Tub Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL. PAPER OJ DALLKd CITY. AMD WASCO COUKTY. at the Fostoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. SVgSCRIPTlW BATES. m MAIL FOSTAGA P&KPaLdVxJR ADTAlicir "Coneurt Company. Weekly, 1 year . . 6 months "-8 " ...... Sally, 1 year 6 months -. " Der " - Address aU communication to ' THS CHBON SCLE," The Dalles, Oregon. ....160 o 10 0 50 00 800 0 60 The National Association of wool manufacturers are alarmed lest the in coming administration will put into practice their en nnciated principles upon the' tariff and at their recent meeting in Hew York adopted resolutions respecting the attitude of the Association upon the tariff. They say: It has been the policy of the National 'Association of Wool man ufacturers since its organization in 1885, "believing in the principle of protection uniformly applied, to accept the judg nent of congress in determining rates of dntyon wool, provided they were ac compftnied by the necessary compensa tory duties on woolen goods; and since it is now proposed to repeal the woolen duties, we, nevertheless desire to again place upon record the belief that the ex isting tariff has proyed . advantageous to the wool grower, the wool manufacturer and the consumer of woolen goods.' The Proposed economic change is not in re sponse to any demand from tne industry we represent, 80 per cent, of the macmn ery of the country having joined in pro- teatine azainst the passage of the free wool now pending in congress, which protest is hereby affirmed. The' wool manufacture, organized and conducted for more than thirty years on the basis of a duty on its raw material, cannot asily or quickly adjust itself to so radi al a chance of condition, and the ut most care should be taken, if such measure is to be enacted, to so adjust its terms and parts that the industry will not be suddenly and violently forced into a position that will carry general disas ter to those engaged in it, and to every merchant and shopkeeper handling their roods. We trust that no congress - sleeted by the people, and responsible to them, will hastily or carelessly enact law imperilling the $300,000,000 of cap! tal invested in the wool manufacture. Haley's Buncombe Baby. Bale, Or., Feb. 13, 1893, Kditob Chronicle The following it the full text of SenateHesolution No. 23 "Resolved, That a committee of three ' be appointed by the president of the senate' consisting of senators whose term of office will not expire nntil after the regular session of the legislative assem bly of 1895 be appointed for the purpose of investigating the feasibility and ad' viaability of constructing a portage railroad around the falls of The Dalles from a point at or near the town Celilo to the city of The Dalles in Wasco county, Oregon ; and for that purpose ? they are hereby empowered to secure the services of a competent engineer, and to procure such other assistance as may be necessary to make a complete investiga tion as to the probable cost of such road : the benefits to accrue therefrom to the people of the state of Oregon and the effects that such a road may have upon the material interests of this state and to report the same to the legls lature at this or the next session there' of, together with their conclusions and recommendations thereon. That said committee, if in their opinion it would be advisable, are hereby authorized consult with the U. S. Engineers, or any department of the federal government for the purpose of obtaining information or making requests of the general gov eminent, for assistance in ascertaining the . probable cost of the road, or building and maintaining the same and that any memorial proposed by said committee may, at their request, be sent to the congress of the United States by the secretary of the state of Oregon Tinder the seal of the state as being the act of the people of the state of Oregon. . "Retailed further. That any bills now before the 'senate in reference to the construction of a portage railroad be- tween said points be and the same are hereby referred to the committee created in the foregoing resolution." Mr. Kaley called up his pet (.?) bill on 17 of January and sent up the foregoing senate resolution No. 23 and had it read and upon hU motion it was adopted, you will see that it provides for the em ployment of engineer and other assis tance, which requires expenditure of 'money this cannot be authorized only by joint resolution of both houses; and there is just as little sincerity in the resolution bo far as the author is con cerned as there was in the original bill. r Sastern Oregon papers may as well be- . (in singing peons o'er the remains of this "Sweet William" it died a-bsra-in, and now sleeps in the grave of oblivion, and above its little mound may be writ ten the epitaph "Sacred to the memory of Raley'a Buncombe Baby." HM fcLl W TODAY. The only first-class house in The Dalles. MRS. FRASER, ' AT. TUB EtiHOPEnMOllSEE IS PKEPABBd'TO QIVB-; FIRST-CLASS REGULAR BOARD AT 20 PER MONTH. The Boston Operatic Concert com pany will give an entertainment at Win gate's hall next Monday evening. It should, and doubtless will be well pat ronized, for it is for the benefit of the free reading room, which is one of the most deserving objects of philanthropic regard. Bat, aside from any charitable inclination, tne efiInment deserves beral support for its own sake, a u first class company, and all lovers oi music will be insured their money a worth. The New Orleans Picayune says them : "The Boston Operatic Con cert company scored a most pronounced success last evening at the grand opera house. It was gratifying to note, too. that there was a large audience present, and the company deserve it, for it is a ilendid organization, its niembers are 1 artists oi tne nnt ciass, snu iuo uu- . T - - r . -.T VCBh UlUDlCai Otjr 1C Av ia. l ever visited the south.' JOHN PASHEK, pieicp t - Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. Just Received, a fine slock of Suitings, Pants Patterns, etc.of all latest . Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used in put tin? garments, and a ht guaranteed each time. '" fepaiiring and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. Eleetrlo Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no pecial mention, All who use Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A nnrer medicine does not exist and it Is guaranteed to do all that is elaimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, , will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the" system and prevent as well as cure all 'malarial fevers. For cure of headache, consti- nation and indigestion try Electric Bit ters, entire satisiaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per bottle at Snipes Kinersiy's. What is lacking is truth and con fidence. If there were absolute truth j on th one band and absolute confidence on the other, it wouldn't be necessary for tho makers . of Dr. Sage's Catarrh! Remedy to back up a plain statement ot fact by a t500 guarantee. They say Vlf we can't cure you (make it personal please,) of catarrh in the bead, in any form or stace. we'll pay you $500 for your trouble in making the trial." "An advertising fake" you say. Funny isn't it, how some people prefer sickness to health when the remedy is positive and the guarantee absolute. Wise men don't put money back of "fakes." And "faking" doesn't pay. Be. 00 Seoend St, The Dalles,' Or. BOOTS AND SHOES MANUFAC TURED TO ORDER. . . ALU WORK AND A GUARANTEED. PERFECT FIT REPAIRING DONE IN FACTORY MANNER. A SATIS- s. L. YOUNG, Witt ifl Retail Dripis IF "O" 3S3 ID 3EtL XT 3r IS Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on aaon nonce, ana satisr action guaranteed. AT TBX Star of I. C Hlekeleen, Bd St. The Dalles Coonty Treasorf s Xotlee. All county warrants registered prior to May 1, 1889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. The Dalles, Oct. SI, 1892. William Michsxu. - 10.31U Treasurer Wasco County, Or, C. P. STEPHENS, DEALER Dry fSttrU ontamith Qhftn jT . J VltJ DluUuuluitll Ulivp ff pLOTHING BeteSa, Shoes, Batt, Xttev FanctJ Ijood flotion?, Kte.. Bt. Seoosd St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, tbx nansrsy - . - Will repair your fine. Buj and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guaranteed. GUHfllflG & flOGIftjflfl -fig ops. WINGATE HALL ONB NIGHT ONLY, nf14ik The Musical Event of lie Season. We are now balance of our closing out the THE BOSTON Winter Dress Goods, Ladies and Misses; Jackets, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, D R UGS Sni '&'KlN ERSLY. -THE LEADING- Handled by Three Registered Druggists. - ALSO ALL THE LEADING - Patent medicines and Druggists Sundries. HOUSE PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the (Jity for Ine isnerwin, Williams Co.'s Paints. v ' V. WB, ARK ''' THe Largest Dealers: in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key- West' mhd l Domestic Cigars. -- Agent : ior xansmrtf runch 129 Second Street, The Dalles. Oregon 1a INHN S 7HB NSW TOWN bas been platted on tba old camo vroand. at the Forks and f Falls ot Hood rlrer. with tanre slrhtly lots, broad streets and allevs, rood soil. DQre oold water and shade in crofuaion. nerfect drainage, deliehtfnl monntaia vnre oold water and shade i cuntie, xne central actraeuon as a mountain summer resort ana tor ail uregon, being tne nearest town to Mt. Hood. It la also unparalled aa a manufacturing enter, being the natural center for ISO square miles of the best cedar and Or timber, poasessina; millions of bone power in Its dashing streams and water - tails, easily harnessed. Where cheap motire power exists, there the manu factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot be excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with trantportation already assured you will find this the place to make a perfect bosae or a paying inTestmeus TITLE PERFECT See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River, Wasco County,- Oregon. W. ROSS WINANS. "There is a tide in tie affair of men tvkuk, taken at its Jlood leads on to fortune!' Th post unquestionably had reference to the OPERATIC - norc(TET?.T COJAt a erreat sacrifice, in order to make room for our new Spring: goods. Comprising trie Original VlESSfl MDY OHGflESTftrl, Under the Leadership ot Miss Irene Haman. H. Herbring. DOLPH SUSIE LEVIJIQ ! In their Original Sketch The California Basso, Albert Hawthorne. Five cents a day will get you the en cyclopedia. We see the Oregonian and 89 them 50 per cent, better. ' - - A nice furnished room to let.- Inquire outhenst corner Fifth and Court. ; Old papers, suitable for carpets or helves, will be exchanged for clean rags t this officev . . Cures Confirh, Hoarsen eau, Sore Xliroat, Croup promptly: relieves Whooping Couga and Asthma. Fnr Consumption -tt baa no rival; haaenred thousands where all others failed; -will cuhb Ton if taken In time. Sold by Druggists on a arriarantee. For I me Back or Cheat, uso 8BILOa' FI.A81EB. 25 eta. H ILOH,SkCATAHRH Have you Catarrh ? This remedy is guaran teed to cure you. Prlpe fiOota. Injector free. J TV. r. WISEMAJf, TP JI. 1IABDGB8, (Qisema'n & Carders, Saloon and -Wine Rooms - The Dalles,' - Oregon. - C23r"North wee t Conrt Streets. corner of Second and D. BUSNS W Pipe Wprit, Till Repairs anj Upoling MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young fe Kusa' Blacksmith Shop. H. G. NIELS6N, Clothier and Tailor BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, izba' 3?-Ua.xxa 1 hiTi 1ng Grooda, CX3KNER OF SEOOkL AKD WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OBEGOK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. Tks CsnogaM Balldto(asit Door to Csut HsCm. at CR AN DALL & BU R G ET'S, t .Who ar selllns these goods out at greatly-red uced rates. MICHXLB ACH BRICK. - .. . WKIOM 8T. V THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES BRAIN AED. & ARMSTRONG'S ; QPQpL SILK FINE LINE OF ' - '-.0: y :r!v Jl I mm ill No. 390 to- 394, 2d street The Dalles NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. ; ; FRAZER '& WYNDHAM. Proprietors, if C J3 . u CO ta ituri 'iifiSirfSrin sip''- It ; .it; A: At the old stand of R. Lusher, no Front St. The Dalles, Oregon. ' HmtaelT YMM EoomsJoEentlytte Day, Veet or : Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOUCITED. " Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Hen. PAUL KR EFT & -DEALERS IIT- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, And tho Most Complete nd ths Latest Patterns and Designs in ,717" Xji 1j ZE E K JESL . " s7"Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of th Bher.win-William8 and J. W. Haaury's Paints need in all oar work, and Bono fett the rnoet ekilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. ' No chemical combination or soap mixtnre. A first class article) in ail colors. Ail orders promptly attended to. - Paint Shoo corner Third and Washing ton Eti., Ths rallai. Cisox