en The 'Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WJL8CO COUNTY. Entered at the Postoffice st The Dalles, Oregon, as aecona-class matter. SCBSCEIPTION BATES. XT MAIL (P08TAGK PBSFAID) IN ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year , 1 60 " 6 months 0 75 3 " 0 60 Dally, 1 year....... 6 00 " 6 months .-. 8 00 " per " . 0 SO Address all communication to " THE CHEON ICLlE," The Dalles, Oregon. WEDNESDAY, - - MAR. 8, 1893 SAME OLD SWINDLE. The "green goods" industry has not been attended with any fatality, aa far aa any records go, since Holland, the little Texan, shot and killed Tom Davis, the big crook, and alleged counterfeit money dealer, bo me years ago in New York, until the incidentof Ponghkeepsie, in which George Appo, the half-breed Chinese cook, who attempted to swin dle two South Carolina rustics, was shot by one of them. The man who did the shooting, and who gave his name as" Ira Hogshead, is now in the Poughkeepsie jail. A curious feature of these swindles is that the would-be purchaser of alleged counterfeit money, "which it is impos sible to tell from genuine," come from South and Southwest. The game is old, very old, and the papers have teemed with instancesof it for years past ; yet victims are etill gathered in. The men who come here with the idea of getting something for nothing generally get in to some disgraceful scrape, which ex poses their names and identity to the public, and very frequently loses their money and other personal property, in their little ventures. Yet still they come. Perhaps they come from regions where the newspaper does not circulate, and so aoAgnorant ot what a hopeless quest they are on. The funny thing about it is that they imagine they are unknown, while the fact is the frequency with which they appear has made - their type a familiar one to the police, who can, and usually do, '.'spot" them very soon after their appearance in public. Since these poor fools never read the papers, cannot some means be taken to warn them of the folly, as well as the criminality, of their attempts to get rich by taking unfair advantage of their neighbors?- Why can't clergymen in these benighted regions take up the sub ject, and give a general, impersonal warning? Of course, it is impossible that the moral side . of the question would appeal to their natures, and perhaps is most likely, they consider themselves smart enough to outwit the New York thieves, not knowing how many have failed. Astorian. IT WAS ILLEGAL. At the recent meeting of the school taxpayers held in The Dalles a 3-mill tax waslevied, which conflicts with a law just enacted by the Oregon legisla ture, and as it stands at present there is no money in sight with which to pay the old liabilities or any deficiency in the current expenses. We shall have to wait until an assessment roll is compiled by the county assessor, and until the aggregate of the assessable property of una aiBinci, s snown Dy mat roll, is certified to us by . the county clerk. tT 1 'tl V .. ... - xnis win De sometime mtne coming fall or winter. This same question has oc curred at Salem, Eugene and Portland, and the law 'has been interpreted as above. A cable message says that Gladstone was subjected to a hostile demonstration on the aristocracy of Brighton yesterday. morning with Lord Acton, he found a large crowd outside, including a number of young tory "bloods" who saluted him with vigorous shouting, hissing and cries of "traitor." The liberals present re spond with cheers and the tumult was heightened. Gladstone's passage was blocCed until a cab was fetched and he drove quickly away. The advantages of possession' of the -Hawaiian islands by the United States, in the event of a war with any foreign power, is set forth at length by Captain A. T. Mahan in his article in the March Forum. Summing up, he says: "Upon one particular, however, too much stress cannot be laid, one to which naval officers cannot but be more sensitive than the general public, and that is the - immense disadvantage to us of any mar itime enemy having a coaling station well within 2,500 miles, as this is, of every point of our coast line from Paget sound to Mexico. Were there many others available, we might find it diffi cult to exclude from all. There is, how ever, but the one. Shut out ;from the Sandwich islands as a' coal base, an enemy is thrown back for supplies of fuel to distances of 3,500 or 4,000 miles or between 7,000 and 8,000, going and coming an impediment to sustained maritime operations well-nigh prohi bitive." Eggs for Ha tolling. High grade . Eose Comb, and Brown Leghorn eggs from graded Eose Comb hens and .pure bred males. Price 60 cents per setting of thirteen. Address E. M. Hakriman, Endersby, Oregon. Early Eose potatoes at J. H. Cross'. "Golden Medical Discovery" cures those diseases which come from blood impurities scrofula, and skin diseases, sores and swellings. But does it? It's put up by the thousands , of gallons, and sold to hun dreds of thousands. Can. it cure as well as though it had been compounded just for you? Its makers say that thousands of peo ple who have had Tetter and Salt rheum, Eczema and Erysipelas, Carbun cles and Sore Eyes Thick Neck and Enlarged Glands, are well today because they used it. Suppose, that . this is so. . Suppose that a quick-witted man wAs far-seeing enough io know that to cleanse the blood was to cleanse the life. Suppose that by many experiments, and after many failures, he discovered this golden key to health and that his faith in it for you is so strong that you can go to your druggist, buy a bottle, and if it doesn't help you, you can get your money re turned cheerfully. Will you try it? ' The remedy to have faith .in, is the remedy the- makers themselves have faith in. ' - Bneklen'a Arnica Salre. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect .satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. -- - Ex-Secretary Foster says : "Congress should have increased the whisky tax 50 cents and given us a chance to replenish our stock of money. .The fact is, the demand for gold is perfectly regular; it is not speculative. It is the natural de mand of foreign countries that need gold. The only thing artificial or epecu lative in the situation was the effort made to keep the gold here. That, of course, was to keep the market Bteady and ' not to meet business demands However, there is near $500,000,000 of gold in the country. The public mind is comparatively easy, and. I have no doubt that Carlisle will be able to put himself in a position to meet all demands for gold." ICKT law Itike another woman the one who's nsed Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. She's a stronger and a happier woman and a healthy one. . The aches, pains, and weaknesses, that made life miserable are gone -the func tional disturbances or irregularities that caused them have been cured. Face and figure show the change, too. Health . has restored the charms that rightfully belong to her. For all tie weaknesses and ailments peculiar to womanhood, " Favorite Prescription " is a posi tive remedy. No other medicine for women is guaranteed, as this is, to give satisfaction in every case, or the money is refunded. It's pro prietors are willing to take the risk. What it has done, warrants them in guaranteeing what it will do. . It's the cheapest medicine you can buy, because it's guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You only pay for the good you get. . Can you ask more ? That's the peculiar plan all Dr. Pierce's medicines are- sold on. Cures Comghi, EoajsenesK, Sore Xliroat, Croup promptly; relieves Whooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption Jt has no rival; has cured thousands where all others failed; will curb tou If taken In time. Sold by Druggists 6a a sruarnntee. For Lame Back or Chest, use SHlLCg'S PLASIZB. 25 eta. CATARRH remedy; Have you Catarrh ? This remedy Is guaran teed to cure you. Price 60 eta. Injector free. rxl. H- Young, BiaGW&fasonSlop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Thirl Street opposite tie oil Lielie Stand. ML My i j c i v ia n f " 60cts and -Sl P f a ' SUM per Bota9m -Jsr- 1 xiksslSS pi?esb Paint! W. C. Gilbert hereby sends " His compliments to every friend -v -And enemy if he has any . Be they few or be they many. . " The time for painting now has come, And every one desires a heme . That looks fresh and clean and new, As none but a good painter can do. PainUne, papering and glazing, too, " -Will make your old house look quite new. He will take your work either way, . By the Job or by the day. If yon have work give him a call, " He'U take your orders, large or small. ' - - Respectfully, W. C. GILBERT, P.O. Box No. 8, THL DALLES, OR. S. L. YOUNG, Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed aT THB Store of I. C. Nlckelsen, 2d St. The Dalles W. V. WISEMAN. WM. MAKDIB8. tflkeman & Marders, Saloon and Wine Rooms " The Dalles, - Oregon. JpT"North west corner of Second and Court Streets. A. A. Brown, - Keeps a fuU assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions:. which he offers at Low Figures. SPEGIAL :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. Highest Cash Prices for Eis and , ether Prote. - 170 SECOND STREET. DRUGS S N I P E S K I N E R S LY. THE LEADING- il Handled fay Three Registered Druggists. ' ALSO ALL THE LEADING Patent ffledieines and Druggists Sundries. HOUSE PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the City for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints. -WE The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. Agent for Tansill's Punch. 129 Second Street, I The Dalles, Oregon PAUL KR EFT & CO., DEALERS TN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in -'- "7" AXi Xj 3R E5 3BL . JBjSPractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None bu t the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints nsed in all aur work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Paint Shoi) corner Thirdand WasHngton Sts., The Dalles. Oreo-on Hew .6. Qolumbia .6. J-lotel, THE DALLES, OREGON. ' Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! . First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. ': : First Class Hotel in Every Respect. Nono but the Best of White Help Employed. " T. T. rlicholas, Ptfop. CREDIT EXTRACTS From the Daily Chronicle of Feb. 18th. - 1 . Of Interest to Merchants. - The suit of A. 8. Collins and Mrs. A. S. Collins against H.. Herbring of this city, which was to come before the jury yesterday morning, was again postponed. This salt against one of our oldest and best-known dry goods merchants creates considerable comment in commercial circles. It appears that Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Col lins obtained under false pretenses and promises at the end of the year 1891, goods to the amount of 150.80 from the defendant ; but instead of pay ing the blU, as agreed, they shortly afterwards left the city by night and moved to California. Last spring Mr. Herbring learned that all their household goods, etc., were In the hands of the sheriff of Wasco county, and consequently placed a second attachment upon the goods held by the sheriff. A portion of these goods were sold last December by the sheriff of Wasco county, as no By tlie above extracts from our daily newspapers our friends and customers will see that an extraordinary demand will shortly be made upon our puyse. And as we are unprepared for this unex pected event, we are. a Dry oods, OBLIGED 5 Pacific Poplins, regular price 12jC, now " Brocaded Poplins, 15c, now 4-4 Flannel Suitings, ... ..25c 40-inch English Mohair, 75c,. . : . . 38-inch all wool Ladies' Cloth, 50c, . . . . 56-inch Assabet " '..-.$1.00, . 54-inch Striped " ... 1.00,..'. .... Amoskeag checked Gingham , 10c, . . v . . Amoskeag Cheviot, . . 12c, Hartel & Merrimac Calicos Atlantic- P. and Lawrence L L Muslin,. . Also Clothing and Hat Departments, As air of the above goods will very likely be sold out in a very short 7 time,,we advise our friends and customers -to visit our store forthwith. . H. Herbring. Retail Droisls ARE- NOTE TH E RESU LT OF Versus FROM-THE DAILY PRESS compromise could be obtained by defendant. And now come the plaintiffs and sue through their attorney, Jndge A. 8. Bennett, the defend ant, for the sum of $175.00. We will watch this suit when it comes before the jury, as we think it is one of great interest to storekeepers. From the Daily Time Mountaineer of Feb. SUh. - Eazor-Edged Technicalities. The case of A. 8. Collins vs. 41. Herbring was on trial in the Circuit Court today, and the jury empanelled were E. W. Trout, Geo. Joles, A. Bet tiDgen, Jr., Geo. W. Miller, S. B. Adams, James Harper, W. C. Hansell, John Wood. Argument was had this morning on a motion to non-suit, made by defendant's counsel, which was taken under advisement until afternoon, when the Judge overruled the motion. The facts appear to be that the plaintiff left this city owing Mr. 1 ITJ TO portion of our Immense stock of lotlpity, Boots ai?d Sroe5. enoe we OfTer: 12 yds for $1.00 10 yds for 1.00 - . .19c 77!37Kc ..35c 75c ....... .....50c 7Kc 10c .20 yds for $1.00 16 yds for 1.00 Great Bargains in DEALERS IN; Staple M Fancy Bioceiles, Hay, Grain and Feed. Masonic BlockCorner Third and Court Streets. The Dalles.Qregos. THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S V SPOOL SILK FINE LINE OF - 5 11 No. 390 to 394, 2d NEPTUNE SHAVING PABLORS AND .BATH ROOMS. V i?'iAZ,iUirC & wykjjham, .Proprietors. in" S3 2 l-c o 5 o B3 5 Ja?:-r 2 '' At the old stand of R. Lusher, Freeborn & -DEALERS IN- Wall Paper anHooni Jlloulflings,' 295 ALDER ST., COR. FIFTH, Old Number 95, GASH! Herbring, and he attached property for the debt. After the sale of the attached property the de fendant attempts to set aside the sale and snej Mr. Herbring for damages, claiming that tne proceedings were not technically legal. The razor-edge technicalities of law, we presume, will always remain, but It works great hard ships on creditors, in many instances, to be de barred from collecting their just claims from the commission of a clerical error or the misin terpretation of a dubious statu tory provision. From the Daily Chronicle of Feb. SSth. - The suit of A. 8. Collins and Mrs. A. 8. Collins vs. H. Herbring came to a termination yesterday afternoon, the jury rendering a verdict in far of the plaintiffs. Mr. Herbring considers his defeat as a fart accompli, and is now more than ever convinced that he has to stick to his old rule and motto to sell dry goods cheap and for cssh only. ' . SACRIFICE Hill & Hope bleached Muslin, .-, 12 yds for $1.00 Heavy twilled Toweling, .20 yds for 1.00 German Knitting Yarn reduced to. ....... . . . .60c per lb J. & P. Coats' Spool Cotton " - " ...... ... . ..,45o per doz Belding Bros. Knitting Silk. 30c per ball Fast Black Ladies' Hose, 25c now . . 20c " " ' - " or 1 box of 6 pairs for $1.00 Boss of the Road Overalls rednced to . . 50c Buckingham & Hecht fine Calf Boots reduced to $4.25 Ladies' oil grain Button Shoes reduced to. : 1.15 Ladies' Arctic Overshoes rednced to. . . . .65c our I v mi street, The Dalles 01 CO S. 7? n n - fa co 2. S S o r1 -j "jr. J -r- -a no Front St. The Dalles,-Oregon. Company, roETLASD, Oasaos.