The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 18, 1893, Image 3

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    The Re
i i r
Qiator Jbine
o W ! .6.
Tie Dalles, PortM ani AEtoria
A E HAVE rather neglected our Advertising of late, not
fV because we had nothing to sell; but we had nothing
especially new to offer, and preferred to wait until we could
say something of interest. We are, and. have been for some
time, busily engaged in placing our orders for Spring and
Summer Goods and feel justified in announcing that we
shall have the FINEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST
GOODS in all our lines that has ever been seen in The
Dalles 3 We have secured ' some genuine novelties in the
Dry Goods Department, and the ladies will certainly con
i suit their best interests by deferring their purchases until
after their arrival, of which we shall give you due notice.
Keep both eyes on this space and we will certainly surprise
you ; not only5 with-' the goods, but the prices at which we
. shall sell them. We mean business and propose to have
your patronage, if LOW PRICES and the BEST
GOODS will accomplish it. Yours Respectfully,
The Dalles Dafly Chronicle.
Entered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Weather forecast.
vjjictai forecast for twenty-four hour ending ol
o p. tn. tomorrow.
rnday and Saturday fair, and
stationary temperature. Paqub
SATURDAY, - . - - - FEB. 18,1893
Crispy Saying; and Dolnca of Local and
General Import.
In the gentle light of tho silvery moon
He sang a serenade, -
On the listening cars of the fleeting; night.
To his heart's own chosen- maid, -
And e'en as the last notes die away.
Up goes the window pane.
And the other fellow politely asked,
If ho won't oblige again.
A cool east wind today.
The Regulator will be launched to
morrow morning at 10 o'clock.
Remember the Boston Operatic com
pany Mouday night.
Stop at Haight's restaurant and get
one of those oyster loafs ; they are fine.
Notwitbstandiag the muddy roads
there is considerable travel from the
. On the first page appears the new ad
vertisement of the New England .a-
tional Building, Loan and Investment
" Association. Read it ; it is worthy of
- The cause of the Albina street car cas
ualty is ascribed to overloading the car.
There were forty-six: passengers aboard,
and there should not have been more
'than thirty or thirty-five.
Miss Hawaii to Uncle Sam : "Will
you have me? Uncle Sam , to Miss
Hawaii: "Well, er-really, this is so
sudden that I must have time to think
,tefore deciding." Statesman. 1
- In Japan, if a woman is not married
by a certain age, the authorities pick
taut a man whom'- they compel her to
marry. This may keep down the old
maids, but it increases the" number of
'male suicides.
D. C. Mitchell, of Moscow, Idaho,
was today appointed a special agent of
the treasury department to look into and
investigate affairs relating to the increase
-in traffic between British Columbia and
the United States.
It is seldom that The Dalles has the
pleasure of listening to such a good com
pany as the Boston Operatic company.
Turn out with a rousing reception, and
be assured the evening will be most
pleasant to yourself. The press all over
the country speak enthusiastically ot it.
An exchange says . that recently a
echoolmarm in the backwoods district
was teaching a spelling class. When
the word "husband" was put on the
blackboard none of the children could
pronounce it, and in order to help them
out the teacher asked : "What would I
liave if I should get married?" The
answer was prompt, but not . what she
expected, and she blushed such a bril
liant red that the sunlight paled.
e?autqo uszop JUoab qifj. sear jasjnoi
jo eanqoid pa3maa u uvs noJi ?uq
Pa5 II! noX pu usvop epsda jadsd"
qt luu jsnf i ma;; siqj pcai o puaq
JtnoX uodn pus o tiveaaow ou ii i
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It ia guaranteed to
give yoa satisfaction.. Price 74c. 8old
by Snipes & Kinerely, druggists.
TO Our Friends and Patrons.
Business Lirht st the Cosrt House A k-
sanlt Before Sennts.
The circuit court is still waitingon the
grand jury. . This morning all the petit
)arors were discharged with the except
ion of Mr. S. B; Adams, who was re
served as a nucleus from which to draw
a new venire when the work is ready
for the court. The civil was very light
this term, only one case getting to trial
and the plaintiff wag non suited in that,
so that it did not reach the jury.
Justice Schutz was busied with
a case this morning that is of
peculiar interest, growing out of a
business , transaction. Messrs. F. C.
Sexton and J. H. Snoonamore were
neighbors, but got into the courts on a
small matter. The case reached the
circuit court on appeal, and was dis
missed there. Bad blood was the result
of the litigation and resulted in Mr.
Sexton applying his foot with more force
than elegance to Mr. Spponamore's an
atomy. For this a warrant iesued from
justice court charging Sexton with as
sault. He was arrested on a' warrant
issued by Recorder Menefee, and plead
ing guilty paid bis fine, and when
brought before Justice Schutz. the case
was dismissed. V He was.aeaia arrested
and an attempt is being made to have
him put under bonds to keen the Deace.
This is seemingly a second edition of
"much ado about nothing."
kkcoedke's court. c
Peace and harmony prevail about the
recorder's court this morning. One soli
tary vag who answers to the name of
Wm. bmith fell into the clutches of
Marshal JMaloney this morning and
charged with Tbegging. ' His case was
quickly disposed of, and not having the
neceesary half eagle with which to liqui
date, he was placed in durance vile-to
while away the time until his fine has.
been worked out.
Dr. Logan went to Portland today. ,
Mr. Staagman of 15-Mile, is in the
city. ; i
Mr. and Mrs. XV. D. Richards are in
town today.
Mrs. Agnes Durbin, of Billinea. Mont..
is in the city. t .
J. H. Cradlebauch. of the Hood River
Glacier, came up today. ; ;
Gus Anderson, of Yakima, is here
looking after cattle interests.
Umatilla .TnVin T. Atrar- Tf T? TKf T
BCrossfield, Portland, A. Kirchhimer,
Antelonn. S KpnflfoHtpr Wa
Dave Lavalle, L E Bentley, WapinitiaJ
y xx xroas, uuiur, kj la UUDert, Hood
River, C W Bryan, Albina.
OolnmViin W If VtDnc. CnT-. lL
Dyer, C Welfinger, Bake Oven, P Cart-
Bridge. G W Tlnrria 11 : t i
land, O P Rherwm, Green Rivel.
Skibbe Hotel Van Woodrongh, Tyeh
Valley, J W Baker, Crates Mountain,
Idaho ; A F Ellis, Truly, Montana ; L . A
Esbel. North Pnwdn t va tr;n ci
Falls, Wash.; Wm M Murphy, Hood
xvivm, ftuuen xnuoas, isajcer Uity, John
If you want careful and COn flp.ipn f.i nn q
treatment in the dreaded dental chair,
call on Dr. J. F. Snedaker over the nost
office book store. It is not neeessarv to
be rough and cause a great deal of
pain to do dental work well.
Sharp instruments used carefuHv
in skillful hands is what makes dentis
try painless or nearly bo. All work
the doctor does he guarantees. Prices
very reasonable.
Mirthful Mignonettes.
The Mignonette club last evening gave
another of their highly enjoyable enter
tainments. Those who were attracted
thither by the anticipation of a jolly
time, found their anticipations fully re
alized. The. floor was in excellent con
dition, the music splendid, andall.'pres
ent disposed to have as much fun as
possible. Messrs. Booth, Jameson and
Garretson gave a pleasant surprise by
playing a waltz with mandolins and
guitar. At the close of the dancing Mr.3
n n xx : j ... , , . . . n
. . r.u grouped mo ciuoin pictur -
espue positions and, by means of a cal
cium flash light "took the pictures'? of
the club and their guests, Mr and Mrs
F L Houghton, Dr and Mrs Snedaker,;
Judge and Mrs Blakeley, Senator and
Mrs Hilton, Mr and Mrs Crowe, Mr and
Mrs Herrin, M?ss Van -Vleck, Miss
Dustin, Misses Minnie Gosser, Virginia
and Grace Marden, Jessie Lown, Clara
Grimes, Flora and Alice Mulligan, Etta
and Clara Story; Ruth Cooper, Dr
H Logan, Messrs M Jameson, H French,
F Garretson, S G Campbell, M Vogt, J
C Coatsworth,.C Schermerhorn, M Don
nell, Wm McCrum, F Faulkner, John
Hertz, H Lonsdale, John Booth, J B;
Montgomery, J Hampshire, L R Flint,
Edward Patterson. ' :
Meat Morsels of News
and Oosslp for
Harry Pickering is firing No. 693.
No. 378 is looking quite handsome.
Jack Wyfces is doing the reverse lever
act on 443. -
Mike Nolan Trent to work as hostler
again today. j'
Geo. Landreth, who was absent a
couple of trips, is again en duty. .'
Kerby's whiskers are "out of- eight."
Wilkes is growing a lovely beardl"
If a pretty headlight you wish to see,
watch for engine No. three-six-tee.
Switch engine 1377 is again 'in the
shops for repairs ; 1395 is being used in
stead, the old stand-by. -
Observe the beautifully polished and
noble little engine 360. Keep op thy
courage, Friday, old boy, you are doing
well. '
Engine 593, late out of the Albina
shops, came up lasfcevening- manned by
Engineer Lavell, pulling the' .pile driv
ing outfit. .
At this season, of the year, while the
ground is so thoroughly water-soaked,
our brother fire boys are placed in a
most hazardous position, and we trust
every precaution may be vigorously put
in force to prevent any serious accident.
However, we are aware of the fact that
many accidents occur which seem to be
wholly unavoidable and no cause can
practically be arrived at. Few people
outside of railroad circles fully lealize
the dangerous position in which firemen
are placed. Many times an accident
occurs at the moment the fireman is
putting in a fire, and for this reason an
escape would be miraculous. However,
the great confidence placed in the engi
neer gives them a much freer and easier
state of mind, and you seldom see any
one in the whole crew in better s Dints
thap the fire bo.
" T: , - - died. ;
At Lower Cascades, on Februarv 15th.
J . E. Andrews, aeed 65 vara. 1 . menth
and 21 days.
The oPDOrtunitv to eet the encvclorje-
dia will soon close.
A nice furnished room to let. Inauire
southeast corner Fifth and Court.
Navigation Co.
Freigut and Passenger Lice
Through dally service (Sundays ex
cepted): between The Dalles and Port
land. 'Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Locks - with steamer - Dalles . City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con
necting withsteamer Regulator for The
Dalles. .. .-
One way.
Round trip:.
. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or. night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address. -. '
. General A Kent.
0nrl Manager
The Snlt of
The suit of A. S. Collins and Mrs. A.
S. Collins against H. Herbring, of this
city, which was to come before the jury
yesterday morning, was again post
poned. This suit against one of our old
est and well-known dry goods mer
chants creates considerable comment in
commercial circles. It appears that
Mr. .and Mrs. A. S. Collins obtained
under false pretenses and promises at
if - tend of the year 189?i gooda to the
amount of $ 50.80 from ' the defendant;
but instead of paying the bill, as agreed,
they shortly left the city by night and
moved to Caliornia. Last spring Mr.
Herbring heard that all their household
goods, etc., were in the hands of the
sheriff of Wasco county, arid consquently
placed a second attachment upon the
goods held by the sheriff. A portion of
these goods were sold last 5Deceinber by
the sheriff of Wasco county, as no com
promise could be obtained by defendant.
And now , come the plaintiffs' and sue
through their.' attorney, Judge A.', S.
Bennett, the defendant, for the' sum of
$175. We will watch this suit when it
comes -before the jury, as we think it is
one of great interest to storekeepers.
St Paul's Episcopal church, west side
Union, opposite Fifth, Rev. Eli D. Sut
cllffe, pastor. , . Services at 11 a. m. and
7 :30 p. m. Sunday school at 9 :30 a. m.
During Lent services will be held every
evening, and morning and evening on
Wednesdays and Fridays,-10 a.' m. and
7:30 p. m. ' :
' First Baptist church, Rev. O. D. Tay
lor, pastor. Services will be held at the
Academy hall tomorrow morning at 11
o'clock. Subject, "According to Faith,"
Matt, xv, 15-2S. Pastor Taylor has so
far recovered that he will preach. -Sunday
school immediately after morning
service. No evening service until the
new edifice is completed.
'Methodist Episcopal church, corner
Fifth and Washington streets, Rev J.
Whisler, pastor. Class meeting at 10 a.
m. ; preaching by the pastor at 11 a. va.
and 7 p. m. ; Epworth League devo
tional meeting at 6 p. m., led by Mrs.
V. T. Kaine ; theme : "Christian Faith."
Class meeting every Tuesday evening at
7 o'clock and the general prayer meet
ing each Thursday evening at 7 o'clock.
All are cordially invited to each of these
several services.
First Congregational church, ' corner
Court and Fifth streets,' Rev. W. C.
Curtis, pastor. Preaching services at 11
a. in. and 7 p. m. Morning sermon
from James iv, 17 : "To him that know
eth good and doeth it not, to him it is
sin." Evening topic, "Christian Man
liness," text 1 Cor. xvi, 13: '.'Quit you
like men." Sunday school immediately
after morning service. Young People's
Society of ' Christian Endeavor 5 :45 ;
subject "Hindrances ; how to reach
them." All not worshipping elsewhere
are cordially invited.
Free to everybody. For the next 15
days, Herrin will give away one en
larged picture with every dozen " cabinet
photos. Call and see sample. Gallery
over the postoffice. .
. Karl's Clover Root, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Snipes &
Kinersly, druggists.
' Fresh oysters at ArKellar'a bakery. ,
"Whi la Doubt'
; Trade with John Booth, The Leading
' Grocer.
'PrMi tle Bntton" JTodoL -r
He does the rest vour orders care
folly filled. ' " " ' "
"Fu? aa Tired Reeling" Hood.
The moil fastidious appetite cam be
satisfied by trading with John Booth,
the Grocer. -
"Has Cored Others, will Can Il,-Jyer
Of care about what shall I have for
. dinner.
"Good Morning, Hot Toa Ud" Peart.
Some of John Booth's delightful
' coffee T -
'Gratelul and Comforting" PP
-To I housekeepers to buy groceries
. where everything is fresh and clean.
"Don' Be a Clam" SiddaU. ' '
: But trade with John Booth, the Lead
' . ing Grocer. .
Beat and Goes Vartheet" ran Homlem.
Everything bought of John Booth,
the Grocer. ,
Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, 111., was
troubled with rheumatism and tried a
number of different remedies, but says
none of them seemed to do him any
good ; but finally be got hold ' of one
that speedily cured him. He was much
pleased with it, and telt sure that others
similarly afflicted" would like to know
what the remedy was that cured him.
He states for the benefit of the public
that it -is called Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. For sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton, Druggists.
It took just a carload of paper to pub
lish the 15,000 copies of the annual re
port of the Washington state board of
horticulture this year.
Important to Taxpayers.
Taxpayers will please take notice that
the city council have by express order
lustructed the undersigned to proceed
and collect all delinquent taxes by levy
and sale, and only immediate attention
will avoid the, payment of expenses of
levy and advertising.' Dan Malonky,
d w . Citv Marshal.
Enlarged picture free,
gallery over postoffice.
Call at Herrin's
Staple and Fancy
Hay, Grain
Masonic Block. Corner Third and
The Only House in Town
- -Making a Specialty of
Gents Furnishing Goods,
Uhich gives us an dpportunity to devote our entire time
to. this particular line. We have a few remnants
in Fancy Underwear, Overshirts and - , '
Gloves, which we are clos
" ing out cheap.
in HriiTatfirf
"Ioom for Health." Lydia P.
Saved by trading with John Booth,
the Grocer. ...
"Greatest Speed Consistent with
Safety" Pant. B. B.
Used in delivering orders.
Ton Wear Pants" Plymouth Bock.
Tell her to trade with John Booth, the
Leading Grocer.
"Oat O 8icht"-fiM.
. . Bread made with Compressed Yeast.
"War that Vail Faallnr" Atln-m.. .
After breakfast Eat Quaker Oats.
Absolutely Fare" Royal.
Is the fine line of tqas kept by John
... Booth, the Grocer.
"Untried a Joy Denied" Schilling.
Trading with John Booth, the Lead
ing Grocer. -
Nickelsen's Special
To Baise ' Funds for new Spring and.
Summer Gooda.
200 children's illustrated books, worth
from 50 cents to $1.00, uniform price of
25 cents. .. , . .
Tiddledywink games only 10 cents.
Cloth bound, good books 15 cents.
CO Keep your eye on this column for somo
flimg new every other day.
First premium -at the Waeco county
fair for best portraits and views. -
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters & Co. (Oflice Second and Jeffer
son streets.)
and Feed. .
Court Streets. The Dailes.Oregon.
and Caps.
TROY Steam Laundry
of Portland, has establish
ed a branch office for laun
dry "work -with Thos. McCoy
at his barber shop, No. 110
Second .St., -where all laun
dry bundles -will be received
till Tuesday noon of each
-week, and returned on . Sat
urday of the same week at
Portland prices. .