c Tub Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL. PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AMD WASCO COUNTY. itered at the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION HATES T It All. (POSTAQZ PBXPAIB) IM "ADTAWC. Weekly, 1 year ...9 1 60 " months .-. .' 0 75 " 8 " 0 50 Sally, 1 year. 00 " months. 8 00 "' per " . . : 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. -- Whitelaw Keid has .been elected, vice president of Ihe Union league club of JJew York. -. Well, it's -pleasing to see that Whitelaw was not everlastingly wiped off the lace of the earth. Proposals for furnishing 100,000 tons of rock for the completion of . the jetty at the mouth of the Columbia are asked for. A sweater amount of large rock is asked for than ever before as the jetty is now nearing completion and the rock placed on top will be more subject to the action of the waves than that previously used. An English dispatch, commenting upon the! Sandwich islands "revolution" ays the object of the new constitution 3m to proteot the lower classes from for eign land owners, the queen said, and to upset her plan the Americans brought about the revolution.. The Americans prevented the marriage of ' Princess - Kaiulani to a distant relative of the Eng Cah royal family, because they feared the Increase of British- influence and tried to make a match between the prin cess and an American. A relative of the queen describes her as a woman of fine mind, an accomplished pianist and talented composer. - ' The scene near the mouth of the Co lumbia during the storm last Wednesday was a wild on. The Astorian says "From early in, the morning, when the northwesterly gale began to blow, the whole width of the Columbia was covered with white caps and the tide gradually rose until it reached a level with the various wharves. At 1 :05 high tide, the steamers and. vessels tied up along the water front chafed and tugged at their holdings till many of them were on the point of breaking away. The Wallowa ventured oat a little and looked around during the day, but soon put back. Al though it was an interesting day along' the water front." A civil suit involving a quarter of a million was decided in the district court at Helena last week. It was the case growing out of the failure of Greenhood, Boh in & Co., who assigned a year ago. Their liabilities were $250,000. E Bejal of New "York was a creditor for (60,000. JThe" other foreign creditors were New York and Chicago wholesale firms. The heaviest local creditor was the Merchants National bank of Helena, 38,000.. The verdict today was in favor of the Helena bank, the import of it being that the assignment was fraudu , lent. One of the partners admitted on the stand that he swelled the invoice (60, 000 in order to get money. The receiver has realized not more than $20,000 from the sale of the stock. An exchange remarks that there has been much discussion among American horticulturists the past few yenrs con cerning the extreme age that orange trees will bear well and produce good fruit. Some maintain that an orange tree, no matter how much care is put upon it', will slowly wither and die after it has reached half a century of- growth. Others have argued that about seventy- five years is the limit of usefulness of a ' well-cared-for orange tree. Several American horticulturists who have been traveling along the Mediter ranean sea have recently found trees over 120 years old that are stilL produc ing fruit of fxcellent quality. On the island of Elba,; where Napoleon was baniehed, there is an orange grove of over 700 St. Michael, orange .trees,' that were planted by an Italian in 1781, and it produced last year over 1S00 boxes of fruit, but it produced four times that quantity twentyfive years ago. There are several small orange orchards in Southern Italy that are over eighty Tears old and. are still productive of large quantities of fruit. On the island of Malta James Peliman, the famous American horticulturist, found one orange tree that there can be no doubt ia 142 years old, and that yielded several boxes of fruit last year.' It is even al leged that in the Azores there are orange and lemon trees over 200 years old that till bear, fruit, but there is no good authority for the allegation. ' It is remarkable what travelers women are becoming, and how many of them travel alone. No longer do they need a protector they can assume the role themselves if need be. , Railway con ductors say they travel about almost as freely as drummers do, and everybody must admit that this is making the sex more independent and self assertive than our grandparents would have dreamed possible. It is not. so certain, however, that its members will therefore make better wives and mothers. In her enlarged sphere woman has in some in stances become a shrewd dealer and capable of drivintt a sharD bargain with the best of men. A HAD POET rushed into a newspaper office recently, and threatened to "clean "out" the es tablishment, because they printed his verses wrong. Said he: I wrote, To dwell forever in a grot of peace,' and vou idiots out it 'a not of crease.'" The mortified editor presented him with a viaL.pf Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, year's subscription and an anoloey.' The little "Pellets" positively cure sick and nervous headache, biliousness, costiveness, and all derangements of the stomach, bowels and liver. It's a large contract, bat. the smallest things In the world . do - the business Dr.- Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They're the small est, but the most effective. They go to work in the right way. . . They cleanse and renovate the liver, stomach and Dowels thoroughly but they do It mildly and gently. You feel the good they do but you dont feel them do ing it. t They're the cheapest pill you can buy, because they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You only pay for the good you get. That's the neculiar nlan all Dr. Pierce's medicines are sold on, through anurcists. the Dalles AND Prineville Sta Line J.D. PARISH, Prop. Leaven The Dalles at 6 a. m. every day and ar rive ut Prineville in thlrtv-sii tours. - leaves Prinvile at 5 a. every -ay and arrives at r ne uuiie in uurry-Mx oour. Carries the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express Concocts at Prla-llle with . Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Horthern California and all Interior Points. - Also makes close connection at The Halle- wiu truing from Portland .nd all eastern poin.n. . Courteous dilTcrs. .' Good accommodations along the road. ' First-class coacnts and torses used. .Eipress matter nandied will, care. . A 11 persons wishing passage most waybll' at of fices before taking passage; others Will not be received. Express must be waybilled at offices or the Stage Co. will not be responsible. The company will take no risk on money transmitted.- Particular attention given to delivering express mutter at Prineville and all southern points iu Oregon, and advance charges will be paiu oy we company. HTAGE OFFICER; AT. Slchel A Co. Store. Umatilla Honw. l'rlneville. . The Dalles. MONEY TO LOAN; We have an unlimited amount of money to loan on ap . proved farm security. -: Thornbury & Hudson, -The Dalles, Or! Tiib CoiumDia PacRino Co.. PACKERS OF fork and Beef. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersot BRAND Dried Beef; Etc. Masonic Building. The Dalles. On House Moving; I Andrew Velarde - IS prepared to do any and all .kinds of -work in his line at ' . reasonable figures. " Has the largest ho.Tise . ; moving joutfit - in Eastern Oregon. ' 1 i Address P.O.Box 181. The Daltea Hams liBa, lOTW TODAT. The only first-class house ... .. - in The Dalles. MRS. PHASER, EUBOPEBpHOlJSEE IS PHEPAHED TO GIVB j FIRST-CLASS REGULAR BOARD AT QQ PER MONTH. H.S. CHEESMAN No. 0. Second at.. The Palles, Or. BOOTS AND SHOES MANUFAC TURED TO ORDER. ALL WORK AND A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. REPAIRING DONE IN A SATIS FACTORY MANNER. - C- r. STEPHENS, DEALER IN Clothing Boots, Shoes. Hats, JEte. ' ''.--'' FanciJ (Joodg, Jlotion, Kto.,. Bta., .-. Kto. ' We are now balance of .our Dry Goods Uipter Dress (Joods, ladies' apd TeT)'s ayd At a great sacrifice, room for our new Spring goods. H. Her bring. Pipe sWorKv Tlix Repairs aixfl goofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss' .. Blacksmith Shop. ' Freeborn & Company, ' ' DBALEB8 IS ' WBilPaper M flbom (Houiflings, 25 ALDER ST.,, Old Numbkb 95, TH E CELEBRATED COLUMBIA AUGUST BUCHLErt, Prbp'r. -This- well-known Brewery is, now east of the Cascades. The latest appliance ful Beer have been-introduced,, and oely the market. . .. . . .- y- . ... ). JOHN PASHEK, pieicW - Tailor, Bert door to Wasco Sun. Jost Received, a fine slock of Saitinge, Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest -Styles, at Low Prices. -Madison's Latest System used in cutting - garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. Repairing and Cleaning , Neatly and Qnickly"Done. I;; YOUNG, JEWELER, : : Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on abort natlee, arid satisfaction guaranteed. -AT TH v Stora of I. C. Kiskelaen, 2d 8a. The Dallas - County Treasurer's Notice. - . All county warrants registered prior to May 1, 1889, will be -paid if pre sented at my office, corner .Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. The Dalles, Oct. SI, 1892. -' ' William Michxli,, 10.31 tf Treasurer Wasco County, Or. Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, THB S1UJH, - - OKSOC Will repair your fine Baggies and Carnages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmitbing in the . finest style. Satisfaction gnar--" .. anteed. i .. . t GUHHIHG & ppKTO ,Props. closing out the - - fles'Jaeets, Boys' Oureoats, in order to make COR. FIFTH, , , PoaxLAim, OlMOI. BREWERY, turrfnz oat. the best Beer and Porter for the manufacture of good health the flrst-clasi article will be-placed on . . - ' f D RUGS Snipes & Kinersly. -THE'--LEADING- Handled by Three ALSO ALL Patent ffiedieines; :ajWMggiste " af"k IIMia M A aa. mm m m . - - - ." - HUUh; nWi I o. UIL5 AMD GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and ihe i only agents in the Gity'fbr The Sherwih Will arris;; Co.'s Paints. -WB.vAEK- - vTHf JrsJak Paper. Finest Line of Imported 'Key West and Doiriestic Cigars. :yv S. :r ASerl fPT Tansill's Punch. ' 129 Second Street, : The Dalles, Oregon ML I: Pi - ,?W. JOWN baa been platted on tb old camp ground, at the Forks and Faiia of Hood river, with ltire siRhUy lota, broad ttreeta and alloys, eood Boll, pare cold water and shade in prolusion, perfect drainage, delightful mountain climate, the central attraction as a mountain summer resort and for all Oregon, -being the nearest town toMt Hood. It ia also unparalled aa a manufacturing enter, being the natural center for 150 square miles of the best cedar and Or ' Umber, possess! r g millions of horse power in its dashing streams and water falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exists, there tho manu- factories will -center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot be excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with tram porta tion already assured - i. ion will rind this the place to mail e a perfect home or a paying investment TITM PERFECT W. ROSS "There is atide'fn the affairs of men which, taken at its flood, .'.. ' ledds on to fortune" '' - The poet unquestionably had reference to the - " Cliil-ll Sale i! at CRAN DALL Who are selling these goods MICHELBACII BRICK' THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. ' BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S r . . SPOOL SILK r FINE LINE OF ' ' . - ' No. 390 to 394, 2d NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. PEZZER & WYNDHAM. Proprietors. CO w ta : J3 At the old stand of R. Lusher PAUL KR EFT -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS ;' - . .'And the Most Complete and tlo SPractical Painters and Paper Sherwin-Williams and J. W.-Masury's Paints used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry IJqoid Faints. No chemical combination or soap mixture.' A first class article in all colors. AR orders promptly attended to. - Faibs boo eeri:er IMidad Registered Druggists.: THE. LEADING HNS ... t See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon. WINANS. & BURG ET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates. - - UNION St, . street.; The Dalles 51 S 0 iio Front St. The Dalles. Oregon... CO., AND GLASS. Latest Patterns ami Detigns in Rangers, Kone but' the best brands of tkft " - 'Washirloc Ets., lie I tike. Citt f