The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 13, 1893, Image 2

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    ' The Dulles Daily Chronicle.
Entered at the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-clasB matter.
3 . ... i 0 50
Daily, 1 year. ...i!
" 6 months J
' per " ( 50
Address all communication to " THE CHRON
ICLE," The Dalles. Oregon. -
MONDAY - - - - MAfi. 13, 1893
A Washington dispatch says that not
withstanding the fact that the Oregonian
democrats have put in their applications
early and are standing around waiting
for positions, it becomes more and more
apparent that they will wait some time
before they are recognized. It is well to
remember that when Cleveland was
president eight years ago he did not
make any effort to turn out the republi
cans in any portion of the United States,
unless they were convicted of "perni
cious activity" or were pronounced and
bitter against the democratic party. It
is also well to remember that nearly all
the democrats in Oregon remained in
office until their terms were about to
expire, when President Harrison ap
pointed their- successors, and in many
instances these did not occur until
nearly a year after Harrison became
president. It is not at all probable that
Cleveland will break through the rule
which be has established of allowing
officers to serve their terms of four years.
He will therefore allow the Oregon
democrats to knock at the door as soon
as'.they choose, and then will appoint
whoever he desires and whenever he is
good and ready. It is; difficult to say
who will be the democratic boss. Those
men who are endorsed by Governor
Pennoyer will probably not be con
sidered. . It is curious to note that the
democrats from Oregon who have thus
far come to Washington are all pro
nounced anti-silver men. They all
agree, without regard to their past con
victions, that Cleveland's i-.lea of finance,
whatever that idea may be, is just what
this country needs. Some fun has been
poked at the democrats now in 'Wash
ington by telling them that, Inasmuch
as Lotan was appointed collector of the
port of Portland only a little while ago,
that Cleveland will not take into ac
count the fact that a republican served
several years before Lotan's time, but
that Lotan will be allowed to remain in
office four years from the time he was
appointed, and the men who are hungry
for his place will be obliged to wait un
til the fouryearaare up. The democrats,
in reply to this, say that they can very
easily convict Lotan of "pernicious ac
tivity" and rank partisanship, and for
that reason they have no hesitancy in
saying that they can turn him out.
Men' Clotlie.
. "Men are becoming as bad as women
for the adoption of strange' and uncom
fortable fashions in clothing," said a
Fifth avenue custom tailor, "and they
need dress reform preached to them al
most as much as the feminine sex. Take
the high collars that are in yogue, and
which are worn higher than ever this
fall. ' They almost strangle one and chafe
the skin until it is sore. Between the
heavy, hot beaver hat and the tight col
lar, baldness is becoming rampant in our
cities. The high, tight collar has as
much to do with causing baldness as any
other one thing. Then the modern style
of fitting the clothes forces us to make
them tight and snug all around, and this
prevents one from really enjoying life.
"Tight patent leather shoes sweat and
pinch the feet until walking is a painful
exercise. Every time I see a. dude with
all of the latest style of modern clothes
I pity him, and wonder, that he submits
to such voluntary torture. I can assure
you that if his clothes fit him he is mis
erable. ".The old adage that 'if a man's
clothes don't fit him he is uncomfort
able has been reversed." New York
Fesh Paint!
W. C. GfiBRRT hereby sends
His compliments to every friend
And enemy if he has any
Be they few or be they many.
The time for painting now has come,
And every one desires a home
That looks fresh and clean and new,
As none but a good painter can do.
Painting, papering and glazing, too,
Will make yonr old house look quite new.
He will take yonr work either way,
By the Job or by the day.
If you have work give him a call.
He'll take your orders, large or small.
P. O. Box No. 1, '
One of the important bills that failed
to pass the late congress was that for
the segregation of the northeast corner
of Yellowstone Park, in order to allow a
railroad to be built to the rich mining
regions around Cook City. There has
been before nearly' every session of con
gress a proposition looking to the grant
ing of a right of way from the Northern
Pacific road to the Cook county district,
but so far every bill has failed. It is
possible that something ought to be
done, and now it eeems that there is
an opportunity for the Cook City dis
trict to be reached by some road coming
in from Wyoming. In that event it will
not be necessary te segregate any portion
of the Yellowstone Park. It has always
been believed that there was more or
lees jobbery connected with the right of
wav nrivileee across the . park, and
generally those wanted to get on the in
side used every effort to defeat any pro
position unless they were taken in. The
opening up of that portion of
. Yellowstone park proposed to
thrown back . into the public
main would result in giving to
speculators a great opportunity in the
way of mineral finds, as the part of the
park to be opened is said to be very rich
in minerals. Whether anything will be
. done at the next session ot congress re
mains to be seen, but it is probable that
the usual lobby will be retained and be
at work trying to have this corner of the
park cut off; :
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best ealve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. -
8od Looking Author of a Merry Book.
One who once set type in a great Eng
lish establishment remembers the time
when that most fascinating of nonsense
books, "Alice in Wonderland, was put
into metal from young Dodgeson's manu
script. "As you saw the writer, a grave
almost sad looking young man, going in
and out of Worcester college, or at the
office about the proofs, you scarcely
foinV gtich melancholy looking author
ship could produce bo merry a book."
"The people of this vicinity insist on
having Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and do not want any other," says John
V. Bishop, of Portland Mills, Indiana,
That is right. They know it to be su
perior to any other for colds, and as a
preventive and cure for croup, and why
should they not insist upon having it
50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. '
- Good Looks.
Good looks are more than skin deep,
depending upon a healthy condition of
all the vital organs. If the liver be in
active, you have a billious look, if your
stomach be disordered you have a dys
peptic look, and if your kidneys be af
fected you have a pinched look. Secure
your health and you will have good
looks.- Electric Bitters is the great 'al
terative and tonic acts directly on these
vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches,
boils and gives a good complexion, bold
at Snipes & Kinersly's drugstore,' 50c
per bottle.
Tlie Sailors' Friend.
Mr. Samuel Plimsoll still keeps to bis
house in Park lane, and is far from well.
but he has sufficiently recovered himself
to be able to write a letter claiming one
result or rather the want of result of
the recent storm to legislation. Has
there ever been ' remembered, he -asks,' a
gale of equal suddenness, violence and
duration which was not the cause - of
very, very much greater loss of life than
that recorded of the gale which has re
cently passed away? . -. -
A year and eight months ago; when he
was fervently urging the government to
assist in passing the load line bill, it was
shown that the deplorable loss of life at
sea from overloading was entirely pre
ventable, and "that the passing of the
bill would immediately check it, while,
when the act was steadily and uniformly
administered, this head of loss would
disappear. He points triumphantly to
the recent gale for confirmation. Liver
pool (Eng.) Mercury.
: JEWELER , : :.
atches and Jewelry repaired to order on
snort notice, ana sansiacnon guaranteed
Store of I. C. Nlckelsen, 2d St. Tbe Dalle
W. T. WISEMAN. : W9f. M Alt I KItS.
Wiseman & Warders, .
Saloon and fine Rooms
The Dalles, - Oregon.
Northwest corner of Second and
Court Streets.
The Guests Were Under the Table.
- Sothern gave a dinner to Florence at a
London club and invited him for half
an hour later than any of the . other
guests. He said to his guests, who were
eminent men in literature and politics
and in the nobility: "When Florence
comes suppose you all get under the
table? . He'll .think his lateness has
caused you to leave." So when Florence
was announced all except Sothem got
Tinder the table, and the tablecloth hid
them frommcht. , As, Florence entered
he saw Sothern alone and said:
"Has nobody come yet?" .
"Oh, yes," - said ; Sothern in a loud
voice. "They've all come. And as soon
as you were announced . they hid under
the table, though why the deuce they
did it I can't imagine." . -
One by one the guests crawled out,
looking red and ashamed. New York
' San.' ', '
Joles Bros, have CO varieties of fresh
garden and field eeed3 on hand in bulk,
anu can supply all demands.
Stallion for Sale Cheap.
A fine thoroughbred, 6 year old stal
lion for sale cheap. Uor further particu
lars apply at this office.
It isrUt done
by others that's why the guarantee
of Dr. Pierce's-Favorite Prescription
should command attention. It s
guarantee that means something,
If the medicine- doesn't give satis
faction, in every case for which it's
recommended, the money is prompt
ly refunded. Remarkable terms
but it's a remarkable medicine. All
the functional irrefrularities and
weaknesses peculiar tQ womankind
are cured by it. Jbor leucorrhea,
periodical pains, weak back, prolap
sus and other displacements, bearing-
down sensations, and all "lemalc
complaints," jt's an unfailing 1 rem
edy. It is a powerful, restora
tive tonic and nervine, imparting
Btrentrth and vigor to the whole
evstem. '. .
Try it, if you're an ailing woman.
JL AU U . jvri Ui
vour money back.
As a regulator and promoter of
functional action, at that critical
period of change from girlhood to
womanhood, " Favorite Prescrip
tion" is a Derfectlv safe remedial
agent, and can produce only good
From the Daily Chronicle of Feb. 18th. y
Of Interest to Merchants.
The suit of A. S. Collins and Mrs. A. S. Collins
against H. Herbring of this city, which was to
come before the jury yesterday morning, was
again postponed. This suit against one of our
oldest and best-known dry goods merchants
creates considerable comment in commercial
circles. It appears that Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Col
lins obtained under false pretenses and promises
at the end of the year 1891, goods to the amount
of 50.80 from the defendant; but instead of pay
ing the bill, as agreed, they shortly afterwards
left the city by night and moved to California.
Last spring Mr. Herbring learned that all their
household goods, etc., were in the hands of the
Bheriff of Wasco county, and consequently placed
a second attachment upon the goods held by the
sheriff. A portion of these goods were Bold last
December by the sheriff of Wasco county, as no
compromise could be obtained by defendant.
And now come the plaintiffs and sue- through
their attorney, Judge A. S. Bennett, the defend
ant, for the sum of f 175.00. . We will watch this
suit when it comes before the jury, as we think
it is one of great interest to storekeepers.
From the Daily Timet-Mountaineer of Feb. tUh.
Eazor-Edged Technicalities.
The case of A. S. Collins vs. H. Herbring was
on trial in the Circuit Court today, and the Jury
empanelled were . W. Trout, Geo. Joles, A. Bet-
tingen, Jr., Geo- W. Miller, S. B. Adams, James
Harper, W. C. Hansell, John Wood. . Argument
was had this morning, on a motion to non-suit,
made by defendant's counsel, which w-s taken
under advisement until afternoon, when the
Judge overruled the motion. The facts appear
to be that the plaintiff left this city owing Mr.
Herbring, and he attached property, for the debt.
After the sale of the attached property the de
fendant attempts to set aside the sale and sues
Mr. Herbring for. damages, claiming that the
proceedings were , not technically legal. That
razor-edge : technicalities of law, we presume,
will always remain, but It works great hard
ships on creditors, in many instances, to be de
barred from collecting their Just claims from
the commission of a clerical error or the misin
terpretation of a dubious statutory provision.
From the Daily Chronicle of Feb. tSth.
. The suit of A. S. Collins and Mrs. A. 8. Collins
vs. H. Herbring came to a termination yesterday
afternoon, the Jury rendering a verdict in favor
of the plaintiffs. Mr. Herbring considers his
defeat as a fait accompli, and Is now more than
ever convinced that he has to stick to his old
rule and motto to sell dry goods cheap and for
cash only.
A. A. Brown,
Keeps a full assortment of .
Staple anil Fancy Groceries
and Provisions.
which he offers at Low Figures.
SPEGIflli :-: PfllGES
to Cash. Buyers.
Highest Cask Prices for. Eis and
- otter ProSnce.
By tlie above extracts from our daily newspapers our friends and
customers -will see that an extraordinary demand -will shortly "be
made upon our purse. And as we are unprepared for this unex
pected event, we nr " 'sm . . .
a portion of our Immense stock of .
- . . , . .
Dry (joods, lotrip, Boots apd SI?oe5.
ECenoe we Offen
Pacific Poplins, regular price 12c, now 12 yds for $ 1.00
" . Brocaded Poplins, 15c, now 10 yds for 1.00
4-4 Flannel Suitings, 25c ..19c
40-inch English Mohair 75c,. 37c
38-inch all wool Ladies' Cloth, 50g,. 3oc
56-inch Aesabet " " ...$1.00, 75c
54-inch Striped " " ... 1.00, 50c
Anioskeag checked Gingham, 10c
Amoskeaz Cheviot 12c
Hartel & Merrimac Calicos 20 yds for $1.00
Atlantic P. and Lawrence L L Muslin,. .'. .10 yds for 1.00
Hill & Hope bleached Muslin, -12 yd s for $1.00
Heavy twilled Toweling, 20 yds for 1.00
German Knitting Yarn reduced to .60c per lb
J. & P. Coats' Spool Cotton " 45c per doz
Belding Broa. Knitting Silk 30c per ball
Fast Black Ladies' Hose, 25c now - .20c
" ' "; " or 1 box of 6 pairs for ..$1.00
Boss of the Koad Overalls reduced to. : .50c'
Buckingham & Hecht fine Calf Boots reduced to. $4.25
Ladies' oil grain Button Shoes reduced to '. 1.15
Ladies' Arctic Overshoes reduced to 65c
Also Great Bargains in our
Clothing and Hat Departments.
As all of the above goods will very likely be sold out in a very short
time, we advise our friends and .customers to visit our store forthwith.
H. Herbring.
Wiesiii Retail Irilsts.
P IJ I1 E3 X 3E3L "O" Gr IS
Handled by Three Registered Druggists.
Patent medicines and Draqqists Sundries.
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in
me Kjixy ior xne onerwm, vv niittLus a i uuw.
The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of. Imported' Key West and Domestic Cigars.
Agent tor Tansill s Jfuncn. v
129 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon
. . And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in
jCETTractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None bu t the best brands of the
RVifirwin-Williama unrt .T. W. "Mnqnrw'a 'Paints nsfirt in all OUr Work, and none but
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No
cnemical combination or soap mixture. A nret ciasB arucio m un ixjiuro. a.u
oraers-promptiy attend e a to.
Paint Shon corner TMrdand Washineton Sta'., ' The Dalles. 0reon
Hew .. Columbia . flotel,
Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast
; First-CIass Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class Hotel in Everv ResDect.
None but the Best of White Help Employed
T. T. Nicholas, Ppop.
Staole ana
Hay, Grain and Feed.
Masonic Block. Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dalles.Oregon.
rSFI fTN H ft i
No. 390 to 394, 2d street, The Dalles
v I - " .
PRAZER & WYNDHAM, Proprietors.
At the old stand of R. Lnsher, -
uo Front St. The Dalles, Oregon.
Freeborn & Company,
WalPa1lBtVIlli.- Hiqonillllpnlilluii'B,
OldNumbie95, - - Portland, Obsgos. ,