44 Tie Dalles, Portland anil AVtoria Navigation Co. TO Our Friends and Patrons. ulator Line ; Elite Yariety anfl Assortment of ; DdIIs, Toys, Books; Albums, Pianos, Or gans, Musical Instruments. o o o o o o u o o o o o o o Vi t. 'E HAVE rather neglected our Advertising oi laie, not because we had nothing to sell ; but we had nothing especially new to ofier, and preferred to wait until we couia say something of interest. We are, and have been for some time, busily engaged in placing our 'orders for Spring and Summer Goods and feel justified in . announcing that we shall-have the FINEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST GOODS in all 'our lines that has ever been seen in The Dalles. We have secured some genuine novelties in the Dry Goods Department, and , the ladies will certainly eon suit their best interests by deferring their purchases until after their- arrival; of which we shall give you due notice Keep both eyes on this space and we will certainly surprise you, not only with the goods, but the prices at which we shall selI them :-We..meaA. business. . and . propose to have your' patronage, if LOW PRICES and the BEST GOODS will accomplish it. Yours Respectfully, t , THROUGH. FreigfitWasseipLiiie ceoteidy between The' Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 -a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with eteamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Vimhill Btront lrx-fe 1 at 6 a. in. con necting with steamer Regulator for The PEASE & MATS LOOK ATOM OFFER E This Webster's Dic tionary, only $1.00 ! Where can you flo ' " better? - o o o o o- o o o PASSENGER- RATKH. One way. ..-.'. Round trip.. ...$2 00 r. 3.00 Freight Rates, Greatly Reduced. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland on arrival. Live stock, shipments solicited. Call on or address. -W. C. ALLAWAY, General A cent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, ' General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON V It if f .. a 1 4 A M line of 1. BOOKS, M-in clGlli ailt Oyer 200 to select from, at 25c per voL o o o o o o OlrtEl PRICES ARE BELOW AXiL COJtfPETITIOrT. " ' We Have Made Sweeping Reductions. Call and examine our stock of holiday presents E.JACOBS EN & CQ The Dalles Daily Chfoniele. ntered a the Postoffloe at The Dalles, Oregon, as Hecond-class matter. Weather Forecast. Official forteatt for tuxnig four hour emMng at p. m. tomormi: Wednesdav fair, followed by snow. Thursday snow, decidedly cooler. WEDNESDAY - JAN. 25, 1893 LOCAL BKKVITIKH. , Laugblin, manager of the .Co. is in the vallev on busi- Sheriff E. M. Leslie of Moro, is in the jcity on official bnsineee. Messrs. P. Bolton and Robert Kelly of Kingeley, are in the city. Warren S. White, one of the -Insur ance Adjusters of Portland, is in the city. Leave your order for cord wood at Maier & Benton's. - Subscribe for Thb Cbbokictlk. the leading paper of Eastern Oregon. J. J. West. J. A. Nobis, R. D. Pitcher and C. L. Fige.r of Wapinitia, are in the ity. Wm. Holder of Grass Valley,' and F. M. Baldwin of Prineville, are at The Omatilla. . A. F. Martin, Ed. Bothell, Jas. Brown and J. Strain of Tygb, are at The Umatilla. Jce has blocked the Columbia below ! The Dalles from the bend .of ..the river! nearly to Mosier. Mr. and Mrs. J. 7. Ha worth leave for Portland this afternoon expecting to return Monday, Miss Lona Speichinger leaves for Part land this afternoon, where she will make her home for the future. , . . -r '-. Carpets and furniture at reduced rates at Crandall & Burget's, next door to Floyd & Shown's drug store. . You can carpet your rooms at about your own price by calling on Crandall & Bnrget, at the new store on -Union street.- ' f '; ': Crandall & Burget are now settled in their new store in the Micbelbach brick on Union etreet, next door "to Floyd & Shown's. Call around. Bro. Parker, - of the Walla Walla Statesman, 'suggests, an idea about the "5ute bug factory move that we havent "caught on . to. ; Give us a. pointer, Colonel, from experience. 1 The amount of wheat -which changed bands at Colfax and in its immediate vicinity last Saturday was about 100,000 bushels. .That this eale was the result of a mistake in a cipher dispatch does not mar the satisfaction of the. farmers who disposed of their train on that oc casion at . a "good : price. . Our former townsman J; H. Larson did them a good turn at least. . ' - Mr. Sam Patterson of JQnujer fiat ts in the city. He is a very pleasant and ociitble gentleman, and that ia probably tbi reason why his friends have rung in o many joker upon the public at his ex pense. The coyote story was' made up wholly out of imagination, but it done the boys so much good that he concluded to let it pass current. As to the $40,' 000,000 estate in England left to: Bam and fifteen others, there is something besides "gas" in the report, although the matter has not yet been decided in favor of himself and kinfolk. We really hope Sam may set his share of the money, and invest every dollar of it in The Dalles and Wasco countv. ' It would make him a forty times millionaire sure. if jndiciausly handled. - There is but one link mieeicg ia his claim to-a portion of the estate,' and the case shows the im portance ot keeping a correct record Xuuiilies in' the tj.ttvaof this country .:; Mr. B. F. D.P. & A.N ness. Mr. Hugh Glenn lelt for Portland yes terday on business, to be absent several days. - . Miller's bill for a ifishway at the Wil lamette falls passed the house yesterday. It appropriates $10,000 for the purpose. We acknowledge pleasant calls from Messrs. J. R. Woodcock and J. M. Pati son of Wamic. -Messrs. Martin Wing and H. E. Driver of Wamic, are also in the city. Theeoanty court at t8 adjourned meet ing last Monday levied a 23-milI tax on the asseasible property of Wasco county as adjusted by the state board of equali zation. See the ad of the Steam Troy Laundry of Portland in another column. Tom McCoy, their agent will be glad to give you prices, and will guarantee satisfac tion. v . - Mr. 'Henry Hench, who has been with J. E. McCormick . at Pleasant Ridge for seven months, takes the night train for Clay Center, Kansas', to see his mother, who is dangerously ill. It is expected that the steam ferry boat -will be launched Saturday forenoon. The work of repairs have been very thorough, an almost entire new hull having been built under here. I he river today shows a rise of . one foot and four-tenths since-yesterday. It stands today at two feet and three-tenths above zero. A rise of a few feet will soon clear the river of ice. We are pleased to note the fact that Editor Morgan of the Sun has so far re covered as to be able to resume his duties on that journal, though still feeble from his late serious illnees. bmnott & i tsh put up ; about twenty tons of Columbia river "ice yesterday, which ' will come;, into use when.1 the stoves are removed from The Umatilla later on. It is the best and cheapest ice they, have pat .up" for several vear: past.- - - . Arrangements have been, made- by j which from 3.000 . ta 5.000 barrels of PendleCon flour will be shipped each month to China. Inland Empire wheat and flour are obtaining a world wide reputation. A resolution requiring the secretary of state to furnish 25,000 additional " copies of the report of the board of horticulture has been indefinitely 'postponed. This lets Mr. Shaws baeswood report out, on sagebrush and bunch grass' in Eastern Oregon. .'. x Mr. W, E. Garretson has received to day, the finest lot of silverware ever brought to this city. What9 the most striking about it is the beautiful hand engraving and nnique style of each piece on exhibition. . ,The only thing to be re- Gratefnl Adcnovledgrement. The farmers of Wasco county joined together, irrespective of party, and sent the following dispatch to Hon. B. Her mann, our Oregon congressman, yes terday : - Tnx Dalles, Or., Jan. 24. To Hon. B." Hermann, Washington. D. C We, holders of land forfeited by Northern Pacific in this district, wish to express to you our gratitude for yonr successful efforts to extend time of payment for same. It will relieve many honest settlers. . The Union whist club will be enter tained by Dr. and "Mrs. Eshelman at Fraternity hall this evening. Miss Gnssie Marshall, who has been viBiting Mrs. A. M. Williams of this city, returns to her home in Portland this afternoon'. President Fulton of the senate has ap pointed Messrs: Hayes and Smith to act on the joint committee to investigate the portage railroad at Cascade Locks. - . John Rothe of Kingsley, who has been in the city several days," returns home today. We acknowledge a social call from him. Our. farmer friends are always welcome. . - The Portland Chamber, of Commerce have memoralized the legislature to ap propriate $100,000. for the world's fair, They always were very liberal with somebody else's money." A new material to which the name of asbeetos. porcelain has been applied is said by Prof. d'Arsonval to be peculiarly fitted for the manufacture of porous cups for electric batteries. This sub stance is about 2.75 times a better insu lator than porcelain. ... . - An exchange makes the wise sugges ion that the farmers of the Inland Em ire should give more attention to the oultry and dairy business. They must be profitable when a dozen egt:8 or pound of butter is worth more thaiw a bushel of wheat. " ,r i , - .... ihe insn who neglects to invest in real estate right now is making one of the- great mistakes - of his life. The Dalles City property is going to advance, and that within a year. A judicious in vestment at this time will bring hand some profits and bring them quickly It ought not to take more than a few days now to unroll the last yard' of red tape in iwhich .the" business is involved and set the 'works to inovlng for the long, long hoped for completion of the cascades canal and locks. Should the time not" be suitably celebrated? Say we do it. "Where there's a will there's away." ; m The talk yesterday was on the "fool- ing" people ' received who stared at a supposable theory of the Orrgonian that John B. Allen "will undoubtedly get it." A NEWSY I.ETTKU. Some of Commoner Give Ilia View on the Horning Topics. Eigut MrLK, Jan. 24. We have been looking through ,the olumns of Thb Chuokiclb for letters from 8-Mile or Union. It seems they are very scarce, so I thought ..I would write a few lines; it might induce others to write. As for general news, there is not a great deal this winter, although some. There are yet four to five inches of snow on the hills, gradually going away. We had thirty inches of snow and all of one inch of rain this winter. The ground is pretty well wet down, and the prospect is good for crops. Light frosts at night and the days are very pleasant, but it is bad to get around. Stock is looking well, and plenty of feed yet. All seem to be in good spirts ; no sick ness that X near or. 8-anie nas no dancing, and very little preaching this winter. Union is having a protracted meeting, with three and four preachers from Dufnr, and good attention is paid Attendance is large, the old school being full. -It is being conducted by the UniteS Brethren, and may much good be done.: Mr. C. H. Southerns band of sheep are looking well. He expects a good crop of wool in the spring. Oh, yes! As Cleveland is tramp, and Uncle Billy Ward is high ; Uncle Amos Darneille is up ; Uncle McHaley is jack, and Uncle James .Darneille is game "hicrbT ur. jack and a game." . I fancy I hear them sing: All hail the power of Cleveland's name! Let England rise or Jail; Bring forth the royal rover's fame, And crown him lord of all 1 That is democracy and sin ! Let us pray: ."Our lather who' art in Wash ington, March the fourth ; Grover Cleve land be thy name;, thy kindgom come; thv favor be shown to the western farm ers 'as well as Eastern Oregon. Con tin'ue this day thy daily sheriffs' sales; lead us not into temptation of. self-de fense, but deliver us from the demo iratic -partv, that we may avoid the jail nd the- poor house. For thine is the power, born ot ignorance, ana uevotea to the Sntereets of free trade. England and rotten democracy, that enelaves the oeoPle' forever, if they , don't kick too pon, which we pray to pod they may nd if thev don't kick, it is because rietians and ' republicans don't vote le same ticket at the nearest -reeurrec iori of on election." Amen I" CoilMONEB Thb CnaomoLK has had considerable to say about Mr. N. B. Larmour and the coal field he has discovered in the vicin ity of Camas creek. Thb Chkosiclk is anxious, to learn all the facts, and promisesto find, capital to develop that, any similar find, of coal ; in the in land Empire, to the extent of $1,000,000, in ninety days on bona fide representa tions. Correspondence solicited. Good Lookl. Good looks are more than skin deep, depending upon a healthy condition of all the vital oreane., If the liver be active, you have stomach be peptic look fected ypu nav your health looks. Electr n . . . i I i c Trll 1 . gretted by some is that it was not here. , , ., . . .. .. fi. time for the holidays. - i legs. John B. w ill undoubtedly be as I badly looleu when ce 'gets if as, peo ple were who read, that article to the If the weather is -favorable, and ice will permit it, the launch of the steamer Regulator will take place on Saturday forenoon. When "this steamer comes out again by taking her place on. The Dalles, P, and A. N. line, she will be the next thing to a new boat. The old hog chains have been taken out and heavier ones put ' in, ! and the hull has been strengthened in every part, and it is thought she "will not have to. be over hauled again for years. It depends upon the condition of the river, of course, when tripe are to be resumed,' but the company expect to start up with through trips to Portland every other day, some time between the first and tenth of next mouth. 21et line, then dropped the subject. A ' dispatch' from - Salem says "an ap parent test vote in the senate on Raley's bill appropriating $460,000 for a portage road at ' the dalles of the Columbia was taken on the question of making it the special order for 2 p. m. today, Cogs well led the apparent opposition to the measure, teeking to have it referred to the committee on railroads.' This was lost by a viva voce vote, and a mouaenj later a Bpeclal order was agreed to Allev, Bancroft, Cameron, Cogs-Wl, Dodson. Gates -and Hsyea yotin m McGinn was abeaat on ethers voted aye. A postoffice has been established at North' Dalles with Elder J. W. Jenkin as postmaster. The office will be opened on or. about the twenty-ithird of next month. '' Medal Content Keneflt. iliesdit. is tKeirogri S. f. est for the benefit Room will- take iv evening zoth mine :.'.:. The next me of the FreeHFtea place this Wi Following Sin gin Read Prav Our .KatitfD s tjauee. A Voice from the Poor-house. Mnsie A Jolly Good Laugh. Vision of Prohibition. - A Martyred Mother. ' Solo Mi ss Myrtle Michell. . Looking Forward. -' The Original Liquor league. ' Admission 25cts. Doors open at o'clock.- . ' ' j. I.ut l'nckK. A paekaze containing a pair of No SVi laii-i'P fhoea was lost on Saturday lifciwwn the tou of Brewery hill, and - l . - J :' . 1-v . IT 1 Iaw TWA , j air. ivyuervs pia-e iu urj uunun. u leave, and tlitjtndei! will be thankfully rewarded on h;.vmig the sa;e ct litis ,Biv. 7:30 Money Talk diordeeV tfferld if yur Aaf plhchi ahdvoa fc BTrfers us look, if your ou have a d3-s- kidneys be af- d look. Secure will liave good is the great al terative and tonic acts directly on these vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches, boils and giveo-a good complexion. Sold at Snipes & Kinersly's drugstore, 50c per bottle. The ; Seattle papers choke with indig nation, or something else when a mem ber changes his vote to Turner, but when tjhejr change to Allen, they cannot lay the whitewash on thick enough. . Let every enfeebled woman know it! There's a medicine that'll cure her, and the proof's positive ! Here's the proof if it doesn't do you good within reason abje time, report the fact to its makers and get your . money back ' without a WGrd but you won't do it ! The remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and it has proveil itself the right remedy in nearly every case of female weakness. It is not a miracle. It won't cure every thingbut it has done more to build-up tired, enfeebled and broken-down women than any other medicine known. Where's the woman who's not ready for it? All that we've to do is .to; get the news to her. The medicine will do the rest. . Wanted women. First to know it. Second to use it. Third to be cured by it. The one comes of the other. The seat of the sick headache is not in the brain. Regulate the stomach and vou cure it. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the little regulators. Only 25 cents a vial. ' All Free. Those who have used Dr. Discovery know have not, have no try ,it free. Call gist and get your name and ad fe Co., Chicago, Dr. King's New Jife King's New those who rtunitv to rtised. drug free. Send E.- Bucklen sample box of Pills free, ' as well its value Ztttd W Jjfitf OPl) mi tfhf adw fVta b-ttkf. t W -I dkeeiiS II. aau get. a as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of 'which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothinar. Sold by Snipes Kmersly. Hot clam broth today, after atJ.O. Macks. " 4 p. m. : A fine lot of furniture going very at Crandall & Burget's new Etore. low , -' I.bst. - : A gold watch charm with a small piece of chain attached", between J. P. Mclnerny and Leslie Butlers. A re asonable'reward wifT be paid for return of same to Maier f& Bentons. The only building in the ticulars inquire Umatilla house.' For Kent. 3-story, fire-proof brick citv. tor further" par of "Toiu Kelly.'at The aw PHOTOGRAPHER. First premium at the Wasco county fair for best portraits and "viewy." The Only House in Town "-. ' :'- Making a Specialty of : ' " , ' '.- -v - - . - . ' "' " ' ' Gents Furnishing Goods, r." Hats and Caps. jJinCH gives us anopportuiiity to devote our entire time to this particular line. We have a few remnants f , : in Fancy Underwear, Overshirts and; "t ; V Gloves, which we are clos- ' ' . ' ing out cheap. ' JOHN Gv HERTZi 109 SECOND STREET, ' THE DALLES. OREGON. ZThe TRO of Portia eclat) dry "vv at his Second rancor o rfC SI. I prk Tr7itH Thos barber - St.. -wliere axuidry s establish- flSlce for latui- McCoy hop, Ifo. 110 all laun dry bundles will be received till Tuesday noon of each week, and returned on Sat urday of the same "w-eek at Portland prices. -