The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 01, 1893, Image 3

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    : ': Enffless Variety asfl Assortment Bf .;
Dolls, Toys, Books, Albums, Pianos, Or-
an i " .
The Dalles, Portland and Gloria
Navigation Co.
gans, iviusica! insirumsni!
TO Our Friends and Patrons.
i , - ; -
ulator Line
K fE HAVE rather neglected our Advertising of late, not
yy because we had nothing to sell; but we had nothing
especially new to offer, aiid preferred, to .wait until we could
say something' of interest. ' Woare, and have been for some
time, busily engaged in placing our orders for Spring and
Summer Goods and feeL justified in announcing that we ,
shall have the FINEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST
GOODS in all our lines that has ever been seen in The
.Dalles. We, have secured some genuine novelties in the
Dry Goods Department, and the ladies will certainly con
sult their best interests by deferring their purchases until
after their arrival, of which, we shall give you due notice.
Keep both eyes on this space and we will certainly surprise
you, not only with the goods, but the prices at which we
shall sell them. We mean business and propose to have
your patronage, if LOW PRICES and the BEST
GOODS will accomplish it. Yours Respectfully,
qttglrf, l o o o o o oo o
Freiont ana P.-ssenyer Lin
Throusrh daily Bervice (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. ru. connecting at Cascade
Locks with- steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dallea City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
y .. V
This WeWs Dic
tionary', only $1.00 !
Wnere can yon do
o o o o o o o
O O O'O o o o o
One way .
Round trip..
. .. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
- ..; - - - -'. ' ' '
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live slock shipments
solicited. Call on or address. "
General Agent.
General Manager.
y-ji.foii line of
12-Mo. BOOKS,"
u in mm
Eilt Over 200
lo select from,
at 25c,per 10L
(, jit.
j JtJ
o o o o o o o
-We Have Made-
Sweeping Reductions.
Call and examine
our stock of
holiday presents
The Dalles Daily Chironicle.
Catered a
the Postofflee at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Weather Forecast.
Official foreeatt for tttcnty-four hour ending at
S p. m. tomorrow:
Wednesday snow,
decidedly warmer.
Thursday fair
FEB. 1, 1S93
The 1.05 p. ru. train from Portland
Ui'd not arrive today until 4 p. m., in
consequence of the inclemency of the
. Mrs. William C. Avery, who fell sixty
feet down the elevator shaft of the Mar
quam at Portland Monday afternoon,
died at St. Vincent's hospital at 5
o'clock yesterday morning.
You can carpet your rooms at about
' your own price by calling on Crandall &
Burget, at the new store on Union
Crandall & Burget are now settled in
their new etore in the Michelbach brick
on Union street, next door to Floyd &
Shown's. Call around. '
German services will be held at the
Jllnth Street Chapel on - Sunday, at the
usual hour 10:30 a. m. Rev. A. Horn
having recovered from his illness, will
officiate. Sunday school at 2 :30jr m
The Dalles "400" aft ithe-f photos.
taken at Herrin's gallery the post
omce, because they sjr yey are not
ashamed to send tbeuAealt to friends
when Herrin's naWisoi the photo.
The tax rate in Baker county for the
year 1892 is thirty mills only three per
.cent, says the E. Oregonian. With one or
two more criminal cases, conducted re
gardless of expenses in Umatilla county,
the tax rate there will be as high as in
Baker county., ; .' ; ; '
. Dr. Eshelman informs us that Sir. L..
.Booth is improving, -though somewhat
weakened by his long illness. Ho will
gain strength as the days go by. We
' hope to see him on the street as soon as
the weather gets warmer. "
The Y. B. C.'s had a lively time of it
w on Union street last night coasting.
The sport was never more enjoyable.
The bobs shot down through the cut
with railroad speed and : the empelling
force drove them down as far as the Col
umbia hotel in fine shape. . :
Capt. John J. Holland, whoso death
in Seattle has been announced, was well
. known in The Dalles. He was a promi
. nent builder and adept " in maritie ar
chitecture. Among jthe. steamers he built
were tho Wide West, R. R. Thompson,
Idaho and Emma Hayward. He was a
brother of Phil Holland, ao well known
in ttiis city, who received fatal injuries
some years ago in a collision between
the Southern Pacific railroad ferry and
the steam launch Mikado.
..." . t .
"Kill the bug bill," exclaims the
otherwise sensible Salem ' Journal
Better kill the orchardista . whose indo
lent wayB permit the peats to destroy
Oregon orchards, and make the bug law
a necessity in this state. We hope tor
the good of Oregon, to. see house bills
fifty-seVen and fifty-eight pass into" the
statutes. One is to give the state board
of horticulture power to declare any sec
tion of the state an Infectious district
where peach yellows or fqngus .. are
found, and power to order aU nursery
" stock from' such a district destroyed.
This might be substituted, with wiadom,
tor the act to pay a state chemist who
puts Em; tern Ort-gon soils down as value
less, "except for sage brush and bunch j
graes." The other bill is to give the
state board power to create and appoint
a state official, to be called state fruit
pest inspector. He is given powers over
the rights and property of negligent citi
zens to the care of rights and property of
other citizens, and without such official
authority, throngh negligence, for want V
. ..... . .I
oisucn laws, uregon is liable to oe ad
vertised to the world as the worst
fested state in the union. Look at
worm eaten fruit and pest ridden
chards of the vallev for proof of
necessity of enacting the bug bills.
Mr. Chas. Vanduyn of Tygh Valley,
came in to the city last evening, having
experienced the most uncomfortable day
in his life. Snow d ifts and high winds
were encountered the entire distance. In
places the snow was piled up four and
five feet high in the road.
Mutilated notes are now coming to
the United States treasury for redemp
tion in greater amounts than ever be
the or-the
fore, being undoubtedly the after effects
of an active business during the holi
day season. The clerks in the treas
urer's office are kept busy after office
hours every day until dark handling this
money, but cannot keep np with the de
mands made upon them. Often in one
day $2,000,000 and $3,000,000 in delapi
dated and unpurrent funds are received
from the sub-treasuries and National
banks. At the close of some business
days there are about $5,000,000 in dilapi
dated notes of small denominations
awaiting redemption with crisp new
notes. , The assistant treasurer at New
York reports that he never knew of
such an influx of uncurrerit notes; and
has asked that clerical assistance be
sent him from Washington. ,
Lssd Forfeiture Extension Jill I Signed
For Annexation. .
Review: By all means annex the
Sandwich islands. Then wo shall have
Hawaii for a winter resort, Alaska ,for a
Bummer stamping ground for tourists,
and with national narks in Montana.
Washington and Oregon there will be no
excuse for American globe-trotters who
swarm over Europe winter and summer
and give the old world pretty much the
same impression of the people of this
country that we get of the Chinese froui
the pauper coolies who come here..
I'uUoned Ills Wife.
Los Anqelkb, Cal., Jan. 31. Henry
entley, a gardener, who is accused of
having poisoned his wife, a wealthy
Mexican woman, was arrested here to-i
day. Analysis of the woman's stomach
showed evidence of arsenical poisonins
by strychnine. . ' ,;
Hanyyeai-3 "ago a boy found a "beauti
ful snake, so an Indian legend mns. He
kept it in a bowl of water and took no
tice that small feathers dropped into the
receptacle became living beings. He
experimented and discovered that what
ever he put into the water became alive.
He robbed some of this snake water on
his eyes and found that he could see
things that were actually hidden in the
ground. Concluding . that he would
make the liquid more powerful by put
ting more enakfcs -into it, he hung up a
number of serpents bo that their oil
dropped into the water.- By putting
some of the solution thus obtained into
his mouth he could "breathe fire, and by
placing some of it in his eyes he could
see in the dark.
At will he could transform himself
into a serpent, could become invisible
and could travel at an incredible rate of
speed." An arrow dipped into the liquid
and shot at any livkisLbeing, even if ,it
viiu. nut iuv oojeci, wsuua nevertao
less" killit. A feather dipfced into this
snake water
and pointed at any irame Idid nit reonire.
T1,m fr,iW;r,a. -lti.,.., ' 71 woma immediately-start liic tne latter!
. . ' . .a- I and elav Tf. Thtfa hnvWiinii in thin
Not Required by Law
Should Not be Expected. ' "
We find the following excerpt from
the Condon Globe in the Grant - dis
patch : '
It does seem very strange indeed that
theU. S. Land office- in ; Washington
and everv - other place except The
Dalles, understand that the law requires
the publication of notice of intention
to purchase railroad land-and are doing
so right along although ;Tbe- Dalles
office stubbornly refuses tdo so. Just
what object it hariniewXin not com
plying with tho,-law;5rmaini a mystery
at present. The,iiittter needs investi
gation badly. 4 g 4
For the infprtaonyei our coteinpo
raries we m$y be permitted to state that
the law deesnot require "publication
of notice of intention to make proof"
under the third section of the act of
September 29, 1890. and as the law does
not require it the register here refuses
to order it, and speaking for Thb Curon--icle,
it was not expected. The settlers
have "hard times" enough, as matters
stand, to be exempt from all unnecessary-expense
in the matter, and as a
friend of . the farmers The Chronicle
wishes to avoid all possible trouble to
them. ' . ;
As the instructions from the general
land office were silent on this point it
was left for the local officers to decide,
and this office decided as we have stated,
and ''have thereby already saved to the
purchasers under this act about $10,000
which, will be increased to $15,000 or
$10,000 by the time the purchase right
is exhausted. . Publishers who under
stand the situation are entirely satisfied
that the register's course is the correct
one, and that it would not have been
just nor right to force each purchaser to
stand an expense of $7.50 which the IaW
Resolutions of Condolence on the Death
of J. It. Love.
The following resolutions were adopted
by Temple lodge No. 3, A. O. U. W., of
thiscitv, at a special meeting called for
the purpose yesterday :
Wukbka8, God llias seeii fifiii His
tl calV ou
ftV th
icirtlt Ibmer
y$ rVTo
ni8yiaiiniui w
grchjt. Nwth
is earthly
We his
of United
record our
d qualities
ork as a
.reforo be
wise providence
sPtOtihf'- T R- Love,)
home to his final
brother in the A
Workmen desire
appreciation of
as a man, and
brother of the
n r
Resolved, ThafTetnplo lodge No. 3, A.
O. U. W., does most sincerely deplore
thpasaosi of their friend and brother, and
That they will ever regard the memory
of his work among them with feelings
of gratitude and love.
Kf solved. That the loving sympathies
of all the members of the lodge be ex
tended to the family of the brother in
this dark hour of their bereavement.
Resolved, That the charter of this
lodge be draped in mourning for thirty
spread upon the minutes; a copy sent
to the family of the deceased, also a
copy furnished to the daily papers for
Respectively submitted in C. H. & P.
W. E. Syivkhtkk, -
. . ' ' . - I. "P. JOI.ES,
Last Lear:
Her eyes were rheamy, and weak and re3,
Her brvntlt you could imcll it afar,
Shu had ringing and dizziness oft in her head,
And the causu of it all was cutarrb.
This year:
Uer breath is as sweet as the new meadow hay,
- Her eyes are us bright as a star, -And
the cause of the change, she is ready to say,
v Was the Dr. Suge Cure for Cutarrah.
DrJSage's Catarrh Remedy will posi
tively cure catarrh in the head, no mat
ter bow bad or how long standing. Fifty
cents, by all drue?its.
us this morning by Col. T. S. Lang
Washington, D. C. Jan.?U1S93
To CoL T. S. Lang: Receive? VyL Land
uiflce,ine JJaUc,Ur.; Sf ; ;
ine Din extending the tiuie fo? nur
chasers for railroad land, wliichj&sed
congress last weeK is now
president and is a law.
WasAixgtoV, Beb. 1. 11
To Col. T. H. LatiQ, Recfoef V.
j Zand Office, Tfie Valte, Orejbrd
f ine president nas signed lnyoill ex- Ikrglv
- - -"H - - - fcfMJ . . . V ,1V i -J VA'
leited railroad lands.
and slay fj Turf's boy bec'arrie in "this
Hot clam broth today, after
at J. O.'Macka.
4 p. m.
Sncklrn'n Aruira Salve.
st ealve in thy world " for cuts,
cum, fever
and posi
vfl cun-a-'piles, or no pay required.
It isNIuaraiiteeil to sive perfect satisfac
tion, ornuonev refunded. Price 25 ceiitJ
pec ox. For eale by Snipes & Kin
sTOTedbe 'VA'8' sores,-ulcenrf salt rlu
. j .1 i i 'BOrt- tetter, cimucd hands.
Kikge IlKjjc. corft, and all akin eruptions,
lilectrlo ' Bitters.
. Thi3 remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention, All who use Electric
Bitters sing the same ' song of praise.
A purer medicine does not. exist and it
is guaranteed to do all that , is claimed.
Electric Bitters will cure all , diseases of
the liver,. and kidueys, will remove
pimples, boils, salt rheum and . other
affections caused-, by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system and
prevent as well as cure all malarial
fevers. For cure of headache, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Bit
ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per
bottle at Snipea & Kinersly's.
The John Ena Safe.
San Francisco, Jan. 31. The Ha
waiian ship John Ena arrived here' to
day from Cardiff. There has been some
J 1 1 i i 1 r . . .. .n
uouui aa io me enieiyoi ine .una, as a
wreck had been seen of Cape Horn, and
it was thought it might be the John Ena.
Services, will haTjeldin the Ninth
street . LutherjincriSpel oh the 2nd, in
the Scandinavian languft
Good bye .
There is hope that Michigan will.btj
un-Michigandized. The senate" of th
state has passed a bill repealing the lav
permitting the election
electors by districts. I
houso will concur without
pealing the lavi
of presidential
t is thought tint
it delay.
Oond Look.
Good looks are more than skin deep,
depending upon a healthy condition of
all the vital organs. If the liver be in
active, you have a billions look, if your
stomach be disordered yon have a dys
peptic look, and if your kidneys be af
fected you have a pinched look. - Secure
your health and you will have good
looks. Electric Bitters is the great al
terative and tonic acts directly on thesa
vital organs. Cures pimplup, blotches,
boils and gives a good complexion. Sold
at Snipes & Kinersly'H drugstore, 50c
per bottle.
Examination of Teachers.
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of
all persona who may offer, themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county school superin
tendent thereof will hold a public ex
amination at his office in The Dalles be
ginning Thursday, Jannary 30th, and
ending Feb. 8th 1892, at 1 o'clock, p.'m.
All teachers eligible for the state certi
ficates,' state diplomas and life diplomas
must make application at the quarterly
examinations. Dated this January 27th,
1892. Tkoy, .
County school superintendent of - Wasco
. County, Oregon.
Leave yonr order for cord
Maier & Benton's.
wood at
A fine lot of furniture going very
at Crandall & Burget's new fctore.
, . For Kent. 7
The only 3-story, fire-proof brick
building in the city. For further .par
ticulars inquire, of "Topi Kelly, at The
Umatilla house. .
First premium at the Wasco county -fair
for best portraits and views. '
The Only House in Town
Making a Specialty of
Gents Furnishing Goods,
On Tuesday evening, Jitn. 31st, 1893, 1
at the residence of Mrs.. Eva Morgan, by
Rev. W. C. Curtis, pastorof the Congre
gational church, .fairies -Henry Teague
and Miss Bertha Pardy, both of this city.
Carpets and furniture at reduced rates
at Crandall & Burget's, next door to
Floyd & Shown's drug store. , .
It Should be in Every House.
J. B. Wilaon, 371 Clay SU Sharps
burg, Pa., says he will not be without
Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption, coughs and colds, -that it
cared his wife who was threatened with
pneumonia after an attack, of "la
grippe,'' when various other remedies
and several physicians had done her no
good.- Robert Barber, of XJooksport,
Pa., claims Dr. King's New ' Discovery
haa done him more good than anything
ha ever used for lung troubles. - N"U
ing like it. Try it. Free trial bottle .-it
Snipes & Kinnesly 's.
A few days since a bank at Arlington
received a sack of Columbus souvenir
half dollars. The banker called Brother
Johns of the Record into 'the bank to
take a look at the new and shining coins.
After the inspection the Record pro
nounced the head of the individual on
one side of the coins a true picture of
Christopher. Not because the editor
had ever seen Cplumbns" in:; the flesh,
but because he had rnever-seen a head
that looks exactly like this one, there
fore concluded that this ia Columbus
himself. On the other side is a picture
of a ship, the sails in full spread,, as
though sailing before a stiff breeze,
which was taken as an indication that
Columbus got there. The moat pleasing
part of the matter to the editor was the
present of one of the coins, which bus
been securely locked up where thieves
cannot break through and steal it.
L. L. Masters of Goldendale, Is at The
Large bottles, 50c. i Umatilla ;'eoG. W. Smith of North
- D-.iUch, is registered there today.
Uhich gives us an opportunity to devote our entire time
to this particular line. We have a few remnants
in Fancy Underwear, Overshirts and ;
Gloves, which we are clos- -
, . . . . ing out cheap. -
, - - -
TROT Steam Laundry
of Portland, has establish
ed a branch ofSce for laun
dry -work with Thos". McCoy
at hi barber shop, No. 110
Second St., "where all lauiv"
. , : : i
till Tuesday noon of e;
"week, and returned on S
urday of the same weel
Portland prices.