f -v Tne Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUMTY. For Bale or Trade. For Seattle or other city property in Oregon or Washington a fine frnit and stock ranch close to this city. Post- office box 446.- i Xatered at the Postoffice at 'the Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BT HAIl (POSTAGE FRIPAID) IN ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year. ; I 59 6 months. . . . 8 0 75 O AO i months v 8 00 " per " .... u ou Address all commnnlcatlon to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. JHy, yer - o MONDAY, MAR. 6r1893 A" correspondent ' of the Scientific American tells about a new kind of grass -which receives some valuable recom mendations esparto ; grass.' Esparto grass has recently been recommended for introduction'into the United 8tates as a fiber plant. It is a native of Spain , Portugal, Greece, and Northern Africa, thriving upon sand and gravel in . arid situations, and growing especially well ' on limestone and gypseous soils." It is not cut, but pulled, sometimes twice a year. It can be grown either from seeds or divisions of the roots.' - Teh tons.. of , dry esparto, worth from $20 .to $25 per ton, can, under favorable circumstances, be obtained from an acre.' In ' Spain, where now the product amounts to from 70,000 to 80,000 tons annually, "it for- merly ran to waste or was used only as fuel. Now, soch $8 the demand tor it, that land considered valueless . a "few years agd is -worth thousands of dollars. About 60,000 tons are sent to Great Brit ain annually from Spaing-'In the latter country it is used in themanufacture of ropes, baskets, eandals,' natting, etc., while in England it is largely used in making ropeB and paper.-; Good writing paper is made from it -without the ad mixture of any other material, and the price of this paper varies' from $200 to 250 tef ton. There la - certainly ah opening in this country for some enter prising individuals to grow this grass. Joseph V: Dory, of Warsaw, 111., was troubled with rheumatism and tried a number of different remedies, but says none-of them seemed to "do him any good; but finally he got hold, of one that speedily cured him. He was much pleased with it, and ielt sure that others similarly afflicted would like to know what the remedy was that cured him. He states for the benefit of the public that it is called Chamberlain's - Pain Balm. For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton, Druggists. : - - . Specimen Cases. 8. H. Clifford, JTew Cassel, Wis.," was troubled with neuralgia and ; rheuma tism, his stomach waa disordered, his' liver" was affected to' an; alarming "de-J gree', appetite fell away, and - he ' was terribly reduced ih flesh' and 'strength. Ttiree bottles 'of "Electric " Bitters' cured him..; Edwd' Shepherd, Harrisburg, "111:,1 ha9 a running Bore 'on his'leg of eight years' 'standing. '" Used three bottles Of Electric -Bitters and seven boxes Of Bucklen's Ariiica Salve; and nis' leg' is sound and well. John Speater, Cataw ba, 0:,liad five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable.- One bottle Electric Bitters1 and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve' cared MmV en tirelyl Sold .a.t Snipes & Kinerely's drug store.'' ' ' ' Dakota makes a residence of three months sufficient to entitle an action for divorce to be filed. This causes many -who desire to unhitch to locate there and claim desertion, as the knot can be un tied in shorter order than in - any other state. The effort to increase the time to six months disclosed the object ' of the three months' law: The state had re ceived thousands of '. dollars in conse quence of it. Illinois with six months' requirement bad lost its supremacy. Dakota shrewdly secured the unhitching "business and dollars it naturally brought -with it. ' The statistics concerning the produc tion of tin plate in this country 'Show that the industry is growing' rapidly, and thRl if Congress lets ' the McKinley law alone in this particular, the industry will ultimately : be established in "the United States upon a firm foundation But as the tin plate provision of 'the McKinley bill has been one of the chief points of Democratic attack, it is prob able that the tariff on tin plate will be reduced before the business becomes bo well established ' that it will not need the protection which it now receives. Vice President Morton's hobby is said to be forestry. His views on the sub ject, as given by a New York reporter, are, briefly, as follows:' "I shall do all in my power to promote the planting and the cultivation of trees throughout the country. In less than twenty-five years, the rate of timber consumption remaining the same as it is at present there would not be a tree left in the United States." Mrs. Ellen M. McClure, of the Sprague Daily Advertiser, is probably the only woman on the Pacific coast publishing a daily paper. She is editor and general manager, as well as a competent com positor, and can be frequently seen feed ing the large cylinder press when rushed This is what we would term western grit in journalism. The gay plumage of the peacock and the sweet voice of the nightingale are ' peldom united. Gladstone, with all his prominent virtues and humane motives is a gold bug. . Does England send over little Kniulani to make a dramatic show of herself, so "that Americans ' will . weep crocodile tears over a foolisbV.sentiment? Who Wants the Asylum? Are' the business men and citizens of The Dalles going to pay no attention to the location ;of - the insane asylum? few days ago I put in this paper a small communication regarding this matter and thought it would certainly stir the thing up a little and that some of the prominent leaders ' would by this time take some action about it, but it seems as though they '' are ."all' going' to stand till and let some other less deserving town get the prize. "Such a valuable ad' dition as this " should not be neglected this way. Start 'the ball' rolling and try and get everyone interested in and we certainly will not be overlooked .-" -Eastebk Oekgos. NOTICE. ' " - - All Dalles City warrants registered prior to May 1, 1891, will be paid if -presented at my office. Interest ceases irom and after this date. Dated, Jan. 3d, 1S93. 1 L. KOKDKN, .,... Tj-jija--i' One lot, with a good dwellings and out buildings situated west of the Academy grounds, and fronting Liberty street on the east, is for sale at a Bargain Terms easy. Apply at this office for informa tion. Title perfect. Jiesh Paint I W. C. Gilbert hereby Bends " His compliments to every friend And enemy if he has any Be they few Ox be they many. The' time for painting now has come. And every one desires a home That looks fresh and clean and new, As none but a good painter can do. Palntinir, paperinp arid glazing, too. Will make your old house look quite new. He will take your work either way, By the job or by the day. If you have work give him a call, He'll take your orders, large or small. ; Respectfully, .. - W. C. GILBERT, P. O. Box No. 3, THL DALLES, OR. ' " J : ' It isn't the usual way it's iust the reverse to pay . a rtatient when" 'vou can't" cure him. Nevertheless," that's what's done by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Remedy. They promise to pay you $500 if they-can't cure vour catarrh, no "matter how bad the case. It isn't mere talk it's business. You can satisfy' yourself of it, if you're interested. 1 . And you ousrht to be, if you.Jiave .catarrn. It's faith in their medicine that's behind the ' offer. r.It; has- cured thousands of the worst cases, where everything else failed. . You can be cured, too. If you can't, 'you get the money. They're willing to take the risk; you ought to be glad to take' the "medicine. : ; . -' - "-- ' - It's the cheapest medicine 'you can buy, because it's guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. - - You only' pay for the good you tret. iJan voa asK more r That's the peculiar plan all Dc. Pierce's medicines - are sold, on, - JOHN PASHEK, t - Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings Pants Patterns, etc., of ail. latest Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a ht guaranteed -. '. - . each time.. . ; .-; : Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. XXX. 8- Young, BlacKsnitH & wagon SHop General Blacksmith in g and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality TM Street oiwosite tie oW Lietie Stand, A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries - and Provisions, which he often at Low Figures. SPEGIflL :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. FOB BALE. OUT Tfie Goiumfiia Fapiiag eo., PACKERS OF- Pork and Beef MANUFACTURERS OF' Fine Lard and Sausages. Higlest Cash Prices for Ems and . other Mace.'- Curers of BRAND i ; . r v ' : Dried Beef, Etc. Masonic Building. ' The Dalles. Or. W. F. WISEMAN, WBI. HABDKB9 CREDIT NOTE THE RESULT OF Versus GASH EXT RACTS FROM THE DAILY PRESS From the Daily Chronicle o Feb. 18th. Of Interest to Merchants. The suit of A. 8. Collins and Mrs. A. S. Collins against H. Hcrbring of this city, which was to come before the Jury yesterday morning, ws egain postponed. This suit against one of our oldest and best-known dry goods merchant creates considerable comment in commercial circles. It appears that Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Col lins obtained nnder false pretenses and promises at the end of the yea.- 1891, goods to the amount of 150.80 from the defendant ; but instead of pay ing the bill, as agreed, they, shortly afterwards left the elty by night and moved to California. Last spring Mr. Herbring learned that all their household goods, etc., were in the hands of the sheriff of Wasco county, and consequently placed a second attachment upon the goods held by the sheriff. A portion of these goods were sold last December by the sheriff of Wasco county, as no compromise could be obtained by defendant. And now come the plaintiffs and sue through their attorney, Judge A. S. -Bennett, the defend ant, for the sum of 1175.00. We will watch this suit when it comes before the jury, as we think it is one of great interest to storekeepers. ... From the Daily Times-Mountaineer of Feb. tUh. Bazor-Edged Technicalities. '"' . The case of A. 8. Collins -vs. H. Herbring was on trial in the Circuit Court today, and the jury empanelled were E. W. Trout, Geo. Joles, A. Bet tlngen,,Jr., Geo. W. Miller, 8. B. Adams, James Harper, W. C. Hansell, John Wood. ' Argument was had this morning- on a motion to non-suit, made by defendant's counsel, which wjs taken nnder advisement until- afternoon, when the Judga overruled the motion. - The facts appear to be that the plaintiff left this city owing Mr. Herbring, and he attached property'for the debt. After the sale of Jite attached property the de fendant attempts to set aside the sale and sues Mr.-Herbring for damages, claiming that the proceedings were not technically ; legal.- Th razor-edge, technicalities of law, 'we -presume, will always remain, but ft works -great hard ships on creditors'; In many instances, to be de barred from collecting their just claims from the commission of a clerical error or the misin terpretation of a dubious statutory provision. From the Daily Chronicle of Feb. tih: ' The suit of A-6. : Collins aid Mrs. A. 8. Collins vs. H. Herbring came to a termination yesterday afternoon, the jury iehdering a verdict in favor of .the plaintirla.;-1 Mr. Herbring considers hU defeat as a fait accompli, and is now more thaa ever convinced -that he has to stick to his old rule and motto to sell dry goods cheap and for cash only. , By the above extracts from our daily: newspapers our friends and . - customers wilUsee that aneirtraordinary ;demand -will shortly be made upon our purse. And as we are unprepared for this unex- ' pected event, we areBB; ' OBLIGED I TO SACRIFICE - - a portion of .our Immense stock of Dry (Joods, Iotr;ir;3, Boots apd Si7oe$. Pacific Popfins, regular "price 12)cr'now12 yds for $1 .00 "... Brocaded Poplins, 4-4 flannel baitings, 40-ineh English-Mohair,. ...... 38-inch all wool Ladies' Cloth, 56-inch Assabet ' " " -54-inch Striped, - ' Amoskeag checked Gingham, Amoskeatr Cheviot. . 1 ...... s Hartel & Merrimac Calicos 20 yds for $1.00 Atlantic P. and Lawrence L L Muslin, 16 yds for 1.00 .15c, now 10 yds for 1.00 ...25c...... 19c . .w75c,., 37K , ...50c,.- 35c - .$1.00,....... ........ 75c ..1.00,... 50c. ...10c, ...... -....7Kc -,.12c , . 10c we OfTen HiTl" & Hope bleached Muslin, .' . . J. . '... . Heavy twilled Toweling, . . . ; . . German Knitting Yarn reduced to. . . . J. & P. Coats' Spool Cotton " " . . ,. Belding Bros. Knitting Silk .... . Fast Black Ladies' Hose. 25c now . .. " , or 1 box of 6 pairs for.. Boss of the Road Overalls reduced to Buckingham & Hecht fine Calf Boots reduced to Ladies' oil grain Button Shoes reduced to Ladies' Arctic Overshoes reduced to 12 yds for (1.09 20 yds for 1.00 60c per lb .:. ...45c per do ....30c per ball 2UC . . $1.00 ...50a ..$4.25 .. 1.15 ...65e Also Great Bargains in our Uliseman & Warders, Saloon .and Wine Room The Dalles. - Oregon. V a -tf a Clothm and Hat Dep artments. JEBNorthwest Court Streetsi" corner of Second and .As all of the above goods will very likely be sold out in a very short time, we advise our friends and customers to visit our stere forthwith. H. Herbring. D FZ XJ O S S i-.! .-f ..""i et r? ."rf; NIPES . ; i'-' "' . .-J . vt i N ERSLY ; - THE LEADING 5 ; IE3 TX .3Et . ' 33 "CJ"- C3r IS 8; Handled by Three' Registered Druggists. ALSO :1 Patent ; ffledieines and ALL THE . LEADING , ists HOUSE PAIHTS. OILS AND 6LASS. Agents for Murphy's Pine' Varnishes and. the only agents in . the City for The Sherwin, ; "Williams Co.'s Paints. ' - . .' WE ARE; " ' V. The Largest Dealers , in -Wall i-arsrest Ueaiers . in vvaii raper. Finest Line of Imported Key -West and Domestic Cigars. - . Agent for Tansill's Punch. - , , .129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon PAUL KR EFT & CO, -DEALEES IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in Xj ILm ' iCSPractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None hut the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J.-W. Masury's Paints used in all our work, and none but the most skilled -workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article, in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. - " .. . r,"".. Paint ShoD corner Thirdaiid "WaBtington Bttn The Dalles. 0reon Hew .o. Columbia .6. Jhlotel, THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! First-CIass Meals, 25 Cents. ... . -. . ....... .. . - j First Class Hotel in Every Respect. -' ; . None but the Best of White Help Employed. joles bfs:; '. ; ;..'.'...''-. -: DLERS IN :-"-.-" '",--' Siapie anfl Faocy Giotto, Hay, Grain and Feed." Masonic Block. Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dalies,Oregop. THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. .. s, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. BRAINARD & iVRMSTRONGS j it v SPOOL SILK FINE LINE OF No. 390 V to 394, 2d street, The Dalles NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS, AND BATH, ROOMS. PRAZER & WYNDHAM, Proprietors. CO C OS- 2 ! lit . Z-4 At thejold stand of R. Lasher, ho Front St, The Dalies; Orpgeii. .rr.!.ti tt Freeborn & Com pany, -DEALERS IN- Wall Papef ftoo 295 ALDER ST., COR. FIFTH, Old Ncmber 95, POKTLAND, OBEGON.