CO Y VOL. V. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSD A Yf FEBRUARY 9, 1893. NO. 47. A. M.AAI'LLIAM'S &, CO W. E. GARRETSON. Leiiii Jeweler. 80LK AOKNT FOB TUB All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St.. TTie Dalle. Or. . ; COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Sntcesssrs to V. s. am.) Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Made - 0-A.HsT D.I B S, ut of Portland. -DEALERS IN- Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Jigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale or Retail FESH OYSTEns-W- In Bfery Style. ' Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or." XXX. -fL. Yotingi Biscksuiifi & nap sr General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed.'. . .". . Horse Shoeing a Speciality TM Street opposite tie olfl Lielie Stand. VT. r. WISEMAN. WW. UAEDEK8. Ifliseman & J.Iarders, Saloon and Wine Rooms The Dalles, - Oregon. C-Northwest corner of Second and Court Streets. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - - -Vice-President, -Cashier, - - - - Z. F. Moody Hilton - M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. J. B. 8CHKNCK., President. H. II. Beau. Cashier. First Rational Bank. ;he dalles. OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight , . Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIREOTOHS. D. P. Thompson. Jso. S. Schinck. Ed. M. Williams, Gxo. A. Lisbk. H. M. Bkaxl. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. T&AN8A.CT A GEXKRALBANKLNU BU8INE8a Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sbld on N ew York, Chicago, St. Louis, r3ai; Franciacoi Portland Oregon, Seattle Waflh.y and various points in Or egon hd-Washington. : : i M Collections made at all points on fav orableterma. N.. ..:: GjENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISII ING LINE, all and $e& me . Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other goods in proportion. P. FAGAN, ' Second st.. The Dalles. - Bole Agent for WANNAMAKEtt, & BROWN. , Philadelphia, Pa . ' For Sale Cheap. A city lot with two houses and ont houses, all inclosed by fence. Inquire at this office. dtf-12.12 Bnelclen. Arnica Salre. : The beat salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, ifhd all ekin eruptions, and posi tively cares piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. ' Price 25 cents per box. . For sale by Snipes & Kin erely. - . Stallion for Sale Cheap. " A fine thoroughbred, 6 year old stal lion for sale cheap. For further particu lars apply at this office. - WANTED. Pushing canvasser of good address'. Liberal salary and expenses paid weekly ; Permanent position. Brown Bros. Co., Nurserymen, Portland, Oregon. Lout Packaee. A package containing a pair . of No. 34 ladies shoes was lost on Saturday, between the top of Brewery-hill, and Mr. Roberts place in Dry Hollow. ' The finder will be thankfully rewarded on leaving the same at this office. Spectacles Lost. . . The finder of a pair of gold framed eye glasses, will be suitably rewarded on leaving the same at this office. Subscribe for Tub . Daily Chboxiclk. notice. AM Iiallos City warrants registered prior to May 1, 1891,, will be paid ii presented at my office. .' Interest ceases from and after this date. Dated, Jan. 3d, 1893. a L. Robdxx, tf. " Treas. Dalles City. The Quickest XTmy to Core a Cold. Do you wish to know the quickest way to cure a coldT We will . tell you. ; To cure a cold quickly, it must be treated before the cold has become settled in the system. The first symptoms of a cold is a dry, loud cough and sneezing. The cough is soon followed by watery ex pectoration and the sneezing by a pro fuse watery discharge from the nose. In severe cases there is a thin white coating on the tongue. What to do? It is only necessary to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in double does every hour. That will greatly lessen the severity of the cold and in manyt cases will effectu ally counteract it, and cure what would have been a severe cold within one or two days time. Try it and be convinced 25 and . 50 cent 'bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. . " .' Notice. - To all whom it may concern : -: By vir tue of an order of the common council of Dalles City, made and entered on the 31st day of December, 1892. Notice is here by given that said city council is about to proceed - to- order and construct a sewer of eight inch terra cotta pipe through block 9 in Laughlin's addition to Dalles city, beginning at the. center of Jefferson street opposite the east end of the alley through the center of said block and thence westerly following the centre of said alley and continuing to intersect the sewer in Laughlin street, and that the cost of such sewer will be assessed against the property directly benefited thereby as by the charter provided.- Dated this 7t h day of January, 1833.- Fbank Mbsevkk, 1 .-. 1.9.dl5t. - Recd'rof Dalles City. Subscribe for Tub Daii.y Chronicle. An Estray Bay Mare. Came to my place last fall a bay mare about .five years old, with small white spot on right side, also white spot on left hip, star in the forehead; with some dim brand on left shoulder, weight about eight hundred pounds.- Owner can have the same by proving property and pay ing costs. V. J. Kjclly, 15-Mile creek. McGKAW ON HIS EAR. He Tales Tts LeaaefsMij -for Allen in to His Own Hands. VHAT DO Y00 PROPOSE TO DO MOW? Turner's Friends Propose to Combat an Open Enemy at Least HI IS THE LSABT COKCEBKKD. He Bad Done all he - Could do Secretly .: for Allen. Now ns See "What he can Accomplish Openly. : Olympia, Feb. . 9. Special. Gov. McGraw boiled over today. He served a notice tonight upon Spokane and her friends that henceforth he will ' wage an open fight for Allen. He said it' was a fight of King county against the state; that he was a King county man and proposed to stand by King county. "At 3 o'clock this afternoon," he eaid, I took personal charge of Mr. Allen's campaign, and propose now to employ all my in fluence to break the deadlock and elect King county's man." When ex-Governor McGraw had taken this stand he said : "It has been known all along that Governor McGraw has been secretly doing all in his power to bring about the election of Allen, despite-the fact that he has repeatedly pro claimed throughout the state that the dignity of his office forbade his inter fering in the contest..' His open an-nouncement-of-.i his intention to take control of the fight has not materially changed the situation. . Mr. Turner's friends much prefer to combat an open' enemy, believing him less dangerous . than a secret foe. His announcement of the war cry of King county against the state has become stale auA will ne longer arouse enthusi asm at Seattle. It has been worked for all it is worth!. Friends of .' Judge Tur ner have only the friendliest feelings for the people .of King -county. ; They are only waging war upon the canal scheme and an unscrupulous ring which seeks to promote private grabs at the expense of the rivers and harbors of Washington. This is what is meant by the cry of King county against the state. I am sorry to say that those republicans who had fondly " hoped Governor McGraw would. use no stepping stones of his dead self to higher things have suffered an early and violent awakening. He seems to be entirely incapable of comprehending that he is governor of the state of Wash ington. Mr. Turner was in no wise concerned by Mr. McGraw's declaration. Ten minutes after its receipt he 'joined a merry party of the wives of legislators and went out for a little supper at a restaurant. Hale Has Been Found Guilty. Elle&sbubgii, Wash.,. Feb. 7. Spec-ial-.J The jury in the Hale, case, after being out from four till nearly, nine last night, came in with a verdict of guilty. His attorneys immediately gave 'notice of a motion for a new trial. The verdict has been almost the sole theme of con versation here. The community seemed to be nearly equally divided between those who were surprised at' the verdict and those who . were not. Witnesses who were brought from Oregon to estab lish an alibi were most surprised,' as they were very hopeful ol his acquittal. Hale seemed less concerned than any one in the roomnd when the; verdict was announced there was not the least change visible in his countenance. The case of Tom. A. Kinzie, another of the alleged robbers, was called this morn ing. A jury was procured soon after neon. There is the same counsel on both sides as in the Hale case, and the witnesses called for the prosecution were the same as at the same stage in Hale's trial. It ia not believed this case will occupy more than three days, as only about ten witnesses will appear. " Heppner Gazette. Word was brought in 'town yesterday morning that T. L. Dorman's wife, who resides over in 8-Mile country, had died Saturday . from pneumonia. - Mrs. Dorman's illness was of short duration, and when the physi eian, Dr. Fox, was called, it was too late to do anything for her relief. Mr. and Mrs. Dorman had tcro daughters who were attending school at Heppner this winter, who did not know of their mother's-eerious illness until she was dead. The interment occurred yester day at the Hardman cemetery. . At the ' Capital. ' ; Salem, Feb. 8. In the honae the fol lowing bills were acted upon today. :: Campbell's pilotage bill, passed. ' : , Ikierritt'a bill defining a legal sack of flppip r to contain forty-nine ' pounds. passed,;v : '; ': '--z i : ' "-r 'Sheridan's charter bill, passed. ' 1 1 Mays To protect timber, and other property by fire, passed. ',; Geer 1 -Relating to incisures, passed. Ford's precinct assessor bill was re committed. ' - ' -v , - 'r i r The -governor will approve the tax bill, but it is said he will veto the Ore gon, National Guard appropriation of $45,000. . ; ; ' Alley's fish hatchery hill, paged. , Cross bill changing tli' boundaries of Multnomah and., plackatnas ' counties, passed. " . Cross bill incorporating Oregon City, passed.. . . ' Butler's bill incorporating Fail's City, passed. . .' ' Gates' bill for the protection of game and fish, passed. Baley'a bill appropriating $24,000 for Weston Normal school, p-used. Cross' hill incorporating the toa-n of Aurora and Weatherford'.s biil incorpor ating the town of Waterloo, passed: . The governor' has vetoed the worlds fair bill-, on the ground that it is uncon stitutional and that the state has no right to use the .people's money for such purpose. . ' Matlock's hill for a branch insane asylum in Eastern Oregon was read the second time and referred to the commit tee on ways and menus. ! Upton, to repeal the act establishing t he-lionrd of railroad commissioners, failed to paf, 17 to 34. Ray Royal for Royal only. Actual tests show the Royal Baking Powder to be 27 per cent, stronger than any other brand on the market. If an other baking powder is forced upon you by the grocer,', see that you are charged -the correspondingly lower price. The Genuine Illustrated Unabridged Encyclopedia The full set is now ready for delivery. It is a reprint, in large type, of tne last (9th) English edition, over 20,500 pages, including more than 10,000 illus trations and 200 maps. The 84 volumes are strongly bound in 13 volumes, cloth; price of the set, $20.00. The same bound in half Russia, $24.80. Index volume. If wanted, extra, cloth. $t.OO, half Russia, $1.40. Size of volumes, by 10 inches, by Sjri inches thick; weight, about . six pounds each. , 5 Cents a Day Membership in , the Encyclopedia Britannica Cooperative Club costs only $1.00 extra, and secures the encyclopedia- on payments of only 5 cents a day or $1.00 every twenty, days. . American, Supplement. Magnificently supplementing the Eng lish edition(complete in itself , of course) of the Britannica, especially treating . "American topics and living biography, we publish as follows: , American Supplement, edited by Howard Crosby, D.D., T.T..P., and others, 5 volumes, 8,H4a pages, and Index to entire work, 679 papes, the 6 vols, bound in 8 vols., cloth, price $6.00( half Russia, $7.20. Sample of the Encyclopedia can be seen at the office of this paper, and you can save a little in trouble and cost by joining at once with the editor and some of your neighbors in order ing sets. Call and see it, anyway, which costs nothing. . . . JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher," 57 Rose St., New York. XX A HOLLOW MOUNTAIN. A Visit of Six Honrs TnronEh tie Most WonflerfnlCaYe. Rbd Ci.irr, Colo., Feb. 8. Brush, creek, in Eagle connty, has coine to' the front lately with the discovery of a care, whose extent will surpass anything yet discovered in the west,' and in the United States, except Kentucky's won der." Six hours of constant travel are Wcessary to view its grottoes, torrents, domes an4 mineral viens. Unfathoma ble depths still remain for future explor ing and judgingv front ' their openings and the far away rushing of the torrent whose sound comes faintly to the ear. the mysteries unattempted will furnish, multitudinous wonders, more gigantic ruck halls and more -exquisite grottoes. The passages and rooms cover several miles of ground, but are terraced and paralleled iu such a manner that .they are embraced in one mountain, whonsj'i surface does not indicate its empty bosom. Centuries of percolation from, .the lime surruundingH : have white washed the place and in some of the rooms not a loose rock can be found for pe veral hundred feet. The most vivid fancy could not create names for the numerous fantastic formations of clus tering stalactites and dragoned cornices which cling or edge the arched roofs of the different chamber? The cave is on Brush creek, one utd one-halt miles from Fuiford. , of the Britahnica.