Tne Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COCNTY. Xntered at the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. BT MAIL (POBTASI rXKPAIS) IN ADVANCE. . "Weekly, 1 year. 160 " 6 months. 0 75 8 " 0 50 Dally, 1 year...... 6 00 ' 6 months. 8 00 " per " 0 50 Address all communication to "THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. THURSDAY, - MAE. 16, 1893 A MYSTERIOUS CASE. The search for little Gladys Miller who bo mysteriously disappeared from - her home in Eastern Opegon six months ago, has come to a fruitless ending. The circumstances surrounding the child's disappearance, and the eagerness with which the slightest clues which might lead to her restoration to her iome have been followed by her father, with one unvarying result, combine to snake the case one of the most pitiful re corded in the annals of this section. The little girl has not been seen since one afternoon in September when, on going out to play, she vanished as com pletely as if the earth had opened and ' Bwallowed her. Since then her father lias unceasingly searched for her. Be lieving her to have been stolen by gyp sies he has visited every encampment he could hear of, often following vague rumors which proved to be without foundation, and always returning disap- pointed. In the six months that have elapsed since the disappearance of his child he has traveled over 3,000 miles ind has visited almost every portion of the three northwestern states. His last visit was to the Yakima reserve, where be had, been informed a white child was living with some Indians, and from this fruitless mission he returned but a -few days ago. . The eager search, the hope, always deferred, and the final termination of the father's quest touch a sympathetic chord in the hearts of all. The burden would be easier for the parents to bear were the child known to be in her grave, sinee life may possibly hold in store for her a future to which death would be in finitely preferable. As it is, the agony, the doubts and fears, must ever abide with them if the forlorn hope fails that an offered ransom can accomplish more than the father's personal search could. Review. ' The Salt Lake Tribune ad voocates im ported sermons on the same principle that when the minister gives out a hymn to be sung, he does dot pretend that he wrote either the music or the words, but the congregation like the hymn just as well, probably better, and thinks the minister should give proper credit some thing after this style: "My brethren, it was an off week with me last week. If I had insisted upon trying to write a sermon, you would all have gone to sleep today under its inf i?tion. Anticipating that I should have such a day now and then, I sent to London and purchased a sermon for five shillings, which I am able to retail to you, because there are a good many other clergymen just like me, and the venders and manufacturers of Jthe sermons can deliver them to the crowd cheaply. I wish to say, in ad vance, that if this sermon were manufac tured at home it would be worth $30. It is genuine goods. The religious part of it is' from orthodox sources, and it was no slouch who put the matter together. Hence, I do not want you to think I am giving you a spurious article, for, in point of fact, there is more brains in this sermon than I could ever put into one to save my life. My only object is to -save your souls at least expense to my self if possible, so here goes." Now, if a minister would do that, there would be a curiosity on the part of the people to see what he had been able to gather during the week and there would be a grand rush to church on Sunday. The more we think of it the more it seems to us like a good device. The straw which broke Sacramento's back, says the Telegram,. was the recent publication in the Bee of an illustrated article which showed up the California eolons in an unenviable light. It was a description of a midnight legislative orgy, where there was more wine and women than lawmaking. It was an in stance of where it did not pay to tell the truth. ' San Jose profited by the mia lake of the Sacramento paper. The legislators who were exposed became incensed and voted against Sacramento, publicly denounced the Bee and repudi ated all responsibility for the public tion, but that did not placate the legis lators whose follies had been paraded before the public. If the capital goes to San Jose, it will probably be with the implied understanding that the legisla torsare to have the freedom. Nof the city with none to molest or make. them afraid. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. 'The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. . For sale by Snipes & Kin-IJfcersly. Seotlaad and the TbUtla. The thistle was selected as the national emblem of Scotland in the year 1010. It was during the reign of Malcolm 1 that a notable invasion of the country was made by the Danes. They came in thousands; and landing on the coast swarmed over ttte inhabited districts like locrista. destroying, burning and plundering wherever they went. . For safety the inhabitants fled to the castles and fortified towns, and among the most notable of the fortresses of Aberdeen shire was Staine's castle, where were collected a large number of people of the neighborhood.' The Danes projected a surprise. Approaching the castle in the darkness they planned to scale its walls, and laid aside their shoes that the greater secrecy might be observed when drawing near to the fortifications. The surprise might have been success ful had it not been for the fact that, on descending into the dry moat, they found, to their great discomfiture and mortification, it was filled with thistles, by which their feet were so severely pricked that several made an outcry, which aroused the defenders of the castle and brought them to the wall in time to repel the onset. Regarding their good fortune in repelling the Danes as due to the thistles, these plants were immedi ately placed in the arms of Scotland and adopted as the emblem of the country. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The Scorpion's 'Wonderful Kar. I have studied the habits of the scor pion for many years, and have often noticed how very sensitive scorpions are to the most delicate Bound, musical or otherwise. Under the thorax the scorpion has two comblike appendages, which are the antenna (pectinatae). It is pretty well settled by physiologists and entomologists tnat in insects the an tennae represent the "Organs of hearing. These delicate " structures are easily affected by the vibrations of Bound, and there can be no doubt whatever that they are also affected by sounds quite inaudible to the human ear. The slightest vibration of the at mosphere, from any cause whatever, at once puts in motion the delicate struct ures which compose the atennaa,. to which organs insects owe the power" of protecting themselves against danger as well as the means of recognizing the approach of one another. London Spec tator. Turn to the right medicine, if you're a weak or ailing woman. It's Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If you're overworked or run-down," it builds you up ; if you're afflicted with .any of the distressing derangements and dis orders peculiar to your sex, it relieves and cures. It improves digestion, invigorates the system. enriches the blood, dispels aches ana pains, melancholy and nervous ness, produces refreshing sleep, and restores flesh and strength. In the cure of all functional disturbances, weaknesses, and irregularities, it's guaranteed to give satisfaction, or the money is refunded. It does all that's claimed for it, or it couldn't be sold in this way. It is a legitimate medicine not a beverage. Contains no alcohol to inebriate : no syrup or sugar to sour or ferment in the stomach and cause distress. As peculiar in its marvelous, remedial results as in its composition. COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. At last a medical work that tells the causes, describes the effects, points tne remedy. This Is scientifically the most valuable, artistically the most beautiful, medical book that has ap peared for years; 6 pages, every page bearing a half-tone Illustration in tints. Some of the subjects treated are Nervous Debility, Impo tency. Sterility, Development, Varicocele, The Husband. Those Intending Marriage, etc. Every Man who would know the Grand Truths, the Plain Fart, the OUt Secrets and New Dis covert? of Medical Science as applied to Mar ried Life, who would atone Tor poet follies and avoid future pit falls, should write for this WONDERFUL LITTLE BOOK. It will be sent free, under seal, while the edi tion lasts. If convenient enclose ten vents to pay postage alone. Address the publishers, ERIE MEDICAL CO., . BUFFALO, N. Y. - 331. BAWDETTS ELEOTBIG BELT LATEST FATE1TS WITH ELECTRO MAGNETIC EST IVFROYEHEITS. 4 SDSPEXSMY. Win eure without nedtelna 11 Wakm retnltlnr trm vartaxmtlon of brmln, nerv foroea. axieaei or indliero ion, u texuai xfc&a.uon, drains, loasoa, Derroas debil ity, sleplssneM, languor, rhaoxnatina, kidney, lir and tiladdar oompiainta, lam pack, lumbago, sciatica, general Ul-baaJtb, to. This electric belt eon tain Wonderful Im- Eaent ott ail others, and give a rrent that la tanUy felt by tb wearer or we forfeit $5,000,00, and wiUearealiof the abore diseases or bo pay. Thousand kar been onred by this SBarreloae lnyention after all then hare failed, and we give hundreds of teitliaoalala In this and every other state. Our powerful Improved JKUCCTRIC SrSPFSSORT Is tbo greatest boon ever offered weak men; FKfcK WITH ALL KKLT8. Health tad Vigorous Stroartb. til ARAN TK F.I) la eo lo0 DAY 8. Bead for large Ulusxrated p&mphiele. by Address t-a.xs-x3jiw xaxiBU'X'uxo c?o 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON. piesh Paint l W. c. Gilbbbt hereby sends His compliments to every friend '... . And enemy II he has any Be they few or be they many. The time for painting now has come. And every one desires a home That looks fresh and clean and new, As none bnt a good painter can do. i Painting;, papering and glazing, too. Will make your old honse look quite new. He will take your work either way, ' By the job or by the day. If you have work give him a call, He'll take your orders, large or small. Respectfully, . W. C: G I UBERT, P. O. Box No. 3, TILL DALLES, OR. S. X. YOUNG, Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed AT THE ' Stare of I. C. Nlckelsen. 2d St. The Dalle W. F. WISEMAN. WSJ. MAKDKRS. Wiseman & Warders, Saloon and Wine Rooms The Dalles, - Oregon. . JPeT'Northwest corner of Second and Court Streets. A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which he offers at Low Figures.: SPEGIflli :-: PAIGES to Cash. Buyers. Highest Casl Prices for Eis anfl other Produce 170 SECOND STREET. DRUGS Snipes ;&'Kinersly. -THE LEADING Handled by Three ALSO ALL Patent ffledieines and HOUSE PAINTS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in me viry ior ine onerwin, -WE The Largest Dealers in . Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars Agent for Tansill's Punch. 129 Second Street, PAUL KREFT & ,CO., DEALERS IN : - PAINTS, OILS , And the Most Complete and the 77" A T.T. 3 wrPmi.i;n.i vn:t j t' it " myr " oiuici a uuu ruper xiangers. . liuue out tuo ueai uranas 01 me Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all jur work, and none but numuittii employed. chemical combination or soap mixture. Paint Shou corner Thirdand Qoltimbia Jotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. CREDIT EXTRACTS.FROM THE DAILY PRESS From the Daily Chronicle ofTeb. 18th. . Of . Interest to .Merchants. The suit of A. S. Collins and Mrs. A. 8. Collins against H. Herbring of this city, which was to come before the jury yesterday morning, was egain postponed. This suit against one of our oldest and best-known dry goods merchants creates considerable comment in commercial circles. It appears that Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Col lins obtained under false pretenses and promises at the end of the year 1891, goods to the amount of $50.80 from the defendant; but instead of pay ing the bill, as agreed, they shortly afterwards left the city by night and moved to California. Last spring Mr. Herbring learned that all their household goods, etc., were in the hands of the sheriff of Wasco county, and consequently placed a second attachment upon the goods held by the sheriff. A portion of these goods were sold last December by the sheriff of Wasco county, as no By the above extracts from our daily newspapers our friends and . customers will see that an extraordinary demand will shortly "be ' ... made upon our purse. And as we are unprepared for. this unex pected event, we are OBLIGED TO SACRIFICE a portion of our Immense stock of .'' . '"'.' Dry Qoods, lotrip, Boots apd Sl?oe5. S Pacific Poplins, regular price 12c, now 12 yds for $1.00 " Brocaded Poplins, 15c, now 10 yds for 1.00 4-4 Flannel Suitings, 2oc, : 19c 40-inch English Mohair, 75c, 37c 38-inch all wool Ladies' Cloth, 50c,. 35c ' 56-inch Assabet " ' ...$1.00, 75c 54-inch Striped " "'-.:. 1.00, 50c, Amoskeag checked Gingham, 10c TMs Amoskeag Cheviot, . .' 12c,. .10c Hartel& Merrimac Calicos 20 yds for $1.00 Atlantic P. and Lawrence L L Muslin, 16 yds for 1.00 Also Clothing and Hat Departments. As all of the above goods will very likely be sold out in a very short time, we advise our friends and customers tOv visit our store forthwith. H. Herbring. ID 3EiL XJ C3r 3 Registered Druggists. . - THE LEADING Druggists Sundries. OILS AND GLASS. Williams Uos Taints. ARE- The Dalles, Oregon AND GLASS, Latest Patterns and Designs in ;ep 3S!'2E!. . i i .. , , , Agents ior lviuKury uqaio jrainis; no A first class article in all colors. All Washington Sts., The Dalles. Oregon " This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renoVated and newly furnished throughout, and is now better than ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel ' accommodations of any house in' the .city', and at the very, low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of the fast and commodious opposition Stage to Dufur, Kingsley, Tygh Valley, Wapinitia, Warm Springs and Prineville is in the Hotel and persons going to Prineville can save $4.00 by going on this Stage line. All trains stop here. NOTE THE RESULT OF Versus compromise could be obtained by defendant And now come the plaintlfls and sno through their attorney, Judge A. S. Bennett, the defend ant, for the Bum of 1175.00. We will watch this suit when it comes before the Jury, as we think it is one of great interest to storekeepers. From the Daily Times-Mountaineer of Feb. lUh, Kazor-Edged Technicalities. The case of A. 8. Collins vs. H. Herbring was on trial in the Circuit Court today, and the Jury empanelled were E. W. Trout, Geo. Joles, A. Bet tingen, Jr., Geo. W. Miller, S.B.Adams, James Harper, W. C. Hansell, John Wood. Argument was had this morning on a motion to non-suit, made by defendant's counsel, which wa taken under advisement until afternoon, when the Judge overruled the motion.- The facts appear to be that the plaintiff left this city owing Mr. TTonoo ttcto Great Bargains ira DEALERS. IN: lapie and Fancy Groceries, Hay , Grain and Feed. Masonic Block, Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dalles.Oregcn. THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS fOR THE DALLES, BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S .... . SFOOL SILK FINE LINE OF no it I No. 390 to 394, 2d NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. . PRAZER & WYNDHAM, Proprietors. tfl w o S3 JS-- At the old stand of R. Lusher, Freeborn & DEALERS Wall Paper anfl 295 ALDER ST., Old Numbkb 95, . GASH Herbring, and he attached property for the debt mv onva me Hiiacneu property me at tendant attempts to set aside the sale and sues Mr. Herbring for damages, claiming that the proceedings were not technically legaL The razor-edge technicalities of law, we presume, will always remain, bnt it worka great hard ships on creditors, in many instances, to be de barred from collecting their just claims from the commission of a clerical error or the misin terpretation of a dubious statutory provision. A fti . 1 . . . . From the Daily Chronicle of Feb. tsth. The suit of A. S. ColllnB and Mrs. A. S. Collins vb. H. Herbring came to a termination yesterday afternoon, the jury rendering a verdict in favor of the plaintiffs. Mr. Herbring considers his defeat as a fait accomvli. and is now more than ever convinced that he has to stick to- his old rule and motto to sell dry goods cheap and for cash only. Hill & Hope bleached Muslin,. 12 yds for $1.00 Heavy twilled Toweling .20 yds for 1.00 German Knitting Yarn reduced to 60c per lb J. & P. Coats' Spool Cotton " . .45c per doa Belding Bros. Knitting Silk 30c per ball Fast Black Ladies' Hose, 25c now 20e " " " " or 1 box of 6 pairs for $1.00 Boss of the Road Overalls reduced to 50c Buckingham & Hecht fine Calf Boots reduced to $4.25 Ladies' oil grain Button Shoes reduced to 1.16 Ladies' Arctic Overshoes reduced to : 65o our (0) street, The Dalles -i- 1.5. no Front St, The Dalles, Oregon. Company, IX P.oofn flouiuings, COR. FIFTH, Poetland, Oregon. viyni a irifi f . mm ' j