Tie Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLE 8 CITY. AMD WASCO COUNTY. Entered at the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BT KAIL (POSTAOX FKBFAID) IM ADVAHCX. Weekly, 1 year I 1 SO I months 0 75 0 50 6 00 3 00 " per " u Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. " 3 Daily, 1 year. " 6 months.. THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1893 STRANGE INDEED. ' The Salem correspondent of the Port land Telegram voices the sentiment of the people of this section in the following excerpt: Ud till now there has been nothing to call out the especial antagon ism or interest of the railroad companies, but they showed yesterday that they are watching the proceedings closely, and are prepared to resist all attempts to benefit the people at their expense. This was developed when Smith's bill, providing for the carriage of freight be tween The Dalles and Celilo and fixing the rate therefor, came up. Bancroft & Denny led the opposition to the bill and were aided by Hayes, Alley and Cogs well. The latter explained that he did not want to vote blindly for" rates that the courts might declare unreasonable. Smith ably defended his bill, and charged that railroad lobbyists were here to influence legislators. It is strange that Portland, which is so deeply interested in an open river, should for ever be obliged to obey the behests of the. .Union Pacific Bailroad company. An open river would benefit Portland a thousand dollars where the benefits it obtains from the railroad in consequence amount to as many cents ; yet it has always seemed to be the case that the railroad is the chief care of Portland's representatives. What is lacking is truth and con fidence. If there were absolute truth on the one hand and absolute cenfidence on the other, it wouldn't be necessary for the makers ot Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy to back up a plain statement ot fact by a $500 guarantee. They say "If we can't cure you (make it personal please.) of catarrh in the head, in any form or stage, we'll pay you J500 for your troublein making the trial." r: "An advertising fake" you say. Funny isn't it, how some people "prefer sickness to health when the remedy.is, positive and the guarantee absolute.- Wise men don't put money back of "fakes." And "faking" doesn't pay. ' ' a Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, 111., was troubled with rheumatism and tried a number of different remedies, but says none of them seemed to do him. any good; but finally he got hold of one that speedily cured him. He was much pleased with it, and felt sure that others similarly afflicted would like to know what the remedy was that cured him. He states for the benefit of the' public that it is called Chamberlain's' -Pain Balm. For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton, Druggists. ' ; How perfectly absurd for women to discuss Emancipation with a big E, and Women's Rights, begging for the privil ege of voting, and then lay right down in the dust before her dressmaker, bow ing before the slightest decree of that in solent autocrat. "Wear a pull-back," says the modiste and straightway every woman, knockkneed or bow-legged, ties herself up in a skin-tight skirt and re stricts her exercise to short steps and car rides. "High sleeves are worn,'" is fashion's mandate, 'and short neck or long every feminine, sinks her head be tween mountainous puffs. ' "Crinoline" is the latest utterance of the oracle, who appears to be seconded by the Examiner, Can it be that the monarch, not satisfied with its real-estate, help-wanted and pension attachments, is new about to spring a hoop manufactory upon us? If this be so urges, Town Talk, with one accord, let the female San Franciscan gird on her armor of combativeness, in trench herself in her native grace, and resist to the utmost the monstrous in novation. The water supply of Ellensburg baa been heavily drawn upon during the present cold spell, as also has the imag ination of some of tne newspaper para graphers of that city. The Ellensburg , Register is responsible for the following tall story: "Kearly 2,000,000 gallons of water was Bupplied to the city within 12 hours Thursday night. Both reser voirs were exhausted and it was found necessary to turn ia water from Wilson creek to supply the mains. This- per haps accounts for there being fish in the -mains. .Yesterday morning our motor was completely choked off by a salmon trout that measured fully nine inches in length." " ' . Assemblyman Taylor, of Marin, has introduced a bill into the Califoraia as sembly making it arf felony to conduct premium note concerns, or any other lottery schemes, to possess lottery tickets, or to publish lottery drawings or lottery advertisements of any nature. The penalty for the violation of the law is from two to five years' imprisonment. It is a good measure and should be dup licated in Oregon. '. . J , W. T. WISEMAN. TVM. UAKDBKS. Ifliseman & JftardeFs Saloon and Wine Rooms The Dalles, - Oregon. Northwest corner of Second and Court Streets. . " I ' - . The only firtt-tlass house -;-.' in The Dalles. . AVlll Have a Steam Pump. East Oregonian. . A force of men are at work with a "boom derrick" near the Union Pacific round house upon a well that is being excavated to furnish additfonal water supply for the company. Power enough is not furnished by the .city waterworks for boiler-washing purposes, and a steam pump will be put in. This' plan is in the nature of an experiment, and if the supply is found f afficient for other needs than boiler-wasbiag, the use of city water, which is a source of considerable expense to the company, will be discon tinued. Captain Sweeney, 17; S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cts. ' Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. Karl's Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness; and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly", druggists. J. H. Cross corner Second and Union, pays cash for eggs aad poultry. Call and eee oar $24.80 Britasnica en cyclopedia. ' Get Thb Chboniclb encyclopedia. ' " At the head of all blood-purifiers ia Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. But it's different from all of them. What ever is claimed for this, it's ffitaran teed to do. The money is refunded in every case where it fails to bene fit or cure. It's because it is differ ent that it can be sold so. All diseases originating .from a torpid liver or impure blood yield to it. It cleanses and purifies the system, freeing it from all manner of blood- poisons, no matter from what cause. they have arisen. Uor .Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Scrofula, Salt -rheum, Tetter, Erysipelas, or any blood taint or disorder, it is an unequaled remedy. Nothing else can take its place. 'Golden Medical - Discovery " contains no alcohol to inebriate,' and no syrup or sugar to derange, digestion. ( . It's a concentrated vegetable ex tract ; put up in large bottles ; pleasant to the taste, and equally good- for adults or children ; works equally well all the year round. m 'wbs "v & ha r -i tea k -TOT ZScts., Met, JLOOper Cum Couchs. Hoarsen eas. Sore Thront. Croup pKimptlr relieves Whooping Cough and Asthiiuv. ft Consumption it baa no rival; has oured thousands where all others failed; will curb Ton If taken in time. Sold by Drug-gists on a miarantee. For Lame Back or Cheat. use SHILOH'8 PlAglKB. Soots. CATARRH REMEDY. lave vou tlatarrh ? Th1 tttiv1v ia iniitKn. teed to cure you. Price 60 cts, Iajoctor free. WINGATE HALL ONE NIGHT ONLY, flnU jnoulau, FEBRUflBY DUlu Tie Musical Event of lie Season. THE BOSTON OPERATIC CONCERT CO. Comprising the Original VlEMJi IiflDV OCHESTftfl, Under the Leadership of Miss Irene Hainan. DOLPH SUSIE LPIJIO! . ' In their Original Sketch ' " 'TilUSIC HND KRT. The California Basso, Albert Hawthorne. JOHN PASHEK, pop t - Tailor, Next dor to TTas Sua. Jnst Reeeiyad, a fine Block of Saitiags, j Pasta Patterns, etc., of all latest - -- Styles, at Low Priees. , Madison's Lateet System used is cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. tepaiiring and Cleaning Neatly aad Quickly Done. S. L. YOUNG, DRUGS Snipes ;& Kinersly. -THE LEADING PUR il Retail Bfisl ss. MRS. FRASER,- A?" THE- EuROPERU HOUSE IS PREPARED TO GIVE- FIRST-CLASS REGULAR BOARD - AT SQO PER MONTH. C, F. STEPHENS, Watches and Jewelry repaired to Order en short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. AT The Store of I. C. Klekelaen, 2d 8. Trie Dalle County Treasurer's Notice. . All county warrants registered prior to May 1 1889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. The Dalles, Oct. 31, 1892. William Michell, lO.Sltf Treasurer Wasco County, Or. DEALER IN Dry Goods Clothing Hoots, - Shoes, Bats, Bte. . , Fancij (qood, flotion, Etc., Eta., Etc. Citv Blacksmith ShoD Second St., Opp. Hood's Static, THB SAkLSB, - ' - : T )BB60N, Will repair your fine Buggies and Carnages, shoe your fine " ' Dririhg' Horses, and m fact do all your blacksraitbing in the finest style. . Satisfaction guar- : an teed. GlJflfllflG&HOCOTUJ, Props. r We are now closing out the balance of our i ' - ' - ; ' -Winter Dress Goods, ' Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, : Mens and Boys Overcoats, At a great sacrifice, in order to make room for our new Spring goods. H. Herbring. D. BUNIN! Pipe Woit TiBL Hepalis aiifl goofing " ' MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. & . Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss' t Blacksmith bhop. ?H. O. N I E LS 6N, Clothier and Tailoi?. BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Cknts' FumlHlilns Ooocis, CORNER OF SECOInL AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OREGON. THE EUROPEAN - HOUSE. The CoTTns;ated BdIWbk nett Dor to Co art House. j.Handsimely FnmisM Booms to Benny the Day, feet or Month," Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. - - - -: Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. Handled by Three Registered Druggists. 1- "' ALSO ALL THE LEADING Patent ffledieines and Oraoaists Sandpies. HOUSE PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the Jity tor Tne bnerwm, Williams Uo. s Faints. -WE ARE- The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line" of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. Agent ior lansni s runcn. 129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon M1NHNS 5 HE NEW TOWN has been platted on the old camp ground, at the Forks and Falls of Hood river, with large sightly lots, broad streets and alleys, good soil, pure cold water and shade In profusion, perfect drainage, delightful mountain climate, the central attraction as a mountain summer resort and for all Oregon, being the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It is also unparalled as a manufacturing1 center, being the natural center for ISO square miles of the best cedar and flr timber, possessing millions of horse power in its dashing streams and water . falls, easily, harnessed.. . Where cheap motive power exists, there the manu factories will center, surrounded by Boil and climate that cannot be excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with transportation already assured you will find this the pluce to . make a perfect home or a paying investment TITLE PERFECT See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River Wasco County, Oregon. W. ROSS WIN ANS "TViere is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood , leads on to fortune": The poet unquestionably had reference to the at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACH BRICK, UNION ST. THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. SPOOL SILK FINE LINE OF MP iiiwuEMua No. 390 to 394, 2d street, The Dalles NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. FRAZER & WINDHAM, Proprietors. U4 i- o ca : ! - .... B) tO - 1 i T At the old staad of R. Lasher, .110 Front St, The Dalles, Oregon. PAUL KREFT & CO., UHsA.LJL.liS J.JM Aad the Moet Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in TiT JSl. 31ji Xjb 3E -A-3E3 unpractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but th best brands f the Sherwin-Williams nd J. W. Maaary's Paints used in all our work, and none but the moet skilled workmen employed. Agents for Maaury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Paiat Shoo corner Thirdand Washington ta.. The Xalle. Cieo-oa