.Belles Daily Chronicle. Ff IftlAi. PAPER OP DALLB4 CITY. ajla) WASCO COUMTT. at the Postoffiee at The Dalies, Oregon, as second-class matter. fUBSCRIPTlOH RATES. . T MAIi (F08TASS rBBrAlS) Uf ABTaBCS. Wfc Lilly, 1 year. S 1 80 " months. 75 u 3 " fO IllyeaT., im 108 xiiiU Months.,, ; J W ' Address all communication te THB CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. A Syracuse woman has been arrested for stealing a pair of trousers. Now the dress reformers can see to what their Agitation is leading. The postoffice department is smart. After one' of those new Colombian tamps has been affixed to some letters another Stamp has to be put on for over freight. Judge Gresham explains that he voted for Cleveland as a matter of principle. But there are many who will still be lieve that he did so as a matter of preju dice) prejudice against President Har- A man who reaches the age of 63 has been admitted to the bar at York, Fa. He was 61 years old when be became a student. If be can live for 60 years more be has a chance to. become eminent in his profession. The big comet, which frightened so . many people into fits last fall, and then didn't show up to any great extent, is maid to be coming our way again with its head toward the earth and tail in the air. A wise astronomer figures out that there will be a collision between the) old globe and bis fiery nibs, the comet, about the 4th of July. Ex-King Milan of Servia and bis di vorced wife, Natalie, have become rec onciled, and a dispatch from Belgrade informs us that, in consequence, there is great popular rejoicing throughout that country. It is difficult to understand what cause for congratulation could be iound by the people of Servia in the fact that a woman whose good character has never been questioned has again fallen a victim to the blandishments of a no torious blackguard. The western Oregon legislators who were so anxious to kill and did kill the Baley bill, bare now a taste of their own medicine, by the legislature refus ing to appropriate $250,000 to purchase the Willamette locks. They may now perceive, notwithstanding their density of intellect, that Oregon's eastern bound ary line is not defined by the Cascade range; but too late to taste further tlory as representatives of their people, for from henceforth they will be shelved What a sad commentary on the hon esty and honor of Oregonians, if so many of them, as has been asserted, assumed a fictitious indebtedness, under the old assessment law, in order to eecape taxa tion-on the full value of Aheir property The same person will doubtless find some flaw in the new law by which they can evade full payment of their taxes. Unfortunately no law can compel men to be honest from principle. It is con soling to believe, however, that the ma jority of people are not so bad as they have been pictured, says the Dispatch. We are led again to inquire, will Cleveland-smash the democratic party? His acts and words since the election go to show that he has designs in this ' di rection, and his latest move,' the ap pointment of Gresham as chief adviser, if true, will go to strengthen this belief. Gresham, when he supported Cleveland last fall, said he was not a democrat but imply an independent voter. If he goes into the cabinet as secretary of state on that platform, it looks as if the Cleveland administration was going to be run on a very liberal plan, and moss backism must take a rear seat. Next we shall probably bear of Major J. 8. Clarkson's appointment as secretary . of It is pitiful to think of old Ferdinand DeLesseps being arraigned before a court of his country and sentenced to. a fine and five years' imprisonment. Of coarse if the sentence should be carried out he would die in prison be would die an ignominious death, notwithstanding the act that perhaps he has conferred more glory upon France than any man, ex cept perhaps " three of his generation, franco remembers Thiers, Gambetta and a few others as political glories; "Victor Hugo was a great intellectual giant, but DeLesseps was one man strong onough to lay his hand upon the ocean and beat back its waves ; strong enough at the same time to hew a water-way for great ships through the shifting sand of the Isthmus. Had he died at the com pletion of that work, his statue would have been in every city in the republic aow. As it is, carried away by his own egotism, he probably brought his mind into the groove to consider, first, that he was invincible against nature's forces, and second, that success would silence access as to the methods employed to win aaccess. The unfortunate part of it for him is, the attempt failed, and nothing remains for him except such punishment as is meted out to common criminals. Salt Lake Tribune. What is lacking is truth mad con ftdence. If there were absolute truth on the one hand and absolute eonMeaeo on the other, it wouldn't be necessary for tbo makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy to back up a plain statement ot fact by a $600 guarantee. They say "If we can't cure yon (make it personal please.) of catarrh in the bsaaj, in any' form or stage, we'll pay you $500 for ! jqvt tronbleiji making the trial," "An' advertising fake", yoo Say. . Funny isn't it. how some people prefer sickness to health when the remedy is positive and the guarantee absolute. Wise men don't pat money 'back of "faetea." And faking" doesn't pay. Captain . Sweeney, -...7-. S.. A.,- ian Diego, Cal., says : "Bhiloh's , Catarrh Remedy is the first' medicine I have ever found that would do me any good.'' Price 50 cts. Bold by Snipes St Kinersly. Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, III. was troubled with rheumatism and tried a number of different remedies, bnt says none of them seemed to do. him any good; bnt finally be 'got bold' of on that speedily cured him. He was much pleased with it, and felt sure that others similarly afflicted would like to know what the remedy was that cured him. He states for the benefit of the public that it is called Chamberlain's ., Pain Balm For sale by-BIakeley A. Hough ton, Druggists. . . :. Get Thk Cbkoniclk encyclopedia.' When Charlemagne and his "Knights ot the Bound Table " were making war on the Boracens, in Africa, it frequently happened that Knights on either side would fight in single combat for the honor of their re spective armies. The Saracens hod been, for many years, the scourgo the dreaded invaders of Europe, and all waged war against this common enemy. But in these days the worst scourge that threatens us, is that dread invader. Con sumption. Consumption fastens its hold trpcra its vio tims whilo they are unconscious of its ap proach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis cover? has cured thousands of cases of this most fatal of maladies. But it must be taken before the disease is too far advanced in order to bo effective. If taken in time, and given a fair trial, it will cure, or money paid for it will bo refunded. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short, neas of Breath, Bronchitis, Asthma, sever Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an una qualed remedy. For all diseases that ariso from a torpid liver and impure blood, nothing can take the place of Dr. Pierce's Ooldon Medical Discov ery. Nothing will, after you have seen what it does. It-prevents and cures by removing the cause. It invigorates the liver, purifies the blood, sharpens the appetite improves digestion, and builds up both strength and flesh, when reduced below the standard of health. Sold by druggists, everywhere. Anairreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Bold by Drugrgists or sent by mail. ZSc, 60o., and 81-00 per package. Samples free, ffft "BfTrt The Favorite TOOTH P0W5ES AAV iSLUforthe Teeth and Breath. S6c WINGATE HALL OISB NIGHT ONLY, flftiit M, FEBPRY BOtll Musical Event of lie Season. THE BOSTON OPERATIC CONCERT CO; Comprising the Original IEfi MDY OHGHESTftfl, Under the Leadership of , .? - v Miss Irene Hainan. DOLPH SUSIE LEVIIIO! In their Original Sketch TCITSIG TEND KRT. The California Bajffo, Albert Hawthorne. SCARES (CjT 8 V 50. FOR A CASE IT WILL NOT CURE. 4, 24 J2i W ta?OXX3LTT. ir The Dalles. URS. FRASEIV 1 EtiROPEflfl J10USEE is pmpahmd" to errs FIRST-CLASS REGULAR BOARD AT 02O FEB MONTH. TT ft nTTt?:TTSM A "KT So. CO Second at.. The Dalles, Or. BOOTS AND SHOE8 MANUFAC TURED TO ORDER. ' " ALL WORK AND A PERFECT Fit GUARANTEED. - REPAIRING DONE to A 8AT1S- FACTORY . MANNEI :Rv C. F. STEPHENS, BBALBR IM Dry Goods if CLOTHING Boa, (luM. nata. Xtm. FancJ Ijood0, potion, St.. Kta. We are now t balance of our Winter Dress Goods, Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, Mens and Boys Overcoats, At a great sacrifice, room for our new Spring goods. I H. Herbring. BUSSSN Pipe Woifi MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. , Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss ; - 1 Blacksmith Shop. . ; " : ' M J H. C. NIELSGN. Clothier ! BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Gaps, Trunks and Valises, .,. , ' G-oxa.-ts Fom 1 nti Ins CSs-oocaLio, COBITBR OF 6ECOM. AND WASHINQriOK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. f ; .-.Hie Oarrosatad Bt9SJsi( iut Vn to Ctwt HoatM. ' . ; Hanflsoiely Fnrnisfeed Esoms to Eent liy . Day, yeeter Moa Meals Prepared by a First i Class English Cook. TRANSIENT. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. ; Goed Sample Rooms for Comrasaxial Men. ... - WHS. H. ptasEH Pttppt JOHN PASHEK. t - Tali, Jit eoor U Tar 8aa, Pants Paatoroa, etc., of all latest Styles, at Low Prioes. . , - I Madison's Latest System need in cuttinr syet garments, and a fit guaranteed . esstn time. Iepaiiriog and Cleaning j' Veatly aad Quickly Done. S. L. YOUNG, : i JEWELBB : : VTatsjaaa an Jewelry aMM ' nMort nnt , mag satmf notion 8 tors mt I. c Xtekalaws. ad 0. Tl Dallas . ' : Coo.nljr TrW.aarer'a Kotlas. ATI county warrants registered prior to Afar 1, 1889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date, r The Dalles, Oct. 31, 1892. William Michux, 10.S1U Treasurer Wasco County', Or. Second St Opp. Hood's Stabls, D Will repair your fine - ad Camases. aboe Tonr TMTins: Horses, and u fact do all your blacksmithing in tbe .' finest style. Satisfaction guar anteed. closing out the in order to make jneiop "' f" City Blacksmith Shop , Tin Repairs aufl Roofing and Tailop THE DALLES, OKBGC9 D RUGS Sni THE LEADING 3LP XT Haidled by Three Registered Druggists. . .... ALSO ALL) THE . LEADING Patent medicines and Dniogists SandFies. HOUSE PAIIITS. OILS fifin niflss - w saw saa BBar w bf V W Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents , the City for The Sharwin : WiiiiiimQ pa p.;i W " " ' f aiaUil VVt 9 JL IUU . ; : r : -we abb- : - The Largest Dealers in Wall Paoer. Finest Line of Imported Key 129 Second Street, 7"H NBW TOWN haa been planed on the AMI in V. mxbu uiixcnKuujriuu, proia iireeu ana aiieya. rooa aoil. . pare cola water and abade in profusion, perfect drainage, delightful mountain ', - ' climate, the central attraction aa a mountain rammer rexnrt and for all Oregon.' ' being the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It la also un para lied as a manufacturing : enter, being the natural center for ISO aqnare miles of the best cedar and dr - timber, poaseasing millions of hone power in its dashing streams and water falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap snotl re power exists, there the manu factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot be excelled ; anywhere for frnit and agriculture, and with t rant por tat ion already aasureA ' you will find this the place to make a perfect home or a paying inTeatmeu TITIiE PEltfECT W. ROSS "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood, " 7 leads on to fortune." , The poet unquestionably had reference to the at CRANDALL Who are selling these goods MICHELBACH BKICK, THE DALLES M ERCANTI LE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALU9, BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S . . . . FINE LINE OF IF it No. 390 to 394. 2d NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. FRAZER & WYNDHAM, Proprietors. X rrr IS) b S at . a " s '3 Q At the eld stand of fi, Usher, paul:?kreft & -DEALERS. IIT- PAINTS, OILS ad tb Viout Complete nd. thk Cff'r'rarticil Painters and Paper : tx7:ii: - 1 T tir vr I the moet skilled workmen employed. Agents for' Maury Liquid .Paints. - fx chemical combination or soap, mixture. , A first cIsbb arUcls in all colors. - Aa orders promptly attended, to. , At ... Taint Ehov oorner Tiirdaad UNERSLY. 0StL XT C3r S West and Domestic Cigars. The Dalles. Oregon T old camp rronndat tbe Forka and ' See me on the grotind, or address me : at. Hood Rivef Wasco ! County, Oregon. . . , WINANS. & BURGET'S, out. at greatly-reduced rates BXIOS ST. . SPOOL SILK m w-. n m street; The: Dalles . i -, no. Front St, The Dalles, Oregon. AN D GLASS, Lteflt Patterns an Design in Haneers. None bat the beet brands of t& : 3 :H 1 1 AnH 1 a" Wagiington Bt.; TIi Ballet. 0za s 'Ell