Ths Dalles Daily Chronicle. i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TBI DALLES OREGOH SATURDAY - FEB. 18, 1893 Published Dally, Sunday Excepted. BY THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. DtUDDALL Dkntist. Gas given lor the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set ou flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: 8ign ol 'ia Golden Tooth, Second Street TE. a E. BANDERS XJ 1 fiHilnfttji nf the censor to Dr. Tucker. Bank, The Dalles, Or. ZECEJISTTIST le University of M ichiiran. Sue- Ollice orer Frenchs" T'kK. EBHELMAN (HOM JCOPATHICJ PHT8ICIAK 9 and BOBGKON. ualis answered pruinpuj. earner Second and Washington Streets, Dalles, Oregon. Terms of Subscription Jer Year Jer month, by carrier. Single copy The .6 00 SO .. s day or night, city or country. 37 Chapman Di block. o. 36 and trtf DJ R CI l llOANR PHYSICIAN AND SUB- oeok. Office; rooms a ana o i,npmu ioek. Residence: 8. K. corner xurt ana Fourth streets, sec nd door from the corner. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M H. Sprlnes Below m New York Street. Fop the past three mon ths the road de partment of the Manhattan Elevated xailway has been carrying on a very difficult piece of engineering -work at Bowery and Bayard street. At that point the cable company is building a plant, and the operation makes it necea mry for the elevated company to sink -dree pillars forty-five feet below the street level in order to get below the able company's obstruction. These pillars are built o'f brick and their foun dations are forty feet below grade. They are 8 feet at the base and 4 feet at the ten. Many persons are not aware that sparkling springs of water flow beneath hn trnrf ace of this busy city, but run- mntr water was found at a depth of rirty-five feet where the excavation was made. There was a bubbling spring -nliera each miliar was built. One of the snouted 500 gallons a minute, and it required a 4-inch centrifugal pump to keeD the hole clear until the mason -work could be finished. Roadmaster Black has a large bottle filled with the water, which is as clear as crystal and at fine oualitv. The sand about the Krvrino- is as fine and white as beach Band. New York Telegram. 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. H. RIDDELL Attornby-at-Law-Conrt Street, The Dalles, Oregon. -Office STEAM WOOD SAW We are in the field for the fall and winter work, and will cut, split and pile wood at the lowest possible rates, NONE BUT WHITE LABOR EMPLOYED We are here to Btay , will spend our money here, and try and do satisfactory work. Order boxes at chrisman & Corson's, cor ner of iiichelbHch block, and at the ma chine, corner of Washington and Fourth streets. - j. o. MEnrs, THE DALLES CHAS. 8TCBL1NG. ,t it. B. DUFUK. TRAMS MKNETXK. t . w Snnmii 49 and 43. OVer I OH t Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. OWEN WILLIAMS. 1IT If. WILSON ATTOBJIBY-AT-LAW rtoom V V . 82 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street, rbe Dalles, Oregon. Stubling 8 Williams. The Geraiania, VS. BENNETT, ATTOKMIS I Al-lA n . v . fioe In Schaano's building, up stall. The dalles, Oregon. ' . r. p. mays. a. s.huktiiotoh. h. a. Yuaoi. rlVfl HnMTlNfmjN & WlUjUfl ATTU- W hbys-at-law. Offices, French's block over First National Bans., i - uaiiea. ureRon. SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OFJEGON jpfpDealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. SOCIETIES. A MVUTIT.V WO. 4XZ1. A of P. hall the second and fourth days of each month at 7 :Sd p. n. - OF L. Meets in K. weane w ASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F.4A. M. Meets first and third Monday oi eacn muuui m i I ) Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 7 tr. M. rODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. I m t. Hood Camp No. SO, Meets Tuesday even ing of each week in Fraternity Hall, at 7 :30 p. m. IOLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 6, I. O. O. F.- every Friday evening at 7 :30 o'clock of P. hall, corner Second ana toon Sojourning brothers are welcome. 11. CLOoGH, oec y. iiio-,. streets. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. ., K. OI e. neeis every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in BILIOUSNESS. Call. A Bride and a Widow In One Day. Pretty seventeen-year-old Conception Svlva. a Portusruese maiden of Contra conntv. was a bride at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon in West Berkeley, juirl t.TiTwe honra later she was a widow. She was married to Frank Bispo, young Portuguese dairyman, and after fhe ceremony and reception the wedding guests repaired to the station, where the mrnmr conrile were to take the train for finn Francisco. While waiting for the train Bispo took a. little, nenhew in his arms and trotted nn the track, while several others walked T along the railroad, csnaaeniy iae ruined of the overland flier was heard, and a Moment after it swept around a curve. It disappeared in an instant. On one aide of the track was Bispo, dead. In his arms lay his little nephew, alive, but badly wounded. On the other Bide of the track lay the body of Mrs. Sylva Art three had been struck by the train. The grief of the bride was heartrending. The mourning party went to the house, where the wedding supper was cold on the table. San Francisco Cor. Chicago Herald. What a Baby 1mi One Hour. Uncle Will, the good natured bachelor ef the family, was left in charge of ths baby one day while every one else was sat, and out of curiosity he made a list of what the baby did in one hour. Here it is: Yelled fifteen minutes without taking breath. (Uncle Will declares solemnly that this is a true statement.) Pulled out enough hair from his uncle's bead and whiskers to stuff a sofa pillow. Crocked the wall paper as high as he ottld reach with the poker. Broke a stereoscope by sitting down on it. Swallowed six buttons and a good art of a spool of thread. Emptied the contents of his mother's workbasket down the furnace register. Tried to squeeze the head of the cat into a tin cup, and was scratched badly m the attempt.. Knocked the head off of a fine wax ' doll belonging to his older sister by try ing to drive a tack into a toy wagon with it. Fell off the edge of the whatnot and brought down with him two costly vases which were ruined. Broke two panes of window glass with a cane which uncle let him have. Fell into the coalhod and spoiled his new white dress. Set fire to the carpet while uncle was out of the room hunting up something to amuse him. ' Crawled under the bed and refused to come out unless uncle would give him the molasses jug. Got twisted into the rungs of a chair -which had to be broken to get him out. Poured a pitcher of water into his mother's best shoes. Finally, when he saw his mother com ing, he ran out to the porch and tumbled off the steps, making his nose bleed and tearing a hole a foot square in bis dress. ' And yet Uncle Will thinks that boy will mak something yet Youth's Com panion. The Turn of the sheet. Two lord chancellors of England have . made the turning over of a sheet of note paper a device for executing' their neat est joke. Lord Chancellor Eldon, hav ins been asked by a clerical friend to MSriTS i8 s. B Headache and Liver Cure. D. W.Vatjbb, K. of R- and 8. C. C. CHRISTIAN ill meet ever at S o'clock at the reading room. nrnvuvn W UNION will moet every Friday afternoon TEMPERKNCK All are invited. IS A J SAFE i PHYSIC I SHEA Harmon Lodge No. 001, I. O. i. T. Regular weeklv meetings Monday at 7:30 P. ., at Fraternity HalL All are invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. S, A. O. U. W. Meets in Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, en Second street, Thursday evenings at 7:J. Paul Km ft. W H Mykks. Financier. M. W. If taken as directed, we Guarantee Sat isfaction or reluna your money. DONT SICKEN. DON'T GRIPE. 60 cents per bottle by all druggists. Arizona's Petrlfled Fores. j . From the Atlantic and Pacific railroad ,-. it is not hard to reach one of the great- j est of natural curiosities the petrified forest of Arizona. Much the nearest point is the little station of Billings, but ' there are the scantiest accommodations for the traveler. Only a mile south ol the track at that point one may see a low, dark ridge, marked by a single Cot tonwood tree. Walking thither, over a valley so alive with jack rabbits that there is some ex cuse for the cowboy declaration "that you can walk clear across on their hacks." one soon reaches the northern edge of. the forest, which covers hun dreds of square miles. Unless you arc more hardened to wonderful sights than I am you will almost fancy yourself in some enchanted spot. You seem tc stand on the elass of a marantic kaleido scope, over whose sparkling surface the 'sun breaks.. in infinite rainbows. You are ankle deep in such chips as I'll war rant you never saw from any other wood pile. - What do you think of chips from trees 'that are red Tnosa agate and amethyst and smoky topaz and agate of every huel jSach are the marvellous splinters that cover the ground for miles here around the huge prostrate trunks some of them five feet through from which limes patient ax has hewn them. 1 Pro ice a specimen from the heart or a tree inert years ago which had around the stone pith a remarkable array or large ana ex quisite crystals, for on one side of the specimen which is not so large as my hand is a beautiful mass of crystals ol royal purple amethyst, and on the other an equally beautiful array of smoky topaz crystals. St. Nicholas. There are a number of societies in the j world that bear strange names, but T.rohablv one of the most curious was a clnb founded in 1730 DV an migiisii ac tor. It was called "The Sublime Soci ety of Beefsteaks," and had among its members the Prince of Wales and other roval Tjersonasres. They met in ine painting room of the Covent Garden theater, and dined upon Deeisieans. The clnb was in existence for more than a hundred years; and became quite noted because of its odd customs. An other strance uaL was that or the 'Scriblerus club." which Swift founded to 1714. ana to wnicn rope, wy uu i other literary men belonged. Harper's 1 R FIRSHT CLRSS Jo) n Ml u m . lit fm ; y W ET3 rfi CAN BE HAD AT THE CH RO N I C LE O FF I CE Reasonably Rmnoas Hates. J O. MACK, g) FlflE WlMEg and LIQDDtg DOMESTIC Amo KEY WEST CIGARS. 1 . THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCKS 171 SECOND STREET, : : THB;,DAIXE8, OB. Freeborn & Company, TAB. NESMITH POST, No. XI, . A. K. meets t every Saturday at 7:3U P. M., in we a oi r. T- OF T K. DIVISION. No. 167 Meets in I). K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month, at 7 :2a P. M. irive him a certain living, wrote on one side of a sheet of paper: Dbak Fisher I cannot today give you the preferment for which you ask. I remain your sincere f riemL' Eldon. Turn over. (On the other aide): I gave it to you yester day. Sir John Sinclair, who had done ranch for the agriculture of England and Scot land, thought the nation 6hould present him with a testimonial, and wrote to .Lord Ch:mcellar. Erskine, inviting him to svibscriba to it.- On one side of a sheet of paper Erskine?repliert: . v Mr Dear Sir .Iohs 1 am certain there are few in this kinsilom-wbo set higher valneon ! your services than myself, ana 1 nuve tne uonor tosubscribe . On the other side the note concluded): t-ik.& myself, your obedient, faithful servant, , EltSKUTE. San Francisco Argonnut. YOUR flTTETIOH W. E. G6RRETS0N. -DBALBBS IX- OF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in the X. ot f. U.&U. nfSANG VEREIN Meets every bunds UT evening n the K. of r. nan. THE CHTJKC1IKS. Is called to the fact that Hugh Glenn-, Mlnf Jeweisi. Wan Paei 'J1 "11II18S, 3 ma a a w-x. r- pttrru" 295 ALDER ST., COR. FIFTH, SULK AGENT FOB THE i T rRTKRS CHURCH Rev. Father Brows- oust Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at A. M. High Mass at 10:30 a. X. Vespers at P. K. ST. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite 1 Fifth. Rev. Eli D. Sutclifl'e Rector. Services evrtrv Sundav at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School 9:45 A. n. Evening Prayer on Friday atl :30 ualer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. "-iiit nil iii mtiti-t'-f -"' ' 1 Old Niimbzb 96, POBTUANP, OUMN. THE CELEBRATED ' " mil AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. -Carrl the finest Line of- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. TAY lail Pastor. Mornine services every Sab bath at the academy at 11 a. m. Babbath Rohor.l Immediately after mornine services. Praver meeting Friday evening; at rasior s resi dence, union services in iue cuurnnmi M. All Watch Work Warranted. Picture flomins Jewelry Made to Order. 1SS Baeood St.. Tbe Dallsi. Or. . W. C. Services every Sunday at 11 1 i. M. and 7 P. x. Sunday ttcnooi aiwr morning tervice. Strangers cordiauy invited. Beats tree. "CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. J Cubtib, Pastor. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer mmA Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of gooa neaitn- ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class Article will be placed on the market. ME. CHURCH Rev. J. whislbb, pastor. . Services every Sunday morning at 11 a. m. Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock r. u. Ep worth League at 6:30 p. m . Prayer meeting every Thnrsdav evening at 7:30 o'clock. A cordial In vitation is extended by both pastor and people to all. CHRISTIAN CHURCH R.BT. J. W. JBKKIHS, Pastor. Preaching in the Congregational Church each Lords Day at S P. oordially invited - All are I .A. UEW Undertakng To tw foand in the City. 72 UJashington Stfcet. FFom TERJJlHflh or LHTHIIOR Points THE- ' ' i Irin Paic RHILROHD A. A. Brown, Keeps a fun assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. . w hi ah h offers at Low Figures. Is the line to take SPEGIflL :-: PRIGES to Cash Bnyers. The Genuine Illustrated Unabridged "1 rEncy IT.; ,p .-.f 31 PRINZ & NITSCHKE -DEALERS IN- Furniture and Carpets We have added to our business a somplete Undertading Katablishment, and as we are in no way oonnected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. Tl.ia old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been repapered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and ia supplied with every modern convenience. Rates reasonable. A pood restaurant attached to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. The Snug. No. W, H. BUTTS, Prop. . GO Second Sreet, The Dalles, Or. .' This well jknown' stand, kept by the well known .W, U. Butts, lone a resi dent of Wascii county, has an extraordi nary fine etocfe of ' Sicea : Herder's- WMd and Irish Disturbance. In fact, all the leading brands of fine Winps. Lioiinrg and Ciirars. Give the TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dlnlrigt Car Route. It runs Through Vesaouiea 1 rains every uay in tne yaar 10 $1 pauUnd Chicago NO CHANGE OF CAitS.J Comnosoi of Dinine Cnrs unsurpassed. Pull- I man Drawing Room Sleepers of latest equipment TOlilST.SLEEPINCL.CAES Rest that can be constructed, and in which i accommodations are both Free and Furnished for holders of First and Second-class Tickets, and ELEGANT MY COACHES A continuous line, connectlns. -with all lines, affording direct and uninterrupted service. Hfct Cash Prices for Ems anil other Prate. (i:uoii, t;ver 20,500 m 10,000 ilhis- :T70 second street. OCl. J4- Young, BiaGRsmitH & waooii sop j General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all. work Guaranteed. Pu'lman Sleeper reservations can be secured In advance through any agent ox tne road. THROUGH JIGKETS point in America, England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket oinee oi tne company. Horse shoeing a Speciality Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent D. P. & A. Nav. Co., Regulator ortice. The Dalles, Or., or a. d. citaiilto:j. Ass't. General 1'assei.ger Agt., Portland, Jgn. Tiiira Street, opposite tlie old Lietie Stanl T H E ARTIC CANDY FACTORY Candies and Nuts at -wholesale - quotations. TOBACCO, : : : CHiAliS AND : : SWEET JUTX1CR Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles 38 2i Street JTOLCO At right side tirjarr s House Moving! Andrew Velarde 13 prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reisonahle figures. Has the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. eo Address P.O.Box 181,ThoDalIe3 The fall is . v It is m ?!ri:K last (0th) Cn.-h tratiotis and 200 inap. The S4 rulumes nrw mrm'.y laamd In 12 volunv-K. cloth: iirtce oX the set, jl JO.OO. Tlif siuiie iMir.nd in httl, liussid. 24. SO. -Index volume, if wanted, extra, cloth. ftl.OO. lutlf kus-in. 61.40. Size of volumes, 6-4 ty lu inelits, by 8j inches thick; weight, about six pounds each. 5 Cents a- Day " Membership in the Encyclopedia Britannica Cooperative Club . costs only $1.00 extra, and secures -the en-' cyclopedia on payments, of only 5 cents a day or . .:.;) v-ery twenty days. -.''American- Supplement. .' Mauificci.tty ;npil(;mentir:j theEng-listieditiofira-.Ij!.. in itself. of course) of the Britivr:!V;v .c? r'.inlh; treating -American to'pt'-n vv.: ILrhis blogrphy, . . we publish as f( uli nv.s : . ' . American topU n-.-it. others. 5 volu li.s. 3. si 1 t'.. the S vols, baaul 1 v i.,":otti, i ri.- seen at tne oince oi iupt?j.-, axiu. you can save a nitie- in trouble ana cost bv ioinino: at onc-e with the editor and' some of vonr .neisrhbors in ins: sets.-" Call - and. txe it, ariyway,- cosfc nothing. wliicli. JOHN B. ALDEN,' Publisher, 57 Rose St., New York. for deuverv. . XX r . 'b1 r--.nird Prrol-r. P.P.. T.I..P., and 2 i. .i.-x mi . !' - -'.ri tTS raer W n bo . order- m n 4, i f.Id man a vali and you will come tiain. restaurant.