The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 01, 1893, Image 3

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Money to Loan.
We Divide
the Profits
with our
By this
We Mean
That Prices are placed
where customers receive
the benefit.
i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i -i-r-i-i-
John O'Leary, who arrived in town
yesterday from Moro, throws more light
on the Kennefick mystery, who was re
ported last week to have died through
injuries received by being thrown from
horse. It is now thought he was mur
It seems that on Wednesday of last
week a gathering was had at the house
ot Joe Elliott, at which whisky was
freely drank. There were present be
sides Elliott and Kennefick, Al Hembree
and another man whose name could not
be learned. An altercation arose, in the
course of which, it ' is alleged, Hembree
struck Mr. Kennefick over the head
with a bar or club, which produced a
fatal injury. Bloodstains were. found
in Elliot's house and leading along the
trail for a half mile to where the body
was found. Hembree has been arrested
and the others are held as ' witnesses.
The facts will come np before the grand
jury, which will meet wnen tne next
term of court is held at Moro, which
will be on the 13th of March. . i .
In Clothing
In Dry Goods
In Furnishing Goods
In Boots and Shoes
"We Meet
The Demand
in Prices.
To Offer the Best Values Possible
in all our Different Lines.
Leo Neustadter, of Bake Oven, has
just returned from a California trip,
where he sold to San Diego parties four
carloads of horses. These were raised
on his large horse ranch and will arrive
for shipment in a few days. :;'
Several ' years ago Mr. 'Neustadter
came here for his health. He was pre
viously wealthy.'. He was fortunate and
got strong again, besides establishing' a
paying business and maintaining the
good record of Oregon horseflesh.'
Pas 9 Tay5.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postofflceat The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
"Weather Forecast.
Official forecast for twenty-four hours ending
S p. m. tomorrow
Wednesday and Thursday, fair and
warmer. Paguk.
MAE. 1, 1893
Stray Bits
of News Gathered From All
though doubtless very fine, could prob
ably be duplicated on this side of the
range, as could many other hidden
treasures, which await only capital and
energy to develop.
ride tne Tracts.
The bride was led up the broad aisle,
Cot up in the most Killing staisle;
When asked if she'd be
A true wife to me.
She promptly replied: "I should smaisle."
You should always require a receipt
For money you lend on the streipt,
For there's many a debt
Which would fail to be mebt
If a chance were discoyered to chelpt,
"Do you call that a fit, Mr. Isaacs?
"My frendt, that was more than a fit
it was a convulshun."
We would esteem it a great favor if
subscribers will notify us at once' if they
fail to receive their paper.
All quiet at the stock yards today.
Saltmarshe will ship tonight two car
loads of fat cattle to Portland.
W. H. Stone brought in a pullet's egg
this morning weighing a quarter of a
pound and measuring 3 inches longest
The stores generally will remain -open
until 9 o'clock, from now on, the con
certed prohibition among them as ad
vertised in the windows, now being at
anend. ....
The usury tax was defeated in the
senate for the reason, it is stated, that it
would conflict with the provisions of the
mortgage tax law and indebtedness
Enterprise pays. Just look at the
display in front of Herrin's gallery and
see the class of work he does. Free with
every dozen cabinet photos., one en
larged picture.
Sam Kline got a Columbian half dollar
with some change recently. The owner
perhaps did not know it was worth a
dollar, and he did not discover it until
too late to recall who gave it to him.
.. In the north end of the county the
new grass is about an inch high, fur
nishing excellent sheep feed. Two weeks
of warm weather will make good feed
for all kinds of stock. Ochoco Review.
A new suit nas Deen commenced . in
the state circuit court at Portland of
Seid Back, plaintiff against J. H. Taffe
for the recovery of $657.89 alleged to be
due for Chinese labor furnished to the
defendant at his Celilo cannery.
Charles Cunningham, the sheep king
ofj Umatilla county, owns between 12,
000 and 15,000 acres of land beside 20,
000 head of sheep. He came to that
country in 1869 and began life as a sheep
herder in the employ of Major Barnhart.
Spring, gentle, balmy, etherial spring,
clad in a panoply of genial sunshine and
glowing ' verdure, is upon us ; March
comes in like a lamb ; now is the winter
of our discontent made glorious summer-;
December's as pleasant as May; and
several other things we Btop the press to
A pamphlet- issued by the' Pacific
stone company has been issued, describ
ins the value of their stone. The
quarry is in Benton county, and though
separated from us by a natural boundary
we are elad to see the resources of Ore
- onn beinz developed. The stone, al
The ChboxiOlb believes it a mistake
on the part of many farmers to acquire
all the land they caA get, rather than to
make it a point to iAprove what ' they
already own. The Ibrifty men of the
country precinct re those who have
orchards and grairf fields cultivated up
to the highest standard, and not thOEe
who count their acies by the hundred
covered only with that verdure wbich
nature has supplied from the beginning.
There are many such in Wasco and ad-j
joining counties, I who are classed as
"land poor." It vill be better for them
selves and better fir the country when
these large holdings are subdivided into
80, 50, 20 and 10-are tracts, and planted
to orchard, a ' re-wnse-from which of
from $200 to $500fcan be made on very
acre. Here we ate environed by a fruit
belt which can fairly com pet with any
quarter of the gloe in productiveness,
and it seems almost criminal to let such
land grow on in oak, pine and. wild
A Midnight Adrentare Which Tarns
Oat AJ1 Right.
Mrs. S. A. Clinton, of Arlington, was
shopping yesterday in The Dalles, and
(finishing her purchases and arranging
everything to her satisfaction, prepared
bto depart on the 11 :40 train last night
for home. She seated herself: on the
train, with her baby in her arms, and
discovered at the last moment that her
purse was missing, which also contained
her railroad ticket. She got off and the
train left.
Stating her less Mr. James Blakeney
and others interested themselves in the
matter and for more than an hour,
looked np and down the streets for the
missing purse. The search was finally
given up, everybody concluding that it
had been picked up, and the disconso
late lady sought her room at the . hotel
Lighting the lamp she was delighted to
find her money lying on a rocking chair,
where she had left it just before starting
for the train. '
Seed Potatoes tor Trial.
Cobvallib, Or., Feb. 21st, 1893.
The Oregon experiment stature is pre
pared to send to the farmers of the state
for trial, a limited number of varieties
of seed potatoes. . The potatoes will be
labeled and mailed to individuals in
pound packages upon receipt of ten cents
to pay postage and expense of packing.'
No more than two varieties will be sent
to a single individual. Persons ordering
will please state whether they' desire
early or late varieties. All parties re
ceiving seed potatoes are expected to re
port as to yield and value, when desired
for the benefit of the agricultural inter
ests of the state. Address all orders to
H. T. French, agriculturist, Exp. sta
tion, Corvallis, Oregon.
A Wonderful
Closed This
The surprising opportunity of securing
the great Encyclopedia Britannica, else
where presented, closes, so far as this
paper ia concerned, with this week. Our
arrangement with the publisher was for
four weeks only, and this is the last of
the foir. It is the great genuine En
cyclopedia Britannica, over 20,500
pages, 10,000 illustrations aud 100 maps,
in good cloth binding, all for $20.00, and
even that payable (with $1.00 extra) in
installments of $1.00 every twenty days
We are ordering the work ourselves;
you can ioin us, 11 you please, ana save
some trouble" and expense. It costs
nothing to see a sample at this office.
Proposals for Bids.
Sealed bids will be received at the of
fice of Crandall & Burget until noon
March 20th, 1893, for the superstructure
of a proposed dwelling to be built for
W. L. Uradshaw on the northeast cor
ner of Washington and Fourth streets:
The Dalles, Or., according to the plans
and specifications prepared by C. J.
Bids will also be received at the same
time and place for the mason work of
the above mentioned building. Plans
and specifications can be seen at the 'of
ffice of Crandall & Burcet.
The right is reserved to reject any and
an bias. -
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T,
Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer
eon streets. 1
Ik Draoitit Contest.
A large audience assembled at the
court house last night to listen to the
contest . for a silver medal. . . Walter
Reavis won the medal, his "selection
being "Patriotic ". Prohibition." His
voice was well suited to the oratorio de
mands of the piece, and gesture and ex
pression were not wanting. The judges
professed great difficulty in assigning
the prize, and with justice. 1 Their posi
tion was not enviable. "The Deacon's
Match," by Fannie , Cheeseman, was
admirably rendered, the selection
abounding in incident and dramatic
action. .. Equally, as well did Jessie But
ler in "How to . Curtail the Liquor
Traffic," a semi-humorous, semi-serious
temperance recitation. Joseph McNeil
in his dialect piece,' perfectly imitated
the broken English of the Dutch, but
lacked a certain enthusiasm which
required , to make such pieces catchy,
Miss Alice Ball, in "Not Dead, but
Dying," while her intonation and' em
phasis were perfect, evinced a conscious
ness of her surroundings which is al
ways hard to 'overcome, and which
detracts from a meritorious rendi
tion; - further practice ' will , how'
ever, make her a formidable contestant,
The same fault might be attributed to
Harrv Bowman, who possesses all the
native talent required in. an el oca
The choir singing, duet and trio were
deservedly applauded. . ,
Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Bloom
field. Iowa. Farmer, says: "1 can re-
conlmend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to all sufferers with colds and croup.
have used it in my family for the past two
years and have found it the best I ever
used for the Durooses for which it was
intended. 50 cent bottles for. sale by
Blakeley & Houghton , Druggists.
New Facts .Brought to
the Keanellck Case.
Light Im
. Oregon Horses Demanded.
A Swede's Trouble.
John Winter, a Swede, who has just
finished a thirty days' sentence in the
county jail, proposes to sue Aleck Nel
son, at Cascade Locks, for $52, claimed
to be due him for labor. Winter says
that when he asked : Nelson for tbe
amount due . him, he was repulsed
and soon after arrested for petty larceny
at the instigation of the latter. Tbe
only foundation for the charge, Winter
says, is that he loaned a moneyless
friend, daring the cold spell, a blanket
out of the hotel..
Telephone Company.
B. F. Bonny of Wamic, came in today.
W. C. McClure of Viento, is in the
city. , -
Mrs. O. J. Bales,' of Wasco, was in
town yesterday.
J. B. Current, a merchant of Golden-
dale, returned today.
Mrs. Capt. Sherman went to Portland
today on a viBit to her sister.
Mrs. Smith French and her mother,
Mrs. Magee, left this morning for Portland.
Capt. S. V. Short, of the Steamer
Dalles City, spent last evening in The
Wm. Kelsav and daughter, well known
to Dalles people, are quartered at the
Umatilla. .
Mr. Glenn, one of tbe contractors of
the Columbia Railway & Nav. Co.. ar
rived today noon. He will go across
the river tomorrow and size np the sit
uation. ,
Mr. L." J. Vibbert and wife came up
last night on the Regulator. Mr. Vib
bert says that The Dalles is the most
inviting place he has seen . in several
weeks of travel; - -
A party of well known Portlanders
came up to The Dalles today; - and will
return tonight. Thev consist of W. E.
Coman, a U. P. railroad, official, Mrs.
JS. is. Uoman, Mrs. U. .Norton, Miss
Martha Coman, Miss Mae Coman, Miss
Claynor, - Miss Amanda Zan and . Ed.
Norton. They are registered at the
Umatilla.". ' ' " ' .; -,
' - , i :. HOTEL ARRIVALS. : ,
.'Columbia hotel J H Dexter, San
Francisco, HM Lambert, Richard Kirly
son, Willie Baker, Mr and Mrs Cayland,
Portland; S S Hilt, Tacoma ; A - J Por
ter; Forest Grove; Mrs E Vibbert and
6on. Albert Ericson,' Vancouver;-A J
Rand- and wife. Hood River; Frank
Leiblein, J A Hinkle, Kingsley ; Chas
HoOk, Goldendale ; Emil Kohler, N
Cecil, Grants ; S Myers, White Salmon ;
B A Kmvon, Tygh valley ; Joseph Uham
berlin, Lyle ; J W Sinville, ' Collins
Landing; J B Richardson, Chenoweth
Skibbe Hotel Peter Paulsen, Des
Chutes; M McGuyere, Detroit ; Carl
Bauser. Leo Veel.- Rockland; F Cun
ningbam, Johnstown, Cal ; C G Lindett,
(Jascade Locks.
- Stallion for Sale -Cheap-.
A fine thoroughbred, 6 year old stal
lion for sale cheap. For further particu
lars apply at this office.
Articles of incorporation of The
Dalles, Dufur, Kingsley, Tygh Valley t
and Wamic Telephone Companv have
been filed in the county clerk's office.
The incorporators are M. A. Gordon, F.
M. Driver and L. P. Dorais. The capi
tal stock is $1,400 divided into 1,400
shares at a par value of $1 each. . The
principal office of the company will be
at Wamic. "The object of the incorpara
tibn is to establish a telephone line be
tween The Dalles and Wami
I have-
to loan on short time
Geo. W. Rowlasd.
8ptctmen Canes.
S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheuma
tism, his etomach was' disordered, his-
liver was affected to an alarming de
gree, appetite fell away, and he was
terribly reduced in flesh and strength."'
Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured
hini. Edwd Shepherd, Harrisburg, III..
had a running sore on his leg of eight
years standing. Used three bottles of.
Electric Bitters and seven boxes rofT-
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his!LL.
sound and well. John Speaker, Cataw
ba, O., had five large fever sores on ,h.i8il
leg, doctors said he was incurable. Qna:qos
bottle Electric Bitters and .one -boJf'iO1?;
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured himiien-iTcn
tirely. Sold at Snipes & Kinerely'sono
drugstore. .-. . . moo sift
o i;.--.,-oina
Ifliseman 8t Wdevsm
The;Dalles. . - -. Orerf
Northwest corner of Second aui'd'oftc
Court Streets. wali.'ala
. ,
Saldon and Wine " RfUmS
:1 Oils
Q d-tin baa
Lo.ivr -Till
Pofk and Beef.
'-''' ;. i- ; ' far U-X 4 ci
. T- - C i -. f;f ,--iblJ.r,! i b$l3
i vf oi l
Fine Lard and Sausages,r)
--a .!! SKtX'i liH"
-.?:', a d
Curers of
jseeiv iUite.
Masonic Building,
Real Kstato Transfers
B. P. Laughlin and wife to D. W. Ed
wards, part of lot 2, block It, Laughlin's
addition to Dalles City; Consideration
C. L. Phillips and wife to W. S. Cram,
undivided one-sixth interest in lots 1
and 2, section 20, tp 2 n, r 14 e, and lots
j section 36, tp 1 n, r 13 e. Considera
tion $1.00.
In the Lutheran chapel on Ninth St.,
on Monday, Feb. 27th, Charles Koehler
of Nan eene to Mrs. Emma Schoren, a
daughter of Mr. G. Bartell of this city.
Mrs. Koehler was married two years
ago to Mr. Schoren who died by accident
while employed by the U. P. R. R. at
Albina a few weeks after marriage. We
wish the young couple God's blessing in
a happy and contented life.
Boy for general work in
& Mays. -
store. Pease
Tf ow Try Thla.
It will cost you nothing and will sure
ly do you good, i you have a cough
cold, or any . trouble with throat, chest
or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds is guar
anteed to give relief, or money will be
paid back. Sufferers from , la grippe
found it just the thing and under .its
use had a speedy and -thorough recov
eay. Try a sample bottle at our ex
pense, and learn for yourself 'just how
good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at
Snipes & Kinerely's drug store. Large
size 5.0c and $1. ,
- There's a good deal of guarantee busi
ness in the store keeping of today. It's
too excessive. Or too reluctant. Half
the time it means nothing. Words
only words.
This offer to refund the money, or to
pay a reward, is made under the hope
that you won't want ' your money back,
and that you won't claim the reward.
Of course.
So, whoever is honest in making it,
and works not on his own reputation
alone, but through the local dealer,
whom you know, must have something
he has faith in back of the guarantee
The business wouldn't stand a year
without it.
What is lacking is confidence. Back
of that, what is lacking is that clear
honesty which is above . the "average
; Dr. Pierce's medicines are guaranteed
to accomplish what they are intended to
do,' and their makers give the money
back if the result isn't apparent.
' Doesn't it strike you that a medicine
which Ihe makers have so much confi
dence in, is the medicine for you.
An Estray Bay Mare. .
Came to mv place last fall a bay mare
about five years old, with small white
spot on right side, also white spot on
left hip. star in the forehead, with some
dim brand on left shoulder, weight about
eight hundred pounds. Owner can have
the same bv proving property and pay
ing costs. V. J. Keliy, 15-Mile creek
Pushing canvasser of good address-
Liberal Balarv and expenses paid weekly-
Permanent position. - Brown Bros. Co;
Nurserymen, Portland, Oregon.
$1-00 per
Curne Conrhf. DoaxsaneaH, Sore Throat.
Croup promptly: relieves Whooping Cough
and Asthma. For Consumption It bas ne
rival: has eured thousands where stll others
failed: will oublb tod if taken In time. Bold
by Druggists on a guarantee. For Lame Back
or Cheat, use tau-oa'a i-jlamx Jutt.
25 eta.
nrilr ty
ave sou catarrh ? Thla remedy is guaran
teed to cure you. Price 60 eta. Injector free.
Inuii nu'c A
"V ill laar s s w
t37 r,u jClr&i
'sVl The P631ed;
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The only Avtfkii'hiQtS
Reserved for
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