TO Our Friends and Patrons. w E HAVE rather neglected our Advertising of late, not because we had nothing to sell; but we naa notmng especially new to offer, and preferred to wait until we could say something of interest. We are, and have been lor some time, busily engaged in. placing our orders for Spring and Summer Goods and feel justified in announcing that we shall have the FINEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST GOODS in all our lines that has ever been seen in The Dalles. We have secured some genuine novelties in the Dry Goods Department, and the ladies will certainly con suit their best; interests-by deferring iheir purchases until after their, arrival, of which we shall give you due. notice. Keep both eyes on this space and -we will certainly surprise you, not only . with the goods, but the prices at which we shall sell them. We mean business and propose to. have your patronage, if LOW PRICES and , the BEST GOODS will accomplish it. Yours Respectfully, .' The opera house was well filled last night to hear the Boston Operatic com pany. The performance was up to the high standard its advance notices herald. The music rendered was of the most choice character, the cornet and violin solos were the finest ever heard in The Dalies, while the solos of Miss Julia Haman, on the bells and xylophone, were indeed a treat; ' The baas solos of Albert Hawthorne and clever sketch of music and art depicited by Dolph and Susie Levino, were the hit of the even ing. Mr. Levino's rapid drawing of noted men, accompanied by verses of song by Susie Levino, drew forth thun ders of applause. Miss Irene Haman, leader 'of the orchestra, is a most accomplished musi cian, and has her violin under perfect control. .Whether she is interpreting Balfe, Rossini or the' homely melodies her' technique is faultness and expres sion most beautiful. . . . . , , PEASE & MAYS Shepherd Docs. ' Antelope Herald. ' It is wonderful the amount of intelli gence a sheep dog displays in perform ing his duties. ' We had the pleasure the other evening of watching one of them put Allen Grant's sheep in Billy Kelsays corral. The herder stood in' the lower" part of town and by the various motions of his hat the dog corraled the sheep just as well as and even -better than a man could. ' Sheepmen could not get along without these dogs,' and some of them are so intelligent and well trained that iheir. masters wouldn't take $500 for theni. ' . , j. . r- - : : ! : : '. PERSONAL MENTION. ' '. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered a the PoetoBlce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Weather Forecast. Official forecast for twenty-four tours ending at 6 p. to. tomorrow. Tuesday light rain, Wednesday fair and warmer. Pague. TUESDAY, FEB. 21,1893 FEBRUARY FANCIES. Orkqiy Sayings and Doings of Local and General Import. rrelN When wife and husband anarrel 11 seems a inne queer i - ... . That both -at them begin the row J By saying, "Now, my dear.'" . Numerous people" Jrop'theKlickitat came across the river today. Pacific coast. . The work done on these steamers is evidence that he is master of bis profession. The Dalles City will leave Portland for the cascades Thursday and the Regulator will go down, touching at way points, the same day and return. Dr. Bingham, of Walla Walla, propri etor of Binghams warm springs on the Umatilla river, is in the city. The doctor is here for the purpose of com pleting negotiations with regard to bot tling mineral , water at the soda water works connected with the Golden Rule hotel. He is now consulting with Mr. Hammond. East Oregonian. We suggest the city erect an arc light in the vicinity of Ninth and Pentland or Ninth and Garrison streets. Ladies liv ing in that vicinity are obliged to walk through, mud and slush after dark, there being neither lights nor sidewalks. Taxes are collected from' property owners oh those streets, as well as downtown, but liitfe has been dpne for ' the comfort of pedestrians. Hon. E. N. Chandler returned from Salem Saturday evening and was very warmly greeted by -iris constituency. Mr. Chandler has made for himself a record as a legislator that is envied : by a great' many of his honored associates. Wasco county is. proud to know he was fearless in the discharge of the ' dnfies and confidence of those whomvhe repre- BETTER THAN EVER. Regulator Refitted - and Made - Stronger. ' sented in the i legidrtrfttm, llard - on Stoak. NewjTls received .that th&coniro'dTST1 cold jWeAtperjpcN.Jjje past winter, has created mfretfcfietrees among cattle 'and The next medal Contest takes place on the 8th inst! at the court bouse. The ground is now more thoroughly water-soaked than it has been for years; The steam ferry boat is expected to begin her regular trip the last of the week.' . , ( v - i .,,.,.. i,..L Home of the sidewalks in the city have not had the snow cleaned off. Why is it thus? ' little was done this morning atcircuit court. Allison's .trial was postponed un til, next term of court and bis ; bonds fixed at $800. ...The East End is very quiet today. Messrs. Saltmarsh & Co. will receive (or shipment this evening a lot a fat .mutton sheep. The Ladies Glee Clnb will meet with . Mrs. C. J. Crandall this evening, and I sheep avUmatiUa-. Even yr all members are requested to make a were being fed Were unable, special effort to be present. the severity of the weafbejai The steamer Regulator will, in all probability, commence her regular trips the first of next week. If the ice was out of the river, she would steam oat the last of this week. '. '.J The D. P. and A. N. Co. began driv ing piles yeBterday, in the extension of tneir wharf. , When the. worn: is com pleted the improvement will make it very commodious and convenient. The onion has a virtue "lowliiclitnou- sands of people. will swear. .This is . its ability to ward off attacks, of malaria in any form, and to cure cases' as rapidly as the strongest doses of quinine. We were called on last evening by a gentleman who was anxious to learn something of a W. BJ Lewis who died at or near The Dalles about twenty-eight or thirty years , ago. Wlio knows any thing about jhimT .'''.. . The ice gorge that has stayed at this , place so long, moved down the river about a mile yesterday morning and became blocked at the Point, where it is now, seemingly, as .solid as in midwin ter. Hoped are entertained that it will go out in a dayjor so. j. . i . ' ; ' ; i. We acknowledged a pleasant call from Mr. Geo. Herbert of Galesburg, Illinois, who is visiting his aunt, Mrs. ' John ' Cates of this city. '.' Mr.' Herbert thinks " ' the Pacific coast Is the'place for a young man of steady habits, as there are more . opportunities for .making a good 4finanr icial beginning iu the world. than any where east, J...... . i-. , Ever since the Regulator has been in dry. dock, about two months ago, work has been going on uninterruptedly in fixing her up. The company's inten tion was to make a boat second to none on the river for its size, and its recent overhauling has made it stronger, pret tier and more durable in every way. The boat has been levelled up, the kelsons refastened and - three new ones put in 4)x20 inches fore and aft, made fast by bolting through to bottom of hull ; recorked throughout and bottom cemented ; -new hog post in center fifty feet long, the former, a smaller one being put forward; hog chains fore and aft ; new side posts and new saddles throughout;- new ironi work has been put in to replace the old, which was condemned by the boat builder; the wheel has been "enlarged to eighteen feet in diameter, with deeper and .larger buckets ; new chains on forward deck and .-surplus stanchions removed, afford ing more freight room two new lockers have been put in amidships; companion ways changed by making them nar rower; ' salt: stoppers' put in on both sides, requiring about four tons of salt to fill them. .Fifteen hundred pounds of wrought Iron have been used, .in making repairs. fcjiaook. and ill 'cores. 8ome of tgeTafgeat stolyk ranch ers will come.out ii theVpring frithless than fifty per cent of the cattle lliav liad at ilm baginriing bf the jftpter The loss of sheep will be conmdM?fie,' du horses are doing well. Thejather hs moderated slightly i stx Capt. Sherman came very-tfear hav ing a broken leg through an accident yesterday. The Regulator was being placed in; position ' with ropes, And, the crew were at the capstan fixing them taut," when the book attached to 'the pawl straightened out under the fires eure, and flying back struck the captain below the knee. - Luckily no bones were broken, and the injury was confined to a severe bruise. Karl's , Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures ' constipation 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. 'j sotici. . : Any one caught fishing or with trout in their possession before the first day of April will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and. those parties who have been, catching fish in Mill creek had better take heed, and govern them-, selves accordingly. By order of '.' " 'IV. TnRopip Gto Ctvii . ' Joseph V. Dory, of .Warsaw, III., "was. tivuum wiw ruDuauugm ana tried ' t..l .f - . nuaiuw w uiuurtmt remedies, Dut says none of them: seemed to do him knv . . i . 3 , . . . , 1 . ' i. - . . . ' . - -LI ' m.t. jona, Anurasen, presiaent pi ftneigooq; out nnajiy ne got Hold ot one Willamette Ship Building company of 1 that speedily cured him'.: He was much Portland, who has had charge of over- pleased with li; and telt sure that others nauung me --western yueen ana tee similarly amictea would n&e to know, Steamer "Regulator" returned , home J what the remedy was that cured hiia, his morning. Mr'. Ahdrasen h'as1 re-1 He' states lor the" benefit of the public aided in Portland for the past thirteen years, and has been engaged in ship building ever Binee he came to the that it is called Chamberlain's Pain uaim. tor aie by lilakeley & Hough ton, Druggiste. Tbe C. t. 8. C. L. S. C. held its last evening at S.. L. Brooks to Greek ar- Crandall. Tbe Concert Company. ie Winqaatt U, usual weekly meeting the residence of . Mrs, The evening was devoted chitecture, conducted by Mrs number of, interesting quotations on chitectural subjects were read by the embers. At. the . close of the lesson Misses IVa Brooks and Alma Schmidt rendered a beautiful 'piano dutt,' that was much more to the taste of the circle than tbe details pf the construction of Greek temples. Those present were Mesdames" Blakeley, Brooks, ' Crandall and Grey, Misses Frazier, Schmidt and Brooks, Messrs. ; Collins, 'Riddell and Crandall. - - i On 8-Mile, Feb. 17th. 1893, to the wife of Frank Marsh, a daughter; MARRIED. -".'' v At the residence of the bride's parents on Pleasant Ridge, February 19th, 1893, Miss Daisy , B.; Pugh 'to Frank C. Wagonblast, Justice C. D. Doyle, . from 8-Mile precinct officiating. - James Smith went to Antelope to day for a few days. . .; . . . Mr. Reynolds, a cattle buyer from the iUicKitat, is town. J. J. Stewart, of the Portland Cracker Co, is in The Dalles on a business trip. Mr. RInebart, of Union county, is in the city' visiting his son, JJr Kinehart. Wm. Stewart, formerly of this city, spent the forenoon in town; leaving for Lewiston on tbe noon train. - . , . Mrs. W. 8chrseder left on this after noon passenger for Tacoma, where she will make her mture Home. Messrs. Boroland and Bennett of Boyd , are in tne city today, xney report tne roads tn a soft condition ana really Dad in some places. ; - v ' Mr. J. B. Meyer, of the sheep firm of Meyer and Brown of Crook county, ar rived this morning from an - extended visit at his old home in Erie countv. Pa. Mr. Meyer says he is heartily glad to get back to his adopted noma in ' Oregon The old states are too old for his ideas, and thinks there is. no place equal to Oregon for a man who has the push to get on a good solid footing. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Columbia -Hotel. E B Knox. Prine- ville; W P West, Arlington; B War ren, Hood River ; C Berger, Hood River ; Mrs Kiley, Uoldendale; J' J Worley, Portland; Mrs J Ferguson, J G Hudson, J W Bridgefarmer. Portland; F R Reynolds, Foldo, Wash.; t H Hump- hary, Oakland Cal; E F Hunter, Pend leton; H N Mills, Pendleton; P W Forter, Spokane: Umatilla House W H Biggs, Wasco ; W: E Gray.: W M Barnett, J, N GorrelKsD.C Moore, Wasco; Amos Root, Mosier ; K P Butler, J W Moore, Mvron Bottler, Nansene: J M McCokle, TvkIi Valley; J,E Stewart. A. Clecg. Portland r W M Ktewart, tl iSacb, W u Dawson, J . W . Covey, Dufur ; J H Nickel!, Umatilla; W J Davidson. 8 Mile; W R Norwey, Walla Walla; J. B Meyer, Crook Co. Dr. TaJiaage'a Athletlo Son. Mr. Edward T. H. Talmage, the ond eon of Dr. John F. Talmage, was born twenty-four years ago in the house in which he now lives, at the corner of Joralemon and Clinton streets. . He was educated at the Polytechnic institute, afterward completing his studies under, private tutorship with Professor Caskie Harrison at the latter's sohool on Mon tague street. At the age of nineteen Mr. Talmage entered the offices of the Delaware, Lackawanna' and Western railroad, where he remained for some time. His health becoming somewhat impaired, Mr. Talmage spent a year in California, which he devoted to the out door life of a sportsman, gaining much benefit thereby. Two years ago, short ly after his return from the west, he was made a member of the New York Stock exchange, being at the time of his ad mission next to the youngest member on the floor. . Mr. . Talmage is a member of the Crescent club, and is one of the financial committee recently engaged in negotiat ing the funds to carry through the building of the Bay. Ridge house and making , other improvements contem plated in connection therewith. He is a member of the Hamilton club, and his name ' has recently been . added to the membership . list of . the .. Riding and Driving clnb..- Mr. Talmage is an en thusiastic lover of equestrian pastime. and is a sportsman of considerable skill. He is active in the social interests of the Heights, and is a member of - the Brook lyn Heights assembly. Brooklyn, Life. . Sir Waiter Scott's Literary Biunilara- It seems inevitable that Sir Walter Scott should sometimes err.',:. When an author is throwing off brilliant romances at fever heat, m electric sympathy with s teeming brain and. a tingling pulse, he cannot be expected to be overcarefxd. No one. knew better than ho a famous horseman himself the limits of endur ance in . a horse. He makes Wilfred pi Ivanhoe advise his enemy, the Templar, to take a fresh steed for .the fierce tilt he-was to run with him. Wilfred him self had no chargers of .remount; he had bat one steed, the gift of -Isaac of York, and was compelled to run five successive courses in rapid succession on the unfor tunate, animal. J.Horse and man were both, sheathed . in armor. The day wac hot; and snltry.. No steed that ever was foaled could have stood the ordeal. . But this maybe hypercriticism. '- Is it hyper criticism also to point, ont that in the same novel a full century is dropped in such sort that one of Richard I's knights holds converse with a contemporary of the Conqueror, who was Richard's great-great-grandfather? . Or that the "Fair Maid of Perth" goes to mass in the after noon, whereas mass cannot be celebrated save in the earlier part -of . the day? Bel- ford a lieview. . .-. ,,. :. t A m Kstrav Kir Mmre. Came to my place last fall a bay mare abont five years old, with small white spot on rilit eiJn, also white tpot on left hip, star in the forehead, with some dim brand on left HbonMer, weight about eight hundred pounds. Owner can have the same by proving property and pay ing costs.. V. J. Kei.i.y, 15-Mile creek.' WANTED. 1 ' Pushing canvasser of good address. Liberal salary and expenses paid weekly ; Permanent poBition. Brown Bros. Co., Nurserymen, Portland, Orogon. Fresh Eastern and Olympia oysters cooked in any style at Ilaight's restau rant, day or night-. , Dr. Gattling, of gun fame, has now in vented a weapon that will fire 2,000 bul lets a minute and never acquire a hot box. ' It is designated as a discourager of mobs, and a. mob failing to be die- ' cou raged by it would have to be very much in earnest. :.' " , For Rent. . The only 3-story, fire-proof brick building in the city. For further par- . ticulars inquire of Tom Kelly, at The Umatilla house. . fKSiSSiS. if i 111. " 1 1"-V. 0 t evj t t 1 r rs ta sr 1 sscts; 60cta., and' per Bottle., fHirmt Concrhft. BoarwDPsstiore Throat, Croup promptlv; relieves Whooplog Congh and Astltnm. . 'Fvr Consmnption It fans no rival; hasauredUiotuandawhere&U others . failed; will CURB YOU if taken in time. Bold by Drug-gists on a o-unrsntee. For Lame Back or Chest, use SHILOH'S 1LASIKK. 5 cto. HILOH'S liiaiaS Have you CATARRH REMEDY, ivou (batarrh ? This rcmedr to miaran- teed to cure you.,. Price 60 eta. Injector free. Te Goiumfiia pacKiiiQ go., PACKERS OF Pork and Beef; By the subjection of ordinary air to a pressure of seventy-five atmospheres, or 1,125 pounds, with a condenser kept at minus 130 degs. . centngrade. air nas been reduced to a liquid form, and the liquid, when allowed - to evaporate, pro duces, it is said, a temperature of minus 200 degs. j centrigrade. This is within 73,', degs. of absolute , xero.-rNew : Y ork Times. ' n -v :.. ".' i -,-.-.-.'it? stallion for Bala Cheap. A fine thoroughbred. 8 year old stal lion for sale cheap.- For further particu lars apply at this omce.' . The opportunity to get the encyclope dia win soon ciose. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. Masonic Building, The Dalles. Or. t : DKaLER? TN : Th . Great ; SncyelopsBdla Brltannloa, . ... f 'A library in itseif," a trite phrase, often misapplied, means something, when applied to this magnificent work. It is the prodnct of nearly .4,200 of the world's , most eminent scholars, in every department 6f learning. ;Tbere is hardly anything' in any department of knowl edge that is. "worth knowing", that will not be found here elaborately and clearly set forth and all fairly within reach of every school-boy all for a payment' of only 5 cents a day, for 420 days, or for $20 cash down. See advertisment else? where, also a sample ' volume' at this office, and,: join',' us, if 'you please, in ordering the work. ' ,' ": ; '.: DIED. On 8-Mile last Friday, the infant of Mr. and-Mrs. John Ferguson, son Shiloh'e Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow akin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you, satisfaction. . Price. 74c, . Bold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. ' . Strength aid Health. ;If -yoa- are, not .feeling strong and healthy, try .Electric , Bitters. If "la grippe" has left yon' weak and 'weary use Electric Bitters. This remedy acta directly on liver, Stomach "and kidneys, gently aiding those" organs to perform their functions. If -yea are afflicted" with sick headache, yoW will find speedy and permanent relief ' by ' taking Electric Bitters.,, One trial wilL convince Vou tuat tnia is the remedy yoa need; Large ersly's i bottles only 60c. at Snipes os Kine drug storeV :""-? 4 il!'-r -K- Fiva-ceht a day. will get you the en cyclopedia. We see the. Oregonian go them 60 per cent, better. Slaole a toeiias, r.i-.i is..: -, .; .if. Hay, Grain dnd FtedJ Masonic Block. Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dalies.Oregon. The Only House in Town -Making a Specialty ot Gents'Furn is hi ngGoods, Hats and Caps. t market rates at Jos. T. I . . i '...,-'".. .- Peters & Co, (Ofiice Second and Jeflfer- llHICH gives us an opportunity to devoteour entire time son streets.) 4. .l:. ; i- ,l jrn Ur,-., o ft, mmy.onfg - MJ kills JlalUCUlill XIXIO. i c uayo - ' ' , 'v-: in Fancv Underwear, Overshirta and-. -; ;; f n r Gloves which we are clos-- L ' v out; cheap. .. , . . WOOD. WOOD, WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord Important to Taxpayer. Taxpayers will please take notice that the city council have , by . express order iustructed the undersigned to proceed and collect all. delinquent taxes by levy and sale, and only immediate attention will avoid the nayment of expenses of levy and advertising. , Da Malohky, 'a w Citv Marshal. :! "X I-.-.-! : "" ii--irt Free to everybody. -For the next 15 days, Herrin will, give,, away one en larged picture with every-dozeu cabinet photos."1 Call "and- see sample. Gallery over, the postoffice. " ' fcV:f--.V-t': ing C. 109 8E(X)NP STREET, THE DALLES. OREGON. i'lf Mr. 'Cleveland's cabinet Is not al ready fully made it is not the fault of Mr.- Cleveland's numerous -advisers. "I'rtl'Buoklon'. Arafcft 6ulVe.i ' The best eal vein thei world lor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter; chapped hands, chilblains, corns', and all -skin eruptions, and posi tlvelyf cures piles"; or :no pay :Teijnired. It is enarariteed. to plve nerfect satlsfae-l Hnn nr mniuni nfnni!iij. .Tri 2fi mnta 1 an per box. For-sale-t7 8nipe & Kin- ' ' . : .. - ' . i' 1 li i . x HE TROY Steam Laundry rproiiananas esxaoixsn VVVi aramch QflSce for laun dry"Trw;itn .Thos. McCoy - - at -btoferyfeho No; X10 e90xxd':St.yIiere,-alX lann- dry -"biiridles tfill "be received tilt Tuesday ;noonjof ' each. . ;Veefcteafld' returned on- Sat- Tifday k)f :tiie same! "W-eek at . PQrtlan:d:priceB.i;-i,Tf i .'i'ti.-; t i't.jti.'iyrrJj-i.: i ':;..- ;. - -: :0.?r-: vv i; l ..'