las ucuies umy unronieie. i i wj-jl.. juhn pashek, OFFICIAL. PAPER OF DALLBU CITY. f.: AMD WUCt CODMTY. Entered at the Poatoffioa at The Dallas, Oragoo, aa aecona-ciaas matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY MAIl (FOSTASB nirilD) IS AOTAKOB. Weekly, 1 year. f 1 GO " 6 months. 0 75 " 8 - M POlT,lyear.::... 00 I " months. S 00 " -per " 0 60 Address all communication to THB CHEON- msi. x tie uuin, vrcgun. SENATE BILL S6. We are in receipt of senate bill No. 35, introduced by Mr. Willis, to establish nd incorporate the port of Columbia. ' and to provide for the improvement of the Columbia river in and adjoining said Dort. and to provide a railway at and around Turn water and the dalles in said Colombia river. We have not given the Ijill a careful reading, but it occurs to na it was a blind to defeat the Ealoy bill, by interested parties who were opposed to the state building a portage road, not on general principles, but because per sonal or Corporate schemes would be jeopardized. The reconsideration of the .Haley bill was simply for the purpose of its ultimate death, and that is why it was referred to a committee of hold-over senators. What is eood for the goose is good for the gander. Why not refer the Willamette canal and lock bill? East ern Oregon members will do well to re fer any and all Willamette appropria tion bills to a committee of bold-over senators to be reported on two years hence. Retaliation is not always wise, but in extreme cases strong medicine is necessary to correct direct evils. takinsr Dr. IMerceV Golden Medical Discovery. You are bereft of judg ment and good sense if yon allow your blood to get out of order, your llVfir nlnirorisVi lifn lnll otrrrthinrr ' SB , ' " .7 fc blue, for you may soon find out that you're in the grave or next to it because vou did not nrocure the G. M. D. soon enoueh. and some dread disease, may be influenza or .. consumption, may be typhoid or malarial fever, has taken you. Consumption is Luna- Scrofula. . For Scrofula in its myriad forms, and for all Liver, Blood and Lung dis eases, the "Discovery" is an nn- equaled remedy. . . Everybody, now and then, feels " ran -down " " nlavfd- out," with ho power to generate vitality, in fact, just too sick to be welL That's where the right kind covery does for dollar what the doctor wouldn't do for less than five or ten. been discovered for a blood-purifier. It'B guaranteed by the makers. Tour money is returned if it dosen't bene nt or cure you. It is now almost a settled fact that the tJ. S. Senate will not confirm Mr. Har risons appointment of Judge Jackson to the supreme bench. The opposition to ii by Clarkson and other lead'nsr repub licans is having the effect to defeat it wnich is desired by most republicans. It can hardly be said that Mr. Harrison expected the confirmation of Judge Jackson's appointment, but on the con trary foresaw that Mr. Clarkson would raise a warwhoop, whatever be did. It is hinted that our senator Dolph is slated for' a supreme judgeship. The president could do nothing nicer, than to name him instead of Jackson. rwn l-M3t ll WILL IM U T CURE: 1 . An a Kin T .A am a.... V TOIII? T'l KJ 111 and 81.00 per package. Samplea free. YTf "FTfS The Favorite TOOTH P0WBIB LkJ JLi V for the Teeth and BreaUi . S6c The only flrst-elass house in The Dalles. - MRS. FRASER, -AT TBS- EUROPEAN flOUSEE .' ' --ie'PKBPAHEn 'TO eiTK-r FIRST-CLASS REGULAR BOARD AT S2Q PER MONTH. H. S. GHEESM AN -W3 Ke. e Second at., The Dalles, 6r. . BOOTS AND SHOES MANOFAC- urtu U UKUtH. ALL WORK A part a Drrr GUARANTEED. "f,"&w" r REPAIRING noMc im a m.-r.r FACTORY MANNER.' - TT J - Tailor, Hext door to Wasco Sam. Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings, x nuuj rauerns, etc., ol ail latest Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used in cutting i (uuirau, ana a nt gnaranteed each time. fepaitring and Cleaning ; - neauj ana waickiy iJone.. D R U G ON I pes ca, riN s -THE LEADING- S. L. YOUNG, il Dnpis. JEWELER : r M9rt notice, aad itinfu-nttffn pnriTUfWI. at m of I. C. NlakclMa'. M &t- Tlx Xmll f County Traunrw'i XoUm. JE U H ES ' 33 '3E."XX C3p Handled by Three Registered Druggists. - . 1 . ALSO !! THB LKA.DINQ : , Patent (Dedieines and Druggists Stmdries. HUUSt PAIHTS. 0 LS fiND Gl Ageritg for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the City for .The Sherwih, Williams Go's Paints All COnitT vnrranta j - - '-fctanvi wa nil te May 1, 1889, will be paid if pre- touiu t my omce, corner xmrd and Washington Btrerta.. Interest ceases on uu uur una aaie. The Dalles, Oct. SI, 1892. 7. , a lf.M lQXltt Treasurer Wasco County, Or. 129 SeCOnd Street. -WK ARK- Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Ciears ' ' A?ent for TanBill'm Pnn.l, & C. P. STEPHENS, BKALER IM Dry Goods Clothing iva. BhM. iiKtA. jet. FanoiJ oofe, plotion?, City Blacksmith Second St, 0pp. Hood's Etabla, TH D1UJ, - - . CUSOX. Will repair yonr fine Boggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guaranteed. GUfl WSG & MOWW ,PFops. TITLE PERFECT The Largest Dealers "'in Wall Paper. VVest a ill's Pu j , I The Dalles. Oregon MINRNS 6 iriii- e" wattca on Uie old camp grand, at the Fork. aBd iim7(T 7h.. r piuiuaiun, perieci arainase, delightful mounuli climate, the central attraction aa a mountain lummet iworl and lor aliri, ?JrV??tl f1- Hood- " ' nnpS aaa manuSctarin, ilii? "1? natu1 ceut8r aquara miles of the lt eidarandSr Ly ?rnel- Where cheap motive power ezisU. then tha mtu.. uLTt' "rrouuded by Mil and climate that' SSSotbe eoaUeA anvwhere for fruit and agriculture, and with tram porta tlon lT.irt Tou wiU tind thia tha ph;oe to mike pfec1uKmSor m ATll?TeSS? See me.. on the ground, or auuress me at ooa Jrliver, wasco uountv. Oregon. W. ROSS ANS. Gorernor Pennoyer withheld his sie- natnre from the world's fair appropria tion bill. No one was surprised at it. the moss has not stopped growing west of the Cascade mountains yet, and will not, until the old mossbacks are gone. Oregon has been cureed with that kind of growth quite long enough. Vow that the legislature has failed to Tecognize Gov. Pennoyers veto of the world's fair appropriation bill. It would be the right thing to make a mall appropriation to pay the expenses of sending his excellency to that great exposition as an exhibitor of ()regon mossbackism. 1X0 per BottleT" V- fJJ uU. vvuaia uumsoiicss, own) Aoroac, roup promptly: relieves WfaoopinsrCoaU and AAtluuiw Fr Consamptton it baa no rival? hainnFMl JTw 5? -TJaT " - - imriiwaiwi wucic n 1 1 uuion failed; will curb tou if taken in time. Sold D,,jRruffffi8t8ona"ar8ntee. For Lame Back or Cheat, uae SHlLOH'S plasteb. 25 eta. The Stars and Stripes hoisted over the Alliolani hall in Hawaii, as evidence of J Brother Jonathan placing his arms around that queendom has one assur ance, and that is, his flag never, never condescends to come down. The Ha waiian group will be ours The judiciary report of the Cross bill So. 60 is before ns. The committee re-, ported favorably and asked that it do pass, with come few attached amend ments, and that its provisions shall not- apply to those now in office. The bill ought to pass as amended. We are under obligations to the sender! ct House Bill No. 221, introduced by Mr. Nickell. It provides tor the estab lishing of a state board of health. The li!l is a necessary one and should pass without debate. H I LO H'S V r. ATAtl R U teed to cure you. Price 60 a to. Injector tree. The governor vetoed the militia ap propnation bill yesterday. The O. G., would like to send his -honor to the liji islands or to some unknown seaport where men die "unwept, unhonored and onsung." The scene of war in Cuba is somewhat startling. It is said that 80,000 troops ana loar men of war are maintained bv the taxpayers of the island "to overawe themselves. THB UAI.LES AND ' Prineville Stage - j-jiiie J. D. PARISH. Prop. IMVM TTl rtallcu a . ; Z , w n. in. every uny ana r- 111" Prineville in thirty-aix hour! larea I rinevilla at S a. m. every ay and arrive at The Dallea in thirty-bix hour. Carries the U. SL Mail, Passeogers and Express Coucecta at Prio--Ule with Stages from Eastern and Southern Or- egon, xioruiern Uauforma and all. Interior Points. Also makes close connection at TJie Dalle with i uiuauu uu ui euacern points. Coineons driTBa .. ' Good accomffioaatioBS along: tti rMd . . Fitst-class coactti asd lirsei ised. . Express matter Mile win tare. 4 , We are now closing out the balance of our Wii?ter Dress (Jopds, Indies' apd H'SSs'jaeKets, Tei?'s aijd Boys' Overcoats, At a great sacrifice, in order to make room for our new Spring goods. "There is a tide in. the affairs of men which, taken at its floods leaas on to fortune. The poet unquestionably had reference to the ' FnrnltnrB & Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S. Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rate. MICHELBACH BKICK, - - DKIOS 8T. H. Herbring. All persona rishing pn.nKe must waybill at of reS F t"king, passage; othera will not be or the 6ta(?e Co. will not be reani.naible. The company will tuke no risk on money transmit- ton. Pmnitiilup .if.ti.... i . . exnrena matter IrlnailY- n ..,1 ... . iuiu mil Mjuinern txuM, au wil-hii, biiu advance cnanrea will be V. .. I. paid by the company. STAGE OSnr.KH- M. SIchel A Co. Store. ' TJmntfllm n.u. l'rlueville. Thi. A Retaliation That Means Business Ottawa, Ont., Feb., 7. The Announce ment from Washington that Canadian cattle are to be scheduled bv the United States caused no little excitement anion? government followers, who begin to realize that President Harrison ' means business in his retaliation against Can ada. It is generally agreed anions? noli ticians that it will be only second to the McKinley bill in the effect on Canada. . for the Washington government has by this step absolutely placed the Canadian larmer in a position of most serious dis advantage. Hemmed in bv the tariff! A J T7" T J and now deprived of any possibility of llQrGW V CicirCie cNiiing ma cattle to nis nearest market, for no farmer could afford to bear the expense if a 90-day quarantine, the Oadadian agriculturist is indeed in a miserable plight. The dispatch said it was decided to quarantine the Canadian cattle at Buffalo 90 days because of jpinro-pneumoma. . T4 Moving! 18 prepared to do any and all l 1 m t . 1 Kinas oi wort in tun line at reasonable figures.' -.Has tha largest honse moving outfit in .Eastern Oregon; ELL Pipe WorK, Tiix Bepairs ami Hoofing THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. V BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S SPOOL SILK FINE LINE OF F3N no jy MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. No. 390 to 394, 2d street. The Dalles Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Rues' H. C. NIELS6N. NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLOUS AND BATH ROOMS. PRAZER & WINDHAM. Proprietors. . Clothier and Tailor, BOOTS ANDSHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, CORNER OF 6COi AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OREGON. 3 ' .a Address P.O. Box I81,TheDariea THE EUROPEAN HOUSE; n omto4 Building naxt Dmt W Camrt Hnm. Eanisoinely Fnmishel Rooms to Rent toy tlie Day, feetfirMa. At the old stand of ft. Lasher,. no Front St. The Dalle,' Oregon. PAUL KR EFT & CO., DEALERS IN- ' " Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, TRANSLENT PATRONAG-E SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for. Commercial Ilea. ' WHS. H- FfaSEt; Pi6pf And the Mot Oompleto and the Latest Pattern and Deai'trna I. f Jl ' Praptiral Ptint.r. anl T.. XT v i . . . I-i, ! l v. :. ageuui ior iiiasury uquid Fainta. IN raiat Sien ornr ThirdaEd WaaLingtoa Ets., The Dalits. Crr