"The Regulator Line" Wlib Said ! o Tie Dalies, PortM aid Astoria Navigation Co. TO Our w E HAVE because especially new say something time, busily engaged in placing our orders for Spring and Summer Goods and feel ' justified in announcing that we shall have the FINEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST GOODS in all our lines that has ever been seen in Tho Dalles. ; "We have secured some genuine novelties in : the Dry Goods Department, and ; the . ladies will certainly con sult their best interests by deferring their purchases until after their arrival, of which we shall give you due notice. Keep both eyes on this space and we will certainly surprise you, not only with the : goods, huVjthe prices at which we shall sell them. We mean business and propose to have your patronage, if LOW PRICES and the BEST GOODS will accomplish it. Yours Respectfully, The Dalles Daily Chroniele. Entered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. " ' Weather Forecast. BJJlrial forecast Jot twenty-four hour ending tit t p. at tomorrow. Friday and Saturday fair, and stationary temperature. Pague. FRIDAY, - - FEB. 17, 1893 FEBRUARY FANCIES. Crispy Sayings and Doings or Local General Import. I need to cwease my trousers, And I got quite used to that; But now, baw Jove," said Cholly, 4-I hare to cwease my hat." The Regulator will be launched to morrow afternoon. ' '? - The last flirt of the Celestial new year went up in smoke at 8 o'clock this morn ing. ! . The 'nasty; dirty, cold snow is gone and we have nice, clean, soft mud to slush around in. It is stated for a fact that contractors for the Rockland portage are securing all the loose hay in fhe Klickitat country. Messrs. Salt marsh & Co. shipped three ara of fat cattle to Portland last even ing, that were brought down from Pay ette, Idaho. The 4 :10 train yesterday afternoon did net arrive until 10 :30, the 3 a. m. train today arrived at 5. The 11:45 train came in on time. . . A new private telelegraph line has been put up between DaveLommerson's and Harry Esping's. Others are think- ing of attaching to the circuit. Some wretch, without fear or a thought of trembling in his boots, removed and took away from one of the gates at Salt marsh's stock yard, one of the long iron braces the other night. From State School Superintendent. McElroys annual report we learn ' there are 111,780 persons in the state between the ages of 4 and 20 years, being an in rease of 6,693 over last year. Deputy Sheriff Phirman, whom Tub Chronicle spoke of Wednesday as being expected to arrive with Allison, was de laved by a bridge washont en route, so we are informed by Sheriff Ward. R. B. Hood will start in, Monday carrying mail, again by wagon to the Klickitat country. For more than a month now, on account of snow and bad roads, it has been carried partly on horseback. Of the 231 bills on the house calendar Paxton leads with nineteen, Nickell is second with seventeen, Upton third with ten. Northrup and Ford have eight each. Ormsby, Wright of Marion, and Geer of Marion, seven each. The half dozen mark is reached by Myers, Miller, Belk nap, Daly, Cornelius and Belts. , The benefit performance for the free reading room at Wingate's hall by the Boston Operatic company, Monday, the 20th, promises to be an entertainment of rare excellence. The prices have been fixed at 25 cents for children, 60 cents for regular admission and 75 cents for reserved seats, which may be obtained at Snipes & Kinersly's. Doors open at 7 :30 ; performance begins at 8. '. " Enlarged picture free, gallery over postoffice. CallatHerrin's BOBN. To the wife of John Gavan, a daugh ter. Weight 10 pounda. Call and see oar f 24.80 Britannica en Friends and Patrons. rather neglected our Advertising of late, not we had nothing to sell; but we to offer, and preferred to wait of interest. .. We are, and have '& The Cascade X.ocks. Today's Oregoniaii says J. U. Day, jr., in charge of the affairs of the J. G. A I. N. Day Contracting Company, who have in hand,. the work of completing the canal and . locks at the cascades, lias completed arrangements for opening a basalt quarry at Herman creek, about three miles from the locks, and is ex pecting tne arrival of machinery for equipping the quarry. As soon as the snow is off, the work of cutting basalt for the canal will begin. The granite is now being cut in the company's Cali fornia's quarries, and all will be in read iness for putting in position after the high water in the Columbia subsides. Mr, Day is confident that the appropria tion necassary for the completion of the locks, will be passed by congress, and that the work will go on uninterruptedly to the end. . Wheat . Outlook. Reoorts from the farming HietriVt in this county are to the effect that the iau-sown ana winter wheat is not in jured by the late freezing weather. ; bberman county has bad some, pf , its fall-sown injured, that was in the most exposed places, especially where the snow had been blown off. This will necessitate a spring sowing in place of that killed. PERSONAL. MENTION. Ben Blumauer, of Portland, is in the city. B. F. Lamrhlin nrrtiriul fmm Ralom day. i C. Baldwin, of Tekoa, is in the city Mr. F. H. Stanton of Hood River, is in the city today. Mrs. Mand Fowler of Dufur is in the city visiting friends. Mr. Cbas. Schermerhorn of Portland, is spending a few days in the city. Miss Grace Riddell of 8-Mile is in the city, ana is tne guest of Mrs. W. E Gilbousen. ' Mr. Ed. Williams and Misses Jean nette and Annie Williams leave on the 4 o'clock train for ban Francisco, Cal. Hon. J. L. Aver of Portland is in the city on business connected with the New England National Building and Loan Association. Jac Fischel, a member of the firm of Levy, Spiegel & Co., Portland commis sion merchants, is in the city, looking aiter iruii interests. JaniPH PpfirKnn o etnolrmnn rf tYitk R i r. Bend country, who has been here for mime ume, received a letter yesterday, telling of the break-up of winter in that locality, which was quite severe this year. - " HOTEL ABBIVALS. . Umatilla Wm S C Friendlv, W ' J Sherman, Jos Fredricks, Fred Hovt, C W Johnston. Jnn T. Avar Pnrflnnil T W Covey, Edward Henderson, Dufur, F. a. omuiun, nooa JKiver, X J Martin, McMinnville. Columbia R Hogan, Dufur, J Evans, E Evans, Mosier, Charles Kohners, 10 Mile, H E Porvell, Moro, E N Smith, J P Hines, Portland, E H Stancliff and ,if?,' L?G,',nnde' D nner, Robt Jones, Walla Walla. THE ICE. Filed Cp at -Crate's, Feet High. Point Fifty The ice which has floated down the river since vesterdav all stons at Crata' Point, and it is now piled up there as nign as the Umatilla bouse. The river there makes a sharp turn, and as it is frozen solid from there to the tunnel, the ice is hindered from going farther. It makes a very beautiful sight. Ice is still floating hy the point in huge masses. PEASE had nothing until we could been for some M NOT VERY BUSY Grand Jary Takes an Outing For Lack of Witnesses. THE CHINKIB . LOST THEIB SVIT The Court Decides that the Season Did . Hot End With Close Season in sYngnst. . Business is dull in the circuit court today." JudgeBradshaw on convening court excused the jury who' mostly re sumed the occupation they have busied themselves with . generally during the week,, viz, loafing and - trying to kill time until such time as the business of the court will demand their attention; The corirt shortly after adjourned and has transacted no business this after noon ' of importance.:" 'The ' business of the grand jury is delayed by absent wit nesses, and so soon as they have.pro-3 gressed .with their labors the court will have business ready for the ' jurorsJ Most of the civil business has been dis posed of and the criminal business now' retains the juror s.r : ; ' : Attorney HrSTTvllson this morning returned from Portland, where he has been engaged in the trial of the case which was brought in the federal court bv a company of Chinese who had con tracted with . I. H; Taffe of Celilo. 'to pack last season's catch of salmon. , The Chinese stopped working at the begin ning of the close season in August, hav ing done but little work; claiming that the season was then completed. Taffe was compelled to hire another force of Chinamen to pack the September catch, which proved to be a very large one. The Chinese who had packed the sum mer's catch, brought suit to compel pay ment of the force for the entire season's catch. But the court decided that the season did not end with the close season in August, and the Chinese will have to mourn the money lost, and which they will not get. Mr. Taffe, doubtless thinks, with ,B ret Harte, that "for ways that are dark and for tricks that are vain, this heathen Chinee is peculiar." But their vain tricks availed them noth ing in their attempt to force the money out of ."Duke Taffe." - . Refused to Quit Work. ' John Batty, whose hand was frozen a few days ago, is now getting along nice ly. It is learned he "was driving team at the time, and refused to quit work when his attention was called by others to the fact that his band was frozen. After wards he noticed a - peculiar tingling sensation, and unfortunately he plunged them in hot water. The opposite should have been done. He - has suffered greatly, besides the loss of a portion of his hand. ;. ' . " .'. : Ward's Kill. , V ' The grand jury this morning had little to do, and in consequence were basking themselves'' in" the genial sunshine that pervades " the "front door steps of the court bouse. The sheriff, also, had his jackknife out, and informed the reporter that he proposed, to have a bill up be fore the next assembly , providing that the grand jury during leisure moments should be furnished saws and bucks and work up the-wioter'8 woodpile in the basement. .' 1 THROUGH -X Freignt ana Passengsr Line . Through, daily service (Sundays - ex cepted) between The Dalles and Fort land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with : steamer Dalles- City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street-dock) at 6 a. m. con necting -with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. A B8BKGBB KATES. One way . .'. ; .: . Round trip... ,.$2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland -n arrival. ' Live - stock shipments solicited. Call on or address.' . W. C. ALLAWAY, , ' General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. . i :J THE DALLES, OREGON The Opera Company. , Pueblo (Col.) Leader. -The Boston Operatic Concert Company appeared last night before an audience that filled every seat in the theater, and left hundreds standing, and still others unable to gain admission. That they fully deserved the' patronage bestowed was demonstrated before the curtain bad been up thirty minutes. The musical part of the entertainment is of especial excellence, being far ahead of anything heard ef in this city before. Miss Bertha Hainan's coronet solo was deservedly applauded to the echo, while the solo upon the xylophone; by her twin sister, pleased equally well.' The musical pro gram as a whole, under the directorship of Miss Irene Hamah, was rendered with rare taste and intelligence. Albert Hawthorne the basso cantanta, has a voice that for clearness and depth of tone, easily holds rank among the best bassos of this generation. His rendition of the "Arrow and the SoDg'' was simply grand. He was recalled time after time, and ' it began to look as though the delighted audience would keep him singing indefi nitely. Dolph and Susie Levi no, in their act which they aptly style "Rival Arts," furnished the mirth and pathos of the entertainment. -Their efforts have a novelty and originality "that is well nigh indescribable, singing, harp play ing, drawing and story telling, all so well and briskly done, that one hardly knows where to begin.'- Laughter and tears, astonishment and constant v surprise keep ; the' listener's mind in constant action. ; The, two - features, however, which seemed to stand out" particularly, was the singing of Miss Levino" with the harp accompaniment, and the crayon sketches of prominent men by Mr. Levino, while the ' lady eulogizes the subject in song, the gentleman makes a life-like crayon sketch of the features. Summed up it is the best entertainment seen here this' season. Important to Taxpayers. " ; Taxpayers will please take notice that the-city council have by express order instructed the undersigned to proceed and collect all delinquent taxes by levy and sale, and only immediate attention will avoid the payment of expenses of levy and advertising. Dan Maxonky, ' da-vw Citv Marshal. Notice. To all whom it may concern : By vir tue of an order of the common council of. Dalles City, made and entered on the 31st day of December, 1892. Notice is here by given that said city cotfhcil is about to proceed to order and construct a sewer of eight inch terra cotta pipe thronsh block 9 in Laughlin's addition to Dalies city, , beginning at the 'center of Jefferson street oppoeite the east end of the alley through, the center of said block and thence westerly following the centre of said alley and continuing to intersect the sewer in Laughlin street, and that the cost of such -sewer will be assessed against the property directly benefited thereby as by the charter pro vided. . Dated this 7th day of January, 183 Fkank Mkneveb, ' 1.9.dl5t. "' ' Recd'r of Dalles City. ' ' Strength and . Health. If 'you' are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la grippe" has left you weak : and ; weary, use Electric Bitters. - This remedy acta directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions.. ; . If y on are afflicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters." .One "trial -will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's When in HonWgeribmer': Trade with John Booth, The leading - Grocer. "Pren tae Button" AVxiax. " He does the rest your orders care fully filled. . - , , "For tnat Tired Feeling" ood. - The most fastidious appetite can be satisfied by trading with John Booth, the Grocer. "If as Cured Otners, will Cnre Tlou." Aycr . Of care about what shall I have for dinner. ' .- ' . Good Morning;, Have Ton Used" Peart. Some of , John Booth's 'delightful coffee? ; r . "Gratelnl and CoufortlncT".-pp. ; To housekeepers to buy groceries where everything is fresh and clean. Don't Be a Clnm"SiddaU. ; But trade with John Booth, the Lead- ing Grocer. Beat and Goes Farthest" roa Iloulm. Everything bought of John Booth, the Grocer. To the wife of H. Laflin, of this city, a boy. . Joseph V: Dory, of Warsaw, 111., was troubled with rheumatism and tried a number of different remedies, but Bays none of them seerfied to do him - any good; but finally he got hold of one that speedily cured him. ' He was much pleased with it, and lelt sure that others similarly afflicted would like to know what the remedy was that cnred him. He states for the benefit of the public that it is called ' ' Chamberlain's Pain Balm. For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton, Druggists. , , . ".' ' ... . v . . i Free to everybody. For the next 15 days, Herri n will , give away one en larged picture with every dozen cabinet photos. : Call and see sample. Gallery over the postoffice.. . Shiloh's core, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. ' Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. t The opportunity to get the encyclope dia will Boon close, . r. ; .-. : , - . : Get Thb Chboxiob: encyclopedia, ' : - -: DEALERS IN: Siapic anti Fancy Groc Hay, Grain and Feed.. Masonic Block. Corner Third and The Only House in Town Making a Specialty of "', ..... Gents Turn ishing Goods, Hats an d Caps. Uhich gives us an opportunity to devote our entirp time to this particular line. We have a few remnants-; in Fancy Underwear, Overshirts and . -- -': . ; : -.Gloves, which we are clos- ' . ' " ing out cheap. : ; , . . ; . JOMN C. 109 SECOND STREET, , - fit! i Tonra tt.r Health" Ijdm J Saved by trading with John Booth, " the Grocer. Greatest Speed Consistent with Safety" Perm. It. K. Used in delivering orders. "Do Yon IV ear Pants" Plymouth Mock. Tell her to trade with John Booth, the - Leading Grocer. Oot O Sight" Hobo. - Bread made with Compressed Yeast. "For that Full Feeling" Adams. After breakfast Eat Quaker Oats. "Absolutely. Pare" Royal. .' Is the fine line of teas kept by John . Booth, the Grocer. "Untried a Joy Denied" Schilling. Trading with John Booth, the Lead ing Grocer. Nickelsen's Special SALE OF ODDS AND ENDS To Eaise Funds for new Spring and Summer Goods. Fifty full-bound gilt edge poems, dol lar books for 45 cents ; 25 assorted two dollar photograph albums, $1.25 each; 4 new 15-dollar mandolins, only $7. . ;AT NICKELSEN'S Ba?osK,c STORE. UB Keep your eye on thistrolumn for some thing new every otherday. , PHOTOGRAPHER. ' First premium . at the Wasco county, fair for best portraits and views. n" Ttso's Bemedy for Catarrh Is the fT Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest, f f. - Bold by Drugglsta or sent by mall. I i Be. S. T. EaselUne, Warren, Fa. LuJ Court Streets; The Dai!es,Oregcn. : ;.- THE DALLES. OREGON. HE TROY Steainl Laundry of Portland, h.a establish ;; s . ed a.ranch office for latin-, dry iwor&'yv-ith Tkosl' McCoy, . ; at hi "frarpor .sh,ppIT6 110. ; Second' St.", inhere all lauh dry bundles 'vrilllie receiyed.:! till Tuesday nopn .;of each week and, returned on ; Sat-? ; urday , of itne same" -week at