The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 16, 1893, Image 3

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    Tne GDlnmDia Packing Co.,
Pork and Beef.
TO Our
especially new to offer, and preferred to wait until we could
say something of interest. AVe are, and have been for some
time, busily engaged in placing our orders for Spring and
Summer Goods and feel justified in announcing that we
shall have the FINEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST
GOODS in all our lines that has ever been seen in The'
Dalles. We have secured some genuine novelties in the
Dry Goods Department, and the , ladies will certainly con
sult their best interests by deferring their purchases until
'after their v arrival, of which we shall give you due notice.
Keep both eyes on this space and we will certainly surprise
you, not only with the goods, but the prices at which we
shall sell them. "We mean business and propose to have
your patronage, if LOW PRICES and the ' BEST
GOODS will accomplish it. Yours Respectfully,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a. the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Weather Forecast.
Official forecast for twenty-four hourt ending at
5 p. m. tomorrow.
Thursday and Friday fair, and
stationary temperature. Pagtjk.
THURSDAY, - - - - FEB. 16, 1893
Crispy Sayings and Doings of Local and
General Import.
He was a six times millionaire
Who sat bebmd her at the plav;
The maid took off hefbonnet there: .
He married her next day. -
The roads are very $ad' and there is
little travel from the country.-' '
The Oregon legislature will present its
P. P. C, tomorrow morning at 10
o'clock sharp. In other words adjourns
sine die. .
Sixty-two head of cattle averaging
1,100 pounds were shipped frpm The
Dalles to Portland last night. One
"I- in " "r- .A i " . r T. f- . 1
o.x. r-arron ana w. Jii. Sylvester
have taken the contract for erecting this
new printing office at .Rockland
to be a two story frame-i 40x100. Work
commences tomorrow. J , , ' '
P. W. Parker has purchased from
Samuel Elmore, . his entire interest in
the Astorian-Columbian Publishing Ce.
and has now complete proprietorship
and control of The Astorian.'
Loud cries for help were heard coming
from the direction of the river, but he
was not "In the , swim," he simply
wanted some one to help him find where
they are giving away enlarged pictures.
Herrin is the place. Gallery over post
office. A
; Mr. John" Batty, living near Des
Chutes, while putting up ice for Mr.
Taft at Celilo a week ago last Tuesday,
had the second and third fingers of the
right hand frozen. He came to this
city last evening, and this morning had
the members amputated near the third
joint by Dr. Logan.
Herrin, the photographer, took a flash
light picture of the whiet club at 11
o'clock last night, which in many re
spects, was more faithful than those or
dinarily taken in daylight. It is true to
life, and the grouping, the room's adorn
ment, down to the minutest object
within range of the camera are fault-1
lessly pictured. , ;
The petit jurors seem to be having a
lazy time of it this week. But one case
yet has required a jury and even that
was dismissed before the jury had an
opportunity .to display their wisdom in
unraveling the knotty questions of fact.
It is not probable that there will be very
much business for the trial jury this
Today begins the Chinese new year,
and the Celestials .will celebrate it for
about three or four days, by feasting and
exploding fire-crackers. At this period
they are extremely hospitable, and
among themselves they are very sociable.
For the time all rank is dropped and
the coolie is as good as his more for
tunate neighbor in silk. -
The many friends of Dr. Siddall will
be pleased to learn that he will not re
- move to Portland, as was once reported,
but will still continue to practice dentis
try in The Dalles, where he has resided
and practiced for the past fifteen years.
In fact the doctor is the only dentist
-who has successfully withstood the Ticia-
Friends and Patrons.
rather neglected our Advertising of late, not
we had nothing to sell: but we -had nothing
eitude&iof fortune here for so long a time
while so many others have come and
gone. The doctor is one of our pioneer
dentists. He but shortly patented an
instrument for extracting teeth that is
coming into universal use throughout
the east. -
Mr. J. H.
Sherar's 275 Tons of Wool
Safely Arrived.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sherar are visiting
relatives and old home friends in Nichol
ville, NVY. His consignment of wool
has now arrived in New York. Mr.
Sherar shipped from The Dalles 275 tons
of wool via The Columbia Biver to Asto
ria by the Regulator line, where it -was
placed on the .ship Tillie E. Starbuck,
which sailed from Astoria Oct. 19th,
1892, going via Cape Horn, to New York,
where it arrived safely Jan. 31st. 1893,
in care of Denny, Rice & Co. It is to be
transferred to New York and takes three
ships of .tta'e Metropolitan line to take it
to Boston.
This is the first year Mr. Sherar ever
seut his wool to Boston by the water
route. The distance is 1-1,800 miles;
time, three months ; rate paid per ton,
jt j8 He has formerly sent his wool to Boston
jVorkPy the U. P. R. R. Distance, 3,362
miles ; time,-one month ; price paid per
ton, $52.
The Sherars expect to leave Nichbl
ville for Boston about Feb. 13th, or at
the date whenever they are notified
their wool has arrived in port.
The wool is insured for seventy-five
thousand dollars. After it is sold they
will return to their Oregon home.
Divorce Granted Queen Patten
Eldon Patten.
At the circuit court this afternoon,
after excusing the waiting jurors until
nine o'clock tomorrow, the court pro
ceeded to the consideration of the suit of
Queen Patten for a divorce from her
husband Eldon Patten. The reason al
leged was cruel and inhuman treatment.
The testimony reported by referee Wer
rick disclosed many cruel acts on the
part of the ' defendant, running over a
period of about two years. He had
threatened to cut his wife's throat and
to burn the house over her head when
she would be asleep, and had attempted
on one occasion to kill Br, using the
usual weapon of the negroes, a razor.
Patten was aleo shown to be a drunken;
worthless sort of man who -would not
work so long as he could force his wife
to provide food for him, and had spent
a large portion of hia time in Portland,
spending his evenings with the dusky
demi-monde, who frequent the White
chapel district. After hearing the testi
mony, J udge Bradshaw made an order
granting a decree of absolute divorce,
and the care of her children. Patten is
the same man who was arrested a few
weeks since for assaulting his wife with
a razor and for which he spent a term in
the county jail. .He disappeared when
released, and has not since been heard
from. :
Free to everybody. For the next 15
days, . Herrin will give away one en
larged picture with every dozen cabinet
photos. Call and Bee sample. Gallery
over the postoffice. .
. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney, trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 74c. Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
An Opening Has Been Made at
Kennedy's Boat Injured The D. P. &
A. N. ' Co.'s Loss Blocked Also '
at the Cascades.
The ice commenced breaking below
the dalles of the riyer today and drifted
down, forming - a Veritable- river glacier
in miniature. The main bodv of the
ice at this point has drifted down about
one hundred yards and the old trail
across the river looks funny in conse
quence, being disconnected from the one
on terra firma.
The Inland ' Star, which was put on
the river last summer by Mr. Kennedy,
is damaged considerably. The accumu
lating ice has torn off her rudder and
carried it down stream, and it is thought
it is cracked from stem to stern, but the
latter fact cannot be definitely ascer
tained until the ice, which has forced it
over on its side and blocked the space
up, has gone. .
The damage sustained by the D. P &
A. Nav. Co. is not great, the only effect of
the mass of ice being to incline some of
the springing piles, which can be reme
died -when the river is open. It is not
thought the ice will interfere with the
Regulator, but if the danger arises, the
boat can be pulled up. further on the
bank out of danger. . . -
The river is also blocked below the
A Very Enjoyable Evening By the
Devotees of Whist.
A number of the members of Union
Whist Club being absent last evening,
on account of the commencement of the
Lenten season,' the host and hostess,
Senator and Mrs. Hilton, took ad van
tage of the . opportunity to show their jj
young friends just how much the mem-
bers of the "married whist club," as iti
is termed, enjoy their weekly meetings,'
andjfrota the, number of -resolutions'
made by the young people -present to
abandon their present state of 'single
blessedness" and be "jiners," it is evi
dent they were greatly pleased with the
evening's pleasure. The time passed
very quickly in playing twnty-five
games, and Mra. . Briggs seemed more
than pleased when presented with the
daintest gold bonbonniere spoon as first
prize; but Mrs. Glenn was perfectly
willing to be a booby., if all boobies
carry away the most beautiful souvenir
spoon to be had. Mr. Herrin, the pho
tographer, arrived on the scene some
minutes -' later and everybody smiled
while, with the aid of the flash-light,
they were, 'tooked." . Among those who
enjoyed the evening were Senator and
Mrs Hilton, Judge and Mrs Blakeley,
Mr and Mrs Hobson, Mr and Mra Lord,
Dr and Mrs Rinehart, Judge and Mra
Bradshaw, Mr and Mra Glenn, Mr and
Mrs Bayard, Mr. and Mra Crossen, Mr
and Mrs Hostetler, Mr and Mrs Crowe,
Mr and Mra Houghton, Mr and Mrs
Beall, Judge .and Mrs Bennett, Mr and
Mrs Brigga, Misses Mary Frazier, Vir
ginia and Grace Marden, Messrs Ed
Hostetler, H Lonsdale, - S Campbell,
M Donnell and Dr Logan
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef; Etc.
Masonic Building,
The Dalles. Or.
To all whom it may concern : By vir
tue of an order of the common council of
Dalles City, made and entered on the 31st
day of December, 1892. Notice is here
by given that said city council is about
to proceed to order and construct a
sewer of eight inch terra cotta pipe
through block 9 in Laughlin's addition
to Dalles city, beginning at the center
of Jefferson street opposite the east end
of the alley through the center of - said
block and thence westerly following the
centre of said alley and continuing to
intersect the sewer in Langhlin street,
and that the cost of such sewer will be
assessed against the property directly
benefited thereby as by the charter pro
vided. Dated tliis 7th day of January,
1833. Frank Mknkfee,
1.9.dl5t. Recd'r of Dalles City:
Among the Heathen.
Jud. S. Fish, chief of. the .fire depart
ment, made an inspection of the Chinese
quarters yesterday, and it is reported,
found in some places an unsafe condi
tion of things that would endanger our
city from -fire.---In these . he ordered a
change made forthwith.
Mrs. Obarr is reported quite ill.
A. J. Schruni. of Burnt Ranch, ar
rived from Salem, today.- ';
Hon. W. H. H. Dufuf arrived in town
today. Ko chinook thus far there. - -
B. S. Huntington's little boy is sick
with scarlet fever ; not seriously, how
ever. . . ,
f mra. JMiza aicsanana is stopping
with her son U. W. Mabarland, oi J-os
Angeles, Calif. ,.
Mr. Eugene J. Collins of Rantoul,
Illinois, arrived today in the city, and is
the guest of S. L. Brooks. Mr. Collins
comes to The Dalles .to make it hia fu
ture home. ? ' 1
Thos. Harris, of Des Chutea, is in
town todav. The weather is breaking
in that section, a recent chinook having
taken oft much of the snow, ana stock
men will quit feeding their sheep after
this week. '
Mr. E. B. McFarland, formerly of
French & McFarland. is in the city to
day and will remain until Friday. Hia
visit to The Dalles is merely social and
he congratulates the people here on the
now assured speedy completion of the
locks. V
Hon. W. H. Biggs of Waeco arrived in
the city last evening and gave thisffice
a pleasant call. Mr. Biggs speaks very
encouraging ot b Herman county a pros
pect for a bountiful harvest this year
The ground has been thoroughly soaked
and as the mountains are well covered
with deep snow, the warm1, waves will
scarcely reach middle Oregon this season
. . ": HOTEL ' ARRIVALS. : -
Umatilla E J Moore.' E B McFar
land, C W Johnston, J Wilson, P Nickell
J N Gorey, JB J Bentley, J George M
Dashell, Portland ; Mrs. " Woodworth,
W H Biggs, Wasco ; T E Feak, Hood
River ; J W Staats, W H H Dufur, David
Uonaldson, Dutur; A J bchrum, Mit
chell ; J H Hawley, Seattle. .
Columbia R Hogan, La Grande';
wm JJarragh, Ulakely; J u .Edwards,
Geo De Boyd, Con Lasalle, Portland : O
D Miller, Tacoma ; Jas R Cook, Pendle
ton; C V Smith, Wm Moore, Spokane-;
Jas Jefferson, Goldendale; Wm Pearse,
Skibbe Hotel D H Murdock, Pendle
ton ; .Paul (Jortnez, Chivovetts : John
Chrisman, Citv ; W M Murphy, Hood
River: J Hall. Dutch Flat: Van Wood
rough Tygh Valley ; Herman Strogrman,
Martland, Wash. ; ti i Kivers, Jr'ayette,
Idaho; K V Cosman, Fayette, Idaho.
He Was a Good Boy.
He wore a look of injured innocence
as he was introduced to his honor, Jqdge
Menefee, this morning, and in answer to
that functionary's - charge of being
drunk, seemed to think there must be
a mistake. "Why,- judge, I belong to
Sunday school, and I wouldn't think of
getting drunk. .-1 waa feeling kind of
bad and might have took a drink or two
for my stomach's sake, but "
"Ten dollars," interrupted the judge,
and the only way out of it appeared to
be to pay np. "
Magical little grannies those tiny,
sugar-coated Pellets ei Dr. . Pierce-
scarcely larger than niusVard seeds, yet
powerful to cure active, yet mild . in
operation. The best Liver Pill ever in
vented. Cure sick heakache, 'dizziness,
constipation. One dose.
- ' BOKM. .
To the wife of John Gavan, a daugh-
er. Weight 10 pounds.
Subscribe for Tux Daily ChboKicli.
His nan
When in Doubt" Stribner'. '
Trade with John Booth,. The Leading
Grocer. " - ' - " '
"Press tne Button" Kodak. .
He does the rest your orders care
fully filled.
Pot that lire Peeling" Hood. ' . - .
The most fastidious appetite can be
satisfied by trading with John Booth,
the Grocer.
Has Cured Others, will Cure Ton" Ayer
Of care about what shall I have for
dinner. ' ' "
. ...
" - v - -Good
Morning, Have Tou Hied" Pear.
Spine of John ; Booth's delightful
:COffee? "- ' - -:..: . - '.
"Grateiul and Comforting" Epps.
To housekeepers to buy groceries
where everything is. fresh and clean.
Don't Be a Clam"
.Bnt trade with John Booth, the Lead
ing Grocerr "" ""' ' - ' "
Best and Goes Farthest" Kan Houlen.
Everything bought of John Booth.
; -' the Grocer.
Hush Southerland Kills Himself After
Returning; From a Ball.
' News waa received in this city today
of the sensational death by his own
hand of Hugh Southerland, Goldendale.
The fatality occurred about .midnight of
Tuesday, during intermission of a ball
at the Goldendale hall. He had been
drinking during the evening, but it is
not supposed that the sole cause of hia
action was due to inebriety. He seemed
to be enjoying himself in the nsual man
ner, but at 12 . o'clock -went home, and
there, within earshot of his wife,' 'fired
the shot that ended his life. The pistol
used waa a 32-caliber. .
Southern lived in The Dalles about
aix years ago, and was a blacksmith in
the company 'a shop.'
Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only-25c. Children love it.
Best grades of oak, fir, . and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer
son streets. ''-'
Slaole and Fa
Hay, Grain and Feed.
Masonic Block, Corner Third and
The Only House in Town
-Making a
Gents Furnis
HICH gives us an. opportunity to devote ur entire time
to this particular line. -We have a tew remnants
in Fancy Underwear, Overshirts and
Gloves, which we are clos
ing out cheap.
Tours fcr Health" Lydia P.
Saved by trading 'with John Booth,'
the Grocer. - - .
"Greatest Speed Consistent wlth
BafetyV Penn. B. B. ,.
Used in deliveriae orders.,
Do You Wear Pants" Plymouth Bock.
Tell her to trade with John Booth, the
Leading Grocer.
Out O. Sight" Ilobo.
Bread made with Compressed Yeaat.
For that Pull Feeling" Adam.
After breakfast Eat Quaker Oats.
"Absolutely Pure" Royal.
Is the fine line of teas kept by John
Booth, the Grocer.
Untried a Joy Denied" Schilling. .
Trading withi John Booth, the Lead
ing, Grocer. '
Nickelsen's Special
To Saise rundB for new Spring and
Summer ixooas.
Fifty full-bound gilt edge poems, dol
lar books for 45 cents ; 25 assorted two
dollar photograph albums, $1.25 each;
4 new 15-dollar mandolins, only $7.
3-Keep your ere on , this column for some
thing new every other day. j
- First premium- at the Wasco county
fair for best portraits and views.
Plso's Remedy for Cstsrrh Is the
Beat, Ewiest to Use, and Cheapest,
Sold by Srogglsts or sent by mail.
80c . T. Hsseltlne.. Warren, Pa.
Court Streets. The Dalies.Gregcn.
Specialty of -
hing Go ods;
Hats and Caps.
HE TROY Steam Laundry
oi foreland, Has estaDlisn-
ed a "branch for laun
dry -work -with Thos. McCoy
at his "barber shop, No. 110
Second St., "where all laxm
dry bundles -will be received
till JTuesday noon of each
"week, and returned on Sat
urday of the same "week at
Portland prices. -