20 Tlis Dalles Daily Chroniele. OFFICIAL. PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AMD WASCO COUNTY. st the Postoflice at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. T KAIL (FOSTAOX rUMIt) IM ADTAMCB. Weekly, 1 year. 1 60 6 months........ -. 0 75 " 8 " 0 60 Bally, 1 year 6 00 " 6 months. .'. 8 00 ' per " 0 50 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. At the last ..meeting of the Oregon State Horticultural society recently held in Portland, there was formed a floral department whose object it is to encour age a greater interest in the histor-, growth and culture of flowers, both na tive and foreign varieties ; the bringing of the native flora of the state into greater prominence than ever before and the boldingof flower shows in the proper jeasons at different places in the state. "The president of tho sociefy was given the power to appoint an executive com mittee who has full power to conduct this department, and has appointed the following ladies:. Mrs. J. C. Card, chairman, Mesdames W. A. Buchanan, M. . Shafford and the Misses Ella Tal bot and Mary Anthony. It is the desire of the president to appoint prominent! and interested ladies in different cities 1 to form local societies which will be aux iliary to and act in coninnction with tVtig "Mrs. Frit W. Hinkley, nee Florence Blythe, brought'her husband a douceur of over 14,000,000. the matters of the Inheritance and the heiress' marriage mre well known, but the public has never known what it cost Mrs. Hinkley to at tain her rights in the adjustment of the 'Jefetate. Her attorneys, W. H. H. Hart, McAllister & Bergin, W. W. Foote, Gar ner, Boalt & Bishop, took her case upon the basis of a contingent fee. The agree ment was made by them and James Crisp Perry, the grandfather and guard ian of the youthful Florence. The suc cessful prosecution of the case has been ot extraordinary financial benefit to the survivor of the legal team. The contin gent fees and advances contemplate a payment of $834,342.44 to the attorneys and an executrix. The liberality with which our govern ment bestows its Derisions is well illus trated in the case of Captain P. B. John son, editor and proprietor of the Walla Walla Union Journal. He never saw active . service in the field, but was a quartermaster on the Pacific northwest coast. Now in nddtiion to conducting his newspaper and drawing a good pen sion, he is a commissioner of the state penitentiary, regent of the state uni versity, assistant attorney general ot the state andkclerk of the senate and peni tentiary committee. Notwithstanding bis disabilities, he seems to be able to cover a considerable number ot salary drawing offices. ' ' L.' Chicago Inter Ocean.'.' The number. of heep in the United States in 1892 was 1,508,000 greater than in 1891, while the dip of wool increased in one year 25, 600,000 pounds. There were consumed in American mills in 1892, 59,000,000 more pounds of wool than in 1891, and 23,600,000 pounds of this increase were of domestic wool. With such facts in plain view let free traders in wool go in and see what they will see in 1896, By that time if the democrats have their way, the American ram will be .hunted , for menagerie purposes. ' The Minneapolis Tribune in its. mili tary gossip, says : "It is rumored that the Fourth cavalry is about to be ordered to Texas for duty in the field on the Mexican borders." A Boise city dis patch says: .""It is reported on good au thority that the - headquarters of the , Fourth cavalry, United S (ante 3 army, -will toon be removed from Walla.Wiilla, Wash., to Boise City. Should ' this change be made no more soldiers than are now stationed at the Boise barracks "would be transferred to this point." The election of populist democrats in Nebraska Jand Kansas, gives renewed confidence to democrats in Washington, JDf.C. They feel morally certain of hav ing their own way on the reorganization of the senate. The holcfovers and newly elected democrats, with the five popu lists counted on, will give them , three majority on join ballot after the 4th Of March, next. Among the various rumors is the one that Cleveland proposes "a business man's administration, leaving the poli ticians to browse for a living. It Shoald be In Every House. " J. B. . "Wilson, 371 . Clay St. Sharps Varg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, that it cared his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after -an attack .of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything be ever used for lung troubles. . Noth ing like it. Try it. . Free trial bottle at Snipes & Kinnesly's. Large bottles, bOc'. and $1. ' Old papers, suitable for -carpets or ahlvVwill be exchanged for clean rags at liiia uffice. , ... A MAD POET rushed into a newspaper office recently, and threatened to "clean out" the es tablishment, because they printed his verses wrong. Said he: "I wrote, To dwell forever in a grot of peace, and you idiots put it 'a pot of grease.'" The mortilied editor . presented him with a vial of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, a year's ' subscription and an apology. The little "Pellets' positively cure sick and nervous headache, biliousness, costiveness, and all derangements of the stomach, bowels and liver. It's a large contract, but the smallest things in the world do the business Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They're the small est, but the most effective. They go to work in the right way. They cleanso and renovate the liver, stomach and bowels thoroughly but they do it mildly and gently. You feel the good they do but you don't feel them do- MlgU. They're the cheapest pill yon can buy, because they're guaranteed to giv satisfaction, or your money is returned. You only pay for the good you get. That's the peculiar plan all Dr. Pierce's medicines arc sold on, through driurirbsts. LQQ1P. f 50. FOR ACA.SE IT WILL NOT CURE An aoreeable Laxative and N ERVE TOM 1C. Sold by DruBgiatsor sent by mail. 25c.. 60c , and $1.00 per package. Samples free TFfiJ "FTfrn The Favorite TOOTH POTOSS M.M. VI for the Teetb and BreaUi, 2&c 25ctfi., 60cts, and . 31.00 per Chirp ConirTi. Hoarsen es. Sore Throat. Croup promptly relieves Whooping Uoagh and Astfcnii. F"f Consumption it bns no rival; bas eared thousands where all others failed; will CURB too if taken in time. Bold by Druggists on asnn'rantee. For Lame Back or Chest, use SHlLOH'H PLASTER. 25 eta. CATARRH REMEDY, ave vou Catarrh ? This remedy is aruaran- teed to cure you. PrksefiOcta. In jeotor Zree. the Dalles AND Prineville Stage J. D. PARISH, Prop. Leaves The DBlles at S a. m. every day and ar rive at 1'iineville iu thirty-six hours, leaves Prineville at 5 a. in. every uy and arrives at The Dalles in thirty-six hours. Carries the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express Conr.ects at Prioo-lUe with Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Points. Also mnkes clos connection at The Dalle with trains from Portland mid all eastern points. . Courteous flrivexs. v Good accommcdatiojs alone lie road. ": Fiist-class coactes ani toises used. .Eijress matter handled , wits can..'' r; All persons wishing pnssHge must wnybil! at of fice before taking passage; others will not be received. Kxpiets must be viybilled Mt offices or the fcfcipe Co. will not be responsible. The company will tuke no rink on money transmit ted. Paiticnhir attention given to delivering express matter lit Prineville and all southern points iu Oregon, and advance charges will be paid by the company. STACK OFFICES; AX. SIctiel & Co. Stare. Umatilla House. l'rlueville. . The Dalles. - ,k House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work; in his line at reasonable figures." " Has tho largesthonse moving outfit in Eastern Orejron. si e s " 1 Address F.O.Ecx-lSI.TheDalles XL Line HMJii W TODAY. The only first-class house in The Dalles'. MRS. FRASER, EUROPEAN HOUSEE IS PBSPiEKD TO GITi- ' FIRST-CLASS REGULAR BOARD AT S20 PER MONTH. H. S. GHEESM AN Ke.SO Second st., The Dalles, Ot. BOOTS AND SHOES MANUFAC TURED. TO ORDER, ' ; ' ' ; ' . ' ' ? all Work and a perfect fit guaranteed. repairing done in, a satis factory manner. C. P. STEPHENS, Dry Goods lothing Bota. Bliee Bate, Kt. FarieJ'oods, jtamg, Its., Et.. Kto. We are now balance of our - Uir;ter Dress (Joods,, Iadies' apd ri55es'jaelets, fler)'s ai)d Boys' Oureoats. At a great sacrifice, room for our new Spring goods. t -'; . H. Herbring. D. BUNN Pipe WoiR, Tlii Repairs antf Hoofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop drc Third Street, next door west of Young fe Rubs' Blacksmith Shop. - Freeborn & -DEALERS 131- Wan Paper ana 295 ALDER ST., Old Numdii 95, THB CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. . This well-known Bi-eery is now taming . ot the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest: appliances for the manufadtnre of good health- fiit Rem- havn hesn introdiwwi. uml nn!i mnrRe. " JOHN PASHEK, t - Tailor, ' IToxt door to Wuoo Sun. J net Received, a fine stock of Saltings, Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System nsed in catting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. Repairing and Cleaning Keatly and Quickly Done. S; L. YOUNG, Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on - short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. Store of I. C. Miakelsea, 3d St. The Dalles County Treasurer's Notice, ; All county warrants registered prior to May 1, 1889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. The Dalles, Oct. 31, 1S92. , William Michkll, 10.31tf Treasurer Wasco County, Or. Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, THB DAXICS, OREGON Will repair your fine Baggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do ' all your blacksmitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar anteed. ' closing out the in .order to make Company, RQG1R rnouuiings. COR. FIFTH, Portland, Obboow. th nrst-clas article will be plaved on V Hail City Blacksmith Shop DRUGS Sni THE LEADING anil mwm Handled by Three Registered Druggists. ALSO ALL THE - LEADING " i Patent (Dedieines and Druggists Sundries. HOUSE PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in thfi CitWor ThA -SKat-witS ' Will ht0 n o Vnic WB ARE " " -4 ; i . : ' . The largest ' Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported' Key ' West "and Domestic Cigars. Agent for Tansill's Punch. 129 Second Street, MNHNS 5 HE NEW TOWN has been clotted on the old camp ground, at the Forks and Falls of Hood river, with large sivhtlv lots, broad streets and ulleys. good soil, pure cold water and shade in profusion, perfect drainage, delightful mountain climate, the central attraction as a mountain summer resort and for all Oregon, being the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It is also unparalled as a manufacturing . eenter, being the natural center for ISO square miles of the best cedar and dr timber, possessing millions of hone power in its dashing streams and water falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exists, there the manu- ' factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that eanoot be excelled - anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with tram portat ion already assured jou will find this the place fc make a perfect home or a paying, inrettiaettt TITLE PEflfECT W. ROSS 11 'There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its floocL leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the Cliisii-IJiii Sale oil Fnrn at CRANDALL Who are selling these goods MICHELBACH BRICK, THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S . . . . . SPOOL SILK FINE LINE OF . 1 No. 390 to 394, 2d NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. PRAZER & WYNDHAM, Proprietors. J"" - - r ;i.trfmnnni.nnuna i "3 ' ( CO C a t-r O . At the old stand of R. Lusher, PAUL KREFT & CO., ' . - DEALERS IN ' , PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and the Latert Patterns and Designs in "T. l. Xi X-a ' ' l. "JE -SL ; jf3TIrart!ca! Painters and Paper Hangers. None but tho best brands of that Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints uged in all ouir work, and none but, the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. ' Na " chemical combination or eoun mixture. A first claes article iu all colors. AJ9 orders promptly attended to. Faaot Shoo oorutsr Thirdand ERSLY, Retail The Dalles. Oregon iBiisis See me, on the ground, or address me at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregdn, WINANS. is &. BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates - - . TJNIOIT ST. street, The Dalles no Front St. The Dalles, Oregon, ; " Washing toe ts.. The Cailea. 0iofr ire Cane