The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 14, 1893, Image 3

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tub Columbia pacRing Co.,
Who Said !
Pork and Beef.
TO Our
WE HAVE rather neglected our Advertising of late, not
because we had nothing to sell; but we had nothing
especially new to offer, and preferred to wait until we could
say something of interest. We are, and have been for some
time, busily engaged in placing our orders for Spring and
Summer Goods and feel justified in announcing that we
shall have the FINEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST
GOODS in all our lines that has ever been seen in The
Dalles. We have secured some genuine novelties in the
Dry Goods Department, and the ladies will certainly con
sult their best interests by deferring their purchases until
after their arrival, of which we shall give you due notice.
Keep both eyes on this space and we will certainly surprise
you, not only with the goods, but the prices at Which we
shall sell them. We mean business and propose to have
your patronage, if LOW PRICES and the BEST
GOODS will accomplish it. Yours Respectfully,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Kntered a the Postoffice at The Dallas, Oregon,
Weather Forecast.
OffitM foTtcatt or tvnaty fottr homr$ d4ng at
Tuesday and Wednesday, fair weather
witn sngniiy warmer temperature.
FEB. 14, 1893
Orlspy Sayings and Dolnga of Looal and
General Import.
It coBts about $105,000 per year to run
the asylum at Salem.
St. Valentine's day. Today is also
known in church circles as Shrove Tues
day. Lumber arrived yesterday (or the pro
pelling wheel of the Regulator, which is
to be enlarged.
Found A rosary. Owner can have
same upon application at this office and
paying for this notice.
Capt Johnson, of the Western Queen,
says he will cross on the free bridge to
day for the last time, as it is getting too
rotten to be safe.
' The name of the queen of the Sand
wich islands is best pronounced (lee-lee-wok-illany
) by any of our church pipe
organs during a tender passage.
Bacteria may be transmitted through
newspapers. Don't borrow of your
neighbor, as it may be the death of your
self and family. Subscribe. , '
The ice is now rapidly going off the
river, and the delayed chinook which
arrived yesterday, fast faded the immac
ulate beauty of the show' on the ground.
The case of Jonathan Morrison vs.
estate of ,Wm. Mc A tee on appeal from
the circuit court of this county was af
firmed by the supreme court yesterday.
The members of Harmon lodge, I. O.
G. T., wish to tender their sincere thanks
to all those who so kindly assisted in the
entertainment last evening, Feb. 13th.
The Klickitat Leader, which came to
bar office yesterday, devoted one whole
side to an illustrated picture of the snow
in that locality. It didn't show the
"scratch of a pen."
We are in receipt of a communication
eulogizing the several great men who
have" lately departed, and greatly regret
that our limited space precludes us from
publishing it, which is quite lengthy.
Mr. H. Horn, in Thompson's addi
tion, has dug his well ten feet "deeper.
It is now 48 feet deep. At that depth
he struck a large volume of water which
soon filled the well up ten feet, and has
now plenty of water for irrigation. He
has his place all set out in choice fruits
and berries, and will soon have a place
second to none around The Dalles.
Fire at Tygn Valley.
. Frank Swift's house burned, with all
its contents, at Tygh Valley last Thurs
day, while himself and family were at
tending a party. Cause, a defective
Mr. A. Gehres of The Dalles Soda
Works, will leave in the morning for
Ban Francisco, Cal., where he will pur
chase additional apparatus for his Soda
factory, of the latest improvement, and '
his customers can look for a superior ar
ticle in his line on his return. Orders
lor soda water, ginger ale. sarsaparilla,
bar syrup and every thing in his line
will be promptly attended to by leaving
orders at bis office at A. Keller's Oregon
Bakery, Second St.
Friends and Patrons.
Their Entertainment Last Night at Fra
ternity HalL
A Substantial as Well as Delectable
lunch Sirred by the Fair En
tertainers. Pursuant to invitation of the numer
ous host of Good Templars in this city,
Fraternity hall was taxed to its full seat
ing capacity last evening, the occasion
being an entertainment for the friends
of the Templars and well-wishers of the
order. A programme of unusual excel-
i . - .
lence was presented, as follows:
Recitation "The Dutchman's Serenade."
; Archie Burnett.
Recitation "Why I'm Working for Tern-
WTanrn " p.mna IV 4 1 . .......
Duet "Have My Mother's Picture from the
Sale." Misses Rettu and Myrtle atone.
Recitation "Prohibition Battle Call'
- -. . . r Fannie Cheesman.
Recitation "The Roller Skates."
Llllie Frazer.
Recitation "My Wandering Boy."
Ul.o Tannl. tf....nll
Solo "The Orphan Boy." ".
Reciutlon-"i4ttle Mis." Tuckett."
Winnie Frazer.
Duet "Father is Drinking Again."
- Misses Ketta and Myrtle Stone.
Reading of the Lodge paper, the Temper-
Duet "l he Pearly Gates."
- Misses Rctta and Myrtle stone.
Every number was well done and
heartily applauded.
"The Dutchman's Serenade." bv
Archie Barnett was in costume and quite
The Misses Stone have much native
musical talent and give promise, when
older, of attaining a high order of merit.
Miss Jennie Russell's selection "The
Wandering Boy," was well suited to that
lady's versatile powers, and aa usual,
sne delighted the audience.
The lodge paper contained the custom
ary good snpply of local hits and was at
tentively listened to.
A delectable lunch of sandwiches, cof
fee and cake was an agreeable diversion.
and, served by the fair ladies of the or
der, elicited much favorable comment
from the delighted guests.
The newly-elected officers are as fol
Miss Anna Sylvester, W. C. T.
Mrs. Alice FrasseriV. V. T.
Levi Chrismas. W. P. C. T.
Miss Lcttie Johnston, W. Chap,
Miss Hattie Hill, W. Sec.
Mrs. Alice Ball, W. A. S.
J. 8. Winzler, W. F. Sec.
Mrs. A. Urquhart, W. T.
Miss Clementine Martin, W. M.
Delbert Cheesman, W. D. M.
R. C. Fleck, W. G.
Miss Mable Riddell, W. Sent.
A Semi-Yearly Display, of Flowers In
A semi-yearly floral exhibit will here
after he held at various places in Ore
gon.. This exhibit is under the fostering
care of the State Horticultural Society
and interest is steadily growing in the
matter all over the state, particularly
in- Portland. The idea is to encourage
a healthful sentiment in the flora of the
state that will tend to increase the col
tare of beautiful flowers by all. The
first exhibit will be held in Portland
about the time the roses are at their
beat. Current expenses will be paid for
the present by subscription. Dr. Card
well is the president of the association.
and is aesisted by Mr. Wymer. botan
ist. The Dalles representatives are
Mrs. S. !L. Brooke, Mrs. Smith French
and Mrs. A. C. Phelps, of which the
former lady is chairman.
Meaty Morsels of News and Gossip for
Fireman Marshall has resumed his
run on Iso. 646.
Billy DeHuff is temporarily hostler in
Mike .Nolan 8 place.
Fireman Landreth is highly pleased
wiui pis new engine, 560.
Observe the beautiful headlleht re
flector on Engineer Haslam's engine 542.
Engineer. Wvke. who has been rtmnino
the rotary steam plow, is Again in The
Foreman De Huff is bavins a number
of car-loads of ice unloaded at the shop's
ice house.
Hostler Mike Nolan has taken a leavp
of absence to his home in Portland for
a couple of days.
Engineer Hush Farmer of the switch
engine took a party of young people
up me Columbia yesterday afternoon
to see the ice gorge.
Engineer Patterson, with his entrine
388 off of the Heppuer branch; came to
xne uanes lor a lew repairs Saturday
night, returning Sunday.
A. P. Venen. the niano tuner, arrived
Mr. R. N. Staehr. of Bake Oven is in
the city.
Chas. Butler arrived todav on a rntH-
buying trip.
Miss Clara Grimes came ira from
Portland on the noon train, aud is the
guest of the Misses Ruch.
Jumes Benton went to Grants venter-
day, where he will work tor some time
on the new distillery there.
Sheriff Leslie, of Sherman eonntv.
returned to Moro todav. in comoanv
with Julius Weieick. who has been doc
toring for cancer here.
Judge Geo. C. Blakelev retnrned from
Portland and Salem Saturday evening.
The judge is confident that there will be
no divisiou of counties this session of
the legislature. J
Mr. W. J. BeWrts. of Colfax. Wash..
who was called to this citv on account
of the death of his father. Rev. E. P.
Roberts, last week, returned to his
home on last night's p.iesenger train.
Umatilla R Sis-man. F C Sexton. M
Sigman, Dufur; F Bettman, E H
Oadien, Jas Brehnan, W C Gibson, A
Clt-e;?, Portland ; M A Leslie, Moro ;
Adolph Happold, Grants; M Cava
nangh, C W Bryan, Albina; Wm .Wal
ker, Biggs ; T C Waite, Roseburg.
Columbia C Bemv, Wm Murphy,
Harry Beal, Hood R"iver; W Meeks,
Mosier; Henrv Perrit, Grants; H
Meyer, Peter Williams, Andrew, Wm
and Jno Giflery, Salem; Thos James,
The meeting of the Winquat Chaut
auqua circle last evening at the home of
Mrs. G. C. Blakeley, last evening was
one of the pleasanteatones of the season.
In place of the usual quotations a des
cription of one of the great battle of
Greece was given by each one of the
circle. Mrs. Brooks conducted the reci
tation in German history and Mrs.
Blakeley Calias, the Greek romance,
which the circle is reading. Those pre
sent were Mesdames Blakeley, Brooks
and Crandall, MisBes Frazier, Brooks
and Mr. H. H. Riddell. The next
meeting will be at the residence of Mrs.
S. L. Brooke.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building, The Dalles. Or.
To all whom it may concern : By vir
tue of an order of the common council of
Dalles City, made and entered on the 31st
day of December, 1892. Notice is here
by given that said city council is about
to proceed to order and construct a
sewer of eight inch terra cotta pipe
through block 9 in Laughlin's addition
to Dalles city, beginning at the center
of Jefferson street opposite the east end
of the alley through the center of said
block and thence westerly following the
centre of said alley and continuing to
intersect the sewer in Laughlin street,
and that the cost of such sewer will be
assessed against the property directly
benefited thereby as by the charter pro
vided. Dated this 7th day of January,
1893. Fhank Mknhfhk,
1 .y.dlot. Recd'r of Dalles City.
The Scale Apparently Killed by the
Winter's Severity.
The Native Climate for Thens Warm-
Mot Known In the
I. J. Norman, who has made the scale
an especial object of his attention for
the past two years, was most agreeably
surprised yesterday to observe his trees,
which were badly covered with scale, of
a dull brown color. A closer examina
tion showed that it was the scale, and
scraping them up on his thumb nail,
noticed that they were quite lifeless and
of a color strikingly different than the
usual reddish-yellow.
Mr. Norman has about forty trees in
bis enclosure, and all efforts to perma
nently rid them of the scale were un
availing, though spraying would tern
porarily check them. Tbey have got so
thick that now even the pine trees are
If the destruction has been general it
will be the greatest boon that could
happen to orchard ists in this country
It is known that they are a native of a
warmer climate, coming originally from
Africa, and thriving in the semi-trop
ical region of California. In the east,
however, where the winters are severe,
they are not known, and the conclusion
is pretty certain that they cannot sur
vive the cold.
It was a gay party that went ont to
Mr. M. Cushing's commodious farm
house, three miles from town, last night.
The air was cool and bracing, and the
sleighing delightful. The party enjoyed
themselves till a late hour in music and
dancing, and was pronounced by those
present as one of the most successful
parties of the season. Those in atten
dance were: J. H. Blakney and wife.
W. H. Young and wife, Henry Teague
and wife, Hugh Chrisman and wife, Fred
Fisher and wife, Richard Brookbouse
and wife, I. J. Norman and wife, Mrs.
Klindt, Miss Mollie Klindt, Misses
Phirman, Richer, Joles, Teague, Jim
Smith, Al and Walter Klindt. Dr. Logan,
Robt. Teague, Will Vanbibber, Will
Norman, Chas. Corson, Chas. Stone,
Bart Stone, Jas. Palmer, Geo. Byers and
lady and several others from the country
whose names could not be learned
Ice Golds; Ont.
It is reported that the ice . has all
moved ont from below. Memaluse Island
and is breaking up at that point and is
fast clearing oat. . The. whole body of
ice is softening rapidly through the in
fluence of the warm weather and from
appearances the river will be freed from
the blockade in a few days. At this
city it begins to show that the channel
is getting in its work of clearine.
When In Doubt" Seribner't.
Trade with John Booth, The Leading
"Press tae Button" Kodak.
He does the rest your orders care
fully filled.
'Fur tliat Tired Feeling' ' Hood.
The most fastidious appetite can be
satisfied by trading with John Booth,
the Grocer.
"Ha Cured Others, will Cure "Sou" Ayer
Of care about what shall I have for
"Good Morning, Have Ton Used" Peace.
Some of John Booth's delightful
"Gratelul and Comforting" Eppt.
To housekeepers to buy groceries
where everything is fresh and clean.
"Don't Be a Clam" Siddall.
Bat trade with John Booth, the Lead
ing Grocer.
-" : ; . - j j
"Best and Goes Farthest" Vaa HmUem.
Everything bought of John Booth,
the Grocer.
Funeral of Mr. E. P. Roberts.
By an unfortunate oversight, the fol
lowing was omitted from our columns
yesterday. Ed.
The funeral of Mr. E. P. Roberts oc
curred Sunday from the Congregational
church. Despite the mass of snow upon
the ground, the funeral was one of the
largest ever held in The Dalles, many
coming from ten miles out in the conn
try to attend the last sad rites of a per
sonage who has been a history-maker of
Eastern Oregon. Rev. Curtis gave an
epitome of Mr. Robert's life, fitly eulo
gizing the many virtues of the deceased,
and was listened to with marked atten
tion. The remains were interred in
Sunset cemetery.
The Ladies Glee club will meet with
Miss Jeanette Williams this evening.
Magical little granules those tiny,
sugar-coated Pellets of Dr. Pierce
scarcely larger than mustard seeds, yet
powerful to cure active, yet mild in
operation. The best Liver Pill ever in
vented. Cure sick healrache. dizziness,
constipation. One dose.
Gall and see our $24.80 Britannica en
Staple 0 Fancy Groceries,
Hay, Grain and Feed.
Masonic Block, Corner Third and
he Only House in Town
-Making a
Pents Furnishing Goods,
!Uhich gives us an opportunity to devote our entire time
to this particular line.
in i?ancy underwear, (Jversnirts and
Gloves, which we are clos
ing out cheap.
"Youri fer Health" Lydia P.
Saved by trading with John Booth,
the Grocer.
'Greatest Speed Consistent with
Safety" Penn. R. R.
Used in delivering orders.
Do You Wear rants" Plymouth Rock.
Tell her to trade with John Booth, the
Leading Grocer.
Out O Sight" Hobo.
Bread made with Compressed Yeast.
"For that Full Feeling" Adam.
After breakfast Eat Quaker Oats.
"Absolutely Pure" Royal.
Is the fine line of teas kept by John
Booth, the Grocer.
"Untried a Joy Denied" Schilling.
Trading with John Booth, the Lead
ing Grocer.
Nickelsen's Special
To Baise Funds for new Spring and
Summer Goods.
100 full bound 25-cent books, only 15
cents each.
New dollar sleds, at 65 cents eaeh.
New 50 cent music books, 35 cents each.
afpKeep your eye on this column for Home
tiling new every other day.
First premium at the Wasco county
fair for best portraits and views.
Plso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the
Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
Bold by Druggists or sent by ".n,
80c E. T. Baasltlne, Warren. Fa.
Court Streets. The Dalies. Oregon.
Specialty of-
Hats and Caps.
We have a few remnants
HE TROY Steam Laundry
of Portland, has establish-
T ed a branch, office for laun
dry work -with Thos. McCoy
at his "barber shop, No. 110
Second St., where all laun
dry bundles -will be received
till Tuesday noon of each
week, and returned on Sat
urday of the same week at
Portland prices.