The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 11, 1893, Image 1

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    VOL. V.
Dress- Goods . Wash Fabrics '( ;. ; White Goods - Table Linens
SHOES Furnishing Goods CJLiOTIlQ
Pongee Silks Drapery Silks . y Dress Silks Trimming Silks
We would
Letters of Credit issued available in
Eastern States.
he I
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Lotiis, San-Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
J. H. Schknck,
. President.
. M. Bball
first Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to bignt
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on oay 01 collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Irancisco and fort
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck.
Ed. M. Williams, . Gko. A. Likbk.
- H: M. Bbail.
Rational Bank,
President - - -Vice-President,
- - -
- Z. F. Moody
Charles Hilton
M. A. Moody
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favoreble terms
at all accessible points.
the Dalles
Stage -
Imvm The Dalles at 6 a, m. every day and ar
rives at Prineville In thirty-six hours. Leaves
Prineville at 5 a. m. every day and arrives at
The Dalles in thirty-six hours.
Carries the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express
Connects at Prineville with
Etaees from Eastern and Southern Or
egon, Northern California and
. all Interior Points .-
Also makes close connect! on Rt The Dalles with
trains irom roruana ana u ourem jmw.
. Courteous drivers. "
' . Good accommodations aloiist tie roaH.
First-class oa.cMs an torses use.
.'Eijress matter taiSlei rta cars.
AU persons wishing passage mtrsj wayhnimt ; ol
flces before" taking passage; others will not he
uAt,a v-mra mnat he wavbilled at offices
or the Stage Co. will not be responsible. The
company wiU take no risk on money transmit
ted. Particular attention given to delivering
nfM m.tta. PrinAtrilTn and all southern
points in Oregon, and advance charges will be
paid Dy ine cuiapuuj.
ftf. SlcfieT Co. Store. Umatilla. Hons.
Prineville. Ths wanes.
First premium at the Wasco county
fair for best portraits and views.
te pleased, to have you. call , and
line, best assortment-
Campbell Bros. Proprs
(Successors to . S. Cram.) -
Manufacturers of the finest French and
Home Hade
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesala
or Retail . .
In JEvery style.
Icetream and Soda Water;
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. -
76 Count Street,
Next door to Wasco Sun Office.'
Has just received a fine line of Samples
for spring and summer Suitings.
Come an! "See the Net Fashions.
i Cleaning and Repairing
to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' "
Seed Wheat,
" Oats,
" Corn,
" Rye,
" Potatoes,,.
Garden Seeds,
Grass "
Seeds in Bulk.
Hay, Grain and Feed Store.
W. H. Young,
BiacKsmilfi & Wagon Stioo
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, ana all worK
Guaranteed. .
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Thirl Street oipsite tie M Lielie Stani
Six Per Cent. Interest.
- ' Six Years'
Sinking Fund or Building and Loan
The Hew England National
' "
oregonian Building, Portland, Or.
Tlie 3Da,lloB, Oro;
Agents Wanted! Address the Portland Office.
"The Regulator Line
He Dales,' Portland ail Astoria
Navigation Co.
FreigHt and Passeiei Line
gn daily service i Sundays ex
between The Dalles and Port-
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Locks-, with steamer Dalles. JJity;
Steamer Dalles City, leaves- Portland
( Yamhill street dock) at o a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
One way
Round trip.
. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on - arrival. - Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
W. C,
General Agent.
B. F,
General Manager.
The Dalles
fTf A TQ, of the Best Brands
XvTx3lXjO manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled'
on the shortest notice. -
The refutation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmlv established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every-day.
Time, and
May be Paid On or Before Maturity.
Loan & Investment Ass n,
- - . - . -- .
. examirie , our ," stock:
latest novelties, ancl
Free Silver Men Will Control tie Finance
Committee :
Revolutionists at Key West Waiting to
Embark Watched by a V. S.
Revenue Cutter.
Washington, March 10. The Post
publishes the following: ; . ' -. '
'The work of arranging the senate
committee chairmanships had so far
progressed that nearly all had! been se
lected. The most interesting develop
ment is the fact that the free-silver men
propose to run the senate their own way
and are recasting the finance committee
so as to leave no doubt of the stand
which the committee will take npon any
coinage bills before it. The democrats
oh the committee up to the 4th of March,
were Voorhees, McPherson, Harris and
Vance. -;v Voorhees will be chairman.
Harris and "Vance are both outspoken
free-Bilver men and will remain. Mc
Pherson will step aside to take the chair
manship of the committee on naval- af
fairs. Other democrats on the finance
committee will be Coke and Vest, both
avowedly on the free-coinage platform.
It will be seen that no matter what
Cleveland desires the personnel of the
finance committee is such as to make It
almost impossible for him to dominate
the financial policy to be followed by the
senate. All the anti-silver men, such
as Vilas, McPherson and others, have
been purposely kept off the committee.
Morgan will be chairman of the com
mittee on foreign relations, Cockrell of
appropriations, Harris of the District of
Columbia, Gorman of printing. " Mills of
library, Palmer of military affairs."
; An Expedition to Cab.
Key Wsst, Fla., March 10. -The
revenue steamer McLane, Captain Lit
tlefield commanding, .arrived here on
Wednesday to replenish her coal Bupply
and to communicate with the authori
ties." The McLane has been cruising
actively between Key West and Cape
Florida for the past week ' to intercept
the pirate steamer which it is expected
will sail with the filibustering expedi
tion from this port or from some of the
islands between here and Biscayne bay.
The proposed expedition is said to be
under the direction of a prominent .Cu
ban leader, General Manuel Marti. It
is reported that at least 250 men are on
the island of Key West, who will go on
the exoedition. and it is expected that
at least 100 others from Tampa, Florida,
will join at some remote place known
only to the leaders. These men are all
well drilled and disciplined, and armed
with repeating rifles.- No people in the
western world are more patriotic than
the Cubans of Key West. ' They have
set aside a day which they have called
Patriotic day. The earnings of every
Cuban for one day are donated at Pa
triotic day to the cause of Cuba. It goes
without saying that 99 per cent. ; of the
Americans of this island are in sympa
thy with the Cubans in their struggle
for independence. None of the vigilance
on the part of the United States author
ities at this place has been relaxed.
The cruiser Atlanta's men are still on
picket duty, forming
J around the island. Tl
perfect ' cordon
The revenue cutter
McLane will resume her cruising be
tween Key West and Cape Florida to
intercept the filibustering steamer as
soon as she takes- on .a supply of fuel.
The Kearsarge sailed today, but for what
point is unknown. - ... v-
Subscribe for The Daily Cukomcle.
11, 1893.
We nave ttie largest
Russell Sage's Opinion. . '
New York March 10. Russell W.
Sage said today : "The decision appar
ently arrived at by treasury officials to
use the $100,000,000 reserve is an expedi
ent that will prove a temporary pallia
tive, but will not tend to allay fears in
the monetary question. The cause of
the trouble will not be removed till the
Sherman bill is repealed, and Europe
will not buy bur stocks and bonds with
any confidence till this ' measure' is en
tirely out of the way.'-" - -
"I think the election . of S. H. H.
Clark to the presidency of the Missouri
Pacific will be gratifying to everybody
concerned. His resignation from the
Union Pacific does not mean anything,
because be will ' still remain a director
in that company, and the relations be
tween the companies will continue
friendly." - . - -v . .
What Ingalls Thinks.
Atchison, Kan., March. JO. Ex-Senator
Ingalla savs he is glad to see Presi
dent Cleveland exercise some sense, in
regard to the Hawaiian affair by with
drawing the treaty. He said: : "I hope
that he -will keep it in his ' trousers
pocket. To take in a lot of valueless
islands that he would have to fortify and
worry about would be contrary to ' the
principles and traditions of our govern'
ment. - The Hawaiian treaty was a great
blunder. Cleveland ought to send a
delegation to Hawaii to ascertain the
needs of the people and to Bee to what
extent the sugar speculators are respon
sible for the revolution." . "
- : Treasury Officials Resign.
Washwqton," March , 10. All:-' the
prominent officials of the treasury de
partment, including the assistant sec
retary, commissioners of internal "reve
nue, comptrollers and. all the auditors,
:cept Patterson and Fisher, have verb
ally tendered Secretary Carlisle their
resignations. - '. - ' .
Beeton Again. Flre-Strlolten.
Boston. March 10. One of the most
destructive fires in the history of Boston
broke out soon after 4 o'clock this after
noon, and before it was placed nnder
control, three hours later, it had "burned
over more than -a block, reducing to
ashes several magnificent buildings re
cently completed. The same territory
was burned overi Z4 years ago; The
fire was attended by Ecenes of panic and
distress never before equalled here, des
troyed 'several, perhaps many, human
lives, and mangled or maimed at least
30 persons, some of whom., will die of
of their injuries.
ROYAL BAKING POVDER imparts that pecul-
iar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the
finest food, and which expert pastry cooks declare is
not obtainable by the use of. any other raising agent.
V:. Apellate. -X. J
Royal Baking Powder is shown -a. pure cream-of-tartar
powder, the highest of all ill leavening strength.
U. S. Government Food Report.
Royal Bating Powder is superior in purity,
strength, and 3vholesomeness to any other powder
which I have examined. New-York State Analyst'
NO. 73. -
; GO
No Second Term for Offlce-Seekers.
Washixgton, March" 10. Callers on
Cleveland this morning were informed -the
statement that he does not intend
to give offices to those favored under his
former administration is correct as a
general rule. The cabinet meeting to
day curtailed- the time usually given to
callers. Among those received Iwaa Sen
ator Palmer, in company with Brinton,
applicant tor United States marshalship
of the southern district of Illinois, and
Shutt, who wants to be district attorney
in the same district.
Miss Ida It Ac h told Found Dead In Her
- ; . ' Bed. , .
Pobtland, Or., March 10 Ida Bach-.
told, the 20-year-old daughter of John
Bach told, proprietor of the William Tell
house, 249 Fifth street, was found - dead
in her bed shortly after 1 o'clock thi3
afternoon, having expired very suddenly
and under -circumstances surrounded
with the veil of mystery. . Miss Bach told
cooked dinner for the hotel last evening,
and retired about 10 o'clock, sleeping
with her younger sister, Lena. During
the night she gave no evidence of illnese
but this morning she said she felt too ill
to get np. At 7 o'clock she was asleep, -and
each time a visit was paid to her
room she was -calmly sleeping. About
1 o'clock this afternoon Mrs. Bachtold
Went to Ida's room and found her in con
vulsions. ' Her limbs were drawn rigidly
and her face was almost black.
Dr. Meyer was sent for at once, but
before he arrived the vital spark had
been dissipated. The matter was at
once reported to Coroner Holman, - who
removed the body to the morgue. The
corpse began to show signs of mortifica
tion before it was cold. It is believed
that death was produced by an overdose
of some powerful drug.
Princess Kalanlanl' In Washington." .
Washington, March 10. The Prin
cess Kaiaulani and ' party, under the
guidance of Mr. Davies, left the Arling
ton hotel at 11 o'clock. The first visit
was to Corcoran gallery. The- princess
came downstairs and passed through the
hall of the hotel, where ' she was re
garded with considerable curiosity by
the crowd assembled. '
Toe Annie Faxon Wrecked.
1 Spokanb, March 10. r The steamer
Annie Faxon, plying on the Snake river
between Kiparia, Wash., and -Lewiston,
Idaho-was wrecked last Wednesday
night, ten miles from Ripara. The boat
struck a rock in the channel. A num
ber of passengers were' aboard, but all
escaped. . : - -