The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 22, 1893, Image 3

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    TO Our
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
entered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Weather Forecast.
Official forecast for twenty-four hour ending at
6 p. m. tomorrow.
Tuesday light rain, Wednesday fair
and warmer. . Pague.
WEDNESDAY - - . - FEB. 22, 1893
rlapy Saying; and Doings of Local and
General Impart.
Washington's birthday. The schools
are closed in consequence..
The chinook which sprung up yester
day, has cleared the river of ice.
The steam ferry boat- fired up this
morning and -will go into service to
morrow. The contractors for the portage road
across the river are expected to arrive
the first of the month. '
The circuit court is not in session to
day. While the 22d of February ia a
legal holiday, it is not a non-official day.
The snow is fast disappearing under
-the influence of ye chinook wind, and
will be a thing of the past in a few days.
The horticultural society of this
county will meet at the city hall on Sat
urday at 1 o'clock p. m. A full attend-
ance is desired.
f The horticultural interests of this sec--t
tion are becoming one of the most im
portant objects of the county, and the
society should be a large one.
We acknowledged the advance sheets
of the second biennial report of the Or-
- gon Weather Bureau. The document
is very complete and exhaustive.
The street cistern in front of the
Skibbe hotel is being raised about a foot
to accommodate traffic, and a fence has
been placed temporarily around it.
The steamer Regulator will leave for
the Cascades tomorrow, Friday, Satur-
- day and Sunday at 7 o'clock sharp,
' making through connection after tomor-
row. After then she will make her trips
as advertised in local notice.
No finer place for the Eastern Oregon
insane asylum could be selected than
Irvine's place on Chenoweth creek.
There is an abundance of the purest
water, a profusion of shade trees, both
Tried and beautiful, while the scen:
attractions cannot probably be dupli-
, cated by any other spot that could be
chosen by the provisions of the bill,
- which are that it be located within three
miles of a railroad.
Heceptian to Mr. and Mn. Caraoron.
A very pleasant reception was given
- to Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron last
evening at Jthe. residence of W. A. Hunt.
L ?The bride, nee Bnrnside, is late of Buf
falo, whence the couple have but lately
returned.' Those present were Mrs W
A Hunt,.Rev and Mrs O D Taylor, Mrs
Philips, Mr L and Miss J Hubbard
Mr andMrs.. A Seckler, Capt Seely
Haynes, Mrs. Slutz, Misses Alma and
- Annie Taylor; May Seckler, Miss Hopp
JUopp, i
: lr and Mrs M Whealdon.
. YUr, and Mrs Cameron will shortl
move to their Mill Creek home.
'i't Ten lots in North Dalles, 60 per cent,
less than company prices.
-V-X-" V - G. BrfeLINQAKE.
f':: Pivs;nia. wilLget 'yon the. en
cyclopedia. We see the Oregon ian and
. gc them 60 per cent, better.
Friends and Patrons.
WE HAVE rather neglected our Advertising of late, not
because we had nothing to sell; but we had nothing
especially new to offer, and preferred to wait until we could
say something of interest. We are, and have been for some
time, busily engaged in placing our orders for Spring and
Summer Goods and feel justified in announcing that we
shall have the FINEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST
GOODS in all our dines, that has ever been seen in The
Dalles. We have secured, some : genuine novelties in the
, Pry Goods Department, and : the : ladies will certainly con
sult their best interests by deferring their purchases until
After their arrival,-of which we shall give you due notice.
Keep both eyes on this space and we will certainly surprise
you, not only with the goods, but the prices at which we
shall sell them. We mean business and propose to have
your patronage, if LOW PRICES and the BEST
GOODS will accomplish it. Yours Respectfully,
pease &
Newsy Letter From Oar liee-alar Cor
Antelope, Feb. 18, 1893.
To the Dal !es Chronicle.
1 The young people had a fine time" on
the 14th at the masquerade ball.
Every body is pleased with the pros
pect for crops and grass the coming year.
Rev. Rawlins of Fossil is holding
religious services here with good results.
Antelope now prides itself on having
the finest school house in the country
outside of The Dalles. We are very
proud of it.
We have organized a body of A N.
Workmen here with Pierce Kinsey as
Master Workman, and will have a
Masonic lodge as soon as a suitable hatl
is constructed, which will be in early
The morals of the town are improving
very fast, and from the number of for
mer drinkers that are now wearing
white ribbons, it is possible that some
body may -have trouble to- get their
liquor license renewed.
Antelope people are pleased that win
ter is a thing of .,the past., The snow
only lays where it was drifted deep and
will soon be gone. The weather has
been warm for the last two days and
this evening it is raining very hard, with
good prospects of continuing all night.
Hay was almost all fed out before the
thaw came; but there is very little loss
in stock. Almost all the loss that there
will be is in cattle that were not fed.
Stragglers on the range, or the most of
them are lost. They amount to perhaps
10 per cent, of the whole amount of
cattle in the country.
If we get the bill passed creating Stock
man county (and no doubt wo will), we
will be a county seat and be doing busi
ness at home very soon. While we like
The Dalles, and its people too, it is too
far away for ns to have to go to do our
county business, and we are often
slighted and neglected on account of the
distance that we are away from the
county seat. One instance: People for
ten miles around came in to get their
mail, anxious to hear the news in gen
eral and especially what the legislature
was doing about the new. county, .and
the stage arrived on time. The roads
are reasonably good, but the stage
brought no paper mail, and when asked
by the postmaster why he did not bring
the paper bag, he said he had two pas
sengers and couldn't bring . the papers.
Now imagine how we people, who take
Tbk Chronicle and the Oregonian felt
going home without either one. Now if
Antelope was a county seat we would
have got the papers all right, and this is
only one instance Of many where our
interest is neglected.
Austy Cope.
Any one caught fishing or with trout
in their possession before the first day of
(vpril .will be prosecuted to the fullest
;xtent of the law, and those parties who
lave been catching fish in Mill -creek
lad better take heed, and govern "them
feelves accordingly. - By order of '
-Thb Rod and Gcx Club.
Important to Taxpayers.
Taxpayers will please take notice that
the city council have by express, order
instructed the undersigned to proceed
and collect all delinquent taxes by levy
and sale, and only immediate.attention
will avoid the payment of expenses of
levy and advertising. Dan Maloney,
dw w City Marshal.
Hatters at the Cascades.
Day brothers arrived at the Cascades
last night, and today busied themselves
in securing the right of way for a tram
way from the quarry to the works. The
river has still some floating ice in it,
and below the cascades it is yet packed,
but by tomorrow noon it is thought
there will be none. Everything is fast
being put in readiness to commence
work as soon as it can profitably be done.
Bant a Blood Vessel.
Mr. Aug. Buchler lost one of his fine
bay horses today. He fed it this morn
ing, as usual, and returning to the sta
ble, a few minutes later, found it rapidly
bleeding to death. The animal had
burst a blood vessel, as will occasionally
happen from no cause that can be fore
seen. The loss is quite severe, as the
horse was a valuable one and well known
about town. '
Mr. W. L. Ward, of 15-Mile, is in the
city today.
Mrs, J. H. Cradlebaugh of Hood River,
is in the city today.
Hon. E. N. Chandler left on the 4 :20
p. m. passenger to attend a meeting of
the O. N. G., at head quarters on a
special invitation.
Hon. Polk Mays of Wallowa took his
leave of friends and relations today for
his home. He proved to be one of the
most useful members of the legislature
from Eastern Oregon.
Misses Flora and Alice Mulligan left
on the morning train for Portland.
After spending a few days there and
with iiiemis on the Sound, thev will
return to their home in Missoula, Mont.
Columbia John Person, Cascade
Locks ; Wm Olson, A Pearson, Lyle ; G
R Wood, Mosier; E Killird, Wapinitia ;
M Cleveland, Tygh Valley ; Frank Sheik,
Wallowa ; George Lamborn, B D Taylor,
Wasco; D McDonald, Seattle; A M
Roberts, Mitchell: F Borton. M F
Gommack, Dutch Flat.
lotel Skibbe Jacob Konrad, Prine
ville; W Martin. Blalocks : H P J ad-
kins, PesChutes ; A Woisky. Bake Oven ;
S Smith, J M Johnson, Dnfur; Gilliam
Ploy, Tom Hunk. Portland; M Mc
Grath, Pendleton; M Tiel, Mosier.
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navi
gation' Co. will resnme business on
Thursday, February 23d, making tri
weekly trips between The Dalles and
Portland. The Regulator will leave The
Dalles at 7 a. in. on Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays, connecting -with the
Dalles City at Cascade Locks for Port
land. The Dalles City will leave Port
land on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays, connecting with the Regulator
at Cascade Locks for The Dalles.
The company will run their steamers
as above for a few weeks, after which
daily trips will be made.
- - ' B. F. Lauoulis, Manager.
The Great Encyclopaedia Britannic.
"A library in itseif." a trite nhrase.
often misapplied, means something,
wnen applied to this magnificent work.
It is the prodnct of nearly 1,200 of the
world's most eminent scholars, in everv
department of learning. There is hardly
anything in any department of knowl
edge that is "worth knowing" that will
not be found here elaborately and clearly
set forth and all fairly within .reach of
every school-boy all for. a payment.of
only 5 cents a day .for 420 days, or for
$20 cash down. See advertisment else
where, also a sample volume at this
office, and join us, if ,-you please, in
ordering the work. V
Subscribe for Thjc Dailt; . Ciiboniclx
Meaty Korsels of Nevi and Ooaalp for
'' Jones' ' fish wheel is running at full
blast. i
Tom Haslam says be would rather be
hit with a cannon ball than a snow ball.
Passenger engine- 534, Engineer Has
lam, has taken the place of 542 until the
latter can be repaired.
J. A. Christian and wife took advan
tage of the cut rates of the Southern
Pacific early in the week to visit their
old borne, Rosebnrg.
Tom Maloney, the affable fireman late
of Umatilla, can now be seen on The
Dalles boulevard evenings. Using a
slang phrase, he is "out of sight" with
the fair sex.
Bro. Willerton, the ranch king of
Sherman county, is now engaged in
other pursuits, such as pursuing eagle
eyes and tallow pots, tearing them from
their midnight slumbers, and also run
ning both ends of that famous vestibule
cinder train.
The following letter was received this
week by County Treasurer H. Halstead,
says the Condon Globe, from Mr. W. B.
Blanton of Portland, a railroad magnate,
representing several millions of dollars.
As any of the proposed routes are feasi
ble, and can be built with but very lit
tle grading and no tunnelling, it ia safe
to predict that" within a few months the
iron horse ' will be snorting through
Gilliam's capital. We venture the as
sertion that it will be the best-paying
route in the west, for the length of it.
Portland, Or., Feb. 18, 1S93.
Hkbbebt Halstkad, Condon, Oregon :
Dear Sir : I have your letter of Jan. 31,
and thank you for your kind offer. My
object in writing was to obtain some in
formation in regard to the topography of
the country lying between your county
seat and some point on the line of the
Union Pacific railway,, from which a
railroad can be cheaply built. A party
of gentlemen whom I am trying to in
terest iu this enterprise would gladly go
into such a scheme, providing the county
would vote a subsidy suitable and the
expense will not be too great. What
point on the Union Pacific do you con
sider would be the easiest reached, and
through what counties would this line
run? What would be the traffic accru
ing to this line at the different seasons
of the year, and would there be traffic of
some kind during the whole year? I
understand that on or near, the John
Day river is a coal mine, undeveloped,
consisting of an endless supply. Do you
know anything about this, and would
this route be feasible? A good coal
mine, easily reached, would, in my
opinion, secure the road without a doubt,'
Could a road be built, without unreason
able expense, from Arlington, i Blalock,
Quinns, John Day, Squally Hook, Rufus,
Wallace, Grant, Dea Chutes or Celilo to
reach your village?- I know very little
about the country in question, and can
form only a poor opinion of it without
going over it. It occurs to me that we
might go up the DesChutes or John
Day rivers from some point between Ar
lington and Celilo, or could perhaps tap
the ' Heppner branch at some inter
mediate point, or from Heppner proper;
bat would much prefer to reach the
main line direct, if such is possible.
Would thank you for any information
yom may be able to give.
. . Yours truly,
' W. B. Blanton.
A Sfot For Amos to Crack,
Hood Rivxk, Feb. 21 1 1893. ;
Mb. Editob. We read Amos' letter
in Thk Chbonic'ls of the 17th inst. and
if yon will grant the space, will ask
Amos the following question :
As yon do not believe in taxing mort
gages, or in levying an income tax or In
an inheritance tax tell us how (if at all)
yon propose to tax the capitalist who
loans his money on mortgages?
, - John Pabkxr
. . One enlarged picture free with every
dozen cabinets for the next' 30 days at
Herrin's gallery over the post office.
Boeklea'i Arnica Salve.
.Tie best salve in the world for cuts,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, und all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, .or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. ; . For sale by Snipes A Kin
ersly. Mr. C F. Davis, editor of the Bloom
field, Iowa, -Farmer, says: ''"I -can re
commend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to all sufferers with colds and croup. I
have used it in rny family for the past two
years and have found it the best I ever
used for the purposes for which it was
intended. 50 cent bottleB for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. . .
Free to everybody. For the next 15
days, Herrin"will give away one en
larged picture with every dozen cabinet
photos. Call and see sample. Gallery
over the postofflce.
Ir, Rinehart and
Wife Surprised - at
One of the pleasantest and most suc
cessful social events of the season took
place at the beautiful new residence of
Dr. Rinehart and wife last evening. It
was a surprise party, and was successful
because none of the' guests but the lead-i
ers, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, knew where
they were destined to go, and pleasant
because, once arrived there, the large
party was entertained by the sweetest
music, the choicest viands, pleasant con
verse and witty repartee. " Mr. and Mrs.
Curtis had ; been detailed previously to
go and keep the doctor's family at home.
When the guests began trooping in
about 8 o'clock, the Doctor, whose pres
ence of mind never deserts him, bribed
his boys, four in number, to go to bed.'-
The ruse was not successful, however,
for when the music struck up they arose
without exception, donned their clothes,
and standing np. before the parental
tribunal, in solemn procession, each
said : "Here, papa, is the 10 cents yon
gave me, and, pTease, I want to stay
np." - '
The instrumental music was of unus
ual excellence. Mrs. Curtis, on the
piano, exhibited a remarkable dexter
ity and knowledge, as did, also, the
genial host, Dr. W. Rinehart. The solo
by Mrs. Will Condon was highly appre-.
ciated. A very pretty duet was played
by Dr. Rinehart and Mrs. Jos: Peters,
while a trio by Mrs. Will Condon, Mrs.
Bradshaw and Dr. Rinehart was excep
tionally fine. , -
Tater, refreshments were served, con
sisting of oysters, cake, sandwiches,
coffee and sweetmeats, to. which the
guests did ample justice. This depart
ment was under-the supervision of Mrs.
Morgan and Mrs. Patterson. The work
of collecting supplies was undertaken
by W. E. Garrettson, who must have
feared there would not be enough to go
around, but after luncheon, lo, there
were many basketfnls, both loaves and
fish oysters.
The party met at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Patterson, and comprised:
Mr and Mrs J M Patterson, Mr and Mrs
H Glenn, Mr and Mrs- R F Gibons,
Mr and Mrs C J Crandall, Judge and
Mrs G O Blakeley, Mr and Mrs J T
Peters, Rev and Mrs W C Curtis, Mr
and Mrs G P Morgan. Mr and Mrs Hob
son, Mr and Mrs E C Pease', Mr and
Mrs Fred Bailey, Judge and Mrs W L
Bradshaw, Dr and Mrs G Sanders, Rev
and Mrs Wilson, Mr and Mrs J S Hunt
ington, Mr and Mrs F Sampson, Mr and
Mrs J C Hostetler, Mr and Mrs W E
Garretson, Mr and Mrs D M French, Mr
and Mrs J H Rinehart of Summerville,
Mesdames Wm Michell, D Cooper, H
Gourlay, C Cashing, J B Condon W
Condon, C Dunham, J Wood, J Marden,
C Donnell, Misses Flora Mulligan,
Minnie Michell and Nannie Cooper.
. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Price 50 cts. Sold by SnipeB & Kinersly.
mid Fara GiocbiIbs,
Hay, Grain
Masonic Block. Corner Third and
The Only House in Town
-Making a
Gents Furnishing Goods,
Uhich gives U8 an opportunity to devote our entire time
to this particular line. : We have a few remnants
in Fancy Underwear,. Qvershirts. and -
Gloves, which we are clos- -
ing out cheap. - z
t 4
An Kstray Bay Mare.
Came to my place last fall a bay mare
about five years old, with small white
spot on right side, also white spot on
left hip, star in the forehead, with som
dim brand on left shoulder, weight about
eight hundred pounds. Owner can have
the same by proving property and pay
ing costs. V. J. Kelly, 15-Mile creek. '
Pushing canvasser of good address.
Liberal salary and expenses paid weekly ;
Permanent position. Brown Bros. Co..
Nurserymen, Portland, Oregon.
. Stallion for Sale Cheap.
A fine thoroughbred, 6 year old stal
lion for sale cheap. For further particu
lars apply at this office. ' ;
-- Fresh -Eastern and Olympia oyster
cooked in any style at Haight's restau
rant, day or night.
. Dr. Gattling, of gun fame, has now in
vented a weapon that will fire 2,000 bul-.'
lets a minute and never acquire a hot
box.' ' designated as a discourager
of mobs, and" a mob failing to be dis
couraged by it would have-to1 be very
much in earnest. - ': '
For Kent. .. ' '' . .
The only . 3-story, . fire-proof brick
building in the city. For further par
ticulars inquire of Tom Kelly, at. That
Umatilla house.
An asrreeable Laxative and NERVE TON IC
Sold by Drufrgtotsor sent by mall. 2Sc,60o..
and $1.00 per paokage. Samples free.
YT a TTaS Tb Favorite TOOTH P0WWBB '
Tfie Columbia Pacififig Co..
Pop k and Beef.
Pine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building The Dalles. Or.
and Feed.
Court Streets. The Dailes.OregpD.
Specialty of-
t ka,W frfe -Mis A iJ.
His id Ha,
Hats and Gaps.
HE TROY Steam- Laundry
of Portland, has establish-
r ed a branch office for laundry-work
with Thos. McCoy
at nis barber shop, "No. 110
Second St., "where all laun
dry "bundles will "be received
' till Tuesday noon of. each
week, and returned on Sat-
: urday of the same week at
: I ' 1 . i-
Portland prices. . ,