The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 11, 1893, Image 3

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    Your .
Saturday ai)A
March 11 and 13,
We-will offer ... . . '-. '. . '.:
A Large Invoice
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Pob to nice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Weather Forecast.
Official forecast for twenty-four hour ending at
e p. m. tomorrow.
Saturday light rain, Sunday clearing
weather and stationary temperature.
MAE. 11, 1893
Stray Bits of News Gathered From All
We welcome now the sunshine.
It seems so warm and nice;
A few months hence we'll all be
A-bellowing for the ice.
City conncil meets tonight.
An epidemic of mumps is reported in
Independence Or. -
Gov-McGraw has appointed Geo. B?
Allen senator for "Washington.--
The D. P. & A. N. Co'B.'Txmta are now
making daily trips to Portladd.
Surveyors are at work on the new rail
road line from Columbus down to Crate's
Point. :; '
The Dalles has already taken steps,
says The Chbonicle, to show why it is
the proper place for the insane asylum
of Eastern Oregon. Our vote will go for
The Dalles. West Side.
The announcement of Pease & Mays
in today's Chronicle should have ap
peared yesterday. They are inaugurat
ing Saturday special sales, and here
after readers may keep posted as to what
thev will be by observing The
Mr. Dixon, an old citizen of Washing
ton county and a resident of Forest
Grove, has been at work for "a score of
years on an air ship. He has so far per
fected his machine that it is exhibited
to friends, and the Hillsboro Independ
ent is promised a description of it for
next week's issue.
H. S. Mercer, of Independence, says
the West Side, has invented a machine
for making gas, which he claims is abso
lutely safe, very inexpensive and will
burn without smoke. He thinks he has
a ,' fortune in the invention and intends
patenting it at once. He has a small
model at work, which is a success.
Mrs. Hill-Terry.
Sarah Althea Hill-Terry, the "Rose
of Sharon," whose beauty and clever
ness once dazzled the whole country,
whose name was a household word,
whose every word was flashed across the
continent, Td"OW; a hopeless, raving,
aping, screaming -maniac in the Stock
ton insane asylum in California, with
thongs about her ankles to restrain her
from kicking her .unfortunate mates to
death. Physically, Mrs. Terry is about
the same now as she was during the
period after the assassination of Judge
Terry. Her face is somewhat thinner
and harder than it was then, but she is
strong and hearty. She has changed so
little in appearance that any one would
recognize her instantly in a crowd. Her
hair, which, by the way, has not
changed the lightest in color, is quite
long, reaching almost to the waist.
Mrs. Terry wore a gingham wrapper,
apparently fresh from the wash. Her
faoeand hand, contrary to what might
be expected from the reports that have
been circulated, were as clean as the
queen'B. ,
Subscribe for The Daixy Chbonicle
7 Special Sale
of Desirable
5 cts.
these twb days
Koshland Bros. Fall.
Koshland Bros., dealers in wool,
bides and furs, the largest and oldest
wholesale house on the. Pacific coast,
failed yesterday at Portland. The firm
was one of more than twenty years'
standing. The wholesale house, at 10
North Front street, and the entire ware
house holdings are now in the posses
sion of the Bank of British Columbia,
their only creditors
Last evening Mr. Koshland made the
following statement in regardto Ihe
failure: "My business is a total wreck.
The trouble has been coming on for the
past year. Everthing in our line has
been on the downward tendency. sWe
had a big stock of goods ou hand which
was sold at a loss. We were deeply in
debt to the Bank of British Columbia,
and as we could not hold up any longer
we simply turned ove. to them our en
tire business, which will be sufficient to
satisfy their claims. The bank is our
only creditor, and outside of it we don't
owe any man a dollar. Our losses in
the fire at Boston a year ago were pretty
large, and that hastened the precipita
tion of the trouble." -
Mrs. Dan French has returned from
Mrs. Smith French arrived from Port
land yesterday.
Robt. Rand, Hood River's popular
hotel man is in the city today.
- Rev. O. D. Taylor returned today from
Portland, where he has been for the past
C. L. Phillips and family have re
turned to The Dalles, where thev will
hereafter reside.
Mr. J. J. Woolery, of . lower 15-Mile.
made this office a pleasant call today.
He says they can take more rain if it
will come and then not be complaining.
At the Skibbe Hotel. Anton Suler.
Winona, Minn; Thomas W. - Glover
bpokane Wash.: a K Bebb. Snokane:
J. Folks, Portland ; Chas Payette Kings-
ley ; A F Trudell, Kingsley ; John Chris
man, Chenoweth ; P E La veil, Hood
River ; G E Sanders, La Grande ; Joseph
M Schiller, Portland.
Columbia hotel. L Bailev. G W Bai
ley, Woodville, Cal; T CMcMillians,
Bakersfield, Cal; S Leenarx, W A
Grafer, D Johnson, H Johnson, Port
land; MAC Davis, Joseph Edwards,
wife and three children, Windsor, Mo;
A 1 ueal, Mill jreek ; T il YVhitcomb,
Lyle; C H Wilson, Chicago; Charles
Jones, Andrew Johnson, Umatilla ; Wil
liam Maxwell, walla Walla.
Taking Testimony.
Messrs. M. Mackenzie and M. "Bohan,
of Grant, were in the city yesterday for
the purpose of testifying in the case of
D. M. Osborne and Co. vs. MacKenzie
& Somers, which is now pending. Attor
neys Story and Riddell were busied all
last evening in reducing their testimony
to writing, to be used before the circuit
court, at its next session at Moro.
Today somewhere in the city, one milk
book, and the finder will do us a favor
by leaving it at The Chronicle office.
T,nnlc'7rv Bona
, Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. ' It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 74c. Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
Notice to Taxpayers.
All taxes not paid by the first Monday
in April, which are now due, will . be
turned over to tne connty court.
T. A. -Ward,
Sheriff of Wasco County.
The Telephone Line.
- The county court has granted
franchise to The Dalles and Wamic Tele
phone line, incorporated by the Gordon
company; on Feb. 28, 1893, in preference
to the Roland Co. incorporated on March
8. 1893. The Gordon Co'i oroDose to of- D
fer one half of the capital stock of their
company to the people of the country
traversed at par. This is certainly a
generous proposition, and shows a good
spirit. It is a well known fact thai
the telephone lines in operation iru
Eastern Oregon pay a dividend on the
investment of over 100 per cent." per an
num. ...
The new" line will be So miles -in
length, touching at Dufur, Wamic,
Kingsley and Tygh Valley. The projec
tors of the enterprise will commence
putting in poles at once and expect to
have the line in working operation by
the first of June.
The officers are as follows : F. S. Gor
don, president; F. M. Driver, Secretary;
M. A. Gordon, Louis Dories and F. M
Driver, board of directors.
Will Examine Onr Claims.
The commission appointed to look af
ter the location of the Eastern Oregon
insane asylum will arrive in The Dalles
on Tuesday and will for the day be the
guests of the city. The mayor has ap
pointed the following gentlemen to meet
them and show them locations which
would be suitable for the institution:
Messrs. Ji B. Condon, R. F. Gibons, D.
M. French, Emil Schanno, Geo. Liebe
and Chas. Schmidt. -
The Mignonettes.
Lust evening the Mignonette Club
paid court to Terpsichore, and managed
to put in a very delightful evening. A
large number were present who enjoy
dancing." The evening -was a counter
part of the Friday evenings that have
preceded since "the organization of the
club. There will yet be two parties and
then the Mignonette Club will be among
the things of the past. Among the
members out last evening were Judge
and Mrs G C Blakeley, Senator and
Mrs Chas Hilton, Mr and Mrs L
E Crowe, Mrs M French, Mr and Mrs D
Herrin, Miss VanVleck, Miss Lay,
Misses Etta Story, Jennie and Grace
Marden, Aimee Newman, Minnie Gos
ser, Emma Lay, Catherine Martin, Lulu
Bird, Dr. Logan, Messrs M Jameson, H
French, G Mays, S Campbell, F Garret
son, G Snowden, J Worsley, F Faulkner,
W McCrum, J Montgomery, M Donnell,
J Hertz, J C Coatsworth, H Lonsdale.
You will never be satisfied with your
eye glasses unless you consult the eye
specialist, Professor Aloes, at the Uma
tilla house parlors. Don't miss this
opportunity. ,
Good Looks.
Good looks are more than skin deep,
depending upon a healthy condition of
all the vital organs.' If the liver be in
active, you have a billious look, if your
stomach be disordered you have a dys
peptic look, and if your kidneys be af
fected you have a pinched look. Secure
your health and you will have good
looks. Electric Bitters is the great al
terative and tonic acts directly on these
vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches.
boils and gives a good complexion. Sold
at Snipes & Kinersly's drugstore, 50c
per Douie.
Some orchardists on Snake river esti
mate that while there will be a' full
vield of nlums. cherria. an nips and
pears, there will not be more than half
a crop ol peaches.
- i
Special Meeting; to Consider Sewers ai
Probably Board of Health. '
A meeting ol the city council will be
held tonight to consider the matter of
the sewer between Laughlin and Jeffer
son streets.
It is probable, also, that a board of
health will be appointed, from the in
terest manifested at the last regular
meeting. In reference to this matter a
complaint has been made about privy
vaults in the west part of town; which
demands some sort of action, as it con
stitutes a great menace to the health of
those who live near them. The ordi
nance' relating to their, being connected
with sewers is all right,' so far as the
future is concerned, but the former ac
cumulations of filth are not disposed of
in the right manner, being simply cov
ered up, and by the conditions of the
ground are insoluble. When' warm
weather cornea, the impurities will be
brought to the surface and eubject lo the
inhalation of all in the vicinity. It
should be destroyed by chloride of lime
and disposed of for good: -
The Dry Goods Store of C. F. Stevens a
Credit to the City.
. ...
The reporter was today shown through
the store of C. F. Stevens on Second
street, through .the courtesy of the man
ager, Mr. Stevens. It contains every
thing conceivable to bewilder the mascu
line mind,' but with the aid of a note
book the task was not utterly hopeless.
In one window is attractively dis
played a nice line of dress patterns of all
shades and textures. Next week this
window will be used for a display of
laces and embroideries. Next to the
window a number of shelves are devoted
to the hosiery department, Underneath
are large drawers filled - with laces and
embroideries which cannot be exhibited,
owing to space. The balance of the
shelves for two-thirds the. length of the
store are .filled with new and handsome
dress goods all of late design, comprising
satines, worsted goods, cloakings, cali
cos, challies, ginghams, white goods,
anything, everything to suit the possible
taste of a customer, whether rational or
diseased, esthetic or morbid. Beyond
are boxes of ladies' muslin and knit un
derwear.' ; . ,
An entire corner is devoted to, ladies',
men's and children's shoes.. The shoe
department comprises shoes,, slippers,
etc., of all the prominent makers and
are of varied styles and prices.
The center "of the store is devoted to
clothing, and the line is very complete.
Among 'therja- are the noted Albany
woolen goods. In boxes are the famous
custom-made suits of Steiner, Strauss &
Heiman, leading California clothiers.
The entire west eide of the store is de
voted to shirts of all grades, gloves, cuffs,
collars, handkerchiefs, gents' hose,, sus
penders, boy's and men's bats, the lat
ter forming a department by itself. , ,
- The entire arrangement of the store is
convenience exemplified, and the result
has been accomplished by tireless per
severance on the part of Mr. Stevens and
his efficient clerks. The store has re
recently been enlarged ten feet, owing to
the demand for room. - '
Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, 111., was
troubled with rheumatism and tried a
number of different remedies, but sayB
none of them seemed to do him any
good; but finally he got hold of one
that speedily cured him. He was much
pleased with it, and telt sure that others
similarly afflicted would like to know
what the remedy was that cured him.
He states for the benefit of the public
that it is . called Chamberlain's Pain
Balm.' For sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton, Druggists.
FOB SALE. ' ..
One lot, with a good dwelling and out
buildings situated west of the Academy
grounds, and fronting Liberty street on
the east, is for sale at a bargain. Terms
easy. Apply at this office for informa
tion. Title perfect.
Shade and ornamental trees,, flower
ing shrubs and vines, hedge plants, etc.,
cheap at Mission Gardens.
Of 642 Market street. San Francisco, now located
in the parlors' of the Umatilla House, The Dalles,
Or., desires to notify the public In general that
he will remain in The Dalles a short time only,
and requests that all who desire to consult him
about their eyes call on him at their earliest
convenience, and he will perform the work in a
perfect manner.
The professor refers to the following ladies and
gentlemen: Theo. T. Read, agent Wells, Fargo
Express Co., btockton, Cal; ex-Governor Ste
venson, Boise City: Bishop Glorieux, Dr. M. E.
Spaulding, Boise City; Prof. Marsh, Pacific Uni
versity, Forest Grove: H. E. Keal, Capitol State
Bank, Boise City; CoL Bailey, U. 6. A.; J, Mc
Kinnon, warden Oregon penitentiary, Balem;
Dr. Powers, Stanford University; Miss Gertrude
Bailey, daughter of Engineer Bailey, La Grande:
C. J. Mellis, agent, Huntington; Mies Stalker,
school teacher, Huntington.
The oculist has a valuable cure for Catarrh
and Deafness and he invites all who desire a
free test of the same to call on him. Remember
this is free and costs no money. Ko peddlers
Artificial glass eyes Inserted to perfection.
Remember, the professor is the only on ) that
carries a complete set of tools, where lenses can
be ground on ue premises u necessary. -
Methodist Episcopal church, corner
Fifth and Washington streets, Rev. J.
Whisler, pastor. Class meeting at 1Q a.
m. ; preaching by the pastor, at 11 a. ra.
and 7 :30 p. m. Morning theme, "The
Power and Glory of the Cross." Even
ing theme, "Christ the Universal Light."
Sunday School immediately after morn
ing service, Mrs. S. French, supt. ; Ep
worth League at 6 :30, led by Mr. Geo.
Biggers, theme, 'The Attractiveness of
Jesus." Class meeting every Sun
day at 10 a. m., and Tuesday evening at
7 :30 o'clock and the general prayer
meeting each Thursday evening at 7 :30
o'clock. All are cordially invited to
each of these several services. -
TherRev. J. Whisler will visit his
family in Denver, leaving this city Mon
day, March 13th, and returning April
let, will preach the Easter sermon Sun
day evening, April 2nd (D. V.) ; his pul
pit will be supplied next Sunday.
x Very interesting Easter services are in
preparation for the M. E. Church. The
second quarterly meeting of the M. E.
Church will be held March 25th and
26th, the presiding elder, Rev. R. C.
Motor in charge. '
First Baptist church, Rev. O. D. Tay
lor, pastor. Services will be held at the
Academy hall tomorrow morning at 11
o'clock. Preaching by pastor. Subject,
"Light Afflictions." Sunday school fol
lows the morning service. No evening
St Paul's Episcopal church, west side
Union, opposite Fifth, Rev. Eli D. Sut-
cliffe, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and
7 :30 p. m. Sunday school at 9 :30 a. m.
Christian church services will be held
in the Congregational church tomorrow
at 3 p. m. Preaching by Elder J." W.
Jenkins. . .
Chicago Bankers Want Treasury Notes.
Washington, March 10. Secretary
Carlisle has received offers from Chicago
bankers to exchange $3,000,000 of gold
for a like amount of small treasury
notes, with intimations that probably
$10,000,000 will be wanted on the same
terms. Carlisle will forward the small
notes at once. The treasury has no ad
vices of intended gold shipments Satur
day. United States Treasurer Nebecker
has tendered his resignation. Cleveland
notified him it would be accepted as
soon as possible.
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer
son streets.)
Kggs for Setting.
You can get them at Rev. A. Horn's
place on Ninth street. He lately re
ceived a full-blooded Leghorn rooster
from the Forest Grove poultry yard and
expects also a Black Polish. " -
5 HE NEW TOWN has been platted on the old camp ground, at the Forks and
Falls of Hood river, with large, sightly lots, broad streets and alleys, good soil,
pure cold water and shade in profusion, perfect drainage, delightful mountain
- climate, the central attraction as a mountain summer resort and for all Oregon, '
being the nearest town to Mt, Hood. It is also unparalled as a manufacturing
center, being the natural center for 150 square miles of the best cedar and tir
timber, possessing millions of horse power in its dashing streams and water
falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exists, there the mann- -factories
will center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot be excelled
anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with transportation already aBBured
you will find this the place to make a perfect home or a paying investment
New Styles for Spring and Summer,
V ..
"Golden Medical : Discovery" cures
those, disease's' which come from blood
impurities scrofula, and skin diseases,
sores and swellings.
: But does it? It's put up by. the
thousands of gallons, and sold to hun
dreds of thousands. Can it cure as
well as though it had been compounded
just for you? . ' - ' -,
.- Its makers say that thousands of peo
ple who have had Tetter and Salt-
rneum,. eczema ana .erysipelas, uarDun
cles and Sore Eyes, Thick Neck and
Enlarged Glands, are well today because .
they used it.
Suppose that this is 6Q- , Suppose
that a quick-witted man was far-seeing
enough to know that to cleanse the
blood was to cleanse the life. Suppose
that by many experiments, and after
many failures, he discovered this golden
key to health and that his faith in it for
you is so strong mat you can go to your
druggist, buy a bottle, and if it doesn't
help you, you can get your money re
turnedcheerfully. Will you try it?
The remedy to have faith in, is the
remedy ' the makers themselves have
faith in. ' - - -
Proposals for Bids.
Sealed bids will be received at the of
fice of Crandall & Burget until noon
March 20th, 1893, for the superstructure
of a proposed dwelling to be built for
W. L. Bradshaw on the northeast cor
ner of Washington and Fourth streets,
The Dalles, Or., according to the plana
and specifications prepared by C.J.
Bids will also be received at. the same
time and place for the mason work of
the above mentioned building. Plans
and specifications can be seen at the of
ffice of Crandall & Burget.
The right is reserved to reject any and
all bids. ., - ... ...
Mothers' Recommendation.
We are acquainted with many mothers
in Centerville who would not be without
Chamberlain's . Cough Remedy in the
house for a good many times its cost, and
are. recommending it every day. From
personal experience we can say that it ,
has broken up bad colds for our child
ren.1 Centerville, South Dakota, citizen.
50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley &
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Cal., Baysr. "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine' I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Price 50 cts. . Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not, have now the opportunity to
try it free. . Call on the advertised drug
gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send
your name and address to H. E. Bucklen.
& Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well
as a copy of Guide to Health and House
hold Instructor, free. All of which is
guaranteed to do you good and cost you
nothing. . Sold by Snipes '& Kinerlys
See me on the ground, or
address me at Hood River,
Wasco County, Oregon.
TROY Steam Laundry
of Portland, has establish
ed a branch office for laun
dry -work -with Thos. McCoy
at his barber shop, No. 110
Second St., -where all laun
dry bundles "will be received
till Tuesday noon of each
week, and returned on Sat
urday of the same . -week at
Portland prices.