The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 02, 1893, Image 3

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We Divide
the Profits
vvith our-Patrons.
In Clothing r '
In Dry Goods
In Furnishing Goods
In Boots and Shoes
our AIM
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postoffiee at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Weather Forecast.
Official forecast for twenty-four hours ending at
6 p. m. tomorrow. . ' . . ' f 1 ' ,'. ' .
Thursday and Friday, fair and con
tinued cool Paqck.
MAR. 2, 1893
Stray Bits of
News Gathered From All
Sources. . '
A lovely maid is fair to see
When grace and wit bedecfc her,
And while we ponder o'er the thought.
In comes the bill collector. . .
Our thanks are due Senator Jno. H.
Mitchell fo republic documents. ,
Now is d'good time for a spring clean
up of the lawn and unoccupied lots.
Business ' will now pick up rapidly,
the dull season having come to an end.
A great many property owners are
setting out ornamental, fruit and shade
trees in the burnt district.
The ground is in better condition than
it has been for several years. The pros
pect for wheat was never better.
A meeting of the stockholders of the
Sun Publishing Co., is called at the
Court house March 4th, to determine On
the future management of the paper ,..
Service! in the Scandinavian language
will be held tonight in the German
Lutheran church on Ninth street, at
7:30 p. m., by Rev. A. O. Dolven, from
' Portland. 1 ,M "
Some of the alleys between First and
Second street are in a filthy condition,
and should receive the attention of the
city council. Foul alleys are a prolific
cause of disease.
Third street will be one of the prettiest
of the city. The improvements in the
East End comprise some handsome res
idences and considerable attention has
been paid to tree planting.
Richard Powers, of Mosier, came up
' today in company with Sheriff Ward.
He will have a hearing this afternoon
before J ustice Schutz for aeaault and
battel y on the person of Wm Deitsch
miller. '
N. E. Bentson, while standing on the
top of a bank below which the. steam
shovel was working, went down with a
. sudden cave off the bank, yesterday, receiving-injuries
about the "face." He
. arrived today and will be patched up.
The recent diamond excitement in
. Owyhee county has resulted in the de
velopment of valuable opal mines. A
great many fine specimens are being
found, and one is shown that is
estimated to be worth $200. A town
called Opaline has been founded.
There are a number of boys in town
- from 10 to 14 years old, who break
windows in unoccupied houses whenever
they have an opportunity. Douglas
Dufur, while away for a week some time
ago, lost about $10 worth of window
glaES. An example should be made of
the next one caught at this kind of
work. '-
Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Bloom"
field, Iowa, Jarmer, .says : "I can re
commend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to all sufferers with colds and croup
have used it ii my family for the past two
.years and have found it the best I ever
used for the purposes for which it was
intended. . 50 cent bottles for sale bv
Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
By this
We Mean '
i - l - l - l - l - l - l - l - l -
To Offer the Best Values Possible
in all our Different Lines. .'
. . . I deal a. "
Ideala, "a romance of realism," by
Charles Grissen, has just ' been issued
from the press, a copy of which was re
ceived at this office yesterday. The au
thor has endeavored to modernize, for
the service of his Vork,". the mythology
of the ancients . ' and : interweave
it with the events of today, but the
union is not happily wrought and jars
on the readers. The descriptions of
scenery are on the whole good, though
imaginative. The plot cannot be said
to be a brilliant conception, and the oc
casional attempts at humor are a failure.
The conclusion reached is that, while
the author is gifted, and evidently has
the requisite knowledge demanded for a
book, of its class, he would have won
greater laurels had he written a philo
sophic essay,, of which the preface of
"Ideala" gives rich promise.
Whist Party.
The Union Whist Club "held its weekly
meeting last evening, and entertained
by Mr. and Mrs. Hostetler, the time
passed very pleasantly. Twenty-gve
hands were played, the first prize being
won by Mrs. L. E. Crowe, Mrs. .C. E.
Bayard capturing the booby. The prizes
were very handsome. Those present
iwere Mr and Mrs V JS Bayard, Mrs
(Hostetler, "Miss Jessie" Hostetler Miss
Rowland, Mr. and Mrs Croesen, Mr and
Mrs W Lord, Mr and Mrs Hobson, Judge
vand Mrs Blakeley, Mr and Mrs Hough
jton, Mr and Mrs Glenn, Mrs W H Wil-
jeon, Judge and Mrs Bennett, Judge and
Mrs Bradshaw, Mr and Mrs Morgan,
(-Senator and Mrs Hilton, Mr and Mrs
Crowe, Dr and Mrs Rinehart, Mr and
Mrs Beall, Dr H Logan, Messrs E Hos
tetler and L Ainsworth. . 1.
Institute at Dufur.
There will be a local institute - for
teachers, parents, school officers and all
interested iu educational work, held at
Dufur Friday and Saturday, March 10th
and lltb, both day and evening. Dufur
people - are proverbial for hospitality,
agood music and good cheer, so come
Keverybody and -enjoy a pleasant and
profitable meeting as heretofore. The
entertainment for one evening will be
furnished by the pupils of the Dufur
public school. The programme of exer
cises will be published next week.
Proposals for Bids.
Sealed bids will be received at the of
fice of Crandall & Burget until noon
March 20th, 1893, for the superstructure
of a proposed dwelling to be built for
W. L. Bradshaw on the northeast cor
ner of Washington and Fourth streets,
The Dalles, Or., according to the plans
and specifications " prepared by C. J.
Bids will also be received at the same
time and place for the mason work of
the above mentioned building. Plans
and specifications can be seen at the- of
ffice of Crandall & Burget.
The right is reserved to reject any and
all bids.
Now Try Thla.
It will dost you nothing' and will sure
ly do you good, if-you have a cough,
cold, or any trouble with- throat, 'chest
or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds is' guar
anteed to give relief, or money will be
paid back. Sufferers from la grippe
fbund it just - the thing and under its
use had ,a speedy and thorough recov
eay. Try a sample bottle at our ex
pense, and learn for yourself just how
good a thing it is. Trial. bottles free at
Snipes & Kihersly's drug store. Large
size ouc ana spi.
That Prices are placed
where customers receive
the benefit.
l - l - l - L.l'-1 I
We Meet
The Demand
in Prices.
a he Peach Crop Will Be Short Moaler's
. Four Hundred.
From our Regular Correspondent.
Our thrifty immigrant is making a
furious charge on both stump and tree
as well as stool grubs. " - .
, Mrs. J. D. Mosier, arrived home from
a visit with friends and relatives in the
western part of the state on last Wednes
day's train.
The Hardwick bridge gang, which
had been here for about two weeks' re
pairing trestles near by, was . taken to
Rowena on Monday.
Snow is fast disappearing on the sur
rounding foot hills. Much stock has
been turned out to graze and is looking
remarkably well. ; : ' ' :'
. Another Mosier ite was made extremely
happy this week, being the recipient of
a fine baby boy. Geo. Judy is the lucky
father and feels he has a prize well
'.worth possessing.' .
School clerk Mosier has .finished tak
ing the enumeration of school children
in this district'. The result is seventy
five, as compared with forty-three of last
year, a very flattering increase.
Miss Dollie Mosier, Mesdames Brown
and La Piere, and Messrs. Davenport
Ireland," Hardwick,-Lynch, Deitzmiller,
Lewis and several other, of our citizens
were at The Dalles this week, either7 on
pleasure or business bent.
Upon investigation of the peach
orchards in this vicinity, it is found that
the severity of the past winter has killed
nearly all of the fruit buds. The peach
licrop will consequently be short.
Probably the immigrant (from the
prairie states) has .the greatest amount
of profanity in store, when trying to ex
tract a stool grub, of anybody in this
section. Trying to do the matter justice
is a trying ordeal. We would say, use
kind and pursuasive words, boys, they
will be just as effective.
The sale of the Shephard place by
Administrator Lynch in front of the
court house, on February 22d, took a
number of our. citizens to the. county
seat. Rev. Frank Ireland was the for
tunate . purchaser, getting forty-eight
acres of as good land as we Have at $5
per acre. .
Every community has its "four hun
dred," Mosier's .consisting rjf about
twenty-five individuals, who met at the
residence of A. Prather on Friday even
ing last, the occasion being a ball The
cock crowed lustily, announcing Satur
day's dawn, before the gay revelers
stopped tip-toeing "grand right and
left" and promenaded to their respect
ive homes, feeling highly pleased and
well entertained. Sub.
Trifles Light as Air.
Highlanders have the habit of inter
jecting ; the personal prououn .-."he"
where not required. They well say, for
example, "The king he has come," in
stead of "The king has come." This
habit got a worthy Scotch' minister into
trouble. He began his sermon as fol
lows; , "My friends, you. will find the
subject of discourse this afternoon in the
first epistle general of the apostle Peter,
chapter 5 and verse 8, in the following
words : The devil he goeth about like
a' roaring lion, seeking whom he may
devour.' Now, my friends, with your
leave, we will Tlivide the subject of our
text into four heads: Firstly, we shall
endeavor to ascertain 'Who the devil he
was.' Secondly, 'Where the devil he
was going.' , Thirdly, 'Who the devil he
was seeking.' And lastly, 'What the
devil he was Toaring about.' "
A ' ' '
Thubbday, March 2. The clearing
weather and - the bright sunshine has
bad a fine effect in drying up the roads,
and putting new life into business cir
cles during the past week,, in which
there is a marked improvement. .Large
stocks of merchandise are being received
daily by our merchants who anticipate
a very active trade for the year. While
former prices have been maintained up
to the present, advances in staple dry
goods are probable in the near future,
especially so, as to cottons, which will
be.' dearer than they have been for
years. Woolen . fabrics, and clothing
will continue at their, minimum rates,
as raw wool is exceedingly low and the
supply is large in reserve..
In staple groceries, some changes have
taken place,' for instance coffee has ad
vanced a cent per pound, with an In
dication of another advance soon.
Canned goods are dearer, also dried
fruits are in better inquiry, and have
turned dearer on a shorter market. .
All kinds of beans are reported as
having advanced to of a cent per
pound. The rice supply is fair and the
market quotations are unchanged.
Sugars remain Bteady, without any
evidence of fluctuating market for the
near future. V-
. . The meat market is feverish and for
the past month a steady advance has
been noted for hams and bacon and lard.
Yesterday . an. advance, was made on all
kinds , of . hog . meats and. lard. , One of
our prominent dealers said yesterday
owing to the shortage of the hog product
in the east we must expect still higher
prices for all meats during the year.
: In farm products the market is in
better supply: than' a few' weeks ago.
Eggs are freely offered and the market
is almost lifeless ; 18 cents per dozen is
all that is offered today, and a sharp de
cline will, follow daily. The Portland
market is overstocked and is flat. ' '
. Fresh . butter is plentiful , at 35 to 50
cents per roll. Packed . butter in brine
may be quoted at 28 to 33 cents per
roll with few buyers. , ' .''
Potatoes and onions are in fair stock,
and have not suffered any decline in
prices. . A 1 potatoes for table use $1.35
per sack and $1.25 for ordinary . ..
Mill feed, and also baled bay, has not
undergone any change from former quo
tations. '
Portland market is depressed in thS'
breadstuff line. Salem flour declined
yesterday to $3.30 per barrel, and other
brands to $3.00.
There is no change in the cereal mar
kets.. European markets are! dull and
have no apparent coloring of promise for
an immediate improvement, but for
lower quotations.
Wool is quoted low, 10 to 16 for East
ern Oregon wools, and 13 to 15 for valley.
The Asylum.
: The contention about the insane asy
lum among '- Eastern Oregon papers
would remind one of the quarrel between
the boys in an old tale about the stars
and the firmament, one boy supposing
the stars represented cattle and were his,
and the other claiming the sky as a pas
ture ground. The question arising
where the kine would graze led to a
quarrel resulting in a bitter fight. The
insane asylum row is just as profitless.
Gov. Pennoyer, Secretary McBride and
Treasurer Metscham , will decide the
point and will compare impartially all
the claims of each. We do not believe
it. will be located in a. sparsely-settled
district, or where good water and natu
ral, scenery are wanting. The Irvine
place on Chenoweth better fills all re
quirements, than any that has yet been
propos3d, and it is quite probable that
this will be the place selected, provided
it can be secured reasonably. -
There's a good deal of guarantee busi
ness in the store keeping of today. It's
too excessive. Or too reluctant. ' Half
the time it means nothing. Words
only words. . -
This offer to refund the money, or to
pay a reward, is made under the hope
that you won't want your money back,
and that you won't claim the reward.
Of course.
So, whoever is honest in making it,
and works not on his own . reputation
alone, but through the local dealer,
whom you know, must haveomething
he has faith in back of the guarantee.
The business wouldn't stand a year
without it. - -
What is lacking is . confidence. Back
of that, what is .lacking is that clear
honesty which is above the . "average
Dr.' Pierce's medicines are guaranteed
to accomplish what they are intended to
do, and their makers give the , money
back if the result isn't apparent.
Doesn't it strike you that a medicine
which the makers have so much confi
dence in, is the medicine for you.
Joles Bros, have 60 , varieties of fresh
garden and field seeds on hand in bulk,
and can supply all demands.
nVtn Estray Bay -Mare.
Came to my place last fall a bay mare
about five years old, with small white
spot on right side, also white spot.-on
left hip, star in the forehead, with some
dim brand on left shoulder, weight about
eight hundred pounds. Owner can have
the same by proving property and pay
ing coste. V. J. Kelly, 15-Mile creek.
' . - WASTED. -
Boy for general work in store. Pease
& Mays. .
Captain McNulty is in the city.
James Baldwin, of Portland, is in the
city. . -
The Misses McDonald, of. Grants, are
in the city. "
Mr. O. P. Hubbard, U. S. special
agent on Indian depredation claims, is
expected in the, city about Monday next.
Skibbo Hotel Peter Paulsen, Des
Chutes; M McGuyere, Detroit; Carl
Bauser, Leo Veel, 'Rockland ; F Cun
ningham, Johnstown, Cal; C G Lindett,
Cascade Locks. t . .v . " .
Columbia Gusford ; Sleinburlder," La
Grande ; Richard Kelley, Camrs Prairie ;
Dennis McCulley, Hartford ; C Sturman,
Celilo; S AKinyon, Tygh Valley ; Mrs
Burrell, Mrs Moore, Des Chutes ; George
Whitehead, Tim Tooney, N. E Benton,
Cascade Locks; M W Freeman, Boyd;
Albert Bertschio, B B Cole, Fulda; W
Spencer James Harman, Lyle ; W R
Popplewell, J S Harpham, C B Reece,
A Wonderful Opportunity, Closed This
'. ."..'.. Week. , ,. ..
. The surprising opportunity of securing
the great Encyclopedia Britannica, else
where presented, closes;' so far as this
paper is concerned, with this week. . Our
arrangement with the publisher was for
four weeks only, and this is the last of
the four. It is the great - genuine En
cyclopedia ' Britannica, over 20,500
pages, 10,000 illustrations and 100 maps,
in good cloth binding; all for $20.00, and
even that payable (with .$1.00 xtra) in
installments of $1.00 every twenty, days.
We are ordering the . work ourselves ;
you can join us, if you please, and save
some trouble, and expense. . It costs
nothing to see a sample at this office.
" . ' Stallion for Sale Cheap.
1 : A fine thoroughbred, 6 year old stal
lion for sale cheap. For further particu
lars apply at this office.
' An aorreeable Laxative and NERVE TON IC.
Sold by Druggists or sent by mail. 25c, 60c.,
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
TTfi TIf The Favorite TOOTH POTOSB
.L&.W 1A J for the Teeth and Breath, 26c
Uliseman & JVIafdeflv
Saloon and Wine Rooms
The Dalles, - Oregon.
s9"N6rthwest corner of Second and
Court Streets.
Reserved for
E. Jacobsen & Co.,
Stationers. .
, Shiloh's Yitalizer is what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It .is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 74c. Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
ptesh Paint I
W. C. Gilbert hereby sends
His compuments to every Iriend
And' enemy if he hafc uny
Be they few or be they many.
The time for painting now hns come,
And every one desires a home '
That looks fresh and clean and new.
As none but a good painter can do.
Painting, papering and glazing, too,
: Will make your old house look quite new.
He will take your work either way,
By the job or by the day. .
If you have work give him a call,
' He'll take your orders, large or small.
Respectfully, ' .
P. O. Box No. 8,
Last Week !
tb Goiamua PacKino go.,
Pork and Beef.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of ttvBRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building, The Dalles. Or.
Bast Week
HE TRbY Steam' Laundry
of Portland, has esta"blish-
T T : : : ;
ed a branch, office for laun
dry -work with Thos. McCoy
at his "barber ; shop, XTo. 110
Second St., where all laun
dry bundles will be received
. till Tuesday noon of each
week, and returned on Sat
urday of the same week at
Portland prices.