Tiis Dalles Dally Chronicle. " OFFICIAL l'APER-OF DALLE8 CITY.. AMD WA8CO COBJITT. - ," Hntered at th Fostoffic at The Dalles, Oregon, . ma second-das mttwr. SUBSCRIPTION BATB8. IT M IK (rOSTaCB PBIPAIDJJIK AMTAKCB. Weekly, 1 year. J " . S months - " m s . 60 Dily,lyear - - ' C months g per " ' - 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. - ... TUB TRIPLE ALLIANCE. "Xesterday'fl dispatches brought news of one of the most important events in our national history and one that is destined to merge the mere title of "The United States' into that broader name whose mention inspires every citizen with the fire of patriotic seal America. For six years has been secretly pending at triple alliance between the United States, Rossi and France,' culminated in. an executive session of -the United States senate three days ago. In-ratifying the French anJt Russian treaties, the United States government has received distinct pledgee, both orally through the Russian and French legations in Wash ington and by correspondence through our department of state with the foreign offices of those governments, of their support, by force, if necessary, against mnj interference by Germany, Great Britain or any other European power, with the maintenance by the United States of what is commonly termed the 'Monroe doctrine." In other words, the control of the Hawaiian islands, the annexation of British America, the ac quisition o! Hayti and San JXsmingo, ; and thft ultimate- expulsion of Great Britain from: Bermuda are all possibili ties, in fulfilling which the -United States would be upheld by the two powers which, in European politics, are woBt distinctly opposed to thedreibund, the alliance between Germany, Austria ud Italy, v This great diplomatic stroke has been aecompli&hed through the effort , of a "statesman at whose bier a few days ago the nation mourned, who,, regretably, did-not live to witness the master-Btroke of a brilliant career James G. Blaine. This news will scarcely be relished by Great Britain, who cannot longer be blinded to the fact that America's star is in the ascendant ; and . her- proud " boast that "her sun never sets" will doubtless be paralleled, and that by a nation little more than a century old. .England will not now dare protest against (the acquisition by the United States of the Hawaiian islands, in the face, of the added support brought .to the . aid of our new navy, and it is questiona ble if she would have done so any way. It is true that four years ago we were more poorly equipped for naval wariare than most nations pretending to any prestige, and even now her armament would, be classed as second rate, but Epsrliind has before learned to her cost . the fertility of American invention and , the celerity of American, gun-makers. ' In all probability Canada, encouraged by the, turn of affairs, will humor her secret wish and not linger long without the folds of the stars and stripes. The world will then behold the rise of a star " in the Occident, whose .luster shadows all history, born in 1776 out of intoler ance, cradled in the blood of martyrs to ' liberty, safely passing the period of boy ish strife in 1864, and in the full stature of manhood in 1900, a nation grander than ever existed.1 ' Yesterday was the 84th anniversary of Lincoln's birthday. Chicago celebrated the event in fitting style. . ' ." Gov. Penuoyer's action in refusing to lend the state' cannon to celebrate 'Cleveland inauguration is varionely as signed by the etate papers to imbecility, false dignity, puerility and caprice. Three enterprising women of Med ford have filed in the office of the secretary of state articles of incorporation for the (Southern Oregon Water Co.,-of the above named place. ' The capital stock of the corporation is $250,000. - - , v The member of the legislature who in troduced the resolution commending the actions of Senators Squire and Allen, should be presented with a. leather medal. He-ie-endoubtedly the greatest joker of the age.- Goldendale Courier. 'Tho man who plants an orchard in l Oregon expecting to get fruit from it must do something more than stick the trees down in jthe . ground and trust to providence for the balance. The kind of frtrit to be planted, the destruction of insect pests, etc., must be considered which, demands persistence of effort and y intelligent study. . ' t Lodge. Notice. The members of Harmon Lodge., No. 01,1. O. G. T.,are requested to be present at .Fraternity Hall on- Monday evening, February 13th at 7 p. m. All members attending will be assured a ple-iBaot t1mo, and it is to be hoped that " tkose interested will make an.effart 4o present. Anna Sylvkstbb, C. T. Hattijs Jliit,," Skcsbtaht. -s : . WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. l!st r 's of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at 1 i-rtcat market rates at - Jos. T. Peters A Co, (Office Second and Jeffer bou trot,!..) . - : ' ' ' ' . '. , v TJSED THEM IN HIS BIAm-GUH. Doctor " Well, my fine little fellow, you haw pot quite well again. I was sure the pills I left for you would cure yoit. How did you take them, in water or in cake?" Soy " Oh, I used them in my blow gun." - " The little felloWput the nasty, great, griping-, old-fashioned pills to a good use. At most, all his internal economy need ed was a dose-of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They ,ae tiny, sugar-coated eranules, easy to take, and are prently aperient, or actively lathartic, according to size of dose. As a laxative, only one tinv Pellet is required. The "Pellets" eure Sick "Headache, Bilious - Headache, Constipation, Indi gestion, Bilious Attacks, and all de rangements ex . the Lirer, Stomach and Bowdln. ' " The Pellets are purely vegetable, and operate without disturbance to the system, diet,' or occupation. Dr. Pierce's .Pellets are the cheapest pill, sold by druggists, because they ara guaranteed to ve -satisfaction in every case, or their price 5 cents a vial) W reruuuou. . jaa jou-wa wots i&a. FPU ACA.SE IT WILL NOT CURE, tl I nnhlnT m TmtiTrn Antt NRRVR Tt INlO. InU h. TlnimHiita nr Mnt h, mail. 25c.fi0o.. and $1.00 per package. Samples free. TTft Tha Favorite TOOTH ruwPXS iA. W JtlM for the Teeth and Breath. SSo. 3S- Cum Confrhi, Hoarseness, Sora Throat, Croop promptlv; relieves Whooping Coofh and aitbma. For Consumption tt baa no rival: has cured thousands where all others failed; win curb too if taken in time. Sold br Drug-gists on aeruarantee. For La me Bacsi or Cheat, use BIIILOH'H PLASTE1U ESota. .CATARRH ;REMEDY, Have you Catarrh T This remedy Is guarao--teed to cure you. FrioaSOota. Injector tree. . thk Dalles ; : AND ' C - - ; . PRI NEVILLE 4 '' J. D. PARISH. Prop. Leaves The Pnlles at 6 a. m. every day and ar-' rives at Prineville - in thirty-six honrs.' Leaves Prineville at ft a. in. every rtay and arrives at The Dalles in thirty-six bhurs. ? '; Carries the U. S. Hail, Passengers and Express - ' Conceots at PriD-rille with r - Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and , all Interior Points. - Also makes close connection at The Dalles with trains from Portland and all eastern points. " , Cen'rteous flrners.' : - : :- ' :r ': . Good accomioflatiois aionsr tin mi. : -. rirst-class coacoes anil iiorses used. .Xipress matter naadled witn earjiV AH persons wfshin passage must waybill at of fices before tutting passaRO others will not be received. Express must be waybilled at offices or the Stape Co. will not be responsible. - The company will take no risk on money transmit ted. Particnlar attention givert to deUveringJ CAiirecB uutiier Mb rruievuitj auu an woaiaern points in Oregon, and advance, charges will be . . . paid by the company. , 8TAGK OFFICES; M. Slchel & Co. Store. - TTtnatilla Bohh. Prineville. .. The Xtalles. . House Moving! Aridrew Velarde IS prepared to do uny and 11 . . ..' 1 kinds of work in hia.Iine at reasonable figiire& , Harthe . " largest hoiise moTing outfit " in Eastern Oregon. " .' 1 '. e a . Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles mjyji rms : DOcta., and U0O per Botfl3; Sta Line The only flrst-eXass house " in The Dalles. - V MRS. FRASERy -AT TBk- EUROPEAN. HQUSEE 1 PHBPABEO TO GIVH" - FIRST-CLASS REGULAR" BOARD - . AT S2Q PER MONTH. H. S. CHEESM AN T. 90 Beoond st, The Dalles, Or. BOOTS AND SHOE3 MANUFAC TURED TO-ORDER.; V ALL WORK AND A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. - , . i REPAIRING DONE JN A SATIS-I FACTORY MANNER, v. 1 9 C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN NOTHING tasat, Mats, JB. . . Kt., Bt., Ktsu We are now balance of our Dry Goods C Winter Dress Goods, I.adies, and Misses Jackets, Mens and Boys' At a great sacrifice, room for our new Spring: goods, f ' -; - - ' r- ..- v.. - Shop on Third iStreet, ;next door 'west of Ypung & Kuss' ' - - - : Blacksmith Shop. - x . H. C. I Sina : BOOTS SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks' and Valises, CORNER OF SEOO!.!' AND WASHINGTON. tHE DALLEe OREGON. THE EUROPEAN HOOSE. . vXlie Carracmted Balldi&c next Deox to Conrt Souse.' Ueais; Prepared by a First Class - English Cook. ', TRA1TSIEITT PATRON AOE SOZITEp. J ; ; QooH Sample Rooms for :. Commercial Men. : JOHN PASHEK, BiGfiant - Tailor, Hext-door to Wasco Sun. -. . Just Receiveda fine stock of Suitings, i uul8 l aiterns, eic, or an latest Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used-in cutting garmenia, ana a ni guaranteed -; .." ach time. - - - Fepaimncj and Cleaning . Neatly and Quickly Done. .r,. . s. L. YOUNG, fratches and Jewelry repaired, to order ob " - saort notice, and satisfaction guaranteed, AT TBS 8tor of I. C. NiokelMS, 3d St. Tt Hallos County Tttuanr! Matte. :- A11 county warrants registered prior to May -1, 1888, win be paid if pre senteLat my office, corner. Third and Washington streets. Interest eeases on ana alter tms date. - r " - me uaiies, Oct. si, Xbvz. - . William Michbu.. 10.81U . Treasurer Wasco County. Or v - T....' -- - 1 ' Second St., Op. Hood'a-BtabW, TH D1LLH, ' - - " "Javiaiadlf. . Will (repair yen fine Buggies ri. and Carnages,' shoe your .fina - - Driying Horses, and in fact da . . allljrour blacksmitbing k , . - finest style. . Satisfaction goar-r"; - aateed. GUHHIHO & HOCKOT Mops. clpsi ng out the r I in order to make Git V Blacksmith ShoD iilii lor D R U OS Sni -THE LEADING- : Handled by Three Registered Druggists.- ' ; ALSO ALL 'THE LEADING '-, . . . - : 1 Patent (Dedieines and Draggists Sandries. ; HOUSE PAIIITS: OILS AHD GUSS. Agents for Murphy's T Fine Varnishes and tbi Only agents in the Ciiyjbr The Sherwiri Wll ": v'' ' - -we ark : ". "" - ' . ... ; ' .The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. inest Line of rImported ;Key; West and Domestic Cigars. ' . ' Agent ;for Tansiirs Punch. ;. " 129 Second Street, yPTHB NSVf TOWM has been platted on the old JsL I M raus oi Hoga river, witn large signuy lots, Droaa streets ana alleys, rood soil, . puie eold water and shade in profusion, perfect drainage, delightful mountain - ' alimate, the eentral attraction as a mountain summer resort and for all Oregoa, being the nearest town to M t. Hood. It is a' so unjaralled as a manufacturing enter, being the natural center for 150 square miles of the best cedar and nr -atsmber, possessi"x millions M hore power in its .dashing streams and .water-. tails, easily harnessed. - 'here eheap motive power exists, there the manm-i " factoriosviil centerwinrraunded by soil and climate that cannot be exeeUed - anywhere w iruil and rreuUure, and with transportation already assured .- ' )ou 111 il this tb j-iaoa majee a perfect home or a paying investment TITIiE PERFECT W. RQSS "There is a tide in the affairsof ". - " -pleads on to fortune" . T)c& poet unquestionably had reference to the. Cliii-OolMH at C R A N D A L L Who are selling these good 3 MICHELBACH BRICK, THE DALLES, MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLE'S. BRAINARD & .ARMSTRONG'S ;::V:lv- FINE I I NE OF :- ..- . nnrjn z: iyj yj Li i No. 390 to 394, : 2d NEPTUNI: SHAVING PARLORS AND HATH ROOMS. 2 ; FRAZER & "VYNDHAM, Proprietors:;; i' 4 ;- 1 1!W vv,iLJA:ii.; - -i iar,';!is;:i v i w-l'rf . (). w - - 2 o -wo S3 At the old 6Wnd of R. Lusher, PAUL KR -DEALERS IN- PAIISfTS, OILS - I -.'And the Most Complete and the 757i7!' 'A'T "W m : : gXT" Practical Painters and Paper Bherwin-Williama and J. W. ilaaury's Paints used in all our work, and none b the, most skilled workmen employed. . Agents ior Masnry Liquid Paints.'. chemical combination or soap mixture.' A first elasa article in- all colors. orders promptlyattended to. ; ' ' . ';-.. . T " . . . - - Paint 8hon eorser TMzdaad Washington Ets.,, " Tie Dalles. Oiton Kin ersly. " . The Dalles. Oregon .V- camp ground, at the Forks and . " See .;me. oit . th.e gjrcmnd, ox' address me. atr Hood" River, ' Wasco Coxnity, Oregon. WINANS. - meit ;which;Staken U its flodd. & BU RGETf3, put at'greatlyf reduced rate. -- UNION 8T. f. SPOOL SILK ; : t.. m 1? 0 street. The Dalles 110 Front St. TueDalles, .Oregoa. & GO., AND GLASS. Latest Patterns and Deigna in - : .m 355' 3 ;m Haneers. None but .the "beet brand! of 1h