The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 08, 1893, Image 1

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NO. 70.
vol. y.
administration is talking of appointing I toess travel. When the traveler is -weary.
Ten Vessels ana Tlieir Crews Go to tie
Bottom' '" ''
a commission to visit "the islands, with
authority to treat with the provisional
government upon a plan giving Ameri
can supremacy over the islands without
incurring all the responsibilities accom
panying annexation. ? - '
Cleveland's Poliey Office Seekers: Will
Find Little to Hope for From
' the President.
A. M .WILL.I A MS: & GO.
Paris, March 7. News of a hurricane
at Tamatav, on the east coast of Mada
gascar. February 22; . has been received
today. The wind came from the sea and
first struck the vessel near the mouth of
the bay.. The Alsimo, a French ship,
was stripped almost instantly of masts
and rigging, and , a few minutes later
went to the bottom with all on board.
Five coasting vessels, anchored within
the T harbor, foundered " almost simul
taneously, and but 10 men of their crew
were saved. Four other coasters sank
before the storm passed. In Tamatav
the streets were swept clean of people
and vehicles in a few minutes. Twenty
two of the best buildings in the place
and a large number- of huts . were
wrecked. The roof of the custom-house
was earned away and the walls were
crashed in. The British consulate was
demolished and four sugar factories
were leveled to the ground. Many lives
were lost. '
Campbell Bros. Prop rs
(Successors to . S. Cram.)
Manufacturers of the finest French and -Home
Made .
. East of Portland. .
Tropic Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tohcco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale
or Retail
In Brerjr Style. .
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
Rational ir Bank,
President - -Vice-President,
. - . - -
'- Z. F. Moody
Chables Hilton
- -M. A. Moody
General Banking Business Transacted.
T ic Re
u aior Line
The Dalles, Portlanl M Astoria
Navigation Co.
Sight Exchanges Sold on ;
Collections made on favoreble terms
at all accessible points.
. a. 8CHKKCK,
First Rational Bank.
The Dalles
Gigaf : Faetofy
pjp A T C of the Best Brands
V J. VX-i.X0 manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice. ,..
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check. ,
Collections made and proceeds promptly
'ii- -i j r -ii i ;
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port- .
- land. .
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe.
H. M. Beall.
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day,
the Dalles
J. D. PARISH, Prop.
Ihith The Dalles at 6 a. m. every day. and ar
rives at Prineville in thirty -six hours. Leaves
Prineville at 6 a. m. every day and arrives at
The .Danes in ujuiyix nonrs.
Carries the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express
Connects at ;FrlDtlle.wi,ta ; -v.: .
J Stages from Eastern and Southern Or
egon, Northern .California and , ;
all interior Toirits. r-"..
Also makes close connection at The Dalles with
trains from Portland and ail eastern points.
. courteous drivers.
. Good accommodations along tie road.
First-class coacnes and norses used..
.Euress matter handled wifl care.
' All nprsons wishing rnssaee mnst waybill at of
fices before taking passage; others will not be
received. Express must be waybilled at offices
or the Stage Co. will not be responsible. The
company will take no risk on money transmit
ted. Particular attention given to delivering
matter at Prineville and all southern
points in Oregon, and advance charges will be
paid Dy ine company. , .
Rr.Sicliel Ss Co. Store. Umatilla House.
The Dalles.
FREfiCfi 8t CO.,
Letters of Credit issued available in
Eastern States. '
FreiQiit ana Passenger Llae,:
Throucrh dailv service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles -and Port-
and. - steamer .Keeuiator ieve xuo
Dalles a.t 7 a. m. ' connecting at Cascade
Locks ?. with . steamer -.- Dalles" ; City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portjland
( Yamhill street docket 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
italics. .... . , . ,
One way
Round trip. .
. 3.00
freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Rhinmetita received at wharf anv time.
day or night, -and delivered at J?ortland
on arrival. Live stock . shipments
solicited. . Call on or address.
General Agent.
General Manager.
8ii?ht Exchanee and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York.Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms, . -
First premium at the - Wasco county
fair for best portraits and views.
to Loan
J3ix J?er Cent. Interest. '
Time, and
May be Paid On or Before Maturity.
Siitking fund or BuiWing rand Loan Plans.
The Hew England National
Building, Loan & Investment Ass'n,
Oregonlan Building, Portland.Or. .' '
J?Jolo Dalles, Oregon.
OEir Agents Wanted! Address the Portland Office.
Cleveland' Policy.
AtlakTta, Ga., March 7. The Atlanta
Journal conies out with the explanations
of the new policy ahead of the . country
In a leading telegram from Washington;
signed by Hoke Smith's editor, Richard
son, there is a warning served upon the
office-seeking brigade as follows : "One
thing is certain, appointments will not
be speedily made. This is necessary be
cause of the great number of applica
tions and the clash of influences." This
newsis backed up by an ' editorial, in
which it is stated that "on the question
of civil service Cleveland is even more
explicit than he has .ever been before.
His .declaratiou that 'apiintments to
office, instead of beine the rewards of
personal activity, Bhoald go to those
whose efficiency promises a fair return
of work for the compensation paid them,'
is cited as a fair warning to the pie
brigade. This is going to be a business
administration, and not a huge partisan
machine." .. Prominence is also given to
the fact that the president has served a
distinct and emphatic notice that he
would hammer with bis veto every free-
silver bill that coneresa might pass and
there will be the crucial test of the ad
ministration. Haying. tlius interpreted
the presidential mind upon the question
of office-seekinsr and the establishment
of a gold standard, editorial declaration
is made that -tariff reform will be in
definitely postponed. The reasons
therefor are stated as follows : "There
are-eeriou3 impedimenta to a speedy re
alization of the full measure of tariff re
form. ,-The finances of the .government
are in a precarious condition, to say the
least. The Harrison administration has
had to avail itself of funds, always pre
viously held as reserves, to enable it to
make both ends meet, or show a favor
able balance in its financial statements.
Whether this was legally and .properly
done or not, it was done as a measure of
necessity. The question then . arises
Are the revenues of the government now
sufficient to meet the expenses, imposed
by republican extravagance? - This
question must be settled before a de
cisive measure of tariff reform, that may
be undertaken atthia time, can be de
termined. Then there are complications
arising from several reciprocity treaties
already entered into. It remains to be
seen to what extent they .will reduce the
revenue and. whether the benefit to the
DeoDle derived from them will "be suf
ficient to justify a continuance or exten
sion of the policy." v
Hawaiian Commissioners Receive a Set-
New Yobk, March 7. A morning
naper says: "ine antimauou . mar,
Cleveland. may appoint a commission to
visit Hawaii before acting on the annex
ation question has caused a chill to run
, up the backs of -the Hawaiian commis
sioners. They hoped for something bet
ter.. Jf 4he annexation scheme failed to
receive the approval of the new admin
istration, .thev hoped at least to be able-
to return to the provisional government
and eay that the United States would
be willing to negotiate for the assump
tion of a protectorate over' the islands.
I The appointment of a commission, they
realize, would not" only .occasion a delay
iruthe settlement of the important ques
tion, but would deprive them of any
honors or profits connected with the
negotiations. They therefore are loth to
believe the rumor current that the new
" After the Plotters.
. Kingston, Jamaica, " March 7. Con
firmation of the report that the troubles
of President Heureaux, of San Domingo,
were increasing was brought here by Dr.
Theicka prominent" man in t"Ee "repub
lic, who managed to escape while Jhe
soldiers, who were sent to surround his
house and arrest him, were slaying his
wife and servants. ' The story brought
by Dr. Theick is that President Heu
reaux Has been uneasy ever since me
discovery of the Marchenas plot to over
throw him, and has regarded with sus
picion all the" reputed friends of that
arch-schemer. .' Those who know , the
president and his. methods of dealing
with real and supposed enemies have
been expecting for some time that he
would' strike a blow, which he hoped
would crush the opposition and put an
end to the plots against him. A few
days ago President Heureaux delivered
what he " announced .'was a conspiracy
against him, with which many leading
men of the Domingan capital were
alleged to' be connected. President
Heureaux ordered that all ' the leaders
be arrested and - shot. Soldiers were
sent to surround the residences of all
the suspected persons; Dr.- Theick's
house was one of the first visited. When
the soldiers appeared he knew their
visit meant death to" himself, and he
hastened preparations to escape. The
soldiers opened fire and riddled Mrs.
Theick and the eervants with bullets
The doctor leaped from a. window,
mounted a horse and fled. He made
his way to Cape Hayti and sailed to
Kingston, reaching here in eafety.- His
owrT departure -was bo hurried that he
did not learn the fate of the other men
whom Heureaux had sentenced to death.
from a . long railroad "journey from the
Pacific he will be delighted and refreshed
to take the trip down the' lakes. When
these vessels are done an easterner can
put $100 in his pocket and come to Min-.
nesota and fish or ' shoot for about two
weeks and return home with some of
the $100 left and "have a eail down the
lakes on a faster Bhip ttian he ever rode
on before," ' - .
'Great Northern Ball way.
Dultjth, March 7. The following is
an extract from the speech of President
James J. Hill, of the Great Northern
Railway, at the-Duluth dinner ; - 4
We are building, and good progress
has been made on two steamers to carry
passengers ' between here and Buffalo
We. contemplate carrying 350 first-class
passengers on each. . We are putting .on
these steamers naore power han waa ,on
the Great Eastern when -she was built
We .expect to make, -the run between
here and Buffalo :comfortably in nfty
hours'. ";- ..- ; , '
. "Many of my friends .have thought it
an experiment, but have remarked that
most of my experiments turn put welL
I confess up to the middle of November
last I felt it was an experiment, because
I could not find in the country, or out of
it, for some time, anyone who was' pre
pared to give us the power we desired to
put on a ship ot that size.
These new vessels will have speed
enough to run around the Teutonic or
aby other steamship plying .between
Europe and America in any six hours of
the twenty-four. I believe the distance
from here to the Soo will be made in
seventeen hours. When we bring them
here I have been wondering where we
will land them.; A ship 3So feet long is
not a handy thing to get. around. I
would' like it if we could get them con
venient to the railroad station. I be
lieve it will end in six such steamers,
and that we will have a daily line. I
believe the business travel of Minnesota
and both Dakotas and from farther west
will go east and west on these boats
whenever the season of open water per
mits them to do so. We should carry
our snare ot ordinary, every-day busi-
Make-Up of the Senate and House.
Washington, March 6. The present ,
roll-call of the senate shows :---
Democrats ....... 44 -
Republicans , 38 -
Populist. ......v...........:..".,.... ,1
Independent. . . . ' 1-
Farmers' : Alliance
yacancies.. . . . .;. , 3
The vacancies are one each- in Mon
tana, Washington and Wyoming..
Should the republicans eventually fill all
of these vacancies, which can scarcely be
the case in view of Beckwith's appoint-.
ment in Wyoming, it would give them
41. Should the third party senators
then all vote with the republicans (an
unlikely supposition,) the senate would
still be a tie, with Vice-President Steven
son holding the controling vote.
The house, as shown by the unofficial
returns, will be made up as follows :
Democrats , '.".."..;:...'. 217
Republicans .128
Third party ." , ........ . 8
Sniall-Fcx In Vancouver, 1$. C.
f ancoovkb, B. C, March 7. Another "
case of small-pox was discovered in this '
city yesterday. The patient lived in
the outskirts of the city in a small shack.
A case was discovered in New .Westmin
ister Sunday. .
Good Lookl. ,
Good looks are more .than skin deep,
depending upon a healthy condition of
all the vital organs. If the liver be in
active, you have a billions look, if your
stomach be disordered you have a dys
peptic look, and . if your kidneys be af
fected you have a pinched look. Secure
your health and you will have good
looks. Electric Bitters is the great al
terative and tonic acts directly on these"
vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches,
boils and gives a good complexion. . Sold
at Snipes & Kinersly's drugstore, 50c
per bottle. ' .
True Republican Grit. . I
. Pendleton Tribune.
Ben. S. Burroughs has exhibited re
publican grit to a marked degree. On .
Saturday as soon as Grover Cleveland
was established as .president of the
United States, Ben sat .down and wrote
his resignation as postmaster, asking to
have the fame take effect March 31st.
Mr. Burroughs staled to bis intimate
friends that he would .not hold a federal
office under a democratic president, and
no one thought be was in earnest, but
his. recent act clearly shows that he
meant what he said. , No one has filled'
the office of postmaster of this city in
any more satisfactory manner than has
Mr. Burroughs, and he will lay . down
the burdens of the office with a clean
record. It is not known what business
the ex-postmaster will embark in, but
the Tribune hopes that be will cast his
lot somewhere in this vicinity and re
main one of our citizens.
Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, 111., was
troubled with rheumatism and tried a
number of different remedies, but says
none of them seemed to do him any
good; but finally be got hold of one
that speedily cured him. He was much
pleased with it, and lelt sure that others
similarly afflicted would like to know
what the remedy was that cured him.
He states for the benefit of the public
that it is called Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. ' For sale by Blakeley & . Hough
ton, Druggists. . ...
The United States Official
-Investigation of Baking Powders, made by authority of
Congress, in the Department f Ajgrciilture, !Washing
f ton, - D. Or furnishes -the highest authoritative informa-
tion'as to which powder is the ;best.: The CJfcial Report
Shows the ROYAiL-to pe a
creaiii of tartar ibaking powder,-uperictr;
to all others in
' . leavening