The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 25, 1893, Image 3

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    Tabby 's - Kittens
In Show
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postoffioe at Tbe Dalles, Oregon,
tut second-class matter.
Weather Forecast.
9ffieUii forccatt for twenty-four boor ending at
S p. to. iMumw.
Saturday, Sunday general rain and
lightly cooler. Pague. .
FEB. 25,1893
Crispy Sayings and Doings of Loral and
General Import.
.. "Who is tbe belle tonight?'! asked she,
' As they stood on the ball-room floor;
Be looks around the room to see, , .
- And she speaks to him no more.
Pruning is now in order. .. " '
Now is tbe beet time to spray trees.
The river it) two feet above sero and
Jailing. - -
The Regulator will make a round trip
A light fall of snow was discern able on
the Klickitat hills this morning.
Another man shot this morning at
Flowderday's ; patient well pleased and
both satisfied. -
Many farmers are in town today.
Nearly all say they will begin plowing
in a few days.
The granite to be used in the locks
will be eat at the contractors, quarries,
Bocklyn, Calif. - .
"Knnnem & Kouem" is the title of a
prospective real estate firm to do busi
ness down the river.
The roads and the streets in tbe city
are drying fast under the influence of
the chinook winds and warm sun.
After tomorrow the D. P. and A. N.
Co.'b steamers will run on their regular
advertised schedule between this city
and Portland.
The "only newspaper published in
Multnomah county outside of Portland"
presents another claim for popularity
by publishing a lot of school children's
essays. . ' ;
The old chestnut about gold being
found in a chicken's crop is again revived.
The original story was founded in a
, dream of a newspaper fakir some 6,000
years ago.
Notices are posted for a meeting of
school directors the first Mondav of
March. One director and one school
clerk will be elected, and a tax levy will
be ordered. . '
Mr. C. W. Emerson, of 16-Mile, is in
tbe city, and informs us he has been
plowing and Bowing spring grain during
the week, and the ground is ia fair con
dition in his section. - . n
I. J. Norman purchased of F. W. L.
Skibbe, a prir of thoroughbred Lang
shams yesterday, which are very pretty
fowls. The price paid was $5, and Mr.
Skibbe says he got a Brahma "two feet
high" to boot.
The suit of A. 8. Collins and Mrs. A. S.
Collins vs. XL Herbring came to a terv
mi nation yesterday afternoon, the jury
rendering a verdict in favor of the plaint'
iff.' Mr. Herbring considers his defeat
as a ait accompli and is now more than
ever convinced that be has to stick to
bis old rule and motto to sell - dry
' goods cheap and for cash only.
little time is left lor Oregon ia make
an exhibit, but if that little is profitably
employed, the- exhibit may be made
creditable. Wasco county will be. looked,
by the whole state, to take a prominent
place in this and there ehonld be no
dallying on the part ot our citizens in
Pas & Iay5.
the matter. Do not wait for some one
else to start the ball rolling, but "pitch
Chrisman Bros, delivery team in
dulged in a lively spin this morning,
running up into the foothills back of
Ward's stable. It was strange that
the wagon was not overturned, for their
route included places where there was
hardly more than room enough for a
bicycle. They stopped of their own ac
cord after reaching a point where they
could not go ahead.
The steamer Regulator will leave her
dock at tbe foot of Court street in the
morning at 7 o'clock sharp, for the Cas
cades, and will connect with the Dalles
City for Portland, as the Regulator will
return in the evening. A fine , oppor
tunity is offered to those who would like
to take in the scenery along the Colum
bia at this season of the year. The
round trip fare is $1.50.
The parties engaged in killing deer
about the forks of .'the river are doing so
deliberately,- knowing it to be against
the law. We give them notice that
when tbe next grand jury meets every
one of them against whom the evidence
can be procured will be prosecuted.
The deer are poor, unfit for food, and on
Recount of the deep snow are helpless.
Jfheir killing is wanton cruelty and will
no doubt be punished as it should bv
tbe guilty ones being sent to jail for
from six months to a year. Glacier.
The Bonlta.
The wrecked steamer Bonita. which
was carried down the Columbia from
Bridal Veil by the ice last week, was se
cured a few miles below that point and
safely moored to the bank, where she
will remain for the present. Tbe Ockla
bama. which went out to save the de
relict, was caught in the ice, and tbe
Reed had to go to her rescue.' In the
meantime tbe Bonita drifted in shore,
and some farmers in that vicinity put a
line to her and hauled her in. The
wreck will eventually be brought to
Portland and the upper works removed.
Tbe engines, boiler and smoke stack
ere brought down soon after the wreck J
knd stowed away in the boneyard.'
Hungry Coyotes.
The Grant county News says: Coyotes
on Grant county's southern border are
Buffering for food. Jack rabbits outrun
them and escape over the crusted enow ;
rabbits remain - on top while the wolves
break through and howl. The city
of Burna, when paid a flviiiz visit bv
the News man last week was wallowing
in several inches of snow, And was dull,
from a business standpoint. City gov
ernment, however, haa aided the place
in making numerous improvements,
and when spring opens no in that sec
tion the metropolis of Henry valley bids
fair to outstrip any inland town in com
mercial importance.
Kemarkablo, Indeed.
We published recently the remarkable
literary announcement of an edition of
the Encyclopedia Britannic, for $20.00,
tbe genuine, illustrated, Urge type,
cloth bound work. A sample . volume
can now be seen at this office ; it is cer
tainly the most astonishing bargain ever
onerea in mo dook worm, we propose
to order a set, and if any of our friends
want to join us they can do so, and save
a little in trouble and expense. See tbe
advertisement ' elsewhere . and come in
and see the book. There is an install
ment plan for securing the work on pay
ment of only five cents a day, or $1.00
every twenty days.
Meaty Morsels of News and
Gossip for
All trainmen are reBDectfulIv asked tn con
tribute to this column, the editor reserving the
right to reject anything which, in his judgment,
wouia De detrimental to the interests ol tbe
Geo. Landreth is reported on the sick
J. S. Brown of 387 has taken a sixty
day leave of absence.
Wilkes, of 384, contemplates a visit to
friends in California.
- Chas. Johnston resumed his position
on the 360 this morning.
. J. A. Christian and lady- have re
turned from Roseburg. Johnnie has
reported for duty.
The work train was ordered out again
Thursday. Engine 520 was Bent out
from here, James Nickle engineer, Joe
Wilson fireman, and Joe Gorrell watch
man. The boys were all glad to get
back on the work train. They say
Viento is not tbe most desirable place
on earth to live, but they prefer it to
work on the Sandy.
Engine 547, which was wrecked at
Reed's geyser some time ago, is put
again. She made her first trip the mid
dle of tbe week, manned bv Engineer
Evans and (Fireman Garson. She is a
noble looking engine, and to look at her
you would not think her to all appear
ance a total wreck so short a time ago.
lhiB completes the list of passenger
engines of the same build on tbe flowery
division, well equipped and well manned
I Vith as noble a set of fire boys as you can
care up on any road.
Geo. B. Leach and Frank Mixer
ortland, are at the Ujjriatilla.
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Wallace, of An
felope, are in the city, returning from
Moscow, Idaho, where they have been
Visiting their daughter. .
Mr. Arthur Kennedy, of the Arling
ton Record, is in the city visiting his
family and friends. Arthur frequently
nas urgent DUBiness (7) in our citv.
wnere no is welcomed by more than one.
A. A. Rust, of Franklin. Oakland
county, Mich., is in the city. He has
been a merchant of that city since 1861
and postmaster since 1869. He is very
favorably impressed with this country.
He is an old friend of E. N. Chandler
and a nephew of J. C. Pratt, of Wamic,
who have not seen him now for forty
years, jtie wui go to wamic tomorrow
J. T. Lucas was in from Centerville
today and. made us a call. He says
there is an abundance of- moisture in
the Klickitat valley to insure good crops
for the coming season. He is going up
to .eastern Washington to introduce a
new gang plow that he has just received
a patent on. He has made and tested
five of these in tbe Klickitat valley which
nave given tne best ot satisfaction
Skibbe hotel J -W Akens, Celilo; C
ti Kohnart, a ick iilaser. Antelope,
Wisskone. Thos Hunt. Portland:. J
Warner, Nansene; AW Graham, Poca-
teuo; Nick Blaser,. Antelope; Alice- M
Williams, Fred Gerken, Bakeoven.
Columbia hotel J C Tucker, Chas F
Fifcher, Salem ; W A Jackson, Albina ;
J N Lauer, E Jordan, Dutch Flnt : J E
McMollen. J K Dor man. Tvsrh Vallev
Wm Duncan, E C Duncan, Portland ; M
r- aommers, Oregon Uity ; David Miller,
Peter Wilson, Hood River; W D Tra
cey, M A Tracey, La Crande, John Pe
terson, renaieton.
8biloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give yon satisfaction. Price 74e. Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
Subscribe for The Dajlt Casomcu
A Case Deserving of Sympathy and
Assistance. . ,
"Uncle Sam id rich enough to give us
all a farm," but to -many homesteaders
the bleeping is n dubious one, and too
often a deserving man, overcome with
the burden of supporting familv, at the
same time expending bis energies in de
veloping hia place, fencing, clearing and
plowing virgin kind, sowing, tending,
reaping littleor nothing the first harvest,
money constantly outgoing, credit ex
hausted, nothing coming in, too often
the burden proves greater than lie cau
bear, and he succumbs to a dire fate that
in the beginning promised - so much.
Bright prospects of a happy home,
shaded with beautiful trees, well-filled
barns, stock grazing on the hillsides,
children swinging in the orchard, all
fade as a dream before the present reality
that be has failed, has devoted his best
energies to naught, poorer than when he
began I
Last fall a family consisting . of hus
band, wife and child, Custer, by name,
came froun Astoria, and settled on upper
Mill Creek, about nine ' miles. distant
from The Dalles., . When the family ar
rived here they were spoken to by Mr.
Fisher. Asked by him where they
would stop he was told that he did not
know, that he was destitute of means.
Mr. Fisher invited them to his house,
where they stopped previous to moving
to their homestead. '
Nothing was heard of them, until in
midwinter, when the cold and snow was
at the height of its fury, Mr. Custer - ar
rived in town, his feet being clothed
only in gunnysacks, and appealed for
aid to Judge Blakeley. His tale was
pitiful"." His family were destitute, and
for want of sufficient food, his wife and
child had first become poor, then weak,
and were now actually starving. Im
mediate help was given and fer several
weeks and up. to the present time, but
not perhaps sufficient. Tbe poor woman
is now in deplorable condition. She
is sick from tbe treatment he has under
gone, and connot recuperate until she is
upplied with proper food and medicine.
Custer bas been unable to find work
here, but states a willingness to do any
Here is a case deserving of aid, and
no doubt our kind-hearted people will
Bee to it that the family will have no
further need of the necessities of life.
The Dalles people are noted for their
Leaves have their time to fall, and flowers to
" wither at the north wind's breath :
Bnt thou hast all, all, seasons for thine own,
on i ucain. - .
Died, at 8-Mile, Feb. 18th, 1893, of la
grippe, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Furgeson, aged 13 days.
As with saddened hearts we gather.
Round the form of one so dear; '
Rudely taken from our circle,
What has left our hearts to cheer.
Kindly words in vain are spoken,
Mingled tears assuage not grief :
Lovely flowers and sweetest musio '
To our hearts bring no relief.
Far we see our loved one lying
Silent in death's cold embrace;
And where 'ere we look with sadness.
We behold his vacant place.
In our hearts one vital question.
Which with words we dare not frame; -
On it all our hopes are centered,
Bhall we ever meet again?
Who can answer this great question.
Only one, our heart replies;
He who burst death's bands in sunder.
He who reigns above the skies.
From the book by God inspired.
Come these words our hearts to cheer;
Marvel not, the hour Cometh,
When the dead shall all appear.
For our Lord will come In triumph,
And the trump of Ood proclaim
Liberty for all e rtb'a captives,
Life for those whom death hss slain.
Then the dead in Christ 'tis written,
Bhall be raised no more to die:
And with those wbo have longer waited,
Meet their Baviour in the sky.
Pledge of God, a resurrection,'
This alone our hearts can cheer;
And we boll with joy the tidings,
That the day is almost here.
By J M. Baitr.
Mignonettsi Festivities.
The Mignonette club was not coin
pletely demoralised by the flash.. light
photo of a week ago last evening, for
sufficient number had recovered to
come forth last evening, when the time
for the weekly meeting come around and
pay their addresses to Terpsichore with
all the ardor of the former meetings.
A very pleasant evening was passed by
those present. . . .
Degenerated. .
To one who does not occupy a judicial
position" it would seem to be good com
mon sense "to make the punishment fit
the. crime" in the case of :those selling
liquor to Indians, by . fining.' them at
least enough to pay the costs of their
arrest. This however is not the opinion
of bia honor, Judge Deady, who limits
the fine to $10, while the expense of the
arrest will average ten times that sum
Tbe ' whole business, says tbe Glacier,
bas degenerated into a scheme to
make fees for the deputy U. S. marshal
Messrs. Saltmarsh & Co. will ship to
night, one' car load of fat cattle brought
in by Mr. Gilpin, and five care of mut
ton sheep, bought by Mr. A. R. Thomp
son of this city. "
: Ten lota in North Dalles, 50 per cent.
less than company prices; .
For Rent.
The only 3-etory, fire-proof brick
building in the city. For further par
ticulars inquire of Tom Kelly, at Tbe
Umatilla bouse.
First Congregational church, corner
Ogurt and Fifth streets, liev. W. C.
Curtis, pastor. Preaching services at 11
in. and 7 p. in. Morning serimoii,
textMarkxi. 25-26. - Subject, t'Tlic Law
of Fors-iveness." Evenine service at
o'clock, text John iii, 20. Subject
Works of Darkness." Snnday echool
immediately after the morning service.
Subject of lesson, "ReadinK the Law;"
Neh. viii, 1-12. Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor 5 :45,
n the ve6try. Subject, "Sending Por
tions to Others. What Have We
Sent?" Neh. viii, 16; Matt, xii, 8-13.
All not worshipping elsewhere are cor
dially invited.
Methodist Episcopal church, corner
Fifth and Washington streets, Rev. J.
Whisler, pastor. Class meeting at 10 a.
m. ; preaching by tbe pastor at 11 a. ro.
and 7 p. . m. Morning theme, "The
Domain of, and Satisfying Experience
of Christ's Love;" evening theme, "Tbe
Music of the Soul." Epworth League de
votional meeting at 6 p. m., led by Thos.
Adams; theme: "Our Temptations."
Class meeting every Tuesday evening at
o'clock and the general prayer meet
ing each Thursday evening at 7 . o'clock'.
All are cordially invited to each of these
several - services. ..... Beginning with .the
first Sunday in March all regular even
ing services will begin at 7 :30 o'clock.
St Paul's Episcopal church, west Bide
Union, opposite Fifth, Rev.-Eli D. Sut-
cliffe, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and
30 p. m. Sunday . school at 9 :30 a. m.
First Baptist church, Rev. O. D. Tay
lor, pastor. Services will be held at the
Academy hall tomorrow . morning at 11
o'clock. Preaching by pastor. Subject,
What a Friend Said and Did." Sun
day school follows morning Bervice. .
Evang. Lutheran church, Ninth street,
Rev. A; Horn, pastor. Service at 10 :30
in. Sunday echool at 2:30 p. m. A
cordial welcome to every one.
Choking, sneezing and every other
form of catarrh in the head, is radically
cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Fifty cents. Sold by druggists every
where. One enlarged nictnrn free with everv
0 s J
dozen cabinets for tbe next 30 days at
Hernn s gallery over the post office.
Fresh Eastern and Olympia oysters
cooked in any style at Haight's restau
rant, day or night.
Heu Qolumbia 4 otel,
Best Dollar a Day
First-Glass Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class Hotel in Every Respect.
: DKALER5. IN :-
iiapie ai Fancy Giocfiiies,
Hay, Grain and Feed.
Masonic Block. Comer Third and
The Only House in Town
Making a
Gents Furnishing Goods,
HICH gives ua an opportunity to devote our entire time
to tnis particular line, vv e nave a iew remnants
in Fancy Underwear, Overshirts ' and
Gloves, which we are clos
ing out cheap.
t r
An Estray Bay. Mare.
Came to my place last fall a bay mare
about five years old, with small white
spot on right sMe, also white spot on
left hip, star in the forehead, with some
dim brand on left shoulder, weight about
eight hundred pounds. Owner can have
the same by provinjr property and pay
ing costs. V. J. Kki.i.v, 15-Mile creek.
Pushing canvasser of good address.
Liberal salary and expenses paid weekly.
Permanent position. Brown Bros. Co;
Nurserymen, Portland, Oregon.
, Stallion for Sale Clieap.
A fine thoroughbred, 6 year old stal
lion for sale cheap. For further particu- .
lars apply at this office.
EwE!i)-:--i'-:y it -7'. ,.-.,.-;
An agreeable Laxative and N ERVE TON IC
Sold by Druggists or sent by mail. 2Sc, 600.,
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
iiV Jul J for the Toeth and Breath. 2uo.
TUB GolmaMa PacRliig Go.,
Pork and Beef.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building, The Dalles. Or.
House on . the Coast!
None but the Best of White Help hmployed.
T. T. Nicholas, Prop.
Court Streets. The Dalies.Qregon.
Specialty of- -
Hats and Caps.
HE TROY Steam Laundry
.of .Portland, has establish
pd a "branch office for laun
dry work with Thos. McCoy
at his barter shop, XTo. 110
Second St., -where all laun
dry bundles will be received
till Tuesday noon of each
week, and returned on Sat
urday of the same week at
Portland prices.