The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 23, 1893, Image 3

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    Tabby's Kittens,
Irc Show
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postofflce at The DaLlea, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Weather Forecast.
Official forecast for twenty-four hour ending at
6 p. at. tomorrow.
Thursday and Friday occasional rain.
Stationary. Paquk.
FEB. 23. 1893
.rlpy Sayings and Doing of Local and
General Import.
For hor he swore ho'd wade through fire.
Or swim the widest river;
In deserts roam, in jungles sleep.
Or suffer pain forever;
He'd tunnel mountains high today.
And bridge the sea tomorrow ;
And when she wanted coal brought In
He drew the line with sorrow.
- The enow haa nearly gone. There is
also a notable depreciation of mud.
Be careful how you lend anything
these days. It will stay Lent for several
weeks; - . . ..
We understand that a new saddle and
harness shop will shortly be opened in
the East End.
Word has been received that the Reg
ulator and Dalles City both reached the
Cascades O K today.
The month of Jannary was remarka
ble for having two life-size fall moons,
and February will be quite as remarka
ble by having no full moon at all.
Wild flowers are in bloom and tell us
that spring will soon be here. The
Nielsen children found some of the "In
dian potatoes" at Mr. Klindt's yesterday.
The prospects are good for considera
ble building with the opening of spring.
Some fine residences are in contempla
tion, besides one or two store buildings.
It has been suggested that the Febru
ary term of court should commence with
the last Monday of February, instead of
the second, as at present. A saving of
jury fees could also be figured.
The party last evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Chrisman was a most
njoyable affair. The guests were en
tertained during the evening in various
ways,-and left with the memory of hav
ing passed a very pleasant time.
Oregon machine-dried prunes -that
last year brought in the markets 8c
are now selling for 11c. The Oregon
prune is fast gaining reputation as a
superior article of commerce and the
rise is attributed to this fact solely.
A deal has just been consummated,
whereby A. M. Cherry disposes of all
bis buildings and business to W. E.
Parker, proprietor of the Umatilla house
-at Umatilla, possession to be given on
A squaw was observed in the East
End the other day carrying a cook stove.
Aboiit, "a dozen feet behind her trudged
her brave, carrying the lidlifter and a
popcorn ball. ' Civilization can do little
for the red man. J .: "
A. petition and remonstrance is being
circulated relative to consolidating the
east and west precincts of The Dalles
As it. stands now,' the east precinct is
not represented by a. justice of the peace,
and all. cases are tried before" Justice
The;E. O. reports" that the people's
party are organizing a company for the
purpose--of establishing a solid newer.
paper ; to be devoted to the interests of
the patty in the state. It will be published-in
Eastern Oregon, and the com
pany 'irill have a capital of not less than
Pas 9 Tay$.
Umatilla correspondent of the E. O.
You may see them in squads of dozens,
hurrying toward the rapids of the Uma
tilla river, carrying long poles, spears,
etc. Salmon have appeared in the river
and the siwashes won't rest day or night
while they are running.
Some of the ladies observed the- birth
day of Washington yesterday by dress
ing in the costume of Martha Washing
ton, and the reporter couldn't repress
the secret observation that if the style of
120 years ago were to come into vogue
again, it would be much more sensible
than hoop skirts, and be vastly more
Anniversary Party at Mr. Klindt's.
At the home of Mr. Henry Klindt,
in the suburbs, Washington's birthday
was celebrated in a very pleasant man
ner, it being also the anniversary of the
63d birthday of tho host. The guests
enjoyed a very pleasant drive to the
residence, whither they were taken in
carriages. :A "sumptuous dinner was
served in the afternoon, and the health
of the host and hostess was drank in
wine from the vintage of Mr. Cushing.
After the repast, the guests adjourned
to the parlors, where cards were in order
till the- carriages were announced.
Those present were Mr and Mrs Klindt,
Judge and Mrs Liebe, Mr and Mrs
Nielsen, Mr and Mrs Cushing, Mrs
Brooks, Miss Klindt, Miss Dora Nielsen,
Mr Albert Klindt and Mr Walter
A Washing-ton Frolic.
A very pleasant affair was the sur
prise party across the river last night at
Mr. and Mrs. William Brune's. Music,
games, dancing and a suberb lunch all
contributed to an evening's enjoyment,!
which was too quickly terminated by'
the relentless hands of the clock as they,
indicated that a new day had been born'
and was quite healthy. It was a genu-'
ine surprise party, unquestionably, for
on arriving, Mr. Brune was found to
have retired, but this fact only served to
make the occasiou merrier, by reason of
good-natured badinage on the host's ex
emplary habits. Those' present were:
Miss Pauline Buchler, Miss Louise Pay
ette, Miss Bessy Miller, Miss Wanda
Skibbe, Mrs. Byers, Joseph H. Wodica,
W F Hill, Chas Frank, Al Moses, A
Woiskye, Mr and Mrs F WJ. Shibbe. -V
The -Whist Clnb.
Last evening was .one of the most
pleasant in the history of the Union
whist club. The host and hostess for
the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Hobson,
who arranged matters very nicely. Ten
tables were filled with, plavers, and
wenty-five hands of drive whist were
layed. The fir6t prize, an elegant vase,
ras won by Mrs.'H. Glenn. As soon as
he whist was over' Dr. Logan assumed
he duties of host and treated the club
to an elegant banquet, for; which tho
evening playing had prepared the appe
tites of the players.. Among those pres
ent were Mr and Mrs Crossen.'iMr and
Mrs WLord, Mr and Mrs' W Hobson,
Mr and Mrs Hostetler, Judge- and Mrs
Ulakeley, Mr and Mrs Houghton, Mr
and Mrs. H Glenn, .Mr and Mrs W H
Wilson, Judge and Mrs A S Bennett,
Judge and Mrs Bradshaw, Mr and Mrs
G P Morgan, Mr and Mrs E C Pease,
Senator and Mrs Hilton, Mr and Mrs L
E Crowe, Dr and "Mrs Rineha'rt, Mrs
Beall, Dr H Logan, Mr Binehart.
One enlarged picture free with every
dozen cabinets for the next 30 days at
1 T T T T V T a. . j .
7Br WJ???."
The Sturdy Little Boat Conies Out Un
When the ice was bearing down so
heavily on the little boat Inland Star,
the report was current that she had
cracked from bow to stern. Now that
the ice has gone down it is shown that
her hull is as sound as ever. The test is
probably the most severe to which she
could be subjected, as it is 'estimated
that the force against her was equal to a
100 ton pressure. ' Mr. Kennedy, the
builder and captain of the boat, has been
about two years in constructing her.
With no previous knowledge of boat
building, and rejecting all advice from
those claiming a knowledge in the art,
he has constructed a miniature steamer
which, as far as strength is concerned, is
able to bnffet the storms of the ocean.
Her equipment is now complete- and
she will be launched in about a week.
The only effect of the squeeze she has
recently had was to break the propeller
wheel (which Mr. Kennedy thinks was
broken before) and loosen some of the
calking. The captain expects to go be
low before the close of the week, to se
cure the necessary papers allowing her
to do business on the river.
J. O. Mack leaves this afternoon for
Mr. Ordway, of Chenoweth, was in
town today.
Mr. Swift,- son of A.' J. Swift of
Wamir, is in the city, '
W. M. Granie of Grants, well known
in The Dalles, is at the Umatilla.
S. L. Brooks took a trio to the Cas
cades this morning on the Regulator,
L. A. Estab, of the. new real -estate
firm, goes to Wallowa county tonight to
attend court at that place. -
Engineer Charles Johnston- and wife,
of Albina, returned to The Dalles last
night, intending to make this place
their future home.
Mr. Will Gorden, who has been at
tending the Forest Grove university, is
in the city for his health, and is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kame.
Louis Davenport, of Mosief, is in town
today. The many old-time friends of
the judge will be grieyed to learn that
fonr of his family, the children, are all
sick in bed.
- Notice.
. The Dalles Portland & Astoria Navi
gation Co. will resume business on
Thursday, February 23d, making tri
weekly trips -between The Dalles and
Portland. The Regulator will leave The
Dalles at 7 a. m. on Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays, connecting with the
Dalles City at Cascade Locks for Port
land. The Dalles City will leave Port
land on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays, connecting with the Regulator
at Cascade Locks for The Dalles.
The company -will run their steamers
as . above for a few weeks, after which,
daily trips will be made.
B. F. Laughlix, Manager.
For Sale or Trade.
For Seattle or other city property in
Oregon or Washington a fine fruit and
stock ranch close to this city. Post
office box 446.
Crime New Stalks Abroad There Un
challenged. . " ,
From onr Regular Correspondent.
Merchant Flaherty is still wearing an
8-pound smile over the arrival of a fine
baby girl last week.
Many are running short of feed for
their stock and some are entirely out.
Nearly every local freight train from
The Dalles has a shipment of baled hay
aboard for some of our people.
F. J. Creed, our strawberry king, ex
pects very large returns from the coming
season's crop. Mr. Creed has demon
strated that Mosier can grow berries
equally early, and as good in every re
spect as the famous Hood -River berry
which command such large prices at the
first of the season.
The snow has nearly all gone. The
outlook for the fruit crop is very flatter
ing and those who have orchards in
bearing rejoice exceedingly. "The immi
grant who has been here long enough to
have young orchards planted, is happy
in the belief that the snow fall will
stimulate the trees into a lively growth.
In fact about the only one whom the
heavy fall of snow did not help is the
last year's immigrant, who has been play
ing freeze-out all winter in a box house.
However, those who are opening up
fruit farms have shed their winter
whiskers and with axe and mattock are
making way with the native tree, to "be
replaced by the apple, prune and peach,
which give a revenue, for the space they
occupy and which never tail in this sec
tion. The supreme court of Mosier convened
at the new school house on the 6th inst.,
to try one of onr citizens for an assault
with his deadly fist upon one, Mr,
for not shutting up his mouth' when
requested to do so. The ' defendant
was arrested, duly arraigned and asked
for a change of venue on the ground
that the court was prejudiced. Ihe
clerk, Mr. , said there was no
change of "avenue" from that court, and
advised the prisoner to plead guilty and
assured him that the court would make
the penalty as light as possible under
the statutes, which would be two years
in the pen. and $500 fine, together with
the costs of the court. The court then
took a recess until "day after tomorrow
at 2 o'clock." Although the time was
rather indefinite, it probably did arrive,
for on the 10th inst. the prisoner was
again arrested and arraigned before the
court. The counsel for the defense in
sisted on having the case sent to the
nearest justice, Hood River. The court
said there were not many men living at
Hood River, and they might be all
dead, and decided to send the case to
The Dalles, where the prosecuting wit
ness had more friends. This reason, if
not brilliant, surely has the simplicity
that is supposed to go with honesty.
The case was finally put off until the
snow goes ofT,:and crime stalks at large
unchallenged in Mosier. Sub.
Wbaleback Building; on the Pacific.
A large force of men are at work on
the new whaleback steamer Everett,
building at Everett, Washington. The
contract has already . been let to the
Frontier Iron Works, of Detroit, Mich.,
for the construction of the engines for
the Everett. They will develop between
five and six thousand horse power. The
Everett is to be a passenger and freight
vessel, combined. Sixty staterooms
will be put in on the upper deck for the
accommodation of passengers. It has
not been decided yet what route the
Everett will be put on, but it is probable
that she will be put on the regular run
between Everett and San Francisco.
She is being built large enough so she
can make the run to Japan or ' China,
her tonnage being 4,600.
Bocklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively, cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money retunaea. iTice zo cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin-
Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Bloom
field, Iowa, Farmer,"" says : "I. can re
commend Chamberlain Cough Remedy
to all sufferers with colds and croup. I
have used it in my family for the past two
years and have found it the best I ever
used for the purposes for which it was
intended. 50 cent bottles for sale by
fUaVplpir fe Hnnohtnn DnnrcistB.
Any one caught fishing or with trout
in their possession before the first day of
April will be prosecuted to' the fullest
extent of the law, and those parlies who
have been catching fish in Mill creek
had better take heed, and govern them
selveB accordingly. . By order of
. The Rod akd Gun Club.
Ten lots in North Dalles, 50 per cent,
less than company prices.
Important to Taxpayers.
. - Taxpayers will please take notice that
the city council have by express order
instructed the undersigned to proceed
and collect all delinquent taxes by levy
and sale, and only immediate attention
will avoid the payment of expenses of
levy and advertising. Daw Malonby '
. ... .. ' ; CityMixahati
-A Temporary Bmbarrassaaent.
Baker Democrat
The . stringency in the lumber market
that has so long prevailed, together with
dull times generally, has forced the
Baker City Consolidated Lumber Com
pany into temporary liquidation. The
fact was made known yesterday and
caused quite a ripple of excitement in
business circles. : An assignment will
take place today, but who will be selected
as the assignee is not yet known. The
principal creditors of the concern are
the two banks of this city. " It is stated
that the liabilities will foot up near $25,
000 with assets much more than that
amount, and when once available credit
ors will get their claims paid in full.
. ( Tried to Wreck at Car.
A dastardly attempt was made last
night to wreck the 8:30 electric car near
the old tannery. R. B. Smart was driv
ing at a fair pace with several passen
gers inside, when he got on to the long
trestle. Halfway over it an iron rail,
13 feet long, was stretched across the
track and the car smashed into it with
a jerk, which sent the two front wheels
completely off the track and almost pre
cipitated the Car into the river below.
The authorities are confident' that they
know who the perpetrators are, and
summary steps will be taken to ' appre
hend and punish them.
Bemsrksble, Indeed.
We published recently the remarkable
literary announcement of an edition of
the Encyclopedia Britannica, for $20.00,
the genuine, illustrated, large type,
cloth bound work. A sample volume
can now be seen at this office; it is cer
tainly the most astonishing bargain ever
offered in the book' world.' We propose
to order a set, and if any of our friends
want to join us they can do so, and save
a little in trouble and expense. See the
advertisement elsewhere and come in
and see the book. There is an install
ment plan for securing the work on pay
ment of only five cents a day, or $1.00
every twenty days. :i . -. .
Sbiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 74c. Sold
by Snipes & Kinerely, druggists.
A Million Friend.
A friend in need is a friend indeed
and not less than one million people
have found; just such a friend in Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs, and Colds. If you have never
used this Great Cough Medicine,, one
trial will convince you that it. has
wonderful curative powers in all
diseases of Throat, Chest 'and Lungs.
Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that
is claimed or money will be refunded.
Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinerely's
drugstore. Large bottles 50c and $1.00.
Choking, sneezing .and every other
form of catarrh in the head, is .radically
cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Fifty cents. Sold by druggists every
where. . . -
Subscribe for The Daily Chroniclb
Staple ail
Hay, Grain
Masonic Block. Corner Third and
The Only House in Town
Making a Specialty of -
Gents Furnishing Goods,
HICH gives us an opportunity , to devote our entire time
to this particular line, . We have a lew., remnants
in Fancy Underwear, Overshirts rand
Gloves,, which we are. clos"
... ing out; cheap.; . . -'. -
. ' An Kstray Bay Mare.
Came to my place last fall a bay mars
about five years old, with small white
spot on right- side, also white spot ok
left hip, star in the forehead, with some
dim brand on left shoulder, weight about
eight hundred pounds. Owner can have
the same by proving property and pay
ing costs. V.J. Kelly, 15-Mile creek.
wasted. -Pushing
canvasser of good address.
Liberal salary and expenses paid weekly;
Permanent position. Brown Bros. Co.,
Nurserymen, Portland. Oresron.
Stallion for Sale Cbeap.
A fine thoroughbred, 6 year old stal
lion for sale cheap. For further particu
lars apply at this office.
Fresh Eastern and Olympia oystersr
cooked in any style at Hatgbt's restau
rant, day or night.
For Kent. -....
The only 3-story, fire-proof bricks
building in the city. -For further par
ticulars, inquire of Tom Kelly, at Tit
Umatilla house. '
1. D C Ha.
SUM per Bottle.
CumtConclu. XT.o&raexiearf.&oz'e Tliromt.
Croup promptly; relieves Whooping Consk
and Asthma. For Consumption rt has no
rival; baaenred thousands where nil oUiers
failed; will CURB YOU if taken in time. Sold
by Drug-gista on a oniarantee. For Lame Back
or Chest, use SHlLOH'n PlASTElt. 5 eta.
Have you Catarrh ? Thin remedy Is sruanm-
tug Columbia FacKing Co.,
jl vnv M--UM- JurvvXs
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curersof BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building. . Thp Dalles. Or.
an liiocpe,
and Feed.
Court Streets. The Dalles.Oregon.
Hats and Caps.
HE TROY. Steam Latmdry
v of Portland, has establish-
ed a "branch office, for laun
dry work -with Thos. McCoy
at his barber , shop, Wo. 110
Second St., -where all laun
dry bundles will be received
till Tuesday noon of each
week, and returned on Sat-;
urday of the same week at
v Portland prices v