The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 20, 1893, Image 3

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"The Regulator Line"
Tie Dalles, PorUanQ. and Aitorla
" ' Navigation Co.
TO Our Friends and Patrons.
'E HAVE rather neglected our Advertising of late, not
because" we'had nothing to sell ; but we had nothing
especially new to offer, and preferred to wait until we could
say something of interest, - We are, and have been for some
- time, busily engaged in' placing our orders . for Spring ; and :
StomerGobda and J feel justified in announcing that we
shall have the FINEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST .
. GOODS in all our" lines that has ever been seen in The
Dalles. We have secured, some genuine novelties- in the s
i Dry Goods Departmehti; and-thb-ladies will certainly con
.sult.their best interests; -by deferring their purchases until ,
. afrtheirriVaT, ofiWliichLlwe.-.ghail give; you due notice.
Keep both eyes on this spade and we will certainly surprise
you,- not only with-the goods, but the prices at which' we '
jshall sell them. We mean busines-and propose, to have
your patronage, if LOW PRICES and the BEST
GOODS will accomplish iti Yours 'Respectfully,
. J. y
Through dally service (Sunday tx
MniH Txtwri The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The f
Dalles at 7 k m. connecting at t-scacie
Locks with steamer Dalles caty.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 6 a m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
Dalles. . ' '.
One way . s: .., .
Round trip'.;
. 3.00
Shipments received at.wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered t Portland
tn arrival. : Live stocks-shipments
solicited. . Coll on or address. . ..:',
-, ; . Oaaml A sank.
"Wlico In Uoubt" SttHmer't.
Trade with John Booth, The Leading
Grocerl . ''..'"'
'rreu t!i Battou" A'ado., . ;
- He does the rest your orders care
fully filled. .'-' L ; :
'Tur tAas Tired Feeling" Haad. ,
The most fastidious appetite cam be
eatisfied by trading with John Booth,
the Grocer. . " ' .
Has Cared Others, wll Core loi'1-Jycr
; Of care about what shall I have for
dinner. - - .
'Oo4 Harslnr, Have To TJeed"-eaf.'
'Some of John Booth's" delightful
coffee?" " l(. ;.:.':.V '."
"Oratclnl ad eomforUaj" JTpl ;
To housekeepers ' tcij buv4 groceries
where everything is fresh and clean.
fDaa't Be Clim"-siddali.' ' '
-But trade with John Booth, the Lead
- 4ng Grocer, . . - t :
Bi "n4 fioM rithii"-reanUea ;
. 't Everything bought ef John Booth,
the. Grocer. - -
"Tobm Ter Health" Lylia P.
Raved' by trading with John Booth,
- - the Grocer. .
Oreatest Speed Consistent with
Safety" Pen. J?. B.
Used in delivering orders.
'Do Too. Wr l'Mti"-Plymouth Koek.
' Tell her to trade with John Booth, the
. Leading Grocer."
Out O Sight"-JToiw.
'.Bread made with-Compressed Yeast.
For that JfaU Feeling" Adam.
I After breakfast Eat Quaker Oats.
Absolutely Fare" .Royal. ; f
. It the ne line of teas kept by John'
Booth; the Grocer ' - '"':
Untried a Joy Denied" SctUUtng.
. Trading-with John Booth, the Lead'
ing Grocer' -
1 -' -
The Dalles Daily Chjpbnleie.
Kuteied a the Poatoffioe at The Dalles, Oregon,
aa seoond-laaa matter.
Weather Forecast. .
PJUial forecast for iwcuty-ftmr hour tnMag M
t p. m. tomornm
Friday and : Saturday fair, .and
stationary temperature. ; Paovx.
MONDAY, - - - - - FEB. 20,1893
trkayx eayiBg; and Doing; or Coeal and
General Import.
TIh?t wan n mtifliiun Withelmf,;--.
Who tr!d .- old i;.Uii to aelmj;
Wht n I'sked li"liA Ce Way ,
To make tbo thing P'siy ' - ' ,
The fellow would really not tellmj.
A young lady eat on the guar "
Km proper as proper coula buay
. When a current of air-'
' Carried off her back hair,
' 8he only'sald: ."Good gracious muay."
The river is now clearing rapidly.' .
. The Washington legislature .have re
refused tp adopt the rbododrendron as
the jttate flbwor':"' ' ''' ' . :'
Dnke Taffe has ..succeeded' in putting
up 3,000 tons of as fine Ice as there is in
the whole northwest.
The wife of Leo Peterson, editor of the
Portland Commercial Review, died of
consumption last week;
The usual Lenten services will be held
in "the Catholic church on every Wednes
. day and Friday evening during Lent.
.Daniel Dnrbin, whose death by poison
was reported ip Saturday's paper, is
brother of Sol Durbin, a well-known
farmer of this vir.inity.
..The. Union Pacific have recently put
n' twenty -four new Pullman cars, be'
sides a large. number of chair cars. The
first train of the new cars passed through
"jg rpo xtxm nppe qipupt, hp .up
Jfssjot, if jt uif nho xip ofwfs tmffqt.
Translated into the' English language
, means if you want'-first class photos go
to Herri n, gallery over the rtostoffice.
prire for best tiddledewink players and
Mr. J. Spencer and Mies L. Farmer
carried oS the booby prizes." A. candy
pull was then indulged in, at which all
n joyed themselves without exception.
If. E. Bilyeu and other residents ef
Sclo, while hunting for ebon during the
recent snow storm, cut. down a large
tree," which among other , things, was
found' to contain ' besides 'the coveted
coon, seven or eight flying squirrels and
a lot of honey, the product of a. swarm
of bees that had selected the tree for a
That the cholera will ; visit us next
summer is almost a, certainty. . It is be
gimuD( its campaign early at various
European points and it eeems almost
impossible to prevent its entry, into the
United States." ;The first .'preventive is
cleanliness,' and every - American city
should .begin atonce a vigorous war-
iare iipon airt ot art xinas:
kTbey have a man in the Washington
legislature who knows how to express
himself. "In explaining his vote he in
dulged in' this climax : You "may hang
D:.t' e-.".iUrLtJ'i-'-i'lTi-vfrf '.-J.- ar- -
ujjet cvunu uu uui tun iu urv, yon
may place Mount Rainier on a 'hail keg,
unbuckle the belly-band of eternity, but
you will never get nie to vote for a inan
I do not believe entitled to a free, seat in
this house." ; ' :
Prltjcess Victoria'. Kawekin Kaiulani
Lunalio Kalaniunlahilopalopa is .the
name of the daughter of the dethroned
Hawaiian Queen.. When she becomes a
eiticen of the United State's, she will be
come plain, sensible "Calico Aniiie'."'
. Mr. McGill, a farmer of Oak Ridge, re
turneaioms come yesterday, lie arT
Tived here with eighty-seven head of fat
cattle from the valley. After .feeding at
Saltmarshe's stock yards they , will be
driven home -and turned out on the
ranges ";v '
A large crowd gathered to' see the Reg
ulator.iauncnea yesterday, it was ac
complished about 1 o'clock, and she
nestled into the water with a rapid glide,
reposing upon the bosom of the. Colum
bia like a "fat duck upon the pearly
edjges of prosperity." ."
Bow Deputy. Sheriff Fhlrman Oot
- Aronnd Kansas' Lmi'
Anderson's Trophies.
M. J. Anderson, of Dafer, a prominent
member of the "third bouse," returned
from Salem' yesterday. The laurel
crown of victory, sets serenely on hie
brow. He also, brought with him a fine
lot of Mongolian pheasants, California
quail and Oregon mountain quail, which
be proposes to turn loose on the range
near Dufur, and as the New York alder
man said, "let nature take her coorse,"
. -The Stock Industry.
The report of the U. S. Department pf
Agriculture just issued, upon" compara
tive numbers .and values of farm an-
jmal8, based on returns of January, 1893,
shows an increase of horses, mules, and.
Sheep, no material change in the num
her of milk cows, a decrease in oxen and
'other cattle, and a very heavy reduction
in the number of swine, amounting to
about 12 per cent. The estimated pres
ent: -numbers of domestic animals on
farms, ranches, and the public range are
as follows: Horses, 16,206,802: mules,
2,331,128 : cows, 16,424,087 ; other cattle
33,vo4,l95; sheep, 47,Z73,6o3: swine.
46,064,807. The increase; in mules
Blight. The apparent increase in sheep
exceeds two millionsa continuation of
the . movement which commeneed In
(1889, by which numbers have increased
neany rive minions in lour, years.
' Several Umatilla countyfarmers are
still holding grain harvested in 1891.
One has 6,000 bushels on hand. An of
fer ot 91 cents, per bushel was made, for
the wheat after the harvest of that year,
' and was declined by the farmer, who be
lieved that the price would reach' $1.
.,7A shipment of buildingfocK fruiu' the
quarry near Baker city will soon be made
to Salt Lake City to be teeed for struc
tural purposes. Salt Lake visitors re
cently there became favorably impressed,
with the stone and are of the opinion
that an extensive industry can be created
And a renumerative one to the projec-
A pleasant party gathered at the home
of Mr.'and Mrs. Kinney on Saturday
evening. Mr. J. Garrell and Miss L.
ran v Til woa
f . . J t - ,
troubled with rheumatism and tried a
T 1 C J - iTT . ... 1 .
Ijuuuiucr ui uiuereni remeates, uut say 8
none of them seemed to do him any
gooa; out nnauy ne got lioia of one
that speedily cured him. 'He was much
greased with it, and telt euro that others
similarly afflicted would like to know
what the remedy waa that cared him
He -states for the benefit pi the public
that it is. called Chamberlain's Pai
Balm. For sale by Blakeley &. Hough
ton, Druggists.
Five cents a day will get you the en
cyclopedia. We see the Oregonian and
. Spencer won lady and gentleman's i first go them 60 per cent, better..
Free to everybody. For the next
aayB, nerrin win give away one en
larged picture with every dozen cabinet
photos. Call and see sample. Gallery
over the postomce.
Deputy Sheriff Phirman : arrived w i th
his prisoner, D.' S. Allison, Saturday
evening."" He' experienced considerable
difficulty in securing him on account of
the difference in the statutes between
Kansas and Oregon relating to arrests.
According to Oregon law a man may be
arrested if the complaint reads: "The
above'eharge is true, as I verily believe."'
But by the Kansas law it must be sworn
to las an unchallenged fact. The pris
oner, Allison, was in custody of . Sheriff
T. Ault, on a telegram from Sheriff
Ward, and -how to get him out Of Kan
sas was the question. ..Deputy Phirman
went to Topeka, where he secured" a
requisition from the governor of 'Oregon
and returned with it to Wichita. In
the' meantime Allison had been ' dis
charged on a writ of habeas corpus, but
Ault,, who was waiting till Phirman
could arrive, h&d him" rearrested on a
trumped-up charge; and in this condi
tion of-affairs Phirman arrived. He was
eleased- to Phirman' by the 'sheriff.
Allison waa to have a' hearing at 2
o'clock, and his attorney notified Phir
man to produce the prisoner at. the hour
set., Mr. Phirman replied that the
prisoner was not in his possession and
he had better serve the' summons upon
Ault. - Presumably he did so, but it must
have been too late, for Phirman secured
a hack,' and' with two deputies, went out
three miles away, where" the train stops
at an unimportant point, sending for his
grip at the hotet. Long before It o'clock
Phirman was speeding- westward with
his prisoner, and bad passed tne con
fines of the state before they could be
stopped. . ..
' Cat Hale. ' -.
' -; '' Condon Giobc.r "' ''-'" '' .
Cal Hale's . witnesses arrived home
Saturday fromsEHen8burg. Geo; Zach-
ary accompanied them j' the case- against
him having been dismissed by the prose-
on, as theret wai ho convicting evi
dence against him. -The jury In Tom
Kimsey's case "hung" for two days, and
the judge finally postponed his trial un
til the 27th, when he'll have to""runthe
gauntlet" again. Hale will get a new
trial. His friends in this county were
about to raise a subscript! oh with which
to employ Hon. A. 8. Bennett; of The
Dalles for the defense, but learning that
Hon. J. C. Leasure of Pendleton had
already been employed for that purpose,
they dropped the matter. . Cal'B friends
think it was a put-up job to convict him,
and that with another trial he will come
out O. K. We hope so.
It is a great Annoyance to those who
want to hear the minister to have their
attention distracted by. whispering- in
the back seats, and by parties who come
in late and go out' early. They should
tnA tKaf QTiti trin A npt i a a frrnaa breach
r,f filinntiftp ami Awn if 1 htv have not. 8
teen Indeed in' etiquette, -they should
realize that they exhibit a prodigous
mount of thouehtleesness and - seltish-
nes's in spoiling the enjoy ment of a whole
churchful"of people on'acconnt" "of" their
petty gossip. . It is probable,, though,
that ihe nuisahcewiil 'continue for all
we might say to the- contrary, for such
people are not enlightened -enough to
read Tub CnaoNicLx.'
Mr. H. H. Riddell is in Portland.
Robt.bensmore',' of Mosien is in the
C. L. PhiliDB came no from Portland
yesterday and will return tomorrow.
Dr. H. Logan returned from the me
tropolis by la9t night's passenger tram
Hon. W. R. Ellis", congressman elect
was a passenger on the east bound train
today. . s
Deputy U. S." Marshal Jameson" went
to Portland this morning, having in
charge a prisoner whom he captured at
Arlington.. . ,. . - -
; JIQTEL. ARRIVALS. ' .'.' - '. . i' '
Skibbe Hotel W J Wilson. Yakima
I B King Porterville, California;. E A
Uavis, Johns Uo. saw mill : John Hull
dutch flat r Mat Thiel, Mosier; R R
McPherson, Vancouver; Jean Moe,
Portland, Or., C W Stricklin, Kingsley
Or.; W M Murphy, Hood River.
Columbia hotel,' First street Wood
1 (jiriuies, il L Thomas,- Uentervuie
C ; L O'Learv, ' C E Morris, Rut
ledge : ii Minaon. u K Uavis. bDOkaiie
L Reay, W 1?- Neff, E T Winans, Hood
Kiver; if Dodley, W K Mand, A
Kichtuer, Portland. .
i 'Umatilla--J B . Barnes J PLienhard
Geo K Leach, Jus Brennan,- G is Uamil
tonr W J-Sherman, C W Thrift. O L
Phillips. Portland. A B Graft. Kuius
Boston Operatic Co, Boston, Mass., J D
uougiae, Ainsiee. . : .
! ; , '
'. Any one caught fishing or with trout
in their possession before the' first day of
April will be prosecuted to the fullest
extent of the law, and those parlies who
have teen .catching fish in Mill '.creek
had better take heed, and govern them'
selves accordingly. , By order of '
Thb .Ron and iGdw Club
-Fresh oyalerj at A. Kellar'd bakery.
A Kaw Pact
Brought to
Portland. "
Xlght ' JProm
;- Nothing has yet been heard1 of 'Will
iame. the : bid roan who forged a - check
for 1 100" 6h 'Moody's ' bank" a:bout. ten
days ago'. It'has just -been .brought to
light, also, that he eedured $60 in Port
land on'some Other racket previous ' to
bis coming to The Dalles. -
Williams while here boarded . at the
Columbia ' house 'and through' his age
rod ' apparent infirmities got into' the
good graces of J. J. Edwards, a-" well
known rancher; of tl-.Su vicinity. Both
were in the bnk at the tioie, aud- Wil
liams produced a dreft en a Wallace,
Idahdbahkv , lie' referred to Edwards
for identification, who said he knew the
mah'arid that his" name -.was Williams.
On'tMsstatemenlVh "drew the money
and took tne iiext tra?n eastl . Edwards
will not be held responsible for the loss.
Shilohr cure", thtf : Great Ceagh And
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly: '. Pocket size Contains .twenty-five
doses, only 25c. . Children love it. j
The opportunity to get the encyclope
dia win soon close. . '
The -Western Queen.'' . . ' 1
The Terry boat" was launched' today.'
The boat has "beeirrepranked on the
sides and rakes. Kew aprons have been
put inf, as well as hew sheathing and she
has been repaired' throughout; She is
now good .for four or five years to come
without another stroke of work being
done on it unless through some unfore
seen accident.. . . ,.;
Irwin, the 8-vear-old eon of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Flowerday, in this city Satur
day night of gastric-fever- v.: :
Important 'to Taxpayers. .
Taxpayers will -please take notice that
the city council have fcy express order
instructed the undersigned, to proceed
and collect all delinquent taxes .by . levy
and sale, and only immediate" attention
will avoid the cayment of expenses of
levy and advertising; Dak Malonky,
'a v. - - City Marshal
' atrencth and Health.? ' - ' .
; If yon are not -feeling strong and
healthy; trV Electric Bitters.' " If ?'la
grippe" has left ' you 'weat'-hd weary
use Electric Bitters." This' remedy "acts
directly on liver, stomach and kidneys,
gently aiding - those organs - to perform
their functions. , If yon are afflicted with
sick headache, you will find epeedy. and
permanent relief by taking Electric
Bitters.' One trial ; will convince you
that this Is' the remedy you need, . Large
bottles only 60c. at Snipe & Kinersly's
drugstore.-- '',."" .'. "-- '. r
To Eaiae lunds for new Spring and
Summer Goods.
1 200 children's illustrated books, worth
from 50 cents to $1.00, uniform price of
25 cents. ' . . " -
Tiddledywinkr' games only 10 cents.
-, : Cloth bound, good. books 15 cents."
Keen your eve on this column for soma.
thing new every other day.
, First premium at the "Wasco county ;
fair for best portraits and views.'
, Beat grades of oak, fir,' and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos". - T.
Peters & Co. . . (Office Second and Jeffer
sbn streets.)
; DtlALERf-.: Uf :-
and Fancy
Hay, Grain: and Feed.
Masonic Block. Corner Third and Court Streets; The Dalles .Oregon.
The Only House in Town
-Making a . Specialty of-
Gents Furnishing Goods.
H ats an d Caps.
HIGH gives. lis an opportunity to i3e vote our entire time
to this particular line. Wo have a tew remnants -in
Fancy Underwear, Overshirts and.
.. .Gloves which we are clos
ing out chedp.
gHE iXBOY Steam liaundry
;.?S.bfJRorUand, estaDlish-
TV -;,-i-r 1 :
7 ed a branch: off ce for laun
dry orjkjwith Tiios. McCoy
at Jusibarber shop, No. 110
. Second St., where alliaun-;-.
dry bundles -will be received
: till Tuesday noon of each
week, and returned on Sat
urday "of -the same week at
Portland prices. - -