinite amuse ment. I do not think a single gold bond should be issued. . .We should stop the coinage of silver, for that is the only way to solve the financial problem." . "It is said you advocate ex-President Harrison for the presidency in 1896?" "I think he would be a logical candi date. "When the people have had time to consider -his administration he will be a more-popular; man. than now.' The result may be his nomination again in 1896." " ' Vfi. ,--. J r 4 P r-r ! f .. :".T ; 'iilj ft L i'il. Italian Anarcnjsta. jx 1:J Rome, Marclr 17 A ; bomb was exr plodcd in the Ancini Mattel palace, the official residence pTJhited .States Min. istei- Porterle;arlyJ,hi8jmorning' jFortu nately not ady was hur J and but -little damage was done !to -tb-ebuildinig; t No cause is known for the deed.- The Jbuxldgrwaavpccupied by two other fainilieBTbesidea' that of United States Minister Potter. As a similar outrage',tras 'p'erptra.ted; in':';th same building in 1892, and as Potter had only engaged the building 'for occupation in the closing days of that . year,: it is be lieved the fact of the place being inhab ited by an American minister had noth ing to do with" the outrage,-- but that the motive for causing the explosion was to gratify a desire for vengeance upon the proprietor of J thef-placej $rtePective cf whether the residents were injured or not. This was the motive .suspected at the time thfe fifsfc explosion, and there is no reason to take"a" different view.-" ".' i J '.' i ' 1m HUl'a Boom. . - Ta'coma;- Wash., March; .17.-r-Senator DavIdrBenhett Hill, of New York, is to visit Washingtoii . in, the. fall and will. addressJtBe .annual; Meeting '.of - the Democratic Society of Washington, to be held at New. Whatcom, .The announce ment was. made last night by one of the most, prominent denjocrats in'the state. According' to'hi's story the date Is fixed, an invitation has "been eent, and Senator Sill"ha8raccptiecr itir :;Thi: frip,r;it is saidv wilt mark the jaeglnning of Senator Hill's presidential' boom "for the cam paiga of 1896t. , nuiJ!)nw.w;.( . 1 t Hay Ketaln Ijineoln and Grant. Washisgton ,March,i6.A.'!brnt of Clevelan'd!s.pIy"oT.piiilrjg ,up .hew party is giveri" Following the . selection of Judge Gresham for the "cabineti1 ft is paid,lhe's gdtngl'appeai 'Jtp ;Iie'., 'senti mental. reptlbTicahB; by keeping Minister Lincoln, at London-' and : 'Minister Tred GraoVat.'yienna:',' Another . Transcontinental ltailroad. Montreal, QneM Mach'l7. Another railroad deal is on the tapis, ., A bill is before the Dominion parliament to in SATURDAY, MARCH examine our: stock. J We liave the largest latesi ;nu vciLica, - corporate the-Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Company, amalgamating the' Baides Chaleures, Great Eastern, Montreal & Sorel railway, Montreal Bridge Com pany, Ottawa Valley Railroad Company, Pontlac. & Pacific Railway and Ontario & Pacific Railway Company into one company with a capital of $10,000,000. The bill also empowers the company to construct a railway f from ..Gaspe to St. Mary's Algoma. Power is also desired to connect with a line of railway in Michigan which gives color to the report that the scheme is backed by the North ern Pacific and is really destined to be a transcontinental . line with numerous ramifications. ' The bill has been re ported in committee and will pass the house. ." - .. '- - ' : . " ..:" ' Into San Francisco. San .Francisco, March 17. H. S. Johnson j formerly freight agent of the Union Pacific in this city, and recently appointed division freight and passenger agent of the - Great Northern railway, has come here to confer with the Pacific coast Steamship Company relative to maktng joint rates with it on shipments to and from San Francisco via Seattle and the Great Northern road. It will be remembered that the ,Great Northern has recently extended its line to the Pacific coast at Seattle and seeks an. entrance into this city by making a rate agreement with the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, the same as the latter has with the Northern Pacific . via Tacoina. This agreement with the steamship eompany will be perfected in a few days ' " - - -. ' - i The Oregon Paclfle. " f Coevallis, March 16. E. W. Hadley, the" new receiver of the Oregon Pacific, returned from San Francisco J today, where he made a complete change in the company's business affairs..; The salary expense in. the Sau 'Francisco '.office has teenreduced.over phe-half,-:,nd other important changes have f been ' made. Everything -Is' running" harmoniously here under Mr.- Hadley 's management. Mz Through Bates to 8on; FnnolMQ. . i..&AsFBAi;oiscd,; March 16.- II. J, Johnson, division freight and passenger agent of the Great Northern, has -come hereto confer .with . the Pacific Coast Steamship company relative ' to making joiqt rates with it on shipments to and from San. Francisco via Seattle and' the Great; Northern.. An agreement ' witli the steamship company will be perfected in a few days. . .- .. . . - V - ., ' . '; ' ' . ' A Childless Home. " - : Smith and his wife have every luxury that money can" buy,: but there is one thing lacking to their ,J'thappiness. Both are fond of children, but no little voices prattler- no little feet . patter ' in their beautiful , .home. rJ would give ten year8of-'niy-' life 'if-f-tibnld chave one healthy, . living,cfeild of my own," Smith often eayfe .to, MmseU.No romani:an be the mother of "heatthyv'!'off'spring lin less she is herself in goodhealth. If she suffers froni'emalej-weakiiees, general debility, bearing-down " pains,,', and functional derangements',' hfcr' pbyBicial' condition is su'cK that she 'cannot .'hope to Jjave healthy children. ' DrJ Pierce's Favorite Prescription is" a " sovereign and guaranteed .remedy ':.for.i all . thee ail-' ments.' 4 See guarantee printedoa bottle wrapper.i .,v. ,Mn-,:--,-!:,.... .(,. ,., j 1 XV. F. WISEMAN. WM. UAEDEKS. 1 J-lflnrW;SZ'toiAnirtli , r r 1 - - - 1 '- V - ... Saloon arid Wine Rooms The DaMes,' .- Oregon; 1 ITNorthwest corner of Second and Court Streets. - ' - : V 18, 1893. " J. aiici - . - . The Millers Combine. A combination of flour millers has been formed- at the Portland meeting held last week. It will . incorporate un der the name of the Northwest Flour and "Shipping Company. The milling firms concerned comprise about one -half of the concerns now represented in the Oregon and Washington Millers' Asso ciation,which was in- session at St. Charles during two days.' For the pres ent the new company will capitalise tor $20,000. " The 20 mills represented have a capacity of about 2000 barrels daily. - It is proposed to erect a warehouse in Portland at once, and to send out agents to dispose of the products of the mills which will be stored here. Capital Journal. - -- -.- Mrs. Shaw Confesses - Mrs. Shaw, who 'was arrested with Galhn, for the murder of her husband, near Baker City, has made a confession. She states that Galling with whom she has been intimate, killed her, husband with a hammer, and then carried the lifeless body to the barn.- He then dis patched a boy to town to spread the re port that "Shawhad been' kicked to death by a horse. - In the meantime the murderer burned the handle of th,e ham mer and threw the head of it in the deep snow, where- it, was afterwards found.. .V- . - - -" Stallion for Sale Cheap. A fine thoroughbred, 6 year old stal lion for eale cheap. For further particu lars apply art this office. Shade and ornamental trees,' flower ing shrubs and vines, hedge plants, etc., cheap at Mission Gardens. - , . ., Joles Bros, have 60 varieties of fresh garden and field seeds on hand in balk, and can supply all demands. .5.''."' Health Officei Sak. City, . i State and .National Authorities . report the Royal Baking: Powder in every way Superior to all others, 'y : STATE CHEMIST; CALIFORNIA ; The t Royal fulfils all tlie , .: . 7. .requirementsi .. Our tests show it has greater leavening power - r -- than any other. ... , . . ! :': " ''' -- ' ':- ' "-"; ; ' ' ' " :' ' STATE CHEMIST, WASHINGTON : There is no questiorji but , . , ' - - - . ... the RqyAL.is. the strongest, purest, and most.wholesoraebaking .. ... i .; . ; powder ith.emarket. A.: l: i--':-rrn-i -y- j : ..i..,. -m . U Si' OOVT FOOD REPORT ; "RovXi. Baking Powder; is ; y V" shown a pure xream- of tartar powder, highest; of all in leaven- . ; . ' " .g 'rragtiv:7;;; ; .w.j,:v.?o:;V - ' CANADIAN . OFFICIAL TESTS t Royal. Baking Powder' ia s. commended s of highest excellence, and shown to be greatest ''" iS;f;of aHiu leavening sttength.:'. ;"'';" .'C .' VS-V.. 'SAN FRANCISCO BOARD OF HEALTH ;'Hve cordially- apr.' . '; ovPtQye.andrecommend the-Royal' Baking' Powder. -It is ;-. Sy:iU absolutely pve and healthful,6mp " '...frofthe highest strength' and cafcterJ',,j; '''f f :r i1",.";:';'! board op health; seattlwaJs " h(tnv)f1yjat.;rt.isflentodyrfreer&ora .j jiht.vijeartily recQmmend e.RoYAL-BAKmo PowDEffif its: greats 1 ? ; .. ,1 a rstrengtf purity andrwholesomehe'ss;? ,:,''Vi'a ei , ' , tBOARD"0 HEALTH. TACOMAif. WAS HJNQTON i, Za: oura .ri judgmentLltheiRQyAi'. Wi.ie best and strongest-baking powder fit beib&e!in6'iniolic& io ioii ytl lo vKxf Jo anTin:l.iiji BOARD OF HEALTH, SPOKANE ; CfjtfTuol-"' o j-hVnt powder known to 'tis eual to the'RdVAxl,',A illl'felNsWfefc' lM ERfTVbi 61?E0Ny f? islsoiT. , . ;nrJ font- ,11 my .pinion that there iexists no purer, bpfsjnerSg,;; '"-.( ui : vpowderittaathe RoyalJT LjrxnfidenUy,recommen,d iti.bi':(ir : ;-'jft.tl.a fA t-idio vtt& .) Tnf( j-.v,,, v-t ,t .s-oiLf-B-jjn vi .vii Do not ; permit the slanderous,,store pf j.inr-r- - Rested parties' to ihfluertce "yib'ii ihiislng any other than The Best, The Royal.' NO. 79. THE CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal church, corner Fifth and Washington streets, Rev." J. Whisler, pastor." In the absence of the pastor, tomorrow's services will be as follows : The 10 o'clock class will not convene... Prayer and praise service at . ll o'clock; Sunday school at 12:20; Epworth League", devotional meetipg at 6:30 o'clock, led by Mrs J F Haworth. There will be a missionary concert jp.-. the evening, to which all are invited. ' The services .for the week will . be as usual. "".-""' . ' -" First .Congregational ychurch, corner Court-and Fifth streets, Eev. ,W- C. . Curtis pastor. At 11 a.- ni, text GaK 6-9,, subject, "Steady . Faithfulness." Evening .service at 7:30. Text John, 13-18, "If Ye Know These Things Happy Are Ye If Ye Do Them." . Subject. "Practical Duty." Sunday 6chool im mediately after "morning service. Lesson Prav.23, 15-23, "A Temperance Lesson." -Young . People's Society of Christian Endeavor at, 6:15. Topic. Prov. 23, 15-23, Temperance,'.' also. ."A Boy's Story of His Beginning of the Christian Life." All not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited. ; ' t ' For Sale or Trade. '".'. - Thoroughbred, Short Horn bull for sale. Weight 2,000 pounds, age 5 years. From Kansas, Mo. ; Al pedigree, Will trade tor horses or mules.. Keeh & Buckley; Grass Valley JffVTICK. - - ' ;- y All Dalles. Citv warrants registered prior to May 1," 1891, will be paid if presented at my office. J Interest ceases from and after tins date'. . Dated, Jan. 3d, 1893. '" . ' - L. ROKDE.N, tf: - TreaB.'Dalles Citv. ; Joles Bros, have early Rose seed pota toes for sale. : .-.