tub Cuinmiiia PacRLngGj. PACKERS OF "Wito Said ! . Pork and Beef. 1 TO Our 1 R jTE HAVE rather neglected our Advertising of late, not W bocaus we had nothing to Bell; but wo had nothing specially new to offer, , and preferred- to wait until we could ay something' of interest... We are, and have been for some time, busily engaged in placing our orders for Spring and Summer Goods and feel justified in announcing that we ; ahall have the "FINEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST , : GOODS in, all our lines' that has ever been seen in The Dalles. We -have secured some genuine novelties in the ' " Dry Goods Department, and the ladies will certainly con- suit their best interests by deferring their purchases until ' after their arrival, of which we shall give you due notice. Keep both eyes on this space and we will certainly surprise.' . .: ydu, hot only with the goods, but the i prices at which we:' "shall sell them. -We mean business and" propose to ,hava " your patronage,, if . LOW. PRICES and the BEST , GOODS will accomplish it. Yours Respectfully, , The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered a the Poatoffioe at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Weather Forecast. O&dal wmI for trnnty-fovr hour ondcap ot 6 p. vs. tomorrow. Wednesday and Thursday fair, and stationary temperature. Paouk. WEDNESDAY - - . FEB. 15, 1893 FEBRUARY FANCIES. Crtapy Say let cs ud Dolnajs of Loaal and Gmnl Imatrk "Oo Ask Pflps,'-'she softly-said When I Implored that we should wed. Ah ! human tongue ' never tell . Bow ranch I worshiped Isabel: . On hope of her my soul had fed. And tao' I d hoped for "yes' instead, Her words dlo not Inspire dread; I did not know my ltrneral knell Was "ask Papa.'' - , And when I found that be was dead, - v And learned the kind or life he'd led, . . - ' I knew she meant alas too well ! What men would mean bv "Go to H I!" ' When she smiled and sof tly said "GwaskPapa." - " A few cases of tcarletina of a mild form are reported oa the hill. w T n . . , . . . . a. . jrargei siariea toaay to Taze a census of the school children. ' By a vote of the senate of Washington, the rhododendron has been 4opted as the state flower. The bill authorizing $100,00 for a jute Mil, modified only ' by a cotdown of 410,000 is now a law. - Cabinet members of the Ep worth League will meet in the pastor's study this evening at 6:30. We reeeived a sample of Campbell Bros. "Lilian Mordica" cigar yesterday. The brand is already celebrated. Mr. L. Payette is busy ia lengthening the Iron braces for the enlargement' of the wheel oh the steamer Regulator. Rev. lather Bronsgees tread mass in the Catholic church this morning for the first time since his recant illness. The river gauge marks four feet and three-tenths above zero, and shows a fall of six-tenths during the past 24 hours. Lost. A small purse containing some money. The finder will oblige the owner, a widow lady, by leaving it at this emce. Dafur enjoyed a Valentine's ball last night, to which town a large number of our people went to enjoy the magic of Terpsichore. ' There has been 9 31-109 inches of pre .cipitatien since Sept. 1st last year up to the present time. This included melted anow, hail and rain. The police court has been running light of late. This morning there were only two commitments, one for drunk enness, the bther a bobo. . If eeers. Saltmarsh & Co., shipped a carload of alfalfa hay to Portland yes terday. It is the first shipment of hay to the metropolis from this section. The steam wood saw is out again, and its bun is heard early and late. The Chinaman sawyer has had to retire and content himself with waaka; windows. "V?e are always appreciative of corres pondents' contributions and invite any of our readers to send us short, original letters containing news of their neigh borhood. The stoppage of the incandescent "lights last night was due to the burning out of some babbitt connected with the machinery, and the difficulty was obvi ated early this morning. Mr. Saltmarsh informs us that prices of fat stock keep wonderfully low. One lot of stall fed cattle that were in prime Friends and Patrons- PEASE fe condition were sold a few days ago at prices ranging from $3 to $3.50 per 100 na. according to size. 1 Not more than 60 per cent, of horses Bold at the Union Stock yards, Chicago, sell above the $100 limit. Over 100,000 horses are received there and 60,000 of them eold at scrub prices. The Merchants Protective Union held a special meeting in the city hall last nrgni. mere was nothing done except a few motions passed, which were for the good of the organization. ' The new rates of the Transcontinental Association adopted bv the Northern Pacific in conjunction with the W. & C. Ky., which eo into effect todav. ?ivea Walla Walla ad Pendleton almost ter J minal rates. - O. P. Hubbard, an attorney of the de partment of jastice." is at Walla Wall. taking testimony of pet sons who have ciaims agaraat tne government for In dian depredations. . When Mr. Hubbard has finished" his Waila Walla work,. lie will Tisrt Baker City,Pendleton and Tne UaUes. THOROUGHLY BAD. W. r. Brows Arrsdgroed in Portland - on Numerous) Charges. W. Brown, who made a record in The Dalles last year as a phenomenal liar, telling among other things, that Malcolm Moody had advanced large sunas for free ferriage, to the extent that that gentleman was com pelled to publicly announce that he was not subscribing a dollar for that purpose, ia just now in trouDle In Portland. Deputy Sinnott left Portland for Grants after Brown on the train that was blockaded at Latourelle, and was forced to remaio in the bloackade un able to proceed to Grants for several days. ' In the meantime" Browa was located and watched to prevent bia leaving. . He made the attempt, but did not get farther than The Dalles, where ho remained a -day or so, and then re turned, to Grants to await the opening of the road. Before he started on his second attempt to leave, Deputy Sinnott naa mm m hand, and placed where be will not have any opportunity to appro priate the property of others. The proving of all the charges against crown will snow him to be an uncon scionable rascal. 'He was taken to Port land from Grant's station. Sherma.n county, Saturday by Deputy Sheriff binnott to answer to a charge of embez zlement. In this complaint it waa al leged that in 189$, while traveling for u. M. Us born Jo., he rendered a false bili of expenses and fraudulently ob tained $105 from the firm. He heard of a warrant being issued -for his arrest and "skipped out." It was only last week that he was located at...Grants, where he was buying wheat for Balfour, Guthrie & Co. ' ' But with this arrest Brown's troubles only begun. Yesterday George Good, one of ;the;proprietora of the'Perkins hotel, made a complaint charging Brown with obtaining, money under false pre tenses. He claim's that Brows called at the house on the 30th of last month and, desiring to borrow $40, gave a check on The Dalles National bank and secured the money. When the check was sent on for payment, it was re turned with the statement that Brown had no money in the bank. . Charles F. Sliter -had a -similar experience with Brown, and is out $30 on account of cashing a fraudulent cheek. Brown was 1 i r t . i . srnugneu ju.onuy on aai tnree cnarges, and was to have had a hearing in the Portland courts yesterday. - - MAYS BROUGHT BACK. D. S. Allison Expected to Arrive With Deputy Phinnan. CBASQED WITH FOCKBTIITG BTOKEY Belonging to W. H. Sharp, Realised the Sale of 800 atushels , of Wheat. . This afternoon's train ia exoected to bring Deputy Sheriff Phirman with oe D. S. Allison, for whom the grand jury nave rjust found a true bill for swindling Last fall Alireow waa enhrnsted hv . W H, Sharp, of 5-Mile, to store in Moooy's warehouse SOfTbushels of wheat, await ing farther orders; Allison sold it im-i mediately, realizing something like $400 ana snipped with the boodle to Kansas. In the meantime Mr. 'Sharp has been correepondinir. learned of Allison's whereabouts, and procured a warrant for me arrest, with the result-as stated in the opening oaraeranhl It has since been learned that Allison -is an old criminal and that Silver-stone, Murphy & Brody, a Portland 6cm, have a grievance against thim- Those who hfcsiew Allison 4iere were greatly -surprised o learn tnat tie was en old criminal, as 4ie bad no bad habits, and moved in the best society. It will. doubtless be news to some. also, that .he has a ' wifa and children east, as he represented himself as a single man while here. PERSONAL MENTION. W'. T. Same left on the morning train or jToritana Mrs.. Emma Graham has accepted a position in the referm school at Salem, aad left for the scene of her labors this morning. Dr. O. D. Doanedeft on the midnight train last night for More, via Grants. The doctor has a variety of travelling experience, 25 mites by rail and 20 miles HOTEL ASiBIVALS. ' Utnatilla Hermasi Meyer, Arnold ouiigrefcger, n. u. foster, Portland ; K. N. Sraohr. Rubn (Won . TnKn w;)!;. Andy Wilier, Dufur; John Spoonmore! ouerur a rtnuge; rat M.aione, Antelope. ' Coftmibia Wm. Johnson, Bake Oven ; Harmon Montenmprr. Ma Goldendale; Thoa. "Batty, Wapiuitia; diu rairvirw, r. Drown, reter Wil liams, Portland ; James-William?, Hood Iiiver ; Martin JeflVreon,5 Camas Prairie. MARROW ESCAPfc. Gus anr and m Mail Carrier Preelol- tated Into the Columbia. ' Gus Lauer and the Goldendale and Hartland mail carrier crossed . the Col umbia on the ice about 4 :30 o'clock, yes terday afternoon. They provided them selves with a long board each,' in case the ice should not hold them up, and to this -precaution they owe their lives. There Were a number watchin? them from the bank who knew the daneerons condition of the river and when about half way across they were seen to fall through. Lauer did not go in very deep. but the mail carrier went in up to his arm pits. As he did so the board came down flatwise, and to this he tenaciously hung, - succeeding by the now useful plank, in getting across. They were watched until they (rot t:tha shore and lost to sight after gaining the top oi the steep bank." A Wonderful Ham The great Encyclor ' Fine Lard and Sausages. Ciirerscf BRAND 3 Dried Beef, Etc. V Masonic Building. The Dalles. Or. Wotlee. , ' To all whom it may concern : By vir tue of an order of the common conncil of Dalles City, made and entered on the 31st day of December, 1892. - Notice is - here by given that said city council. ia about to proceed to order and con struct a sewer of eight inch terra cotta pipe through block 9 in Laughlia'e addition to Dalles city, beginning at the center of Jefferson street opposite the east end of the alley through the center of said block and thence westerly following the centre of said alley and continuing to intersect the sewer in Laughlin street, and that the cost of such sewer will be assessed against the 'property directly benefited thereby as by the charter pro vided. Dated this 7th day of January, 1833.' Frank Mknkpkk, 1.9.dl5i. Recd'r of Dalles City. over 20,600 pages, 10,000 illustrations and 200 maps, large type, good cloth binding, and to be had for only $20, and even that (with $1 extra), payable in installments of five cents a day, if you want it so this is certainly wonderful, as true, and ought to make many homes happy, and rich in knowledge at least. See the advertisement elsewhere, and a sample volume at the office of this paper. We are ordering a set; will you join us and save some expense? TIRED OF IT. A Case Settled Which afcellevea the Court. Judge Bradshaw resumed his labors in the circuit court this morning. In the case of the state vs. Hanson the defend ant withdrew his plea oi not guilty and eritered'a plea of guilty. ;,He ' will be brought up tomorrow morning, for sen tence. The case of Barrie vs. -.Moody, which has been' at issue eo long that it waa becoming a sort of chestnut to the court, was announced as-settled, a state ment which brought a joyous expression to the face of the court, who was becom ing wearied with its long continuance. There being no present work for the jury, they were excused until tomorrow morning. ." throttle and cab. at outy Xonaela of News ojnd Goesip for Trainmen. ' Twenty ears of company ice ia being unloaded at the east end of town, under the supervision of Master Car Repairer Velarde. . Two trains of stock went through to Troutdale this morning. .. . "Capt." Halfanhalf has been giving the wrecking car and outfit a general overhauling, getting ready for the spring opening. '. He-received 3,000 "feet of,3- inch rope to replace the old. i ' : '- ; ' Mr. Ft. Kelly has been' en a vacation to a warmer climate for the benefit of his health. He' forgot, however, to take the flat wheels along. Mr. Ben Wilkes, who is now doing second engineer act on the' yard engine. haa taken a vow to not drive hia lilacs until his old friend and companion Richard de Boxcar-returns. t .The only attraction at the Kaat End is at Saltmarsh's stock yards. They have their yards full of fat stock today, being fed prior to a continuation of their trip to the abatoirs near Portlan. , One car ot lat cattle was shipped laet-night, and this evening five more will follow,' con sisting of two cars - of fat hogs, from Union county, and three of fat beeves. JohhThounev. the well known orchar- dist, living two miles east of Walla War- la, informed a Union-Journal reporter Monday that fruit in hia section -waa badly dnmaered by the " recent cold weather: Peaches, pears.! plums, and 'cherries, be. said suffered -the heaviest, but would not be a total loss. Eenorts from other parts of the valley are that fruit ia only slightly damaged in most sections and 'will be an average crop. Misa Juliet Corson, director of the cooking school exhibit, has issued a new Eook Doox, on which the New York Iler Id thua comments:. . "A woman .'must heeds be very silly at the present day to be ashamed of the ability to cook a zr dinner. Mach of thisgrow " th, -is due to Miss Cor,' .'-1 admirable . flan When 1m DH" !. Trade with John Booth, The Leading -Grocer. ''.' -'. ..7 v. FreM the Button" i'odo. : ' - He does the rest your-orders care fully filled. . ' For that Tired Feeling" flood. 7 Tbe moBt fastidious appetite cay be satisfied by trading with John Both, the Grocer. . " " ' ' "Baa Cured Other, will Car !" Aytr Of care about what shall I have for dinner. t : .. ..- , 'flood if ornlng, Hare Ton Ced" ftan. " Some of V John Booth's delightful coffee?'' 1 . "Gratelul and ComforUnt"-. To ' housekeepers to buy groceries - where everything is fresh and clean. "Doi't Bo a Clm''-i;9fcfcJali. . But trade with John Booth, the Lead ing Grocer. " "Beak and fioea Farthest" Ym Haulm. Everything .bought, of John , Booth. C the Grocer. - A Mysterious Death. Union Jonrual. The death of the 18-year-old daughter of A: C. Russell has created a profound ensation. After the girl's death, which the family endeavored to keep a secret, the neighbors made an investigation and found that the girl had become a mother. Warrants were sworn out for the arrest of A. C. Ru6sell, the father, Ed. Russell, brother, and Mrs. KusseU mother. All were held without bail. . . Free to everybody. For the next 16 days, Herrin will give away one en. larged picture with every doaen cabinet photos. : Call and see sample. Gallery over the postoffice . Shiloh'a cure, the Great . Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin eraly. , Pocket size contains twenty-five doees, only 25c. Children love it. be name' of Linkville bad been changed to Klamath Falls. Magical little granules those tiny, so gar-coated Pellets of Dr. Pierce scarcely larger than mustard aeeds. yet powerful to cureactive, yet mild in operation. The best Liver Pill ever in vented. Cure sick heakache, dizziness, constipation. - One dose. : DEALERS DC:- StaoiB M Fanco Giocenes. Hay, Grain and Feed. Masonic Block. Corner Third and The Only House in Town , Making a Specialty of- - Gents Furnishing Goods, ;r i ): - : Hats and Caps. VlHICH gives us an opportunit " devote our entire time ' 4- l- - l! 1 1 . -tit ' i - i . w ima particular line, in Fancy Underwe' Gloves, whi ing 109 -SECOND STREET, TOP- Tour far Health" Zjdia P. Saved by trading with John Booth, the Grocer. . 'Greatest Speed Consistent -with Safety" Perm. . S. . Used in deliverine orders. 'Do Ton Wear Pants" Plymouth Back. Tell her to trade with John Booth, the Leading Grocer. "Out O Slfc-ht" Hobo. . Bread made with Compressed Yeast. "For that Full Feeling? Adam. . After breakfast Eat Quaker Oats. Absolutely Pure Royal. - ' Is the . fine line of teas kept by John Booth, -the Grocer. ..... Untried a Joy Denied" Schilling. Trading with John Booth, the Lead "... ing Grocer. .... Nickelserys Special SALE OF 'ODDS AND ENDS To Baise "unds for new Spring- and , Summer Goods. , One doz.. handsome $3 photo, albums only si.ou each. 60 borates 25 cent paper and envelopea ' 100 pair spectacles worth $1 each, at o cents. 100 decks of playing cards only 5 cents. - KICKELSEN'S bmosic STORE. f Keep yoar eye on this column for some tiling; new every other day. , ... PHOTOGRAPHER. First premium at the Wsfco county fair for best portraits and views. n Flaos Bemedy for Catarrh Is toe P"" Best, Easiest to TJe, and Cheapest. I 1 U. Bold by Druggists or sent by man. i SOe. K. T. Haswltlne. Warren, fa. LJ Court Streets. The Dalles.Orggcft. w . : - 'ew remnants and