The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 13, 1893, Image 3

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TH3 GoiumDia PacKing Co.,
V s
TO Our Friends and Patrons.
WE ' HAVE rather neglected our Advertising of latey not
because we had nothing' to sell; but we had nothing
especially new to.offer, .and preferred to wait until we could
6ay .something of -interest ; We'Vre, and have been for some,
time, busily .engaged in placing our orders for Spring and
Summer Goods and . feel justified. inannouncing that we
ehall have -the FINEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST
GOODS in all our lines that has. ever'been seen in The
Dalles. We havesecured some genuine novelties in' the
. Dry Goods Department, and the ladies will certainly con
' Bult their best interests by deferring their purchases until
after." their, arrival, of which we shall give' you due notice.
Keep both eyes on this space and we will certainly surprise:
you, hot "only "with" the goods, but the prices at which we
' shall sell them. -We mean business and .propose to have
your patronage-, if LOW PRICES and - the BEST
GOODS will accomplish it. "Yeurfe Respectfully, '
pease mms.
Fine Lard and-Sausages.
Curers of
Dried ;Beef, Etc:
Masonic Building.
The Dalles. Or,
...... -Notice. ."
" To all whom it may concern 'By vir
tue of an order of the common council of
Dalles City, made and entered.n the 31st
day of December, 1892. Notice ia here
by given that said-city council is about
to -proceed to order and construct-a
sewer of eight inch ' terra cotUv pipe
through blocfc-9 in Langhlin's addition
to Dalles city, .. beginning at the center
of Jefferson street opposite the eaet -end
of the alley through-the -center ot said
block and the.nce westerly following - the
centre of said alley and continuing to
intersect the sewer in Laughlin. street,
-and that the cost of such sewer will- be
assessed against the propeity directly
"benefited therebv as by the charter pro
vided.. Dated ttiis 7tb day of January,
1S33. ." . .. Fkank-Mknbpbs, .
1.9.dl5t. : V, : Recd'r of Dalles City.
t-Wlicp In Bonht"-Scribner'.
Trade with, John Booth, The Leading
Grocer.- -. - '. "- "" " :
Press tJie B attorn" Ji'pdo. -
- He does the rest your orders care-
folly filled. . "... . . ,
'For that Tired Keeling" ilaod. ,
- The most fastidious appetite' can be
satisfied by trading with John Booth,
; the Grocer. - .
"Has Cared Other,, will Cmlo Aye
" Of care about what shall I have for
dinner. ' ' . " ' '' -
Good Morning, Have Ion Caed" Pear.
i Some bf John Booth's .delightful
'-. coffee?'-- .- . - '. '
"GraUlnl and Coiurovtioa;" Xppt. , ; ,
! To housekeepers "- to buy groceries
where everything is fresh and clean.
Don't Be a Clam" SiddaU. :" ,
But trade with John Booth, the Lead
ing Grocer. - ' . " .
-Beat and Goes Farthest" Fm Iloutm.
! Everything bought . of " John Booth.
- the Grocer, 7 -- -' - -
'Tour fcr Health" Lydia P. .'--.
.;'. Saved by trading with "John Booth,
; , the Grocer. '- '. ;..-' "
''Greatest Speed Consistent with. -
.' Safety" Penn. Jt. Jt.. ."''.."- ' - ';
- tJaed in deliverinz orders .
Do Toa Wear Pants'.' Plymouth Rock.
! Tell her to trade with John Booth, the
. Leading Grocer." -' .' - , : ,
" Oat O Sight" JTobo. - "".' . -
I Bread made with " Compressed Yeast, '
"Vor ifc .ratf Feel la damn.
t After breakfast Eat Quaker Oats.
j Is the fin line of teas kept by John
Booth, th Grocer. - ' ",; : "
'Untried a toy rfrenled" Schilling.
LTradingWith John Booth, the Lead
. ing Grocer. -s .". " . .
Hie Dalles Daily Chfoniele.
Knterod a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
Weather Forecast.
9Jfiial Jortcaet for tiMnty-four hour tailing at
, 6 p. m. tomorrow.,
: Monday occasional showers'' Tuesday
fair and stationary temperature "
. ,. Pagok.
FEB. 13, 1893
Crispy Sayings and Dolng-s of Leeal and
General Import.
he days of the bob are numbered.
The new Columbian half .dollars may
be obtained at Snipes & Kinersly'g. -.-
This year's rubbers won't do for
next," many a man has fallen to remark.
The Boston Operatic Concert Co.. will
give abenefit performance for the "read
ing room,, aided by the ladies of .The
Dalles, - ; r:.' '.
Bill Iye and A. P. Bnrbank will make
a tour of the coast the latter part of
March. . -
Pineapple juice is. said to be a good
preventive when there is diphtheria
about.-- .-
,' Farmers onght to be happy over crop
prospects if there ie any virtue in plenty
of enow.- . -
The railroad company - Saturday - fin
ished putting up ice at Celilo. Tbey
put up 2,600 tons. 1 - - ; .; ;.
, kext Wednesday being Ah ."VVednes-
day there will be mass t 8 o clock, at
the Catholic church. ' . .
" Paste this in your' hiiti ,:The TJ. P,
freight' trains are not allowed to carry
passengers any more, m
to jim crow entertainments and expect
half column write-ups, work, ' sweat;
Blarve, be abused and all the other joys
appertaining to a country-. newspaper,
- Free to everybody. For the next 15
days,' Herrin will give away one en
larged picture with every dozen cabinet
photos. Call and' see sample. Gallery
over the poBtoffice; . -
A poultry firm advertises l. "Our hens
lay fresh eggs daily." The announce
ment 'will doubtless prove a relief to the
thrifty . housewife who has heretofore
had to shake them, on her daily evening
gathering, to9 see whether or' not they
were stale.
fomotby Glenn, of Qlenn A McKenzie,
railway contractors, was In town Satur
day, buying hay for the nge of teams
while engaged iu constructing the Mohr
portage across the river. . Work will be
commenced, we arts informed, as soon as
the river at this point is navigable. -
A "funny accident happened to a
sleighing party yesterday. The party,
loaded " into a small cutter, were joy
ously driving about , the town, when,
without warning, the vehicle broke in
two, spilling the riders ingloriouely into
the snow,, whence they slowly picked
themselves out and wended their various
-.:r' .
ways jiouiewara. 4NO aamage otiier-tnan
the broken cutter and lacerated feelings
of the riders ensued.
- : t :
"' The MacKaye Speetatorlom." '
.- . Clwlt Cssrt. ' .
- The February lerm of the state circuit
court conyened this .morning. ". Judge
Bradshaw called court promptly at ten
o'clock and at once proceeded to busi
ness. The following errand iurors were
Messrs. F A SuefertPolk Butler,
B C McAtee, O S Morgan, Samuel
Brbyles, James Brown, Van Woodruff
and Jas Jilakeney was appointed Grand
jury bailiff. The docket was called and
default was granted in Patten vs Patten.
The case of Barrie vsr Moody, was set
for trial. The judge then took np the
demurer" in Collins t al vs Herbring.
The docket is a light one ai:d -will "not,
consume a great deal of time. '
Boyd Pleasure Party. j .'
. Boyd, Or., Feb. 9," 1893. ,
TO TlIK CHBCIICiiBI i- . 0 - '.
The Liberty wbst club was enter
tained last Wednesday evening' by Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Rice.. A large number
of their friends were present. Mrs. Dr.
Bell secured the first prize "andG. W".
Rice the hpoby. After the prizes were
awarded they had an old-fashioned
candy-'pulling and Dr. 3ell closed the
entertainment with some of his choicest
music. ' - " - . . -
- The river lafjt high,t was above Ioav
water mark. Sixty-five inches, of snow
have fallen here so far this winter,.
. It is thought that range stock in . this
immediate vicinity ;-wilt not- have suf
fered much Iobs if; the .'present
weather continues. .
.A. P. Venen, piano turner, will .be
here some time next week; Those 'de
siring pianos tuned, inav address him
' through the postoffice.
, A surprise party was
Marion Kennedy Saturday
which" the young folkB enjoyed, them-1
selves in the usual manner.-. r
'. Plumbers have had. a serious' time
with water pipes"', this winter. At one
time over half-of them "were" frozen at
once; apart fiom tbe'regnlar mains.
-, There was no service .in- the Catholic
church yesterday. Father Bronsgeest is
not yet able to leave bis room ' and the
priest'that wai expected frond Portland
did hot arrive-. - -' . . " " , . .
'Amos," intoday; jesue, gives .ns a
cleverlv-written letter on ' some of the
questions at present under discussion by
' our law makers.: It-is sound, ; spicy and
altogether readable. ' " . "
Julius Wiley received word from his
mother, living ".twenty miles south of
' Portland, that the peach trees, are. all in
bloom in that-vicinity, and orcbardisls
fear they will lose Ihis year's crop. .
, The funeral of the little danghfer of
Mr. and Mrs McHaley at the Sunset
cemetery occurred yesterday. - A large
number of friends came in" with sleighs
from 8-Mile 'to fio a last; honor" to the
little favorite.-'
The Yamhill county Register wants
$1,000 for the privilege of pulling a hand
press, beings kicked at by subscribers
who never put up a cent,, being invited
Chicago, FebV'lS. Special. There
is being built at Jackson - park, "Chicago,
an immense. buDding which will be used
during the Columbian exposition as the
place, where it ia rumored a very noble
presentment of the incidents of Colunj
Jjus', voyagev of discovery .will be given
building ia called, will cover an area of
500x380 -feet, and the' ideas that are
there -to be; carried 'out originated with
Mr Steel MacKaye, and are said t be
novel 'and.' unusnal.' '.-The Columbian
celebration company, which7 is erecting
the building and promoting the produc
lion, is composed "of some of .the best
known-, men . of Chicago, and is headed
by HdnBenj. Butterworthfta president.
Among the jvell-known Chicago gentle
men who are sponsors for the success oi
given Miss 1 " enterprise are. Messrs. tieorge M
PiPiiinu i I Pullman, Hurry Nelson, Franklin " H.
Head, livman J. Gage, Leroy D. Tho-
man, E. JB. Butler, J. O. Hinkley and
pthers of like prominence not often -con
ecte'd with anvthing of this nature
The Spectatorium production and a"c
ce'ssories are to cost about fl ,500,000 and
the entire production will probably be
given on ancale in .which - fine art never
appeared before, r. There are many mys
teries contained in' the production that
promise to prove very; fascinating, but
what these are, and what the nature of
them, will be,' the managers are at pres
ent forced to keep very quiet in order" to
protect the project from . plagarists, and
that, herd of irresponsible- adventurers
who -haunt the heels of the inventor
ready to pounce upon his ideas and ft
propriate them: .
. A Minister's Good Fortune.
Rev, J.' KiMiller, pastor of the -First
M. E. church of Big. Run, Pa., writes
the Lafayette, Ind., echo as follows
"Overwork in the ministry: last winter
caused-. me to. break down completely
I treated with seveai physicians vKth
out. relief, and-finally gave up and trav
eled eight weeks, doctoring ail the time
and came home no better. I then be
gan the use of Dr. Mile Restorative
Nervine, fonr bottles of which cured me,
and I am now as well as ever in my life,
Father Bronsgeest is convalescing. -Mr.
Polk Butler of Nansene is in - the
city. ; - .
Mrs. Fred Sherman is recovering from
Flora and Alice Mulliean arrived 'here
today from Missoula, Mont.r on a . visit
to inenas. . - . -- . . ,
G. I., Sargent, special examiner of the
suitable Mortgage Co., is in the city
to .lay oncotnpany business
The following attorneys are in attend
ance on the circuit court : A S Bennett,
H S Wilson, J L Storv, 3 B Condon, B
S Huntington, H H Riddell, W H Wil
son, E B Dufur, Frank Menefee and E
Meaty Morsels of News and Gossip
Trainmen, i -The
bridge carpenters have recently j
ad their, force increased by eixteen men. j
j Foreman DeHuff has had a number of
pien shoveling - snow in . the yards for
several days. . - -. -. ;
Joe Earhart, -&i --- No. oj.6, on Jiis last
trip, killed four head of .horses, one ot
I' 1-1 T 3 3 . 11.. ..-..-!tn(!nn
W1J1CU lUUgCU UU L 11C lltvtnoivouns
a short stop. . . .' .' : ".
The rotary enow plow, whicli wasbpr
rowed from the; Idaho division, went
back Saturday night,, after doing effect
ive service; near Bonneville in raising
the blockade. . . ' . . '
Hostler W. IT. Congdoh has been suc
ceeded here by Mike Nolah,"--who stood
first for, promotion in the company's
employ. -'Mr. Congdon is now a main
ine engineer.
One of the noblest of the. iron horses
is engine No. . .5(50, which has just en
tered service on this division. It is the
largest locomotive on the line, formerly
of the mountain division, and has just
been', subjected to a thorough overhaul
ing and' refitting at; Albiua. Engineer
Olie Barrett and Fireman Geo Landreth
took it out. the first time on. No. 8 Satur
day- ..."
BenEben., the veteran caiir, is a man
of unwearying" patience, and is thus the
butt ot many a good-natured joke by the
boys in ' the yard: but the-continued
snow-fall hasrtaxed both - his strength
and patience to the utmost, in conse
quence of being obliged to call so many
more because of the storm, and Satur
day," when the flakes were falling as big
as dollars', he boiled over. for once in.
few choice words of bis own language..
The ice in the river is thoroughly rot
ten and it is- foolhardy to: try to cross
the river or be-oh it at all-A young
man while crossing yesterday . morning,
broke "Ri7 but fortunately escaped with
no other damage than a thorough wet-;
ting.. S. Andrews, of' Hood River
tells of another man who crossed on
snow shoes at that point, who punched
through the ice all the way across with
a stick, which he carried. -
7-1. OOO Tons of Ice a Day. V "
Capt. J-W. Lewis has so farrecovered
irora nis illness as to be able to resume
his duties at the U; S. Lund office, which
win he eratuying news to ouf readers
Apropos, Orand Mogul Harbison, has
winged his flight eastward, which is just
as gratiiying. '
J. H. Miner ,"Vof ' Crook county.
brother of Joaquin Miller, came in from
rnneviue toaay. tie got as lar as Biggs
withan ;eight-horse "team, but' tnow
drifts prevented coming farther.1 Stock
ia doing well in Crook county and roads
are in good order. -. -"-
. ; . HOTEL AEBIVALS. - " "C
Umatilla Polk Butler Nansene. B C
MoAtee, A.R Anderson, B F SwifC Jas
Brown Tvglv Vallev. E T Hmman Dufur
J Runningham, J I West. Thos Bailev
Wapinitia, F M: Jackson,. N Winehill
Hood River, Martin Wing,' S Br'oyds
Wamic, ..Grant Ashlev Antelope, J R
Underhill, S V Mason Boyd, J J Stewart
j j argent, v. Uarretson. . J K. 1jw
rerice, Ad Burckhardt, M Dashill Port
lsiid- - - .
- Columbia C Benny Hood River, J A
Reichlein Dufur, J E Sorbin Mountain
View, Peter Byrne Mosieri .
. ICleetrle- Bitters. - '.
- This -remedy . ia becoming "so well
known and so popular as to need no
8)eclal mention. All who use Electric
Bitters sing the same : song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and it
is guaranteed to do all that is - claimed.
Electric Bitters will cure ail diseases of
the -.Jiver "J and kidueys, . will remove
pimples, boils, salt rheum' and other
affections caused Jby ' impure " blood.
Will drive malaria from th . system and
prevent as - well - as caret all .malar Lai
fevers. For cure of - headache,, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Bit
ters. Entire safcisfaction-gnaranteed, or
money refunded, Price oOc ana ft per
bottle at Snipes & ianersiy's. .
Advertised Letters.
. Following is the list of letters, remain
ing in the poBtothce at the Dalles un
called for. -Fridav. "Feb. 10th, -1893
Persons calling for. same will give date
on which they were advertised:
AdamB, Mrs E ' Adams Mrs Chas
Allen Miss Minnie Barrow G N
Chapman John
(Jozel deorge .
Davis: Miss Cora
rams Lizzie J
Gilmon D E -Holman
King Elmer
Martin J A
Botten Ice.
J. H. TafEe ' writes'as follows : nnder
drte of the 9tb r We are now cutting
and hou8iug"about. 1,000 tons daily of
clear ice about J4 inches thick; It would
be a treat to anyone to see our ice eleva
tor work. , ' j.: - . .-..I
Magical little granalesTrthose tiny,
sugar-coated ' Pellets of "Dr. Pierce-
scarcely .larger than mustard seeds, yet
powerful to . eure--active, yet mild in
operation. The best laver Pill-ever in
vented. Cure sick heakache, dizzinecs,
constipation". One dose.
Call and see our $24.80 Britannica en'
cyclopedia. ". .' "' , . , '--
Nickelsen's Special
Eai8e" Punds for new Spring
. . Summer Goods. -
100 full bound 25-cent books,-only 15
cents each.. '
New dollar sleds, at 65 cents eaeh.
New 50 cent music books, 85 cents each.
book a
gjf Keep your eye on this column for some-
tuiDg new every other day. ''.
First premium at the Wasco county
fair for best portraits and views.1 . -
Flso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the
Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
Bold by Drag-gists or sent by man."
EOc E. T. Bataltlae, Warren, f.
lapie and rene
Hajr, Grain and Fted. :
jasonic Block. Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dalies.Oregon.
Copeland Iva V ,
Dras Emma
DaHing JrW
Galbreth F W
GUsinger Frank -'L
t . . -:. ir -fr ' I
iury jxro iuki j
Kolf Melloin
Mulligarr E W.
The Onlir HousCln Tov
'T " r Making a Specialty of 7
Gents Fu rnj shin g G oods,
McKenseyiSc Glenn McKeivia D
Rozine Ixttie - Smith Ed ;
Turner Albert W Wolfe F B .
WUson N A (2 . M. T. Nolah, P. M.
";' I Per Ev L. P.
What is lacking is truth and con
fidence. .. If there .were absolute truth
on the one band and absolute confidence
on the other, it wouldn't be . necessary
for the makers of . Dr. Cage's"" Catarrh
Remedy to back up a plain statement ot
fact by a $500 guarantee. They say "If
we can't cure -jou , (make it personal
please,) ofcatarrh in the head, in. any
form' or stage, we'll . pay -you 500 for
your troublein makhig the trial.'' "An
advertising fake" you say. . Funny isn't
it. how some people Jvjefer sickness to
neaitn when the remedy is : positive and
the guarantee " absolute Wise men
don't put money 'back of ."fakes." - And
"lakingM doesn't pay- , ' -
. five cent&va day wril get you the en
cyclopedia. We see the Oregonian nnd
go them 60 per ce.nt betterj ': , '
ula papers, wutable. lor carpeta or
shelves, will be exchanged for clean rags
at this pmce ; . .
'" "-', V' ' ret Kesk
' The only S-storyK fire-proof -brick
bnildintr ia the city. - For further par
ticular inqnire of Tom Kelly, at - The
Umatilla hones. . -
' H ats an p Caps,
VIh.ICH "gives'us u'6ppoftunityjtoJdeyote pur entire time
to. this particular line. w e nave a lew remnants
in Fancy Underwear, Cveishirts and; 1 ' --
V Gloves, jvvhich weayeclps-;
, : .,; ing out cheap. ; ' ' -.. ,
. V
a L uJ ttii VJ is W
.HE TROY. Steam Laundry
f -r- ' .
of Portland, Ha establish
ed a branch office for latm-
. 4 -Tir
dr3nworfc"with Thos. McCoy
at his barber shop, No. 110
Second S-t:;" .-where all laun
dry bundles -will be received
till Tuesday noon of . each
-wreek, and rettirnedon Sat-
ur'dayof the same "week at
Portland price s.