The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 03, 1893, Image 3

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    We Divide
the Profits
with our
In Clothing
In Dry Goods
In Furnishing Goods
In Boots and Shoes
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postofflce at The Dalies, Oregon,
aa second-class matter.
Weather Forecast.
Official forecast for twenty-four hours ending at
S p. m. tomorrow.
Thursday and Friday, fair and con
tinned cool Pagub.
FRIDAY, ----- MAR. 3, 1893
Stray Bits of
News Gathered From All
He had his neckties and his collars
And a lot of iron dollurs,
All neatly packed away within his trunk;
But he got to shooting craps
With a Tot of other chaps.
And his scheme to see Chicago went kerflunk,
" Roads are rapidly drying.
Property owners have begun cleaning
their yards.
The thermometer barely reached freez
ing last night.
Plowing was commenced on the Wa
pinitia fiat last Saturday.
.The ferry boat at Arlington is pro
pelled by a gasoline engine.
A party was given by the Misses Cuah
ing at their borne on the hill last even
ing. A marriage license was issued to Mr.
Mark Collins, to wed Miss Julia Porter,
both of King sley.
City council meeting tonight. The
only unfinished business of any im
portance is the matter of passing an or
dinance for a sewer between Laughlin
and Jefferson streets.
The largest greenback extant ia a $19,
000 bill, and only one such note has
been printed by the government. In
looking over our cabinet of curios we
tind that it ia not with our gollection
The Montana legislature has followed
the example of Wyoming and adjourned
without electing a senator. The dis
patch, says Governor Richards will ap
point one. Aa this ia unconstitutional
the report is an error.
Hon. Wm. Kelsay, familiarly known
as "Uncle Billy," is in town and will re
turn tomorrow. He says the people of
hia section are incensed at the verdict
against Cal Hale, aa it was shown that
he was not in the country at the time of
the Roslyn robbery.
Dance at Klindt's.
A large number of people met at the
farm house of Henry Klindt last night
and danced to the music of violin and
piano until far past midnight. There
were fully one hundred people present,
many coming from the country.
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jo8. T.
Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer
son Btreeta.)
Proposals for Bids.
Sealed bids will be received at the of
fice of Crandall & Bdrget until noon
March 20th, 1893, for the superstructure
of a proposed dwelling to be built for
W. L. Bradshaw on the northeast cor
ner of Washington and Fourth streets,
The Dalles, Or., according to the plans
and specifications prepared by C. J.
Bida will also be received at the same
time and place for the mason work of
the above mentioned building. Plans
and specifications can be seen at the of
ffice of Crandall & Burget.
The right ia reserved to reject any and
all bida.
By this
We Mean
i -i-i
i-l-l-l 1
To Offer the Best Values Possible
in all our Different Lines.
The Mohr Portage.
In the matter of the portage road there
is little new to report. Contractor Glenn
has been in town for several days, but
commencement of actual work seems to
be hanging on the arrival of Paul Mohr.
The scrapers, carts, etc., which arrived
from Portland last week were taken "up
to Grants and there ferried across the
river. When work begins it is probable
it will be commenced at the east end of
the line, near Columbus, though it is
not yet definitely settled.
Stock Losses.
Mr. C. W. Haight, of the Dea Chutea
country, came in town today. Mr.
Haight haa been riding over the range
himeelf conaiderably during the paat
two montha, and ia aa well posted aa
anybody regarding the loss of stock.
He says that the loss of cattle will reach
ten per cent., all reports to the con
trary notwithstanding. Sheep have
fared well and there has been no loss to
speak of. Everybody is well supplied
with feed and will feed yet for several
weeks. On the north, hill sides the
snow ia still solid, but the south sides
are bare.
Drive Whist Party.
a very pieasairt arive whist party was
given last the residence of
Mr. and Mrs J. B. Crossen. An excellent
lunch was served and the evening passed
off pleasantly. A very pretty event of
the evening was a serenade by a party
of young men, while the game was in
progreaa, which waa enjoyed by those
present, for which the host and hoatesa
and those present wish to return thanks.
The first prize was won by W. H. Wil
on. Those present were Mr and Mrs
(Judge Bradshaw, Mr and Mra Dr Rhine
thart, Mr and Mra H M Beall, Mr an
pSfra W H Wilson, Mr and Mra J
VCrosaen and Master Will Crosaen.
Sheep Dip For Chickens.
Walla Walla Statesman.
C. E. Sherlock, one of Lake county's
greatest sheep growers, says that he has
been experimenting with sheep dip.
Being informed by the stock inspector
that dipping ckickena would increase
their laying qualities, he dipped eighty
of hia fine hens. The result was that
sixty of the eighty were dead next morn
ing. Some Indiana took the dead chick
ens away and ate them, and in a few
days one of them eame back and asked
Mr. Sherlock when he was going to dip
chickens again.
"Dimpled cheeks and eyes of blue,
Mouth like a flower fresh with dew ;
And little teeth just poking through,
This is theTjaby.'
Photo by Herrin, enlarged picture
Mr. C. F. Davis, editor "of the Bloom
field, Iowa, Farmer, says : "I can re
commend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to all sufferers with colds and croup. I
have used it in my family for the paat two
years and have found it the best I ever
used for the purposes for which it was
intended. 50 cent bottles for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, Druggista.
' An Estray Bay Mare.
Came to my place last fall a bay mare
about five years old, with small white
spot on right side, also white spot on
left hip, star in the forehead, with some
dim brand on left shoulder, weight about
eight hundred pounds. Owner can have
the same by proving property and pay
ing costs. V. J. Kelly, 15-Mile creek.
xea iota in iNorth Dalles, 50 per cent,
lesa than company prices.
G, Bublingame,
That Prices are placed
where customers receive
the benefit.
i -1
Wk Meet
The Demand
in Prices.
Herrin's Discovery.
We were shown today by Photographer
Herrin a block of wood upon which a
photograph, had been made direct, a
discovery made by him, which five years
ago would have made hia fortune,
ihough the process is not new, it is
none the less a discovery, for the seen
has been jealously guarded by its posses
sors, and there is no one in Portland
today, and but one in California who
knows how it is done. There are many
who can photograph on wood by first
coating it with gelatine or some other
substance, but it serves no purpose to
the engraver, aa he cannot tell whether
he is cutting the wood or not. For
more than a year Mr. Herrin has been
experimenting and waa about to give it
up, when one day recently, in an idle
moment, he picked up a negative at
random and waa surprised to find that
he had hit upon the formula. He haa
had several orders already from engrav
ers in Portland and Oakland, California
The Nlxnrods.
Corvallis Gazette.
The Allen Bros, of Philomath, went
out hunting with their hounds in the
region of Mary's peak. Aa they were
8couting through the timber the doga
ran onjto a large panther, which had
just killed a deer and waa about to
make a meal of it. The panther, on the
onset of the dogs, took to a tree, while
the hunters came up and secured the
deer. They then shot the panther,
flayed i and brought the skin into Cor
vallis iq a fine state of preservation,
where it was bought by ProfessoriWash
burn tj be prepared and mounted in the
agricultural college museum. The ani
mal measured seven feet in length, and
was an unusually fine specimen.
A Wonderful
Closed This
The surprising opportunity of securing
the great Encyclopedia Britannica, else
where presented, closea, so far as this
paper is concerned, with thia week. Our
arrangement with the publisher was for
four weeks only, and thia ia the laat of
the four. It ia the great genuine En
cyclopedia Britannica, over 20,500
pagea, 10,000 illustrations and 100 maps,
in good cloth binding, all for $20.00, and
even that payable (with $1.00 extra) in
installments of $1.00 every twenty days.
We are ordering the work ourselves;
you can join us, if you please, and save
some trouble and expense. It costs
nothing to see a sample at this office.
There's a good deal of guarantee busi
ness in the store keeping of today. It's
too excessive. Or too reluctant. Half
the time it meana nothing. Words
only words.
Thi8 offer to refund the money, or to
pay a reward, is made under the hope
that you won't want your money back,
and that you won't claim the reward.
Of course.
So, whoever is honest in making it.
and works not on his own reputation
alone, but through the local dealer.
whom you know, must have s Drue thing
he has faith in back of the guarantee.
The business wouldn't stand a year
without it.
What ia lacking ia confidence. Back
of that, what is lacking is that clear
honesty which ia above the ."average
Dr. Pierce's medicines are guaranteed
to accomplish what they are intended to
do, and their makers give the money
back if the result isn't apparent.
Doesn't it strike you that a medicine
ypvuivii i"D uiu&crs uave eu mucu conn
dence in. ia the medicine for von.
Very CleTer.
Thomaa A. Edison has completed ar
rangements to show his latest invention,
the kinetograph, at the world's fair.
The kinetograph is a remarkable device,
but not very useful ; an instrument by
which every gesture of a speaker may
be photographed and at the eame time
every word he utters ia recorded on the
cylinder of a phonograph. The two
devices are then connected, the photo
graphing apparatus and the phonograph.
By throwing the photograph on a screen
and starting the talking machine the
words and gestures of any speaker can
be reproduced. The effect produced ia
that the figure on the screen is doing the
talking. The deception ia said to be
very clever.
A. Fortune in Bis Sands.
Pendleton Tribune.
The water of the famous Bingham
spring that gurgles from the mountain
side thirty miles above Pendleton on the
banka of the Umatilla river that has
gone to waste for ages, notwithstanding
its wonderful mineral qualities, will soon
be utilized. It haa been until recently
controlled by a non-progressive indi
vidual who made no attempt to econo
mize it, and recently the property haa
changed handa and the exclusive right
to bottle and handle, thia wonderful
water ia now controlled by Arthur Ham
mond, the proprietor of the Golden Rule
hotel of thia place, who will have - upon
the market within thirty.'daya an ample
supply. Old residenta of thia county
who for more than a decade have used
the water from this wonderful spring are
a unit in speaking its praise. Many an
inebriate whose stomach waa worn
threadbare by king alcohol haa been.
speedily healed by this beverage. It is
a fact that for stomach troubles and ner
vous debility, this water cannot be ex
ceiiea. jyir. nammoaa nas a iortune in
nis nanus, ior so soon as nis goods are
placed upon the market and a fair trial
given them, the demand is bound to be
Christian Nickelsen, of Hood River, is
in tne city.
Mrs. Smart's twins are very low with
Miss May Ennght is visitine in Mis
soula, Mont. -
L. F. Burdoin, White Salmon, is in
tne city today.
Mrs. Dr. Stowell. of Goldendale. is
visiting in xne uaiies.
Mr. C. G. Roberts, formerlv of The
Dalles, is in this city.
Hugh Gourlav. formerlv editor of The
Chronicle, made a fraternal call today.
Miss Margaret Rowland and sister Bes
sie left for Salem this morning, where
they will visit their uncle,
Miss Emma Julian of Stockton. Cali
fornia, arrived last night injthe city and
ia tne guest or ner cousin. Mrs. C. E
Columbia James Harman. Josenh
unamnernn, i.yier Tnomas Dunn, Mrs
H B Judkins, Celilo; ChasHook, Albert
Ericson, Goldendale: F Fiebiger and
family, E B Hill and wife, John Hill,
Portland ; Enoch Enderson. La Grande :
James Mitchell, Charles Smith, Pen.
One lot, with a good dwelling and out
buildings situated west of the Academy
grounds, and fronting Liberty street on
the east, ia for sale at a bargain. Terms
eaay. Apply at thia office for informa
tion. Title perfect.
Rheumatism Quickly Cured.
, . . ...
xnree aays ia a very short time in
which to cure a bad case of rheumatism ;
but it can be done, if the proper treat
ment is adopted, aa will be seen by the
following from Jamea Lambert, of New
Brunswick, 111 : "I waa badly afflicted
with rheumatism in the hips and legs,
when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. It cured me in three days
I am all right today ; and would insist
on every one who is afflicted with that
terrible disease to use Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and get well at once." 50
cent bottlea for Eale by Blakeley &
All Dallea City warrants registered
prior to May 1, 1891, will be paid if
presented at my office. Interest ceases
from and after thia date.
Dated, Jan. 3d, 1893.
tf- Treaa. Dalles City.
Cholerine in Pennsylvania.
Swickley, Penn : We had an epidemic
of cholerine, aa our phyaician8 called it,
in thia place lately and I made a great
hit with Chamberlain'8 Colic, Cholera
and, Diarrhoea Remedy. I sold four
dozen bottles of it in one week and have
since sold nearly a gross. Thia remedy
did the work and wa8 a big advertise
ment for me. Several persons who had
been troubled with diarrhoea for two or
three weeks were cured by a few doses
of thia medicine.
P. P. Knapp, Ph. G.
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale bv
Blakeley & Houghton.
Stockholders' Meeting;.
The Dalles, Or., March 3, 1893.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a stockholders' meeting of The Dalles, !
Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. at
The Chronicle hall on Tuesday, April j
4th, 1893, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the pur
pose of electing seven directors, and !
transacting snch other business aa may
properly come before said meeting. 1
- By order of the President.
td S. L. Brooks, Sec'y. -
Mothers Recommendation.
We are acquainted with many mothers
in Centerville who would not be without
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the
house for a good many times its cost, and
are recommending it every day. From
personal experience we can sav that it
haa broken up bad colda for our child
ren. Centerville, South Dakota, citizen
50 cent bottle8 for sale by Blakeley &
Senator Stanford Wanted to Expel BOO,
Stories aru already beginning to come
rrom Iceland Stanford. Jr.. tmiversitv.
at Palo Alto. Laat week about 200 stu-
aenis ies on tne DraKes of a Sat car
which was standing near the university.
and many of them got aboard and start
ed down grade toward the station. In a
short time the car was spinning along at
a lively rate, and the lads did not stop it
until it had reached Palo Alto. The car
was missinfr the following morning, and
a special engine had to be sent from Saa
Jose to haul it back.
Senator Stanford waa wrathy when he
heard of the incident, and proposed to
expel the ringleaders. It was discovered
that there were fully 200 boys engaged
in the affair, and the senator gave orders
that they should all be required to leave.
The order would probably have been en
forced but for Mrs. Stanford. She in
terceded for the youngsters, and excused
them by saying that it was only a boyish
prank. She finally succeeded in inducing
Stanford to change his resolution. Cor.
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, ia for sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only 25c. Children love it.
BOcta., and
Cures Coughs, Hoarseness, Sore Throat,
Croup promptly: rel ieves Whooping Cough
and Asthma. For Consumption it has no
rival; has cured thousands where all others
failed; will ctjrh you If taken in time. Sold
by Druggists on a guarantee. For Lame Back
lor Chest, use SHltOH'D PLASTER. 25 eta.
Ave Villi CRtflrrh ? Thtawmierfir la cniaMv,-
teed to cure you. Price 60 cts. Injector free.
Olisemaa & Warders,
Saloon and Wine Rooms
The Dalles, - Oregon.
OJtF Northweat corner of Second and
Court Streets.
Bottle.'?? -".vV -.Trw)l07
3 5B3jSa
Reserved for
E. Jacobsen & Co.,
The Leading
jroy '
For Sale or Trade.
For Seattle or other city property ia.
Oregon or Washington a fine fruit and.
stock ranch close to this city. Poet
office box 446. . -
ptfesh Paint T
W. C. Gilbert hereby sends
His compliments to every friend -
And enemy if he has any
Be they few or be they many.
The time for painting now has come.
And every one desires a home
That looks fresh and clean and new.
As none but a good painter can do.
Painting, papering and glazing, too.
Will make your old house look quite new.
He will take your work either way,
By the job or by the day.
If you have work give him a call,
He'll take your orders, large or smalL
P. O. Box No. S,
Last Week I
Last Week I
Be Columbia Packing Co.,
Pork and Beef.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building,
The Dallea. Or.
His fin,
HE TROY Steam Laundry
of Portland, nas establish-
T ed a "branch, office for laun
. dry -work with Thos. McCoy
at his barber shop, Wo. 110
Second St., "where all laun
dry bundles -will be received
till. Tuesday noon of each.
week, and returned on Sat
urday of the same -week at
Portland prices.