V Tns Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. . AHD WASCO COUNTY. literal at the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, as Bocond-clasa matter. v ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES. IT mil, (POSTAOK PRBPAID) IN ADVAKCK. Weekly, t year. . .-. ..... 1 60 " li monlhH " 3 Dollyi l year . 0 months. 0 75 0 50 00 3 00 yor 0 SO Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. MONDAY - FEB. 20, 18915 Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Bloom field, Iowa, Farmer, says: "I can re commend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to all sufferers with colds and croup. - J have used it in my family-for the past two years and have found it the beet I ever used for the purposes for ..which it was intended. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. . koticb. ' All Dalles City-warrants registered prior to May 1, 1891, will be paid U resentea at mv oiace. interest ceases rora and after this date. --: Dated, Jan. 3d ,-1893. ' " L. Rordejc, ' tf . ' Trees. Dalles Citt." There has recently been published in Germany a remarkable 'putnphlut which gives with minute detail a statement of the comparative military strength of th five great powers. Coming from Ger anany it may be assumed that the figures have not been twisted to exaggerate the strength of the unfriendly nations.' Yet this document, while confessing that in 1870 Germany was far the stronger power, alleges thai France has now sev enty battalions of infantry and 276 guns more than her enemv con - the east,- the cavalry forces being about the same on both ' sides. When' the conflict which "finally proved so disastrous v to the French was waging' Germany's" forces -were superior bv 104 battalions of infan try, 130 squadrons of cavalry arid 400 runs. Furthermore, the pamphlet de dares that in case of an outbreak today France and Russia together could: put into the field 1,000,000 men and'i;700 more guns than are possessed by the en tire triple alliance. Allowing that the figures are only true in part and that the pamphlet may have been scattered with view to breaking down opposition7 to the new army bills, it is evident that France is desperately prepared to at tempt the recovery of her former pre cedence in Europe. Meantime she has - been extending her littoral fortifications along the Mediterranean, and despite Italy's great fleets could give vigorous battle for the supremacy of that inland sea. ' ffiaiw J&-gjg!rm ..... . ''"V...; w. r. wisKMAjr. VW. HAKDKR9. IQiseman '& Hafders, ; : Saloon and Wine Rooms The Dalles, - Oregon. j& Northwest corner Court Streets. . . '.. of Second and The only flrst-elass house in The Dalles. MRS. FRASER -at mm- SJOHN PASHEK, pieiclnt - Tailor; ? ? t T3fert.door to Wasoo 8uu f. ; .'. Jntt Received,'' a fine stock of Suitings, ; Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest . - Styles, at Low Priees. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed ; each time. ... - Repairing and Cleaning " Keatly aad Quickly Done: L. YOUNG, This is to be a year for aluminum It is no longer a thing of mystery. Al though America has taken the l-ad in manufacturing iliu sheet nielal, Ger many has come to the front in adapting it to' many uses. The (irwt aluminum works were started in England in 1839,4 but ' they were never "successful and were closed f a 18S!.lhe same year German v started work, -which have since ilnurished. The Cowlea process in .that year was patented in the United StaU'8. - The Cowlrs company of Cleve land and Iiockport now has a branch at Stoke -on-lhe-Trent in Kneland. Under the Cow les patent the melat in reluce from alumina bv the intengn heat, of leeUuc currents. ' No one has yet dis covered iiow to extract aluminum frtm common clay by any' cheap prm-.m. Aluminum is nevertheless ' I eeoming so cheap that it can be used in place of Steel, iron, tin and brass in many in -StatieeH. When the first" resear-jliVrt -were made in 1807 the metal was valua ble beyond calculation. It waa' nu! ;.!y a curiomty until 1855, when it was shown at the Parts exposition. At that time the market value was $100 a pound. Hext year th price dropped from $91 to $S7 a .pound. Since tlion there has txten a steady decline until how it may foe obtained at 70. cents a pound. V - : Taken in time. even Consumption yjeiaa to uw wonderful- effects of " Dk ; Pierce's Golden ' Medical 'Discovery. "It I won't . make new' 'lungs lint it -will make "diseased ones healthy when nothing else will. There's -reason for it, too. -" Consumption -is uaog-scrofula.'1'- For everjrform f scrof ula, and all blood-taints, the M "Dis covery M 'is a positive cure - It's the most potent " strength -restorer, blood-cleanser,- and flesh "builder known to medical - science. For. I Weak Lungs, Spitting of ' Blood, Bronchitis,- Asthma, Catarrh, and all lingering Coughs,- it's an une qualed remedy, i It's a guaranteed one." - If it- doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. You've everything' to gain from it nothing to lose. " '"" . - It 8 especially potent . in curing Tetter, Salt-rheum, .czema, Jirysip- elas,' Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Tumors '' and Swellings. Great Eatinar Ulcers rapidly heal under its benign influence. EUROPERfl- HOUSE , is raarAiTO eiva- FIRST-CLASS REGULAR BOARD AT 020 PEB MONTH. C, -F. S TE P ETE N S, Wato&es aod Jwelrr eMire4 to order mi -OMrt ieN4 Hl aatisfaatim gseraatmd. JIT TKB 8 tors mt I. C. SlokalMB, ! S. Imlle ' nry TntMret! jXt. - All county warrants registered prior to Mar l. 1889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, coraer Third and Washington streets. Interest eeaaes on and after this date. Th Dalles, Oct. SI, 1892. . Wiluax Mich ill. 1&Mit Treasurer Wasco County, Or. DBALKK IN Pry Goods i J n n t Ti i .- a-it.- ni iityciacpitrap LOTHING ntm, nu; bw Seeond St., 0pp. Hood's BtabU, : i'Witt repair your -fine Buggies - and ' Carriages shoe your fine :. ' Driving Horsfcs, , and In fact 60 ' all your blacksmitbisg in tba i finest style. Satisfaction gar- A recent dispatch from Ixunlon reports thai. I'iiim Kaiulaui wants her -throne back. She bays : "Four years ago, at the reiii'btof Thurston, then Hawaiian Cabinet minister, I was sent away to Kn;;!and to be educated privately, and -fitted for the position which' by the con eti. inim ,nf Hnwaii I was to inherit. For all tUi(e yeurs J - have patiently, and in exile, striven to -fit myself for my Teturn linn year to my native' country. I am now . told that Thurston is in Washi'iv ton lUfkiiiK yon to lake away my.tl:jr atui my throne. No ouetells urn .even .f this .tliciallv;r Mavo I done . anything wron: lhat this wroii :hoifld Iks ifi iin and my i.vupT'e? I am comir.g to V:-Khin l'in ti 'plead for my throne, my i:il.lon and my flajj. Will not t he grpt A me i ie:n people, hear me T ' - scares ' laCS. 'QySO.rOW A CASE IT VJILL. NOT CURE-fg An agreeable Laxative and NERVK TOM IC. 9lii byDrug-fristaor sent by mail. 26c. 60c , and $1.00 per package. Samples free. The Favorite TOOTH POwcHS for the Teeta and Breath, aao. no no We are now balance of our closing but the Winter Dress'Gdbds, 1-adies and Misses' Jackets, Men's arid Boys' Overcoats', NI DUGS Kin LY. -THE LEADING- Wine ai Retail Drogsis Handled by Three Registered Dniis ii: ALSO ALL THE LEADliia , : . . ; ; ; . Patent (Dedieines and . Druggists Sundries. HOUSE PAINTS. OILS AfiD GLASS. - ; Agents for Murphy's; Fine Varaishes and. the only agents ia the Uny tor. ine oherwin, vWiilams Uo. s Faints. - WB ABE- The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key West aid Domestic Cigars. Z i:v';':T,Aem-'wr IbdbiII's runeh. 129 Second Street,- The Dalles. Oregon j S HB KEW TOWM has been platted on the old caran jrroand, at the Porka aad k FaUa of Hood rtyer, -with Ihikc sightly lots, broad streets and alleys, rood aotl, . '. pure eold water and Hhndo in profusion, perfect drainage, delightful monntaia limate, the eentr:il :ittr:iciic)n as a mountain summer resort and for all Orefron, ;: -being thencarctl town to Mt Hood. It is-)o uiiparalled as a manufacturing -oenter, boiuR tlio nularal cimtor for 150 square, miles of the best cedar and nr ' 1 Umber, poHSfssi -j; millions I horhc power iti its dashing streams and -water-? V: i falls, cuNily hnrnal. - where cheap jnotivo power, exists, there the -mann-. factories will cMib;r, surrounded by soil and elimate that eanrtot be excelled'. - anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with tram portation already assored : v . you will lind this the pluee to make a perfect home or a paying inTeaUncn TITLE PERFECT See me ' on the ground; or address me at .Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon, W. RGSS W1NANS. "Tfarc is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood ' - leads on to forturte." ' . ' - '') " . " V," .' The poet unquestionably had reference to the - WINGATE HAtL ONE NICHrOJNtY, montiay, februrry fbe Ucal Event cf ilie Season. 20tn TEnS;BpST.pN;;:; OPERATIC CONCERT CO. Comprising the Original ' VlEfl ItRV OHCflESTRfl, . Under the Leadership of :, - Miss Irene Haman. ' yi-..-. At a: great sacrifice; in order- ;to make room for our new riii goods. ); H: Herbf ing; . ! --i DOLPH -mo . SUSIE Th lV-sl J. . t ! 1 i gjv ni-er is opposed tJ the rlnU:rlMnlron as ;i"t;litts lower, anil eay : "As a mallur '. f ii.-i o i 8uini-Li)ip; .liull v been ee!oi:t.!'il tli:il w:-.s s"l,,:r;ll'y u: .-i, f hrotvih- ont the. fU'.l.e'. n:-.tl:iitg jtu:uli:ir U tho flora of l!iisvco:tst iiiul tinuu-i liitijj- that would tie Ic:iHia to the ' eye . from lis habit of srm't '' when wr oil public dn-!. ' A "nllIe pprijf o iine one t.f fvue SpleiuliU timlier tri:;s peculiar tt this uat wonhl l:ve iTfii far lwler.;. The influx of Hit: RiKan Jews in the last yrar Ihh that thete k ;;i !e are not .coming nw-re'y to improve their vondi lionMtt to flee from pt rH.riitioii. It isan C!sL-vh1iNhel ciihtum in the old rountrit to acquit criminals of various r.harea if -they wi!l hut ;' lo . A merica . This is ht-aper than sending theaj to Si.l;eria or ieefMi) them within prinon walls. - The recent controversy between P-. . Brigs Hid U:e ch"uli will only lead to a new chnrph lteing formed, cotopok-ii of t ha . follower of tiie 'two -fin-: ifTs. JTeither the world, the chovch im.i- lr. Uriira ha p-..i(.-d by the le:irnt-d t : CTJSfioo, and the aevi- p!oat! as "ha tees a Siew field Oj.ciii up for bin operations in the rivalry. tEVIIIB! . In their Original Sketch 2VSVSIO KND KRT. The California Basso, ' Albert Hawthorne. THe Goiumma PaGKigf eo.v PACKERS OF Povk and Beef. Fine ' MANUFACTURERS OK " '" .: Xiard and Sausages. BRAND 1 -. v .:i-.vro.- ;.iaL-;lo : Curers of ;tt laiilii Dried Beef Etc. Maaonic Building, The Pallce. Or. M AINS TAPPED UNDER "PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next ; jdbor west of Young& Kusa', .-.I - ; BOOTS AITO SHOES, ; Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, OOKWER OF 8ECO!L AND WASHINGTON '9 ..'.. THE DALLES, OEEQOH. THE . EUROPEAN HOUSE. Hm Cnii(itMl'ButMki ant Dixrt Otsrt Hem. ' ;;;;';"Hanisiiely-riiriiiM Rent liy tie Bay, f eeior Eoiia: -i fleals Prepared by a First 1 ClassEiiglish CdoL - -Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men, - .- - , Clisi-il Sale I );r hi unHiunLL cst u j n V3 Ca i o, ; Who are soiling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACH BEICK, ' - - , O'lON ST., TH E DALLES MERCANTILE CO. ; !. ; - -SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES., BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S . mm. Imw' ' '" m bKUUL tILI FINE ETNEOF i No. 390 to 394. 2d street: The Dalle NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. FRAZER : & : WYNDHAM.' Proprietors. ("a" bi O n3 I 'i.. "-.i. .. .-- - .1UKW.- '(I ci w 2 73 o s. 9" At the old stand of R. Lusher, no Front SUvThe Dalles, Oregon. :' n 4 ' PAUL KR -DEALERS IX- PAINTS, O ItS AND GLASS; '.r , And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in-.-,-. -: ' 43Sf"Practlcal Painters and Paper Hangers.- None but the best branda of the BherwinTWilliams and J. W. Masnry's Paints used in all onr work, and none but the most ekilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Piunts. Na chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article . In all colors. AB orders promptly attended to. ' --. f " - Paint Shot) corner Thirdarjd WaEbir gton ts.v " "He TslleH. Cico