i . j -atV j JaBmrurJ i-jrvj rs ..vis I L i vv i . . . . ... : , 1 si . .sittnara vbacU ij:aa list s'etr.i! -4eq fU v-nd iiivr BsaUJsob in .Maori srfl iasngd rwji -lot ei"4f loj'.liasliiot 1 7" r"'. l"S i K . ., .. iiuiuii iJiiii mmi J , . ' t K w nnrrrsi w t tT-rrr; i i i i 1 i ii iT nr n . of.,.,,,.-. - DO a .: ' , tnp bast TtUnog (31100 Ul "ft -f j d4UjlMd " "'aa' '!I''0 W3;1 MT x THE ALLESOREGOl'llUESD FEBRUARYlC 'il89.n jVsS osiffT til t'.oiJaioop.?!. NO. .L ft ; aUT beeInaaW&50b(weeWt'y6nn'wEbbek 4 tCV Bsc . I I - .... iJJ- I WW V V .'1 y I ill 113? flllii 11; UJi T ft t7 raw JUL ini i i i-fOTv.vn. t eMff Una ae3a7Tit .'rlc GQLUMmA CANDY FACTORY Campbell BrosPro Ilanntactaiera of the finest French ani as Mane Tropical Frigs, Jq C&ninilh iny orT theM a Wtaolee&la OlBetall In Kverjr Btyl. 1M Second 8trret?The D.lles;, Or. a Ardl lVO Jrf, ryi GigaF teHV "R' Q.T thBest "Brands VlVXilXVO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on tEe'shorfest noticeV"1 "" """ ."" the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A T A. ULRICH & SON. AKI. so IT Imw Th . Dalles ata a. n. every day and. ui-1 rives at rnnevllle in tuirty-slx Hours, ieave Prlnevlllo at 5 a. m. every day and arrives at The Dalles in thirty-six hours. Carries thf Jli Passers ini Connects at PrinfriUftWlthr -j- Stages from astrn asdvfSouihern Or Ws.Nojrtbeiii Oaiifiriifaiaict -all Interior Points. ' Also makes close connection at The Dalles wltb trn fe.TogaiXI easteTnjolat8., All persons wishing passage must waybni at of. Cces before' taking -pAssaee; -others will not be received. Express must be waybilled at oflices or the Stneo Co. will not be responsible. The company will take no risk on money transmit ted. Particular attention given to delivering express matter at Prineville and all southern points in Oregon, and advance charges will be paid by Che company. trx r? w IilM.1I taetory tO; 29111311)910 ' 'M&Jd4 lpilA '32UDJ3 ; -..fnl n loq luj PREACH BANKERS.' TRAJfSACT AGKJKtBALBi Letters of Credit isaued Iwrallable ln! sfstrar ? I Eaatern States. Miht Exclbinge and Telegraphic rransterssoldon JSiew York, Uhicago, St. Louist,Sani Fr(in;i boo Portland Oregon, Seattle1 Wash.,' aad Varibaapolnta in Or egon and Washington. . , . r ' Collections made at-all "polnte On fv- I 4. 8. BCHKO, B. If. BI4U. Rational Bank. VKE DALLES,-' -RECtJN A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight - 'Praft Check. aHI'I Collections made and, proceeds promptly i Remitted pn day ofcollection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ew XorK. oan iTanoecd and Fort- :h U s DIRBOTOKS. J D. P. T6mpsok.?1 Jko. S.;Schnoi. Kd. M. Williams, Geo. A. Libbb. -- H. M. BlALL. Ik MM Nationali Bank, Of DALLES CITYt-OR,, President - -"j - .- "Z; F. Moodt Vice-President. . .":V -Chahx.es Hilton Cashier.'--- r -vf ?'r A. Moodt. General Baoklng Business Transacted.; - VvrSAN.FEANClSCOr ! ' 5 J .' ' i' CHICAGOi . - 1 : 1 " ' rr r an d PORTLAND, OR Collections, mad? on favorable teirms -i i If.Ui !:S Of,! tit i.'T-ir-l.-. GENTLE1V BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OFT J$Tf KIND. I jT3E rsrf: j (Belt aHjeerd i . ?7 .5. li;:i sa: 1. 1 i a Vr-1 1 i ,( 'niri 'men - . i,: ; .- . ' . 1 ' ji ivhiifid-i - .tii i '-';bi-.ej;ji t.'.vj.ovj mb-id 3F Shirts of air kinds "to order, at prices which defy competition. Other goods in proportion. P. FAGAN, Second St., The Dalles. Bole Agent for WANNAMAKKK BROWN, Philadelphia, Pa mlirBrflfrl a Li j M t I '-ft dHRHHIIRBII f l - H t! SI IHr. B :: v::a I lit W .-m i (iS.-. i53bw he --'" It-'V t:turr 5 1 1 o .5 rue I1-J1T 1 i:i"7'. .-larv v'tj lit ti,i. 3 S"fxtAO boa 4- CO. Olympia, Feb. IT. The Dig senatorial iBzht. which is now blockinz lezislation. ki8rupting the republican party in the ptate and ' generally ' demoralizing the participants in the struggle, presents many unique features.Amo.ne them is 'noticeable the fact thai WScensiderableJ number of Allen's men are eagerly and f arnesim-waicwag gna nojrf.n ppportuiiify-fqr i 'ow w- didate, while in the Turner ranks' there are tuuvjiB fnanirtrnairovia giaaiy.iVQte or Allen ana eficl m fitrOgBle.TCur- ner s men have given up all hope of selecting the Spokane man and are now aafio- arr;nything-tOrbeat-Allen policy. . . , x.--. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, scorns, andall skinruptlpnsand posi tively Vef rss,2dt4o iaXIrfqired,, It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. - Price. 25 cents per box.- For sale by Snipes fe Kin ersly. - ; A fine thoroughbred, 6 year old stal lion for sale cheap. For further particu lars apply at thM office, noa; r. PuBhinz canvasser of eood address Liberaltaalary and expenses paid weekly ; A package containing a pair of No. Z ladies shoes was lost 5n Saturday.' between i-lfflf?ttfy!y iljg;fan4 Mr. Roberts place in Dry Hollow. The finder will be thankfully 'rewarded on lestiili the ame:ait'thi9;ffica.ir ior'b Spectacles r.ost-IOiiS li The finder of a pair of gold framed eye grasses,1 'Jnr be- skabiyrewardedOB leaving the same at this office. Subscribe lof ThsDauiTChroniol. f - .. AnM ' MOTICK. ' All Dalles tJitv warrants registered prior fo' May lfS9l. Will be1 paid H presented at nry office. Interest ceases torn and after this date. Dated, Jan. 3d. 1693 u. . t xreas. jjaiiesvitT-" -p Do you wish to know the quickest way to cure a cold? iy yrty tell ,you...tTo cure a cold quickly; it ' must be treated before the cold has become settled in the system:" Tha first symptoms of 'a cold peatoTauoni sna tber sneeeingoy a. pre fuefe Eatery discharge from thehose, S severe cases-there is a thin white coalin on the tongue.'"Whatft6 'do? IHtf on! Remedv . irr doubleY does- everv hour. That will treatlf 'leeseaithe'ieeteritviof the cold and in manv cases will euacta-t.. ally counteract t, ana cure .what would J na peen a severs jooia rwiinm fn ;or two aas tfme.1"Xrr 1t ariu'he' convinced 25 and 60 cent 'bottles for sale lv Subscribe for Thi Dailt Chronicle : vm l':i-jTtsi'CloJ lot An Bstray Bay Wa. mmmm , Came to my place last fall a bay mare aV"fWfyeaToJd, withf smal whitt spot bnt rigb'tfd, al so ? whiter potjoii left hip. star in the forehead, with some dim brand on left shoulder, weight about eight hundred pounds. Owner can have the same by proving property and pay ing costs.. V. J. Kelly, 15-Mile creek. 1 at m t 111 nfifra. Ii tig faecri Hi cSS - , ? fjyf" 5T ff'a?! lmpaaitiy to rqs Eawtation, jauaa 4' Lost Fackst. ' X A A f fl H n ftWWlyJa:yeareJinee,Jtn5 IW George Wv,;CraiQIlce, fOAUSIAfrt 330Hd QUA 3TCOM OT 03Ht ! - -'. . .033TAr.AUb .,,.,, tne. , innncr,i. 1 . rr rj X FEW BOQKS.APB., DAMAGED y-v B r-irj. HaCIueHoi'lilrrIentltyaiicC Uhe 8 apposition Is There Is an Organized Oang. PBAlilrl)Fel3.-Pll l - i it ?ne or the rpost artistically' executed jobs of safe cracking ever called to the attention of tjhe Portland "poticesor:15etecftve force was brought to light this morning when I n WW, pMprratorldf fMeilftin-Jdireet biisan streets, openea tnt irons aoor 01 his office. Aantranc to .thfit building ,gaa.ffratedj3vthemeana ,of a skeleton key, which opened a back door leading from the lumber-yard. This door was unlocked this morning, while the front door leading off Glisan street was bolted on the inside. A hole was "drilled througH-Ahe eight-inch door of the safe, aoJlcheitAgje thj"cCiipbi nation lock, into wJr.cn' giant powder was blowEkj ami firecE tbe conepgajoiK Bceek-fl ing offthe-locit kdalroMfeRfW door to open. The drawers and money till were cut and pried out, the till being f the safe- 'bVeakferB-loacSi-oAfei he back door of the office. In handling the sheet- jroit. j4h la evidently . . r . . rcutfsrrandas - ' Dlbrfcfsfar 4s Dlboastairis were die covered this mouiing on the floor, and yic sir' YxJtiff - wiLn blood-stained water in which he bad washed them. Nothing was left by the thieves which will give any clue to their rtif&ihra'a fh chhftrtierawitte vrhidk s no doubt I; in the city, ana it is proDaDie tneir operations in the field are not yet fin isehd. Ab far as could be ascertained .nothing whatever was taken,-and the amounts to the damage to the safe and the powder-Durnea Doocs, only the back of which are damaged. The cash- drawer in the book-keeper's desk was not molested.- It contained nothing but stamps. . . In The Ptlsonera Box. - Pittsbubq. Feb. 13. By lar the most itrrborlanf o?K e -"UoraesteaoTriot trials l?shalof HrHDonne c&irman of tne advisory uuuu, uiu pructicany tue questioned leader during the tiering liiaaeaiiiuaejiiately following the strike. orjweae rpaifttnlv ligclosed, he ill Trbhi "f avbf Ttfter-'lSnre- resigned Trbmt'aavlsory board, was -arrested s66nrsaf Lei-ward andtrhaB been amwii Te?kiorfiJbail being refused. O'Donnell looked pale and haggard in the prisoner's box thi morn ing ttbOrreaultof long, con finement. - The indictment charges him wttb?th murderof T. CV Cqtners. He pleaded 'not, guilty" tp hCcharge. The work of selecting a jury was tedious, and occupied the greater part of the morn gTj:IivIsh B(rtah?ot Btme Jlulo. morning. XonpoS, Feb. n3.-KExcitemenrTan high today before the opening of the hotfpe. the nfltifltha'madstone was to-1 IhtroducS4 hlsdtiie''nle bill drawing, - - r-crf xZzT ii-er rts c l-.T-t ii scene around 4.he paceOyaSl'rare8t-J minster was of the most animated des-a crfptl6"D7Ttrrow6rambled:ti witness the arrival of the members. At noon thfe inner' tohbv WAsrjanked'-Wftfr 'mem- Jien jhp door was openedtljere rj? a pisorfleriy rush fo seats, tne memoers; BhOUll tins and strncrirline like a mob of excursionists r'sibnlsts." The "yeteraa. member,! Caleb Wright, was borne - down and irampteil riporiilSSol wjftaFjJhJiOlfficultyi rescued, ,- .- n 4 G8 "fi?-Jr?Sfeif feVi? efrtshe3intjipa exeitlQn..af the day connected with the with prplonged enthusiasm by the lib-' .J?ii.fyX"sa members...' A quarter ofj an hour later, when ha arose to intro-! aaca toe nome-rma oui. tntyw; waa ao-i btbelf demonstration las'tithr? leveral minutes. ' " Great Billiard Oaaae. New Yoek, Feb. 13.' A match has I whole advwQry board, aaolhers submit? Vt,,-,cU Kiliio 12ii rk'i'onh i UVjA-' ana TOen xeai cameoat- tvaesa r-PKooerti conceding halfheiaelrhls'Hrm' they play 24,000-pdtHts-rppspet barred, apaaltHP'bncotacfededi-owly; Dc0 pptritsT.s3Tlietreffuctl6tofi th baadloau The-cbMe wilSbegiirf'Moiidilyvii'etorai; A,vrit3ii 'Mg e?,"&tt s urf3Riort 1 ba saka'AokXs ,!iod .Bsliraii; .DOOid eifinuti W if Inanin rji,?t-vr.-,i. beiezUjbBaeftQr about .sixears.ui thiaaoirntflB! jtnd jhavefetb an4 passed. jj' sentatives aridhave donn'tiothiiig'to raigfi tfitf"valiie oti'their wbeaty nci lower Ahe pVi'ce oh tbelr ebmaioditiesi '.JLNdw,.then; lt the' grangers aad-aTliance people cftm-t me as one. and do what the, farmers jDf great Palouse country sare' about io dp(fofa4n.; with tliem.if they ican r) send Ir-wheat, ' and ssbt thiniz. ielseu -they - bdvS totsQllairectritd the. exporters 4 ibe-ehiriiownersiand; thereby aa tfie'-rofits ofxniddrenieDjior themw 3 el ves", which Mill' be; from- 4. to: .lOn-oents n - the-. : bushel.'cuaCommened -ati - wort ow tdon-'t : wait" tnntib next 1 fall ,v and- ,hen; kiekktlf we have a terminal warei ouse atiPortland,Uthe wheat, of. Ibis 4un'ty 'cOTldlbei.ipped.direct''tot'Lt nd held until enoutth was on hand to jadsTiTpXhe1r3are " pleTfty bTarrfii rsjwho could do thehusiness and rilentv sibdai. ilititbiiSei'riJetlsf a uni mrtci jteps to nahi eps to haliaie Iheirnawntalfl tecalea, handlethemby their own men and work together for their own good. Get f xne river troor tnis porac to-Astorii-is- he river fro&f this-point; td-A'storiii4j al most as open -as it -will be when the locks are done. The Goldendale cor respondent'? Jaer?SgoQd; an-ifjhe- -bad suggesrcdtlfaraTehbirsefHand 'ecales baputo,a Rockland, he would have srWsa it lllia'-legiiituBte.fconclu- sion, and hit the nail on the bead. - -Oehoco- SavieK- Some peculiarity of the weather has i caused geese fioxfc in xin CrooKed river an.-Jarga aiprpbers, a thin g,vert uncom mon; i Iimatt thaithelffeeihli ' A.t .... ' it country, which has caused the geese to congregAteiEeSali KllStji. SaiM" , Robert Smith, of Sisters, was in town Wednesday. Hefeported Bnow four teen inches deep at Squaw creek, and 1tMagfdfnfdfifted. UTOdjES dtock; J.f r Srniti says, are-doing-well on aaw?icreek,fti th Jacli5fen; having plenty of feed. .and are using, it unspar ingly. TheOregonian baieeti informed that there were two feet of snow at Prine ville.' The party whoinformed that paper certain emn8tj bave, viewed the snow wiih a telescope, for eight inches is the7eeaettpilJof-)now;-e''have had"dunng""the wlnfer, "and " the last storm-only -deposited- about five-inches of 8 now on the ground. ' . B. Vowell, who lefrhere last fall with a band of horseSjrotieirmr.Coifax, Iow'a'nrtdeiv,aata of" Janii27th that be harEs?theJjr baylng ifrived there in bad sbape'and ; as the jnarkt4"was f ulL he would ' hold tlhtit .spririgl" there-were tea inches, of .snow jon i the ground and th'eSsealher. had been intensely cold. V. : : Stockholder JVItetlng. Notice fs hereby given that- a special ineeting o the Btockhldera' of.tbe-.C mbia.-stiver Fruit com parry; if; called by matioibe.betl at ,theoffice of,.8id,.pqm Oregon," n the I8th day Of March A D.i I'o'plock 'p" 'n5 tke.;aerjon ; up6tr dTminfshfnjg'-the5: capital stock ' of iftlcjwafioi ah4 tejarnoujit rqthej 2"p.reside3XeVi Frnit Co -...- fruits. - . . i Get Thb Cheonicli encyclopedia. lirt and take steps-to. do X iTK. (til 1 . . ' a. . voi i'oq ftiij'nSDtf Bri 41 '.yny, v-fT .TJhfil io Bilax ahifiifn!H)MLi 1st staisoos'lo ititusi'- H fs Body1 PjiVtJy : Eaterf by & Coyote & Ja Hli J.i 9f!f JIWM1 t!0'0lai-.J c3 s.3cs3i.-jFwP WMlip.dlIii sniff b:h3 B-tfoow to Tn;f;;aao3 mi ban v-jfarrhi;; arf.t .ncril buarnnb na 01 oinoqv 'UldSMU adS lo 11 (A ,i.ifjS!riqiit ow . ArrlVai ir Frlonds, wno- Wlir J-robabl5? ill i,i.'j3i.SstSSl-30A.,-4:te-'fi! fi'iitstii" !M:J w 'M1Tdenda,le:'r' loo riT. .b-)u;i n fo-teii r.i Saoisiq L.9l-!nfnor Fa; aeaxn 01 Keyvir. yvoquna. 01 tioiaenv dateWasl. "fwd Weelis ago Uai Friday fV AA U U.A AAV AAA lUVCUUiUK VU IU A t fngtpn on business., It ls pupnosed he Eos't his wav'i n. the blinding sWrm'whicli 41 was raging at that time, and perished in, . 'ihbw brl lHWba,Akgf ihV'Co'lu&W PariieS & ttalocks' "staWon" f-.t , I Op- Irifr on. eigiitjniles rlistant,. requesting1 the. . gentttere to ' se'no a ' rescuing 'party. fter the . uriforturiate than." Two 'men.' -rjinglv jsefit outrin a .boat to he rescue, but the darkness and blix- arAf8'PY .JwKfeStbeir evidently anfttarref , ppLt4iex yjBtarptf&s -ftfter PSi.t,thKtS SHBU.tes'j Jfr.tlejS! J-JiearclL,,? iTfee.ppqrj mqn;.wa.aJheard. (pevetaL,4;imB ftartngytb,gh crying; MyjvGpJ j hMsjQrt J b4:P9oe jtlayligbt,,camew i$tt DasiWson.uJlhe; (Sgenjj at; Blaocke, aodtathersJnitetutpdA ;tbmn, ntntt Abft, ABtb tfSdqnft iPrfrf SltedhisibBirrsfound,.r.and,-.l p(braigb probabltAhaclbe imighjhye;. jeuxvird.fRn4jniade5hi pousevroJvhBB ifeftt Bnojqf melle aw.ajj yestrdayjt.;.lig.iveyfinj ibi8;ij3ody,kpartIjy jeatepi lv cpoiestwaa.ioHndyayipg,. jaear jthei filial) twbere h5? irie? t had-abee :bead5 , ttbeiecvasejwasj auV.fifJiTj ;yarftof jSg.jSpmeqi.biSnfrjendaarij rived KlalpoltS! todfty., aa,ri40will,l,pr,o.bn: ;abljyrake.Jiifcby:dbaR;Jta1iGoJdendalo toriburlai. su-roan -ct '&?a-)d orfj : bifit tnoa'J-tO la ui.yi9 bdi 16 oiijosq oii 1 Vnia brAiocfchoUterjs-IIpjwMrjg. 0;Jj baa Bin'J io eivj-toiai tTW!i;ii otfi UfgrTevJiii apSPA81 JSfteetWt tqckjiqldersol eaUedjbxjme oeheldatths,. office, .of sa?mPnyi.r WOIrribQiWqtfP. of takeactippjajmedtng the , by Jawa i eai4 copaVAV?. jjm'mr- 4kWr9r8.orrheieVning,t jfeneee, jfl , 9ctqbei andto taketn-gjjptbei;,, action. tbat(.. could, b taken, at aoy'rearannuat meeting jqf saidstpckhqlders,,. ' .; ...C. ei43 twlMlI i., tP,.I'cTAYL0B,. . ...President,, of the Columbia, , River FrpitCouj r,, ia j t- r-.ij lo jy. literary, annoancemenj; olj.an. edition, ,ot the Enjria.rnn!ca,pr f 2OV0O, tben-genuinej u:y4astrated r;Jarge .type, cloth bound,iw,prk;,;;,A .sample yplume caq nowbe jeen.at. jthis office ;(( is er ialnlj jthe.mpst astonishing bargain, ever . OfferejcJ n.,tbO:tw?k .iTT?rld.Jrje,..pr6poso .to order. set, apdjl any of; dour friends want to join, ua thpy can do so, and eave ;littlerin trouble an expense, ,j 'Seefthb advertisement, ehiewhere ajid, come. ip, an4 see tt!bvk-'!.j.Vnfe.8U-fmeji .plaa for y curing the work, on pay ment pf palxfiye cents; $ .47 P? Ji9? qveryweny daya ka , ui,. Jthi Injiivi-MSitj t o.i'.r y; . tnijfy? ,' ;r ,..WOOP, '.WOOD, WOOD. '"iesrgrakyf. bkK, fii-, ;ana slab cord wood, at'lowest; 'market Tates at' Joa. T. Ti ' .-a. v-. i-fK Cw.A nr,rl .lafFcr. cord Peters & stOfficft Secopd andJeffer--SOttetretS, buaoixt ej!.M:f e-i vfo,ia ij;t,-. Bower. Latest Uf S. GovHrRfort. u iwj.iiof sag law Y,eD rJu',-a evf i - .n'f?"0 SiijrtrjO .fuiwqol.v' .rTj bust TMi3 Jiti--a hi 1