Ti3 Dalles Daily Chronicle. QFUCIAL, PAPER OF DALLE CITY. . AMD WASCO COUNTY. - Xu tared at the Poatofflce at The Dalles, Oregdn. , ' as second-class matter. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES. . T MAIL (POSTAOB FUrilD) 1 21 ADTAKCK. 'eklr, lyear... 1 SO 6 months. 0 75 0 50 S 00 " 8 Daily, 1 year , . . . " 6 months. per " . - Address all communication to KLE.V The Dalles, Oregon. .... a oo 0 50 THE CHRON- Mr. Cleveland's title is hyphenated at both ends. He is ex-president-elect.. '. There's not au officeholder who wouldn't like to be elevated for, an ex ample rather than thrown out aaa sug Xestion. ' 'Mr. Daniel Lamont appears to be an other of the gentlemen who will have to do some lively sprinting if they mean to escape lieing run down by a cabinet office. v : ' If some genius would come along and perfect a device whereby ice could be burned as fuel and coal used to keep re frigerators cool, how much better off the world would be. ." t ' ' "Mr. Cleveland might en joy life better if he had a little tiger of his own," ob serves the Washington News. If we are not mistaken he was given a tiger in Chicago last June with three cheers.' , Judge Gresbatn says he would not ac cept an appointment from Cleveland, but he does not Say that he proposes to , quit flirting with the populists, which -would be much more agreeable news. Texas prides itself upon having fifty even counties', each of which is larger than the state of Rhode Island. . Well, what of that! Are there any of . them which can get up a Rhode Island clam bake? The conservative element in. Canada ia alarmed over the growth of senti merit . in' favor af annexation. This opinion substantially agrees with that of the torv element in New York eo- ciety. ' An English journal vouchsafes the interesting information that "ladies at the theater in America take off their bats and use them as fans." Go to an English writer , if you want , the' exact truth about anything in this country A telephone designed for service on all floors of high buildings by traveling up and down a chute is the latest economic idea of the Engineering .Record. A traveling telephone that will go out and -deliver messages is the crying need of the times. 8ome time ago it was reported that Queen Victoria . was practicing on typc-.vriter. Now a Lor, don magazine bas been suppressed for publishing one of the royal lady's poems. Let the " type-writer get in its work before we . have a chance to bear ' from the Prince of Wales. There ia an instinctive desire on the part of every college boy to speak of bis valma mater, as old old Harvard, old Yale, etc'. ; It is even said that! some of the student.of .the University of Chi cago, which -was opened last October are beginning to refer to it as "Old Chicago. The Seattle Telegraph says "the Allen men feel confident of one thing: II tbev can hold out until the end of the eeseion their man will be appointed by the governor, and so they will win any ray, temporarily at least." But that does not justify their conduct in forcing upon the people a man whom they do not want, and it can not be fiaid that they want Allen so long as a majority of the members of the legislature de cline to vote for him. Besides, you can take our word for it ; if Allen should be tleeited by an. appointment from Gov. McGraw, the seat of his pantaloons will never again warm his .chair in the sen ate chamber, because the law plainly makes it the dulg ot the present plympia assembly to choose his successor. ' r.. The Spokane Review takes decided exceptions to the report of Capt. SymondB, accepted by Gen. Casey,-chief of engineers.'for the propoeed improve meut of the Columbia. It says: "While this recommendation is good as far as it goes, it merely follows out the idea suggested, of making the river a feeder to railroads. .Persons living Jar remote from these lines of transporta tion will not be benefited at all. The river flowing through Stevens county, and along the northern boundary of the -Big Bend, with the exception of the 15 miles eutb of the Canadian line, is left unimproved, and the people remain -without hope of reaching a market for years to come. Bordering the stream -along this portion of its course are lands which, when coveted by orchards, -will . make Washington famous as a fruit pro . ducer, but which will, for the most part, lie undeveloped until the shipment of produce becomes possible. ' An -open ."river fyouo the boundary to the sea is de manded. That this 'demand will be granted some day there is no question, and the sooner it is done and the Col umbia flows unchecked to the Pacific tho better it will be ' for Xho prosperity and welfare of the stats) of Washington, and the Island Empire." , Two doctors of an Eastern to - To learning' much inclined, Wrro called to see a gentleman. Whoso health was undermined. The first ono used liistethoecope- . Upon his patient meek. - ' "I find," quoth he. "ono lung-ia ffonat You cannot live a week." .. To this the other wise M. D. Vehemently objected. - - : "I see," quoth he, "nsall maywa, , Your kidneys are affected. These wise men argued loud and long, ' Yet tho patient owes recovery (Not to thoso doctors, but to Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery). There aro some patent medicines that era more marvelous than a dozen doctors pre scriptions, but they're not those that profess to cure everything. Everybody, now ana uien, i j down," " played out" They've tho will, dot tn cmnpratfi vitality. They're not -Kick enough to call a doctor, but just too sick to be well, loats wnere mo rijcuu iuu v. ngn nofd a mi' .tent medicine comes in. and does ior a dollar what tho doctor wo )Ull dn't do for less lhau five or ten. We put in our claim for Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery. We claim it to be an unequaled remedy to purify the blood and invigorate the whole system. .";, ,.'. it's tne cneapesi ui wii-pm xnc , j druggists, no matter how many doses are of AmwI for a. Hollar. ".-' Why T .because it's sold on s swiutar plan, and you only pay lor Uis gooa you gas. Can you ask more I ' Will Be Giyen at rxxxr3Ly TCa.ll. Monday Evening, Feb. 6, 1893. The Best of Music .Will Be FurnisM Prizes will be awarded for the beat- sustained lady and gent character. A general invitation is extended to the Dublic. but no disreputable char acters will be admitted.. .COTC7WITT-ES. : Arrangement J. 1. Wood, G. C. Bills, 5 John Blaser, Louis Payette, W. T. Hill, C. A. Klindt, A. Sandrock. Reception L. Payette, C. A. Klindt, F. W. L. Skibbe, John Blaser, Aug. Buchler. . Floor W. T. Hill, - J. 8. Fish 4 W. H Butts, Arthur Wyudham, George Thompson. Tickets admitting gentlemaa and ladies tl.00. . THE . ' and " Prineville Stage f . J. D. PARISH, Prop Leaves The Inlles at S n. vn. everr day and ar rive at Prineville in thirty-six hours, l-euves Prineville at 5 a. m. every nay and arrives at , ' The Dalles in thirty-six hours. . .. Carries the U. S. Mail, Passengers tnd Express ' -rConr.ecta at Prin-ille with - Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and ; all Interior Points. ' t -" Also makes close connection at The Dalle wit a trains from l'ortland and all eastern points. Courteous SriTBrs. . Good accommodations alons tie real. '- -. First-class coaencs and lorses ised. f . Express matter Jianiied wia' care, '' .'- i . - - All persons wiaMiig pHKsnge must wsyblll at of fices before taking passage; others will not be 'received- Expiess must be-waybilled at offices or the Stage Co. will -not be responsible. The company will take no risk, on money transnrlt ted. Particular atHmtion given to delivering express matter at Prinevi'le and all southern points in Oregon, and advance charges wilt b paid by the company. STAGE Sfrriel Co. St. Prineville. 'v. orriCM ra. TJmatllla Mnasa. . Tta Dalles. House Moving! Andrew Velarde ' IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at ; '- '. reasonable figures." Haa tne , largest honse moTLng -outfit - .in Eastern Oregon. '. -.. 9 "A GRAND k MapMcM - -The Annual J5a.ll of th Dalles City Fire Dep't Line 3M W TOTJAT.' T7 only first-class house in The Dalies:: tf MRS. FRASER, -AS THJ EUROPERIl HOOSEE IS rBEPABKD TO ! '. FIRST-CLASS REGULAR BOARD AT 820 PER MONTH. H S. CHEESM AN Se. mt Maond st., The Dallaa, G- BOOTS AND SHOES MANUFAC TURED TO ORDER. ALL WORK AND GUARANTEED. A PERFECT FIT, REPAIRING DONE .IN FACTORY MANNER, w A 6ATIS- C. IV STEPHENS, DEALER Plothing . 8km, BaH, Itk Fancg oofl, Jlotions, EWa. We are now balance of our Dry GrOOuSl ' uittimiMiiuu uiivj . Uir;ter Dress Qood5, ladiej' apd Tisses'JaeKets. . . . - ' Tei7 V ar?d Boys' Oureoats At a great sacrifice, in order to make V room for our new' Spring' goods. - v H. Herbring. D. BUSSSW WorR, Tiix Bepialrs aufl Hoofing Pipe MAINS TAPPED Shop on Third Street, next Blacksmith Shop Freeborn & -DBALKB Wall Paper aiil ; aOSdrVLDER STh COR. FIFTH, - Ol HVMTMM N, THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA " AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. ThJs well-knowa Srewer ' is now Mk of tb CaseadM. Tk latest apptia: JOHN PASHEK. inerciMMalr, .. Hex door to Wtaco Snm. Just Received; a fine slock of Suitings, Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest ' Styles, at Low Prices. , Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a it-guaranteed each time. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. ... SV X. YOUNG, Watches and Jewelrr repaired to order en a art notice, and aati (action ua ranleed. S ton f I.C KUkelinn. S1 Th Iallfa C aty Trfuanr! Kotlee. - . AU county warrants registered prior to May l, its, will be paid it pre sented "at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. " The Dalles, Oct. SI, 1S&2. : ' William Michkll, lO.Sltf Treasurer Wasoo County, Or " 8acona Su, 0pp. Hsod'a Stable, TBS MUM, -BOON, ; - Will repair your fine .Buggies " and Carriages, shoe jour fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blaeksmithirrg in the . finest style. Satisfaction gnar "antead. GUSSISG & HOCKM ,Props. closing out the - UNDER 'PRISSTJRE. door west of Ypung A.Kuss' Company, IX- ioni Jilouliliiigs, BREWERY, ttirains oat - bwrt Ber and: Porter tmr Um sanmnrctare of rood oeaitn f ftst W.n rfks w W fAr4 tm DRUGS Nl -.THE LEADING TEX :-.:- :I33Rtr;GrS . Handled by Three Registered Druggistsr- ; - ; - ALSO ALL THE : LEADING '::':', . ', '. ' .'. ;' Patent ffledieines and HOUSE PAINTS. Agents. for Murphy's Fine Varnish es and the only agents tVick fHfir-fX rTVf SVio win Willonr ' C.ri Q Pointo -WK THe Largest-: DlereihWallr -Paper;;-" Finest Line of Imported Key r ,i Agent for Tansill s Tunch. 129 Second Street, . The Dalles, Oregon I 7"HS NEW TOWN bna been platted on the fans oi nooa river, wua in nrce slirlitly lots, 1a N pnre cold water and alinde in profusion, perfect drainage, delightful Dionntain climate, the centrttl attrHCtinn aa a mountain summer resort and for all Oregon. , being the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It is also uuparalled as a manufacturings center, being the natural center for 160 square miles of the best oedar and nr , i timber, possessing millions of lioie power in its dashing streams and water- , falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exists, there the manu factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot be excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with tritmportution already assured : you will find this the place to make a perfect home or a payiuff investment TITItE PERFECT W. ROSS "There is a tide in the affairs' .leads on to fortune." ; , ' The poet unquestionably had reference to" the CIOII-UIII M& 01 Bps- - FuriiitttiB & CarjBis ' at CRANDALL Who are selling these goods MICHELBACH BRICK, THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. "'. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. - BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S " SPOOL SILK FINE LINE OF ' - -:: v; .si i J . E lEi 111" 39Q to 394, 2d street, The No. NEPTDNE SH A.VING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. PRAZER & WYNDHAM. Proprietors. s fr v ? """" At .the old stand f R. lasher. PAUL KR EFT & -, !. '. Xi-DEALERS IN ' PAINTS, OILS AN D GLASS, ' And the Moat Complete and the Latest Patterna and Designs in - ;' jSl Hi Jlii . HP -E JEm lE&m : CSyPracucal Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the befit brands of t- Shfrwin-WilliairjB and J. W. Uasarr'i themost skilled workmen employed. chemical combination or soap mixture. ordara prowptly attended to. : faiat ft)ta frsriar Tbira4 INERSLY. : Dimoqists rSdhdrieS, OILS AND GLASS. in ABE' West and Domestic Cigars. old camp frround, at' the Fork and broed htreets and alleys. Kood soil. ISl s See me ' on the grouri,d.,' or" ""-"i Address me at Hood ; River 1 Wasco County, Oregon. , WIN ANS. of men which, taken at its flood & BURGETS, out at greatly-reduced ratea. UNIOJC ST. - Dalles. ho Front St. The Dalles, Oregaa. CO., Faints nsea m au..our wore, ana none rai Azenta for Maeury Liauid Paints. Ko A. first dasa article ia all colors. - AH "WM-J-ttan Cta., Tt Calls. Ci4 " v-i -. - -4 Z6 ' vV", '' -if, ,7 4 - 5f