r - "The Regulator Line" e oQo .. -e . - Wlio Said ! 5 Tie Dalles, Portland an i Mma Navigation Co. TO Our WE HAVE rather neglected our Advertising f late, not because we had nothing to sell; but we had nothing especially new to offer, and preferred to wait until we could say something of interest. We are, and have been for some time, busily engaged in placing our . orders for Spring and . Summer Goods and feel justified' in announcing that we shall have the FINEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST. GOODS in all our lines that has ever been seen in The Dalles. We have : secured some genuine novelties in the Dry Goods Department, and the ladies "will certainly con .' suit their best interests by deferring . their purchases until after', their" arrival of which, .we shall give you due' notice. Keep" both' eyes 'on this space and we.- will certainlyvsurpriso : you u not only with the goods," but the prices at which we - shall sell them. -We meaii' business "and propose to have your patronage, if LOW, PRICES and . ih BEST GOODS will accomplish it. Yours Respectfully, The Dalles Daily Chroniele. Bntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles. Oregon, as second-class matter. " Weather Forecast. fjttial forecast for twenty-four htmr ending - at . . t p. m. tomorrow. i Wednesday fair, followed by snow. Thursday snow or rain.. Warmer. . . . Paquev- WEDNESDAY - FEB. 8, 1893 LOCAL BKKV1TIKS. Get Thk Chronicle encyclopedia. The 28th and 29th tilt, witnessed a gale and a half at WaDinitia. - Another enow plow has been sent for today and we may be happy yet ' A Wapinitia letter 6f yesterday says the snow there is 28 Inches deerx " - The best spellers of Juniper flat are to have a match this evening. Call and see our $24.80 Britannica en cyclopedia. . What makes success? Hard work. What makes wealth? Advertising. The great prospects of our city are all rammed up in that one word Location. J) Mr. A. A. Whitney of Portland7H--iii1 the city among the delayed passengers. "Belly deep to a horse" the measure ment of the snow given to us by a Wapi nitia man. The snow on Dutch flat is from two to four feet deep. It some places it is drifted very much. Mr. C; W. Emerson of 15-Mile is In the city. -He reports everything in good shape in his Section.- ' Five cents a day will get you the en- cyclopedia. We see the Oregoniau and go them 60 per cent; better. Mr. Put Brown of 10-Mile is in the ity today and reports good health and plenty of snow in his neighborhood. A dance is to be given this evening at Crises place on Wapinitia if the young people don't get frostbitten. Mr. S6l Durbin, one of the snowbound passengers by the U. P., is in the city today. Mr. Durbin is one of Oregon's early pioneers. Mr. Cbas. Allison is cutting and put ting up ice from the Staddleman pond that is-ten inches in thickness, and as clear as ice can be. Today ttie sky is almost clear of clouds . and the maximum temperature was 30, The average depth of enow in this local ity is nine inches. ' Jn the Oak Grove section and at Wamic, reports say the snow is eighteen inches deep. Stock are in good condi linn havinff nlentv nf fMd. The young people about Milt Norris ranch on Juniper Flat' spent the time very pleasantly at a social dance on the 20th. Music was furnished by the Kesner A Menefee band. A splendid cupper was provided. About forty cou- le were present. ; r"""" 'jj; One of the band of steers which crossed the ice yesterday went through and failed to come to the feed rack last night. The ice was very much like the beautiful enow poems, "too thin" in places. Attorneys J. 8; Story and H. H. Rid 1 i i m aeii reiumea irom urant last evening, where they were engaged in getting some testimony taken before. a referee, in reference to an. action pending there They report everything as beingvery dull and bnt little business being done. All are waiting for the long delayed chinook to open business once more. Friends and Patrons. i l.'J.'uU'W' PEASE & The enow has left Portland in any thing but a fine fix. ' S.uni Dullar of Wamnc died on the 4th inst. he was a prominent citizen, a grand army veteran, about 50 years of age, and leavtia a large family to mourn his death. We are under obligations to Mr. E. H. French for a copy of the Berkeleyan. Its table of contents is very interesting, Mr. Ed. Mars of this city, one of Berk leys students, . appears .as associate editor. We gladly chip in. . Mr. W. J. Roberts of. Colfax, came 'down on the morning passenger. Mr. Roberts came on a summons that his father had died In Lob Angeles on Mon day eve and the remains would' be brought to this city for interment. The young people of Grant enjoy their social gatherings during the long winter, and make the time pass merrily. A merry company met last evening in the ball next the Dispatch office and spent the evening in dancing. It was a very enjoyable . affair,' and until the "wee sma' " Lours the music gave Inspiration to the jolly dancers. A number of persons are in town for the purpose of attending the quarterly teachers examination which was to com mence today. But owing to the delayed trains, County Superintendent Shelly was unable to arrive in time, and those who are desirous of attending the exam- nation are compelled to wait until such time as the contrary elements will per mit Mr. Shellv to arrive. Lt. l,. Vrteeniey an insane man was brought in this morniDg by T. W. G'avey and Wm, Gr'eenley, from Kings- ley. He was evamined by Dr. Shackle ford this afternoon and pronounced in sane, whereupon Judge Blakeley com mitted him to the asylum.' - Greenley is a man twentynine years of ago and has been idiotic ever since bis birth ; his in Banity being due to hereditary causes. He at times. becomes violent -and seems seized with a desire. to kill those about him. He has suffered from attacks of epilepsy since childhood, and has re quired constant watching for rears. Hon was placed in the county jail for safety until such time as he. can be taken to the asylum. To Be Trusted. Speaking of trustworthy thermome ters, what is the matter wi th "the Col umbia river? When it registers euebJa degree of ice as it has not - registered since 1862, the record must be allowed to stand. The .ordinary objections that the thermometer is unreliable, or has hung in a draft, don't go. -, -( : -..' Answered. JMR. H.D3TOU A few evenings since 1 was, enjoying the sleigh riding with my best girl. I took a stone foot warmer with me. It was about 10x14 ' in size. jit camo near causing the "breaking off of! our engagement. The thermometer was about at zero; I attempted to -put my feet on the warmer beside the girl (to whom I am engaged) when she kicked. Was I doing anything improper? ' ', . " Engaged. Because yoa are engaged to the young lady does not give you more privileges than if you were not. On a stone 10xl4 there would be no room for your feet after those of the young lady are on it, especially if ehe is from, the Willamette Th t. c r.. . bur LuXZ" ,Fifl J-'rth from riee v v " .; uuugu wr uci ren mono, woaw aa- vise you to get a larger stone or; A - - tempt the same thing again. MAYS; Arlington Safe liobberjr. The Record gives on account of 'the robbing of Coffin Bros.' eafe at Arlington on Monday of last week, but fails' to print the name of the offender. We do not know the reason why the Record kept; the name a secret. We trust the editor of the. Record was not implicated. But laying jokes aside, the only rule to go by is for a newspaper to show no partiality in such matters. If a paper keeps the name back in one case, it will lie importuned to in others and have no end of trouble. It is no more than the readers of the Record onght to expect for that paper to give the name in such a case as tnts, atter tne complaint is made and the party bound ..over. It is not libelous, and seldom ever does harm to publish the facts of judicial criminal proceedings, without comment. " "-'' The danger lies in and injury results from publishing rumored suspicions, tinctured with malice, and connecting names of persons with that sort of elan der. But the public have a right to the name and charge sworn to in court, and a newspaper has the right to give them, and to publish the complaint, if he choose, or a copy of the proceedings, or any fact connected with the court as a part of the. proceedings. The rule for newspapers in such matters is that the publication should not be done with malice, and that the paper is liable for the truth of all assertions it makes that are not strictly matters of record Following is the account given by the Record-: "The safe of the well known firm of Coffin Bros., was robbed of about one hundred dollars on' Monday last. The facts are about as follows : Stanley Coffin left the safe party open and' went skating. During his absence a younjr man who was formerly in their "employ came in the store, went to the safe and took Out the money,' the party in charge, not thinking anything about the matter. When Stanley returned he missed the money and madeinquiry, and was in formed who had been in. A warrant was sworn out, and Marshall -Carlisle soon had the party..' He acknowledged the theft, and returned nearly all the money. He was taken before Justice Zeigler and placed under $150 bondsto appear before the next grand jury. We suppose his bondsmen have the monuv to lose, n we think it i verv doubtfnl the thief will be in the the gi'and jury convenes.1 country when ' Tlio Delights of Boyhood. . I'd like to bo a boy again without woe or cave, with freckles scattered on in y face and hayseed in my hair; I'd like to rise at 4 o'clock and do a hundred chores, and saw the wood and feed the hogs and- lock the stable doors; and herd the hens and watch .the bees and take the mules to drink, and teach the turkeys how to swim so' that" they wouldn't sink; and milk about a hun d red cows and bring in wood to burn and stand out m the sun all day and churn, -and. .churn, od - churn-j-and wear my brother's cast-off clothes and walk four miles to school, and get licking every day for breaking some old rule, and then get home again at night and do the chores once more, and mil rows ana leea tne nogs ana curry males galore ; and then crawl wearily upstairs tq seek my little bed; and hear dad aay : VThat worthless boy ! He Sisn't worth his bread !" I'd like to be li""- -s . y uaa go mucn iun: uu K) fUt' (1 r.n . n V. 1. ' 1 . of sun; I guess there's nothins IUo,.; ii... i - y. , , j i. ir : wB v uouni, hu ...-... tuMHiig eees,. -una doing evening choreas . . THROUGH FrelgHtanilPasseiBrLiae Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and" Port land, Steamer ; Regulator" leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Locks -with . steamer - Dalles . City. Steamer Dalles ' City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. ra. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. PAB8ENOIB KATBH. One way .'-. . . 17. . Round trip . . . . . ..,.12.00 .... 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered .at Portland on arrival. Live stock, shipments solicited.-' Call on or address. .. W. C. ALLAWAY, General A gent. BiF. LAUGH LIN, - Graertl Honar". THE DALLES. OREGON OREGON LEGISLATURE. oth Houses Passed Bills of Great Importance. , Salem, Feb. 6. The house this after noon-passed the following bills: Jef freys to enable women to hold educa tional offices ; Ormsby to establish an Oregon soldiers home ; Paxton abolish- ng das of. grace on notes; Brown, of Douglass relating to pleadings in civil actions. Nickel req uiring custodians of will to deliver the same for record, passed. Bishop to amend act licensing nsurance companies, passed. vV""'". ' " . In the eenate in the afternoon, H. J. M., relative to building the Nicaragua canal, referred, to committee on com merce. Gullixson's House bill for $40,000 ap propriation for O. N. G., made special order for tomorrow 3 p. in. Smith introduced a bill to regulate railway traffic between Celilo and The Dalles, referred to commerce commute. Bancroft's bill to define and punish obstructionists was passed. Myers' bill to protect game, fish and song birds, was laid on the table. Cogswell, amending the code relating to judgments, passed. Hayes, amending the code concern ing forcible entry and detainer, was passed. Hayes, to amend the code of attach inenta, passed. Cross, to repeal certain sections of the code relative to the collection of taxes. passed. I Butler, to amend the code on estates in dower, passed. Denny, to amend the code on the dis tribution of personal propertr, passed. Veatch, prohibiting the employment of non-residents as peace officers, passed Stciwer,' amending the code relative to senatorial districts, passed. Bancroft, to build and furnish school houses, etc., passed. It Should be in Eraiy House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St. Sharps- burg, P:i., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack ; of . "la grippe,"" when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done hitn more good than anything he ever used for lung troubles. Noth ing like it. Try it. - Free trial bottle at snipes & Kinnesly's. Large bottles, 50c, ana j i. - WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Beet grades of oak. fir. and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T, Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer son streets.) . . V If the snow should go off with a quick ness what a rush of waters would follow The popoliet vote of the United States in tne last presidential, election was 1,058,784. The total vote of the United States in 1892 was 12,071,725. - WANTBD. " A girl for general housework.. Call and inquire at the Kirby house, on the bluff. C. J. COATSWOBTH Leave your order Maier & Benton's." - for cord wood at ;,01d papers," vuitabl for carpets shelves, will be exchanged for clean rags Kb una uuibu. Subscribe for. Tir Daily Cusohicls. 'TTUenln Doobt"-Seritmer't. Trade with John Booth, The Leading Grocer. ' "PreM the Button" Kodak. " lie does the rest your orders care . fully filled. . . , j t Fur that Tired Feeling;" Ilood. - The most fastidious appetite, can be satisfied by trading with John Booth, . the Grocer. - ' -"Baa Cared Others, will Care You" A yrr Of care about what shall I have for dinner. ,.V' '. .. Good Morning-, Have Ton Used" Pears. Some of John Booth's "delightful 'coffee? - '" .'.: ? Gratelal and Comforting;"' Rppt. ' To housekeepers to 'buy groceries w here everything is fresh and clean . Don't Be a Clam" SiddaU. But trade with John Booth, the Lead ing Grocer. 'Best and Goes Farthest" Van Uoutm. Everything bought' of- John. Booth, the Grocer. ' Activity of North American volcanoes. Scientific American. Padernal peak.j situated in the wilds of Rio. Arriba county, New Mexico, is reported as now a violent etate of eruption, and is belching forth sulpbrous fumes and lava at intervals of about three hours, each lasting about thirty minutes. This has been going on since the last week in December. The entire top of the moun tain, which was almost square and about mile in extent, is stated to be blown off, and the lava pouring down the sides has already filled up the valley for about half a miletm each side. A considerable portion of a ruined - city '. of the ancient cliff dwellers will be covered with the slag should the. eruptions continue. Padernal peak is one of the most promi nent landmarks of the territory. The Mexicans eay that it burst forth in violent eruption in 1820 and did not cease for' nearly a year afterward- It has lain dormant until the present time. The rumbling noise and lurid light can be plainly beard and seen at Sierra Amarilla, seventy miles distant, and an army of people from there are now at Ariquin to witness the impressive sight. An earthquake shock felt at Orizaba, Mexico, recently, greatly frightened the Deonle living in the vicinity of the"! Orizaba volcano. . -The town of Orizaba lies about seventy miles by rail eouth west of Vera Cruz and about twenty- five miles south of Mount. Orizaba, the snow-clad peak of which is said by some to be 17,380 feet above sea level, and by others to be the higheet peak in North America. The residents of (Jolima, the capital of the Mexican stateof that name on the Paciffc coast, also feel a nervous apprehension regarding the volcano ot Coli ma, which, reaching a height of about-12,000 feet, looms ekyward about thirty miles northeast of the capital. Every night a lurid light illuminates the skv above the mountain, and.it is feared that this portends a serious eruption. The Only House in Town r-Making a Gents Furnishing Goods, ; gives us an opportunity to devote our entire time . to this' particular line. We have a lew remnants - in Fancy Underwear, Overshirts and v . , Gloves, which we are cloa-' v JOHN C. 109 SECOND STREET, , errs N. "loom fv r Health" I.ydia P. Saved by trading with John Boptb, .. . the Grocer. ' greatest Speed Consistent with. Safety" Pen. R. R. ' ; Used in delivering orders. Do Ton Wear Pants" Plymouth Bock. Tell her to trade with John Booth, the Leading Grocer. - . Oat o sight" Ilobo. . Bread made with Compressed . Yeast. "For that Vo.lI Feeling:" Adam. After breakfast Eat Quaker Oats. . "Absolutely Pare" Royal. '. Is the fine line of teas kept by John Booth, the Grocer. . Untried a Joy Denied" Schilling. Trading with. John Booth, the Lead- ing Grocer. . . . I Slectrlo Bitters. This remedy is ' becoming so well known and eo popular as to need no special mention, All who use Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. ' A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys,- will remove pimples, boils, salt .. rheum and other -affections caused by impure . blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, consti pation and indigestion try Electric Bit ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or . money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per bottle at Snipes & Kinersly's. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of -this county, the comity school superin-. . tendent thereof will hold a public ex . . - ri- rrtl T-lt 1 aminauon ar, ins orace in i no unuea uu- cinninfr inursaav. January ouin. ana ending Feb. 8th 1892, at 1 o'clock, p. m All la.w.lia.a ollniHlo fnr Ihn at.at.A pftpti--1 hcates, state aipiomas anq nieaipiomas must make application at the quarterly examinations. Dated this January 27 th, 1892. Tboy Shellbv-!: ;r County school superintendent of Wasco. County, Oregon. - for Rent. The only 3-etory, fire-proof brick building in the city. For further par ticulars inquire of Tom Kelly, at The Umatilla house. -- PHOTOGRAPHER; ' First premium at the Wasco county fair for best portraits-and views, s Specialty of- - . ; Hats and Caps. HERTZ THE DALLES. OREGON. HE TROT Steam Laundry of Portland, has establish.- .? : T ed a branch, office for laxin.- dry "work "with. Thos. McCoy at his bai"ber .shop, iTo. 110 Second St., "where all laun : dry bundles -will he received till Tuesday; noon of each. week, and returned on Sat- urday of the same "week at Portland prices.